
Defines functions create_probs

Documented in create_probs

##                                                                     ##
## Package: onemap                                                     ##
##                                                                     ##
## File: create_probs.R                                                ##
## Contains: create_probs                                              ##
##                                                                     ##
## Written by Cristiane Taniguti                                       ##
## copyright (c) 2019, Cristiane Taniguti                              ##
##                                                                     ##
## First version: 28/06/2019                                           ##
## License: GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) or later ##
##                                                                     ##
## This function builds matrix with genotypes probabilites for emission function in hmm approach

##' Build genotype probabilities matrix for hmm
##' The genotypes probabilities can be calculated considering a global error (default method)
##' or considering a genotype error probability for each genotype. Furthermore, user can provide 
##' directly the genotype probability matrix.
##' The genotype probability matrix has number of individuals x number of markers rows and
##' four columns (or two if considering backcross or RILs populations), one for each possible genotype
##' of the population. This format follows the one proposed by MAPpoly.
##' The genotype probabilities come from SNP calling methods. If you do not have them, you can use a global
##' error or a error value for each genotype. The OneMap until 2.1 version have only the global error option.
##' @param input.obj object of class onemap or onemap sequence
##' @param global_error a integer specifying the global error value
##' @param genotypes_errors a matrix with dimensions (number of individuals) x (number of markers) with genotypes errors values
##' @param genotypes_probs a matrix with dimensions (number of individuals)*(number of markers) x possible genotypes 
##' (i.e., a ab ba b) with four columns for f2 and outcrossing populations, and two for backcross and RILs).
##' @return An object of class \code{onemap}, i.e., a list with the following
##' components: \item{geno}{a matrix with integers indicating the genotypes
##' read for each marker. Each column contains data for a marker and each row
##' represents an individual.} \item{n.ind}{number of individuals.}
##' \item{n.mar}{number of markers.} \item{segr.type}{a vector with the
##' segregation type of each marker, as \code{strings}.} \item{segr.type.num}{a
##' vector with the segregation type of each marker, represented in a
##' simplified manner as integers, i.e. 1 corresponds to markers of type
##' \code{"A"}; 2 corresponds to markers of type \code{"B1.5"}; 3 corresponds
##' to markers of type \code{"B2.6"}; 4 corresponds to markers of type
##' \code{"B3.7"}; 5 corresponds to markers of type \code{"C.8"}; 6 corresponds
##' to markers of type \code{"D1"} and 7 corresponds to markers of type
##' \code{"D2"}. Markers for F2 intercrosses are coded as 1; all other crosses
##' are left as \code{NA}.} \item{input}{the name of the input file.}
##' \item{n.phe}{number of phenotypes.} \item{pheno}{a matrix with phenotypic
##' values. Each column contains data for a trait and each row represents an
##' individual.} \item{error}{matrix containing HMM emission probabilities}
##' @author Cristiane Taniguti \email{chtaniguti@@tamu.edu} 
##' @seealso \code{\link[onemap]{make_seq}}
##' @references Broman, K. W., Wu, H., Churchill, G., Sen, S., Yandell, B.
##' (2008) \emph{qtl: Tools for analyzing QTL experiments} R package version
##' 1.09-43
##' @examples
##'   data(onemap_example_out)
##'   new.data <- create_probs(onemap_example_out, global_error = 10^-5)
##'@importFrom reshape2 melt
create_probs <- function(input.obj = NULL, 
                         global_error = NULL, 
                         genotypes_errors = NULL, 
                         genotypes_probs = NULL){
  if(!(inherits(input.obj,c("onemap", "sequence")))){
    stop("input.obj should be of class onemap or sequence")
  if(inherits(input.obj, "sequence")) {
    seq.obj <- input.obj
    input.obj <- input.obj$data.name
    flag <- TRUE
  } else {
    flag <- FALSE
  # Empty object
  if(input.obj$n.mar == 0){
    warning("It is a empty onemap object. Nothing will be done.")
