#' Apply a basic optimall function to a Multiwave Object
#' Given a specified phase and wave of an object of class multiwave,
#' \code{apply_multiwave} applies one of four \code{optimall} functions
#' and returns an updated multiwave object with the output of the applied
#' function in its specified slot.
#' @param x An Object of class \code{"multiwave"}
#' @param phase A numeric or character value specifying the phase of
#' \code{multiwave} where the desired output should be placed.
#' @param wave A numeric or character value specifying the wave of \code{phase}
#' in \code{multiwave} where the output should be placed.
#' @param fun A character value specifying the name of the \code{optimall}
#' function to apply. The four available functions are:
#' \code{optimum_allocation},
#' \code{allocate_wave}, \code{sample_strata}, and \code{merge_samples}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{optimum_allocation}: Uses the \code{data} from
#' the previous wave
#' (or previous phase if \code{wave = 1}) to determine the optimum sampling
#' allocation for the specified wave. If used, the output multiwave
#' object contains an updated \code{"design"} slot in the specified wave.
#' \item \code{allocate_wave}: Uses the \code{data} from the previous wave
#' (or previous phase if \code{wave = 1}) to determine the optimum sampling
#' allocation for the specified wave. If used, the outputted multiwave object
#' contains an updated \code{"design"} slot in the specified wave.
#' The default argument when \code{allocate_wave} is applied in a \code{apply_multiwave()} is \code{detailed = TRUE}.
#' \item \code{sample_strata}: Uses the \code{data} from the previous wave
#' (or previous phase if \code{wave = 1}) and \code{design}
#' from current wave to generate a vector of ids to sample for the current
#' wave. Note that the \code{wave} argument of the standalone
#' \code{sample_strata()} function does not apply here,
#' If used, the output multiwave object contains an updated
#' \code{"samples"} slot in the specified wave.
#' \item \code{merge_samples}: Uses the \code{data} from the previous wave (or
#' previous phase if \code{wave = 1}) and \code{sampled_data} from the
#' specified wave to generate the final, merged data for the current wave.
#' If used, the output multiwave object contains an updated \code{"data"}
#' slot in the specified wave. Note that \code{merge_samples} is already a
#' method for multiwave objects, so calling
#' it through \code{apply_multiwave} is the exact same as calling it on its
#' own.}
#' See documentation of these functions for more details on the
#' specific uses and arguments.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to be given to \code{fun}. Not necessary if
#' the arguments are already provided as named values in the wave, phase,
#' or overall metadata in the multiwave object. Arguments provided here
#' will override specifications in the metadata if provided in both places.
#' @return The inputted multiwave object with one slot updated to include the
#' output of the specified function.
#' Note that the phase and wave arguments specify where the function
#' \emph{output} should be placed. \code{apply_multiwave} will determine where
#' to get the input dataframes from (returning an error if those slots are
#' empty or invalid) given the specified wave for the output. For example, if
#' \code{phase = 2, wave = 2, function = "allocate_wave"}, the data to
#' determine the optimum allocation will be taken from the previous wave
#' (phase 2, wave 1) and the output multiwave object will have an updated
#' \code{"design"} slot of phase 2, wave 2.
#' @examples
#' library(datasets)
#' MySurvey <- multiwave(phases = 2, waves = c(1, 3))
#' set_mw(MySurvey, phase = 1, slot = "data") <-
#' dplyr::select(datasets::iris, -Sepal.Width)
#' # Get Design by applying optimum_allocation
#' MySurvey <- apply_multiwave(MySurvey,
#' phase = 2, wave = 1,
#' fun = "optimum_allocation", strata = "Species",
#' y = "Sepal.Length",
#' nsample = 15,
#' method = "WrightII"
#' )
#' # or, we can establish function args in the metadata
#' set_mw(MySurvey, phase = 2, slot = "metadata") <- list(
#' strata = "Species",
#' nsample = 15,
#' y = "Sepal.Length",
#' method = "WrightII"
#' )
#' # which allows the function to be run without specifying the args
#' MySurvey <- apply_multiwave(MySurvey,
#' phase = 2, wave = 1,
#' fun = "optimum_allocation"
#' )
#' @include get_mw.R set_mw.R phase.R wave.R multiwave.R optimum_allocation.R
#' @include allocate_wave.R merge_samples.R sample_strata.R
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
setGeneric("apply_multiwave", function(x, phase, wave, fun, ...) {
#' @name apply_multiwave
#' @aliases apply_multiwave,Multiwave-method
"apply_multiwave", c(x = "Multiwave"),
function(x, phase, wave, fun, ...) {
# Get function args
arguments <- list(...)
