
Defines functions percentileRose

Documented in percentileRose

#' Function to plot percentiles by wind direction
#' \code{percentileRose} plots percentiles by wind direction with flexible
#' conditioning. The plot can display multiple percentile lines or filled areas.
#' \code{percentileRose} calculates percentile levels of a pollutant and plots
#' them by wind direction. One or more percentile levels can be calculated and
#' these are displayed as either filled areas or as lines.
#' The wind directions are rounded to the nearest 10 degrees, consistent with
#' surface data from the UK Met Office before a smooth is fitted. The levels by
#' wind direction are optionally calculated using a cyclic smooth cubic spline
#' using the option \code{smooth}. If \code{smooth = FALSE} then the data are
#' shown in 10 degree sectors.
#' The \code{percentileRose} function compliments other similar functions
#' including \code{\link{windRose}}, \code{\link{pollutionRose}},
#' \code{\link{polarFreq}} or \code{\link{polarPlot}}. It is most useful for
#' showing the distribution of concentrations by wind direction and often can
#' reveal different sources e.g. those that only affect high percentile
#' concentrations such as a chimney stack.
#' Similar to other functions, flexible conditioning is available through the
#' \code{type} option. It is easy for example to consider multiple percentile
#' values for a pollutant by season, year and so on. See examples below.
#' \code{percentileRose} also offers great flexibility with the scale used and
#' the user has fine control over both the range, interval and colour.
#' @inheritParams polarPlot
#' @param mydata A data frame minimally containing \code{wd} and a numeric field
#'   to plot --- \code{pollutant}.
#' @param pollutant Mandatory. A pollutant name corresponding to a variable in a
#'   data frame should be supplied e.g. \code{pollutant = "nox"}. More than one
#'   pollutant can be supplied e.g. \code{pollutant = c("no2", "o3")} provided
#'   there is only one \code{type}.
#' @param percentile The percentile value(s) to plot. Must be between 0--100. If
#'   \code{percentile = NA} then only a mean line will be shown.
#' @param smooth Should the wind direction data be smoothed using a cyclic
#'   spline?
#' @param method When \code{method = "default"} the supplied percentiles by wind
#'   direction are calculated. When \code{method = "cpf"} the conditional
#'   probability function (CPF) is plotted and a single (usually high)
#'   percentile level is supplied. The CPF is defined as CPF = my/ny, where my
#'   is the number of samples in the wind sector y with mixing ratios greater
#'   than the \emph{overall} percentile concentration, and ny is the total
#'   number of samples in the same wind sector (see Ashbaugh et al., 1985).
#' @param angle Default angle of \dQuote{spokes} is when \code{smooth = FALSE}.
#' @param mean Show the mean by wind direction as a line?
#' @param mean.lty Line type for mean line.
#' @param mean.lwd Line width for mean line.
#' @param mean.col Line colour for mean line.
#' @param fill Should the percentile intervals be filled (default) or should
#'   lines be drawn (\code{fill = FALSE}).
#' @param intervals User-supplied intervals for the scale e.g. \code{intervals =
#'   c(0, 10, 30, 50)}
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters are passed onto \code{cutData} and
#'   \code{lattice:xyplot}. For example, \code{percentileRose} passes the option
#'   \code{hemisphere = "southern"} on to \code{cutData} to provide southern
#'   (rather than default northern) hemisphere handling of \code{type =
#'   "season"}. Similarly, common graphical arguments, such as \code{xlim} and
#'   \code{ylim} for plotting ranges and \code{lwd} for line thickness when
#'   using \code{fill = FALSE}, are passed on \code{xyplot}, although some local
#'   modifications may be applied by openair. For example, axis and title
#'   labelling options (such as \code{xlab}, \code{ylab} and \code{main}) are
#'   passed to \code{xyplot} via \code{quickText} to handle routine formatting.
#' @export
#' @return an [openair][openair-package] object
#' @family polar directional analysis functions
#' @author David Carslaw
#' @references Ashbaugh, L.L., Malm, W.C., Sadeh, W.Z., 1985. A residence time
#'   probability analysis of sulfur concentrations at ground canyon national
#'   park. Atmospheric Environment 19 (8), 1263-1270.
#' @examples
#' # basic percentile plot
#' percentileRose(mydata, pollutant = "o3")
#' # 50/95th percentiles of ozone, with different colours
#' percentileRose(mydata, pollutant = "o3", percentile = c(50, 95), col = "brewer1")
#' \dontrun{
#' # percentiles of ozone by year, with different colours
#' percentileRose(mydata, type = "year", pollutant = "o3", col = "brewer1")
#' # percentile concentrations by season and day/nighttime..
#' percentileRose(mydata, type = c("season", "daylight"), pollutant = "o3", col = "brewer1")
#' }
percentileRose <- function(
    pollutant = "nox",
    wd = "wd",
    type = "default",
    percentile = c(25, 50, 75, 90, 95),
    smooth = FALSE,
    method = "default",
    cols = "default",
    angle = 10,
    mean = TRUE,
    mean.lty = 1,
    mean.lwd = 3,
    mean.col = "grey",
    fill = TRUE,
    intervals = NULL,
    angle.scale = 45,
    auto.text = TRUE,
    key.header = NULL,
    key.footer = "percentile",
    key.position = "bottom",
    key = TRUE,
    alpha = 1,
    plot = TRUE,
) {

