
Defines functions add.region

Documented in add.region

add.region <- function(add, add.px, cbx, cby, figdim, lib.folder, widget=T, 
                       backup=F, backup.folder='.', backup.name, restore=F,backup.regions){ #,locat.colbar=T)
  if(missing(lib.folder)) lib.folder <- .libPaths()
  lib.folder.oceanmap <- paste0(lib.folder,"/oceanmap")
  lib.folder.oceanmap <- lib.folder.oceanmap[file.exists(lib.folder.oceanmap)]
  if(length(lib.folder.oceanmap) == 0) stop("error in add.region: could not find oceanmap package. please check library path.")
  if(length(lib.folder.oceanmap) > 1){
    Rcheck <- grepl('oceanmap.Rcheck', lib.folder.oceanmap)
      lib.folder.oceanmap <- lib.folder.oceanmap[which(Rcheck)]
      stop("Error in add.region: oceanmap package found in multiple R libraries. Please define lib.folder.")
  region_definitions_path <- paste0(lib.folder.oceanmap,"/data/region_definitions.RData")
  if(file.exists(region_definitions_path)) load(region_definitions_path)
  ids <- nrow(region_definitions)
      i <- which(region_definitions$label %in% backup.regions)
      region_definitions <- region_definitions[i,]
      pfx <- paste0(paste0(backup.regions,collapse="_"),"_")
    pfx <- backup.regions <- ""
    if(missing(backup.name)) backup.name <- paste0(.check.folder(backup.folder),pfx,"region_definitions.bkp.",format(Sys.time(),format="%Y%m%d"),".RData")
    cat(paste0("backup of region_definitions (",paste(backup.regions,collapse=", "),") saved in: ", backup.name))
    region_definitions_bkp <- region_definitions
      if(missing(backup.name)) backup.name <- paste0(lib.folder.oceanmap,"/data/region_definitions_bkp.RData")
      x <- load(backup.name)
      region_definitions <- get(x)
      save(region_definitions, file=region_definitions_path)
      # system(paste('cp', backup.name, region_definitions_path))
      cat(paste("restoring of region_definitions from:", backup.name))
        id <- which(as.character(region_definitions$label) == as.character(add.px$label))
        if(length(id) == 0) stop("selected region not found! please select valid region label:\n",paste(paste(region_definitions[,1],"\t",region_definitions[,2]),collapse='\n'))
        if(!is.numeric(add.px$ncol)| !is.numeric(add.px$nrow)) stop('entered values for add.px$nrow or add.px$ncol are not numeric, please revise!')
        #' ncol
          cat(paste("'ncol'-value for region", add.px$label), 'already set to', region_definitions$ncol[id])
          enter <- readline(paste("press ENTER if you wish to overwrite it with", add.px$ncol, 'or any other button to keep the existing value'))
          if(enter == '') region_definitions$ncol[id] <- add.px$ncol
          region_definitions$ncol[id] <- add.px$ncol
        #' nrow
          cat(paste("'nrow'-value for region", add.px$label), 'already set to', region_definitions$nrow[id])
          enter <- readline(paste("press ENTER if you wish to overwrite it with", add.px$nrow, 'or any other button to keep the existing value'))
          if(enter == '') region_definitions$nrow[id] <- add.px$nrow
          region_definitions$nrow[id] <- add.px$nrow
        region_definitions$px[id] <- region_definitions$ncol[id]*region_definitions$nrow[id]
        new.region <- add.px$label
        cat(paste0('\nnew region ',new.region), 'was modified to:')
        if(missing(add)) add <- c()