# optimum_allocation
if (fun == "optimum_allocation") {
if ((phase == 2 | phase == "phase2") & (wave == 1 | wave == "wave1")) {
data <- x@phases$phase1$data
} else if (wave == 1 | wave == "wave1") {
data <- x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves[[
length(x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves)]]@data
} else if (wave != 1) {
data <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[
wave - 1]]@data
} else {
stop("Optimum Allocation cannot be performed in Phase 1")
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
stop("'data' slot of previous wave must contain data to be used
for sample allocation calculations")
wave_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@metadata
phase_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@metadata
survey_md <- x@metadata
# Check for args to optimum_allocation in the metadata.
# Start in wave and move up
if (is.null(arguments$strata)) {
if ("strata" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- wave_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$strata,"character")) {
strata <- phase_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- survey_md$strata
} else {
stop("'strata' must be a character vector specified or
available in metadata")
} else {
strata <- arguments$strata
if (is.null(arguments$y)) {
if ("y" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$y, "character")) {
y <- wave_md$y
} else if ("y" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$y, "character")) {
y <- phase_md$y
} else if ("y" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$y, "character")) {
y <- survey_md$y
} else {
stop("'y' must be a character value specified or available
in metadata")
} else {
y <- arguments$y
if (is.null(arguments$method)) {
if ("method" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$method, "character")) {
method <- wave_md$method
} else if ("method" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$method, "character")) {
method <- phase_md$method
} else if ("method" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$method, "character")) {
method <- survey_md$method
} else {
method <- "WrightII"
} else {
method <- arguments$method
if (is.null(arguments$nsample)) {
if ("nsample" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- wave_md$nsample
} else if ("nsample" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- phase_md$nsample
} else if ("nsample" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- survey_md$nsample
} else {
nsample <- NULL
} else {
nsample <- arguments$nsample
if (is.null(arguments$ndigits)) {
if ("ndigits" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$ndigits, "numeric")) {
ndigits <- wave_md$ndigits
} else if ("ndigits" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$ndigits, "numeric")) {
ndigits <- phase_md$ndigits
} else if ("ndigits" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$ndigits, "numeric")) {
ndigits <- phase_md$ndigits
} else {
ndigits <- 2
} else {
ndigits <- arguments$ndigits
if (is.null(arguments$ {
if ("" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$, "logical")) { <- wave_md$
} else if ("" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$, "logical")) { <- phase_md$
} else if ("" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$, "logical")) { <- phase_md$
} else { <- FALSE
} else { <- arguments$
output <- optimum_allocation(
data = data, y = y,
strata = strata,
nsample = nsample, method = method
x_updated <- x
x_updated@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@design <- output
# allocate_wave
if (fun == "allocate_wave") {
if (phase == 1) {
stop("Allocate wave cannot be performed in Phase 1")
} else if ((phase == 2 | phase == "phase2") &
(wave == 1 | wave == "wave1")) {
data <- x@phases$phase1$data
} else if (wave == 1 | wave == "wave1") {
data <- x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves[[
length(x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves)]]@data
} else if (wave != 1) {
data <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[
wave - 1]]@data
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
stop("'data' slot of previous wave must contain data to be used
for sample allocation calculations")
wave_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@metadata
phase_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@metadata
survey_md <- x@metadata
# Check for args to allocate_wave in the metadata.
# Start in wave and move up
if (is.null(arguments$strata)) {
if ("strata" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- wave_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- phase_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- survey_md$strata
} else {
stop("'strata' must be specified or available in metadata")
} else {
strata <- arguments$strata
if (is.null(arguments$y)) {
if ("y" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$y, "character")) {
y <- wave_md$y
} else if ("y" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$y, "character")) {
y <- phase_md$y
} else if ("y" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$y, "character")) {
y <- survey_md$y
} else {
stop("'y' must be specified or available in metadata")
} else {
y <- arguments$y
if (is.null(arguments$already_sampled)) {
if ("already_sampled" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- wave_md$already_sampled
} else if ("already_sampled" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- phase_md$already_sampled
} else if ("already_sampled" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- survey_md$already_sampled
} else {
stop("'already_sampled' must be specified or available in metadata.