  ## get rid of R check annoyances
  sub <- NULL

  ## calculate percetiles or just show mean?
  if (is.na(percentile[1])) {
    mean.only <- TRUE
    percentile <- 0
  } else {
    mean.only <- FALSE

  if (tolower(method) == "cpf") {
    mean <- FALSE
    if (length(percentile) > 1) stop("Only one percentile should be supplied when method = 'CPF'.")

  vars <- c(wd, pollutant)
  if (any(type %in% dateTypes)) vars <- c(vars, "date")

  # check to see if ws is in the data and is calm (need to remove as no wd)
  if ("ws" %in% names(mydata)) {
    id <- which(mydata$ws == 0 & mydata[[wd]] == 0)
    if (length(id) > 0) {
      mydata <- mydata[-id, ]

  mydata <- checkPrep(mydata, vars, type, remove.calm = FALSE, wd = wd)

  ## round wd
  mydata[[wd]] <- angle * ceiling(mydata[[wd]] / angle - 0.5)

  # when it generates angle at 0 and 360, make all 360
  if (0 %in% mydata$wd) {
    id <- which(mydata[[wd]] == 0)
    mydata[[wd]][id] <- 360

  ## make sure all wds are present
  ids <- which(!seq(angle, 360, by = angle) %in% unique(mydata[[wd]]))
  if (length(ids) > 0 & smooth != TRUE) {
    extra <- mydata[rep(1, length(ids)), ]
    extra[[wd]] <- seq(angle, 360, by = angle)[ids]
    extra[[pollutant]] <- NA
    mydata <- rbind(mydata, extra)

  ## need lowest value if shading
  if (fill) percentile <- unique(c(0, percentile))

  # number of pollutants
  npol <- length(pollutant)

  ## if more than one pollutant, need to stack the data and set type = "variable"
  ## this case is most relevent for model-measurement compasrions where data are in columns
  ## Can also do more than one pollutant and a single type that is not "default", in which
  ## case pollutant becomes a conditioning variable
  if (length(pollutant) > 1) {

    if (length(type) > 1) {
      warning(paste("Only type = '", type[1], "' will be used", sep = ""))
      type <- type[1]
    ## use pollutants as conditioning variables

    mydata <- gather(mydata, key = variable, value = value, pollutant)
    ## now set pollutant to "value"
    pollutant <- "value"
    if (type == "default") {
      type <- "variable"
    } else {
      type <- c(type, "variable")