  if(all(is.null(c(global_error, genotypes_errors, genotypes_probs)))){
    global_error <- 10^-5
  crosstype <- class(input.obj)[2]
  probs <- melt(t(input.obj$geno))
  probs$type <- rep(input.obj$segr.type.num, input.obj$n.ind)
  if(!is.null(global_error) | !is.null(genotypes_errors)){
    if(!is.null(global_error)) {
      error <- rep(global_error, length(probs$value))
    } else {
      # checks
        stop("Not all markers in onemap object have corresponding genotype errors in matrix")
        stop("There are more markers in errors matrix than in onemap object")
        stop("Not all individuals in onemap object have corresponding genotype errors in matrix")
        stop("There are more individuals in errors matrix than in onemap object")
      error <- melt(t(genotypes_errors))
      error <- error$value
    # Check if is working with f2
    if(crosstype == "outcross" | crosstype == "f2"){
      prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 4)
      idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
      prob[idx,] <- 1
      idx <- which(is.na(error))
      prob[idx,] <- 1
      # A
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 1)
      prob[idx,] <- c(1-error[idx], rep(error[idx]/3,3))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 1)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx]/3, 1-error[idx], rep(error[idx]/3,2))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 1)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,2), 1-error[idx], error[idx]/3)
      idx <- which(probs$value == 4  & probs$type == 1)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      # B1
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 2)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(1-error[idx],2), rep(error[idx],2))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 2)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,2), 1-error[idx], error[idx]/3)
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 2)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      # B2
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 3)
      prob[idx,] <- c(1-error[idx], error[idx], 1-error[idx], error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 3)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx]/3, 1-error[idx], rep(error[idx]/3,2))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 3)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      # B3.7
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 4)
      prob[idx,] <- c(1-error[idx], rep(error[idx]/3,3))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 4)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx], rep(1-error[idx],2), error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 4)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      # C
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 5)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep((1-error[idx])/3,3), error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 5)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      # D1
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 6)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(1-error[idx],2), rep(error[idx],2))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 6)
      prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx],2), rep(1-error[idx],2))
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 6)
      prob[idx,] <- 1
      # D2
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1  & probs$type == 7)
      prob[idx,] <- c(1-error[idx], error[idx], 1-error[idx], error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2  & probs$type == 7)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx], 1-error[idx], error[idx], 1-error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3  & probs$type == 7)
      prob[idx,] <- 1
      # } else if(crosstype == "f2"){
      #   prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 4)
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
      #   prob[idx,] <- 1
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 1)
      #   prob[idx,] <- c(1- error[idx], rep(error[idx]/3,3))
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 2)
      #   prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx]/2, rep(1-error[idx],2), error[idx]/2)
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 3)
      #   prob[idx,] <- c(rep(error[idx]/3,3), 1-error[idx])
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 4)
      #   prob[idx,] <- c(rep(1-error[idx]/3,3), error[idx])
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 5)
      #   prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx], rep(1-error[idx]/3,3))
    } else if(crosstype == "backcross" | crosstype == "riself" | crosstype == "risib"){
      prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 2)
      idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
      prob[idx,] <- 1
      idx <- which(probs$value == 1)
      prob[idx,] <- c(1- error[idx], error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 2)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx], 1-error[idx])
      idx <- which(probs$value == 3)
      prob[idx,] <- c(error[idx], 1-error[idx])
    # Only for biallelic markers codominant markers
    if(crosstype == "outcross" | crosstype == "f2"){
      # Sometimes the 1 and 3 are inverted
      # D2.15 when P2 are heterozygote receives 1 instead of 3
      # D1.10 when P1 are heterozygote receives 1 instead of 3
      prob.temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 3)
      prob.temp[,2] <- genotypes_probs[,2]
      het.idx <- which(probs$value == 2)
      # The homozygotes can be inverted in heterozygotes genotypes
      hom1.idx <- which(probs$value == 1)
      # If it has only one marker the apply breaks
      if(length(hom1.idx) > 1){
        sub <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx,-2]
      } else {