        if(!(length(add) == length(region_definitions))){
          warning("provided object for the functions' argument 'add' does not correspond to region_definitions-objects!")
          v_area <- c()
          if(grepl('Raster', class(add)) | grepl('Extent', class(add))){
            v_area <- as.vector(t(sp::bbox(extent(add))))
          if("lon" %in% names(add) & "lat" %in% names(add)){
            v_area <- c(add$lon,add$lat)
          if("xlim" %in% names(add) & "ylim" %in% names(add)){
            v_area <- c(add$xlim,add$ylim)
          add.lon <- v_area[1:2]
          add.lat <- v_area[c(4,3)]
            add <- region_definitions[ids+1,]
            longnames <- c("keyword",
                           "long name",
                           "northern most latitude (negative values for the southern hemisphere)",
                           "southern most latitude (negative values for the southern hemisphere)",
                           "western most longitude (negative values for the western hemisphere)",
                           "eastern most longitude (negative values for the western hemisphere)")
            i <- 1
            while (i <= 6){
              if(i %in% 3:4 & length(add.lat) > 0){
                val <- add.lat[which(3:4 %in% i)]
                if(i %in% 5:6 & length(add.lon) > 0){
                  val <- add.lon[which(5:6 %in% i)]
                  val <- readline(paste0("\nPlease define the ",longnames[i], " of the new region, \ncoded as '",names(region_definitions)[i],"'or press 's' to abort the operation:"))
                  if(val == 's') stop('operation stopped!')
                  if(i == 1 & val %in% region_definitions$label){
                    answer <- readline(paste0("\nregion label '", val, "' already exists!\nPlease type 'y' if you like to overwrite previous region definition or any other key to revise entry?"))
                    if(answer == 'y') {
                      region_definitions <- region_definitions[-which(region_definitions$label == val),]
                      i <- 0
              if(i %in% 1:2) add[[i]] <- val
              if(i %in% 3:16) {
                add[[i]] <- as.numeric(val)
                  warning(paste0("Error in add.region: added value '",val,"' for '", names(region_definitions)[i], "' is not numeric. please check."),immediate.=T)
                  i <- i-1
              i <- i+1
            lon <- c(add$lonw, add$lone)
#             if(any(lon < 0) | any(lon > 180)){
#               center <- ''
#               start.question <- "Please define which hemisphere should correspond to positive longitudes."
#               while(!(center %in% c('W','E'))){
#                 center <- readline(paste0(start.question, "\nType 'W' longitudes of the Western hemisphere, \nor 'E' for longitudes of the Eastern hemisphere."))
#                 start.question <- "Please revise entry."
#               }
#             }else{
#               center <- 'E'
#             }
            cb <- cust.colorbar(lon=lon,lat=c(add$lats,add$latn),cbx=cby,cby=cby,figdim=figdim,force.figdim.widget=T)
            add$cbx1 <- cb$cbx[1]
            add$cbx2 <- cb$cbx[2]
            add$cby1 <- cb$cby[1]
            add$cby2 <- cb$cby[2]
            add$gradient <- cb$align[1]
            add$oticks <- cb$align[2]
            add$figxdim <- cb$figdim[1]
            add$figydim <- cb$figdim[2]
            add$center <- NA
            add$grid.res <- as.numeric(readline("\nPlease enter default grid resolution."))
          cat("\nEntry section finished.\n")
          #     cat(region_definitions)
        if(length(add)!= length(region_definitions)) stop("error in add.region: added data is incomplete. please check and try again.")
        for(i in c(10:13,16:18)) if(any(!is.numeric(unlist(c(add)[i])))| any(!is.finite(unlist(c(add)[i])))) stop(paste0("error in add.region: added value '",as.vector(add)[i],"' for '", names(region_definitions)[i], "' is not numeric. please change."))
        new.region <- unlist(c(add[1])) # return label
        if(any(as.character(region_definitions$label) == new.region)) stop("error in add.region: region label '",new.region,"' already reserved. please change.")
        region_definitions <- rbind(region_definitions,add)
        row.names(region_definitions) <- 1:nrow(region_definitions)
        enter <- readline("\nPress <Enter> to save the new region definition \nor any other key to abort the operation.")
        if(enter != "") stop("Operation stopped by user")
        cat(paste0('\nnew region added under label: ',new.region))

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oceanmap documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.