  ## extra.args setup
  extra.args <- list(...)

  ## set graphics
  current.strip <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
  current.font <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")

  ## reset graphic parameters

    fontsize = current.font

  # label controls
  extra.args$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    quickText(extra.args$xlab, auto.text)
  } else {
    quickText("", auto.text)

  extra.args$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    quickText(extra.args$ylab, auto.text)
  } else {
    quickText("", auto.text)

  extra.args$main <- if ("main" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    quickText(extra.args$main, auto.text)
  } else {
    quickText("", auto.text)

  if ("fontsize" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    trellis.par.set(fontsize = list(text = extra.args$fontsize))

  ## layout default
  if (!"layout" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    extra.args$layout <- NULL

  ## lwd handling
  if (!"lwd" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    extra.args$lwd <- 2

  ## mydata <- na.omit(mydata)
  id <- which(is.na(mydata[, wd]))
  if (length(id) > 0) {
    mydata <- mydata[-id, ]

  ## greyscale handling
  if (length(cols) == 1 && cols == "greyscale") {
    trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white")))

  if (!fill) { ## labels depend on whether line or area are used
    theLabels <- percentile
  } else {
    values <- cbind(percentile[-length(percentile)], percentile[-1])
    theLabels <- paste(values[, 1], "-", values[, 2], sep = "")

  prepare.grid <- function(mydata, stat, overall.lower, overall.upper) {

    overall.lower <- mydata$lower[1]
    overall.upper <- mydata$upper[1]

    # wd = NULL
    ## add zero wind angle = same as 360 for cyclic spline
    ids <- which(mydata[, wd] == 360)

    if (length(ids) > 0) {
      zero.wd <- mydata[ids, ]
      zero.wd[, wd] <- 0
      mydata <- bind_rows(mydata, zero.wd)

    mod.percentiles <- function(i, mydata, overall.lower, overall.upper) {
      ## need to work out how many knots to use in smooth
      thedata <- subset(percentiles, percentile == i)

      if (smooth) {
        min.dat <- min(thedata)

        ## fit a spline through the data; making sure it goes through each wd value
        spline.res <- spline(
          x = thedata[[wd]], y = thedata[[pollutant]], n = 361,
          method = "natural"

        pred <- data.frame(percentile = i, wd = 0:360, pollutant = spline.res$y)
        names(pred)[2] <- wd

        ## don't let interpolated percentile be lower than data
        pred$pollutant[pred$pollutant < min.dat] <- min.dat

        ## only plot where there are valid wd
        wds <- unique(percentiles[[wd]])
        ids <- lapply(wds, function(x) seq(from = x - angle / 2, to = x + angle / 2))
        ids <- unique(do.call(c, ids))
        ids[ids < 0] <- ids[ids < 0] + 360
        pred$pollutant[-ids] <- min(c(0, min(percentiles[[pollutant]], na.rm = TRUE)))
      } else {

        ## do not smooth
        dat1 <- thedata
        dat2 <- thedata
        dat1[[wd]] <- thedata[[wd]] - angle / 2
        dat2[[wd]] <- thedata[[wd]] + angle / 2
        dat1$id <- 2 * 1:nrow(dat1) - 1
        dat2$id <- 2 * 1:nrow(dat2)
        thedata <- rbind(dat1, dat2)

        thedata <- thedata[order(thedata$id), ]
        thedata$pollutant <- thedata[[eval(pollutant)]]
        pred <- thedata

    if (method == "default") {

      ## calculate percentiles
      percentiles <- group_by(mydata, wd) %>%
        dplyr::reframe({{ pollutant }} := quantile(.data[[pollutant]],
                                              probs = percentile / 100,
                                              na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        group_by(wd) %>%
        mutate(percentile = percentile)

    if (tolower(method) == "cpf") {

      percentiles1 <- group_by(mydata, wd) %>%
        summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ length(which(.x < overall.lower)) /length(.x)))

      percentiles1$percentile <- min(percentile)

      percentiles2 <- group_by(mydata, wd) %>%
        summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ length(which(.x > upper)) /length(.x)))

     percentiles2$percentile <- max(percentile)

      if (fill) {
        percentiles <- rbind(percentiles1, percentiles2)
      } else {
        percentiles <- percentiles2

    results <- group_by(data.frame(percentile), percentile) %>%
      do(mod.percentiles(.$percentile, overall.lower, overall.upper))

