# #
# Package: onemap #
# #
# File: find_bins.R #
# Contains: find_bins, print.onemap_bin #
# #
# Written by Marcelo Mollinari #
# copyright (c) 2015, Marcelo Mollinari #
# #
# First version: 08/27/2015 #
# License: GNU General Public License version 3 #
# #
##' Allocate markers into bins
##' Function to allocate markers with redundant information into bins.
##' Within each bin, the pairwise recombination fraction between markers is zero.
##' @aliases find_bins
##' @param input.obj an object of class \code{onemap}.
##' @param exact logical. If \code{TRUE}, it only allocates markers with
##' the exact same information into bins, including missing data; if
##' \code{FALSE}, missing data are not considered when allocating markers.
##' In the latter case, the marker with the lowest amount of missing data is
##' taken as the representative marker on that bin.
##' @return An object of class \code{onemap_bin}, which is a list containing the
##' following components: \item{bins}{a list containing the bins. Each element of
##' the list is a table whose lines indicate the name of the marker, the bin in
##' which that particular marker was allocated and the percentage of missing data.
##' The name of each element of the list corresponds to the marker with the lower
##' amount of missing data among those on the bin}\item{n.mar}{total number of markers.}
##' \item{n.ind}{number individuals} \item{}{logical; indicates if
##' the search was performed with the argument \code{exact=TRUE} or \code{exact=FALSE}}
##' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{}
##' @seealso \code{\link[onemap]{create_data_bins}}
##' @keywords bins dimension reduction
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' data("vcf_example_out")
##' (bins<-find_bins(vcf_example_out, exact=FALSE))
##' }
##' @import dplyr
##' @import tidyr
find_bins <- function(input.obj, exact=TRUE)
## checking for correct object
stop(deparse(substitute(input.obj))," is not an object of class 'onemap'")
if (input.obj$n.mar<2) stop("there must be at least two markers to proceed with analysis")
temp_geno <-$geno))
temp <- temp_geno %>% group_by_all() %>% dplyr::mutate(label = cur_group_id())
bin <- vector()
j <- 1
for(i in 1:length(temp$label)){
if(i == 1){
bin[i] <- 1
} else if(temp$label[i] != temp$label[i-1]) {
bin[i] <- j+1
j <- j + 1
} else {
bin[i] <- j
} else {
bin<-get_bins(input.obj$geno, exact)
mis<-apply(input.obj$geno,2, function(x) 100*sum(x==0)/length(x))
dtf<-data.frame(bin, mis)
w<-by(dtf, dtf$bin, function(x) x)
names(w)<-sapply(w, function(x) rownames(x)[which.min(x$mis)])
structure(list(bins=w,info=list(n.ind=input.obj$n.ind, n.mar=input.obj$n.mar,, class="onemap_bin")
##' print method for object class 'onemap_bin'
##' @param x object of class \code{onemap_bin}
##' @param ... currently ignored
##' @return No return value, called for side effects
##' @export
##' @method print onemap_bin
print.onemap_bin<-function (x, ...) {
##printing brief summary of the data
cat("This is an object of class 'onemap_bin'\n")
cat(" No. individuals: ", x$info$n.ind, "\n")
cat(" No. markers in original dataset: ", x$info$n.mar, "\n")
cat(" No. of bins found: ", length(x$bins), "\n")
cat(" Average of markers per bin: ", mean(sapply(x$bins, nrow)), "\n")
cat(" Type of search performed: exact\n")
cat(" Type of search performed: non exact\n\n")
## end of file
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