If no samples have been taken yet, use 'optimum_allocation'")
} else {
already_sampled <- arguments$already_sampled
if (is.null(arguments$method)) {
if ("method" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$method, "character")) {
method <- wave_md$method
} else if ("method" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$method, "character")) {
method <- phase_md$method
} else if ("method" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$method, "character")) {
method <- survey_md$method
} else {
method <- "iterative"
} else {
method <- arguments$method
if (is.null(arguments$allocation_method)) {
if ("allocation_method" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$allocation_method, "character")) {
allocation_method <- wave_md$allocation_method
} else if ("allocation_method" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$allocation_method, "character")) {
allocation_method <- phase_md$allocation_method
} else if ("allocation_method" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$allocation_method, "character")) {
allocation_method <- survey_md$allocation_method
} else {
allocation_method <- "WrightII"
} else {
allocation_method <- arguments$allocation_method
if (is.null(arguments$nsample)) {
if ("nsample" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- wave_md$nsample
} else if ("nsample" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- phase_md$nsample
} else if ("nsample" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$nsample, "numeric")) {
nsample <- survey_md$nsample
} else {
stop("'nsample' must be specified or available in metadata")
} else {
nsample <- arguments$nsample
if (is.null(arguments$detailed)) {
if ("detailed" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$detailed, "logical")) {
detailed <- wave_md$detailed
} else if ("detailed" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$detailed, "logical")) {
detailed <- phase_md$detailed
} else if ("detailed" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$detailed, "logical")) {
detailed <- survey_md$detailed
} else {
detailed <- TRUE
} else {
detailed <- arguments$detailed
output <- allocate_wave(
data = data, y = y,
already_sampled = already_sampled, strata = strata,
nsample = nsample, method = method,
allocation_method = allocation_method,
detailed = detailed
x_updated <- x
x_updated@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@design <- output
# sample_strata
if (fun == "sample_strata") {
# Get data
if ((phase == 2 | phase == "phase2") & (wave == 1 | wave == "wave1")) {
data <- x@phases$phase1$data
} else if (wave == 1 | wave == "wave1") {
data <- x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves[[
length(x@phases[[phase - 1]]@waves)]]@data
} else if (wave != 1) {
data <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[
wave - 1]]@data
} else {
stop("sample strata cannot be performed in Phase 1")
# Get design_data
design_data <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@design
if (nrow(design_data) == 0) {
stop("'design' slot of specified wave must be filled with valid
design dataframe")
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
stop("'data' slot of previous wave must contain data to be used
for sample allocation calculations")
wave_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@metadata
phase_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@metadata
survey_md <- x@metadata
# Check for args to sample_strata in the metadata.
# Start in wave and move up.
# strata (in data). Can be "strata" in metadata
if (is.null(arguments$strata)) {
if ("strata" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- wave_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- phase_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$strata, "character")) {
strata <- survey_md$strata
} else {
stop("'strata' must be specified or
available in metadata")
} else if (!(arguments$strata %in% names(data))) {
stop("'strata' must be a column name of the dataframe in the
'data' slot of the previous wave")
} else {
strata <- arguments$strata
# design_strata. Can be "design_strata" or "strata" in metadata.
# Will check in that order.
if (is.null(arguments$design_strata)) {
if ("design_strata" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$design_strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- wave_md$design_strata
} else if ("design_strata" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$design_strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- phase_md$design_strata
} else if ("design_strata" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$design_strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- survey_md$design_strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- wave_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- phase_md$strata
} else if ("strata" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$strata, "character")) {
design_strata <- survey_md$strata
} else {
design_strata <- "strata"
} else {
design_strata <- arguments$design_strata
if (!(design_strata %in% names(design_data))) {
stop("'design_strata' must be a column name of the dataframe in the
'design' slot of the specified wave.")