    ## calculate mean; assume a percentile of 999 to flag it later

    percentiles <- group_by(mydata, wd) %>%
      summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))

    percentiles$percentile <- 999

    Mean <- purrr::map(999, mod.percentiles) %>%

    if (stat == "percentile") results <- results else results <- Mean

  mydata <- cutData(mydata, type, ...)

  ## overall.lower and overall.upper are the OVERALL upper/lower percentiles
#  overall.lower <- quantile(mydata[[pollutant]], probs = min(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE)
#  overall.upper <- quantile(mydata[[pollutant]], probs = max(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE)

  ## overall.lower and overall.upper are the OVERALL upper/lower percentiles, but pollutant specific
  if (npol > 1) {

    mydata <- mydata %>%
      group_by(variable) %>%
      lower = quantile(.data[[pollutant]], probs = min(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE),
      upper = quantile(.data[[pollutant]], probs = max(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%

  } else {
    mydata <- mutate(
      lower = quantile(.data[[pollutant]], probs = min(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE),
      upper = quantile(.data[[pollutant]], probs = max(percentile) / 100, na.rm = TRUE)

  results.grid <- mydata %>%
    group_by(across(type)) %>%
    do(prepare.grid(., stat = "percentile"))

  if (method == "cpf") {
    ## useful labelling
    sub <- paste(
      "CPF at the ", max(percentile),
      "th percentile (=",
        probs = percentile / 100,
        na.rm = TRUE
      )), 1), ")",
      sep = ""

  if (mean) {
    Mean <- mydata %>%
      group_by(across(type)) %>%
      do(prepare.grid(., stat = "mean"))

    results.grid <- bind_rows(results.grid, Mean)

  ## proper names of labelling ###################################################
  strip.dat <- strip.fun(results.grid, type, auto.text)
  strip <- strip.dat[[1]]
  strip.left <- strip.dat[[2]]
  pol.name <- strip.dat[[3]]

  col <- openColours(cols, length(theLabels))

  legend <- list(
    col = col, space = key.position, auto.text = auto.text,
    labels = theLabels, footer = key.footer, header = key.header,
    height = 0.60, width = 1.5, fit = "scale",
    plot.style = "other"

  col <- grDevices::adjustcolor(col, alpha.f = alpha)

  legend <- makeOpenKeyLegend(key, legend, "percentileRose")

  if (mean.only || tolower(method) == "cpf") legend <- NULL

  temp <- paste(type, collapse = "+")
  myform <- formula(paste("y ~ x | ", temp, sep = ""))

  ## keep unstransformed copy in case data are negative
  results <- results.grid

  results.grid$x <- results.grid$pollutant * sin(results.grid[[wd]] * pi / 180)
  results.grid$y <- results.grid$pollutant * cos(results.grid[[wd]] * pi / 180)

  min.res <- min(results.grid$pollutant, na.rm = TRUE)

  newdata <- results.grid ## data to return

  ## nice intervals for pollutant concentrations
  tmp <- (results.grid$x ^ 2 + results.grid$y ^ 2) ^ 0.5
  if (is.null(intervals)) intervals <- pretty(c(min(tmp, na.rm = TRUE), max(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)))

  labs <- intervals ## the labels

  ## if negative data, add to make all postive to plot properly
  min.int <- min(intervals, na.rm = TRUE)
  zero <- NA

  if (min.int < 0) {
    zero <- which(intervals == 0) ## the zero line
    intervals <- intervals + -1 * min.int
    results$pollutant <- results$pollutant + -1 * min.int
    results.grid <- transform(
      x = pollutant * sin(eval(wd) * pi / 180),
      y = pollutant * cos(eval(wd) * pi / 180)