        sub <- t(as.matrix(genotypes_probs[hom1.idx,-2]))
      for_het <- table(apply(sub,1, which.max)) 
      for_het <- as.numeric(which.max(for_het))
      if(for_het == 2){
        prob.temp[het.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,1]
        prob.temp[het.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,3]
      } else {
        prob.temp[het.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,1]
        prob.temp[het.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,3]
      # We consider that the genotype number is correct and the probability need to be the max at the genotype column
      # We change the position of the wrong probabilities
      hom1.idx.prob <- which(apply(sub,1, which.max) == 1)
      prob.temp[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob],1] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob], 1]
      prob.temp[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob],3] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob], 3]
      hom1.idx.prob <- which(apply(sub,1, which.max) == 2)
      prob.temp[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob],1] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob], 3]
      prob.temp[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob],3] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx[hom1.idx.prob], 1]
      hom3.idx <- which(probs$value == 3)
      if(length(hom3.idx) > 1){
        sub <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx,-2]
      } else {
        sub <- t(as.matrix(genotypes_probs[hom3.idx,-2]))
      hom3.idx.prob <- which(apply(sub,1, which.max) == 1)
      prob.temp[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob],3] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob], 1]
      prob.temp[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob],1] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob], 3]
      hom3.idx.prob <- which(apply(sub,1, which.max) == 2)
      prob.temp[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob],3] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob], 3]
      prob.temp[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob],1] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx[hom3.idx.prob], 1]
      prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 4)
      # B3.7
      idx <- which(probs$type == 4)
      prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2], prob.temp[idx,2], prob.temp[idx,3])
      # D1 
      idx <- which(probs$type == 6)
      prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2], prob.temp[idx,2])
      # D2
      idx <- which(probs$type == 7)
      prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2], prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2])
      # Missing data -- all genotypes 0 will receive 1 for all possible genotypes probabilities
      idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
      prob[idx,] <- 1
    } else {
      prob.temp <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 3)
      # Sometimes the 1 and 3 are inverted
      prob.temp[,2] <- genotypes_probs[,2]
      het.idx <- which(probs$value == 2)
      hom1.idx <- which(probs$value == 1)
      # If it has only one marker the apply breaks
      if(length(hom1.idx) > 1){
        sub <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx,-2]
      } else {
        sub <- t(as.matrix(genotypes_probs[hom1.idx,-2]))
      hom1.idx.prob <- unique(apply(genotypes_probs[hom1.idx,],1, which.max))
      prob.temp[hom1.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx, hom1.idx.prob]
      if(hom1.idx.prob == 3){
        prob.temp[hom1.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx, 1]
        prob.temp[het.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,1]
        prob.temp[het.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,3]
      } else {
        prob.temp[hom1.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[hom1.idx, 3]
        prob.temp[het.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,1]
        prob.temp[het.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[het.idx,3]
      hom3.idx <- which(probs$value == 3)
      # If it has only one marker the apply breaks
      if(length(hom3.idx) > 1){
        sub <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx,-2]
      } else {
        sub <- t(as.matrix(genotypes_probs[hom3.idx,-2]))
      hom3.idx.prob <- unique(apply(genotypes_probs[hom3.idx,],1, which.max))
      prob.temp[hom3.idx,3] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx, hom3.idx.prob]
      if(hom3.idx.prob == 3){
        prob.temp[hom3.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx, 1]
      } else {
        prob.temp[hom3.idx,1] <- genotypes_probs[hom3.idx, 3]
      # if(crosstype == "f2"){
      #   prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 4)
      #   prob <- cbind(prob.temp[,1], prob.temp[,2], prob.temp[,2], prob.temp[,3])
      #   idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
      #   prob[idx,] <- 1
      # } else {
      if(crosstype == "backcross" | crosstype == "riself" | crosstype == "risib") {
        prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(probs$value), ncol = 2)
        idx <- which(probs$value == 1)
        prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2])
        idx <- which(probs$value == 2)
        prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,2])
        idx <- which(probs$value == 3)
        prob[idx,] <- cbind(prob.temp[idx,1], prob.temp[idx,3])
        idx <- which(probs$value == 0)
        prob[idx,] <- 1
    # The values of estimated genotypes must sum 1
  rownames(prob) <- paste0(probs$Var1, "_", probs$Var2)
  input.obj$error<- t(apply(prob, 1, function(x) if(all(is.na(x))) rep(1, 4) else x))
  if(flag) {
    seq.obj$data.name <- input.obj
    seq.obj$twopt$data.name <- input.obj
    input.obj <- seq.obj

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