  ## re-label if CPF plot
  if (tolower(method) == "cpf") pollutant <- "probability"

  xyplot.args <- list(
    x = myform,
    xlim = c(max(intervals) * -1, max(intervals) * 1),
    ylim = c(max(intervals) * -1, max(intervals) * 1),
    data = results.grid,
    type = "n",
    sub = sub,
    strip = strip,
    strip.left = strip.left,
    as.table = TRUE,
    aspect = 1,
    par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8),
    scales = list(draw = FALSE), ...,

    panel = function(x, y, subscripts, ...) {
      if (fill) { ## filled polygons

        for (i in rev(seq_along(percentile))) {
          value <- percentile[i]

          if (i == 1) {
            subdata <- subset(results.grid[subscripts, ], percentile == value)

            if(length(percentile) > 1)
              lpolygon(subdata$x, subdata$y, col = col[1], border = NA)
              lpolygon(subdata$x, subdata$y, col = "white", border = NA)

          } else {

            subdata1 <- results.grid[subscripts, ] %>%
              filter(percentile == {{ value }})

            value2 <- percentile[i - 1]
            subdata2 <- results.grid[subscripts, ] %>%
              filter(percentile == {{ value2 }})

              x1 = subdata1$x, x2 = subdata2$x, y1 = subdata1$y, y2 = subdata2$y,
              myColors = col[i - 1], alpha = 1, border = col[i - 1]

      angles <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 360)
      sapply(intervals, function(x) llines(
          x * sin(angles), x * cos(angles),
          col = "grey85", lty = 5

      ## zero line if needed
      if (!is.na(zero)) {
          intervals[zero] * sin(angles),
          intervals[zero] * cos(angles),
          col = "grey85"

      ## add axis lines
      larrows(max(intervals) * -1, 0, max(intervals), 0, code = 3, length = 0.1)
      larrows(0, max(intervals) * -1, 0, max(intervals), code = 3, length = 0.1)

        0.7 * sin(pi * (angle.scale + 5) / 180) * max(intervals),
        0.7 * cos(pi * (angle.scale + 5) / 180) * max(intervals),
        quickText(pollutant, auto.text),
        srt = 0, cex = 0.8, pos = 4

      ltext(max(intervals) * -1 * 0.95, 0.07 * max(intervals), "W", cex = 0.7)
      ltext(0.07 * max(intervals), max(intervals) * -1 * 0.95, "S", cex = 0.7)
      ltext(0.07 * max(intervals), max(intervals) * 0.95, "N", cex = 0.7)
      ltext(max(intervals) * 0.95, 0.07 * max(intervals), "E", cex = 0.7)

      ## draw lines if fill = FALSE
      if (!fill) {
        for (i in seq_along(percentile)) {
          value <- percentile[i]
          subdata <- subset(results.grid[subscripts, ], percentile == value)
          llines(subdata$x, subdata$y, col = col[i], lwd = extra.args$lwd)

      ## add mean line
      if (mean) {
        subdata <- subset(results.grid[subscripts, ], percentile == 999)
        llines(subdata$x, subdata$y, col = mean.col, lwd = mean.lwd, lty = mean.lty)

        intervals * sin(pi * angle.scale / 180),
        intervals * cos(pi * angle.scale / 180),
        paste(labs, c("", "", rep("", 7))),
        cex = 0.7
    }, legend = legend

  # reset for extra.args
  xyplot.args <- listUpdate(xyplot.args, extra.args)

  # plot
  plt <- do.call(xyplot, xyplot.args)

  ## output ####################################################################################

  if (plot) {
    if (length(type) == 1) {
    } else {
      plot(useOuterStrips(plt, strip = strip, strip.left = strip.left))

  output <- list(plot = plt, data = newdata, call = match.call())
  class(output) <- "openair"


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