# Probs
if (is.null(arguments$probs)) {
if ("probs" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$probs, "character")) {
probs <- wave_md$probs
} else if ("probs" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$probs, "character")) {
probs <- phase_md$probs
} else if ("probs" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$probs, "character")) {
probs <- survey_md$probs
} else {
probs <- NULL
} else if (is.character(arguments$probs)) {
if(!(arguments$probs %in% names(design_data))){
stop("'probs' must be a formula or column name of the 'design_data'
slot of the specified wave")
probs <- arguments$probs
# Now id
if (is.null(arguments$id)) {
if ("id" %in% names(wave_md) & inherits(wave_md$id, "character")) {
id <- wave_md$id
} else if ("id" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$id, "character")) {
id <- phase_md$id
} else if ("id" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$id, "character")) {
id <- survey_md$id
} else {
stop("'id' must be specified or available in metadata")
} else {
id <- arguments$id
if (!(id %in% names(data))) {
stop("'id' must be a column name of the dataframe in the
'data' slot of the previous wave.")
# already_sampled
if (is.null(arguments$already_sampled)) {
if ("already_sampled" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- wave_md$already_sampled
} else if ("already_sampled" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- phase_md$already_sampled
} else if ("already_sampled" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$already_sampled, "character")) {
already_sampled <- survey_md$already_sampled
} else {
already_sampled <- NULL
} else {
already_sampled <- arguments$already_sampled
if (!is.null(already_sampled)) {
if (!(already_sampled %in% names(data))) {
stop("'already_sampled' must be a column name of the dataframe in the
'data' slot of the previous wave.")
# n_allocated
if (is.null(arguments$n_allocated)) {
if ("n_allocated" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$n_allocated, "character")) {
n_allocated <- wave_md$n_allocated
} else if ("n_allocated" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$n_allocated, "character")) {
n_allocated <- phase_md$n_allocated
} else if ("n_allocated" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$n_allocated, "character")) {
n_allocated <- survey_md$n_allocated
} else {
n_allocated <- "n_to_sample"
if (!(n_allocated %in% names(design_data))) {
n_allocated <- "n_to_sample"
} else {
n_allocated <- arguments$n_allocated
if (!(n_allocated %in% names(design_data))) {
stop("'n_allocated' must be a column name of the dataframe in the
'design' slot of the specified wave.")
output <- sample_strata(
data = data, id = id,
strata = strata, already_sampled = already_sampled,
design_data = design_data,
design_strata = design_strata,
n_allocated = n_allocated,
probs = probs,
wave = NULL,
warn_prob_overwrite = FALSE
x_updated <- x
sample_indicator <- NULL
samps <- dplyr::filter(output, sample_indicator == 1)
x_updated@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@samples$ids <-
x_updated@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@samples$probs <-
} else{
x_updated@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@samples$probs <- c()
} # To ensure incorrect/old probs are removed
# merge_samples
if (fun == "merge_samples") {
wave_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@waves[[wave]]@metadata
phase_md <- x@phases[[phase]]@metadata
survey_md <- x@metadata
if (is.null(arguments$id)) {
if ("id" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$id, "character")) {
id <- wave_md$id
} else if ("id" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$id, "character")) {
id <- phase_md$id
} else if ("id" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$id, "character")) {
id <- survey_md$id
} else {
stop("'id' must be specified or available in metadata")
} else {
id <- arguments$id
if (is.null(arguments$phase_sample_ind)) {
if ("phase_sample_ind" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$phase_sample_ind, "character")) {
phase_sample_ind <- wave_md$phase_sample_ind
} else if ("phase_sample_ind" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$phase_sample_ind, "character")) {
phase_sample_ind <- phase_md$phase_sample_ind
} else if ("phase_sample_ind" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$phase_sample_ind, "character")) {
phase_sample_ind <- survey_md$phase_sample_ind
} else {
phase_sample_ind <- "phase_sample_ind"
} else {
phase_sample_ind <- arguments$phase_sample_ind
if (is.null(arguments$wave_sample_ind)) {
if ("wave_sample_ind" %in% names(wave_md) &
inherits(wave_md$wave_sample_ind, "character")) {
wave_sample_ind <- wave_md$wave_sample_ind
} else if ("wave_sample_ind" %in% names(phase_md) &
inherits(phase_md$wave_sample_ind, "character")) {
wave_sample_ind <- phase_md$wave_sample_ind
} else if ("wave_sample_ind" %in% names(survey_md) &
inherits(survey_md$wave_sample_ind, "character")) {
wave_sample_ind <- survey_md$wave_sample_ind
} else {
wave_sample_ind <- "wave_sample_ind"
} else {
wave_sample_ind <- arguments$wave_sample_ind
# Get include_probs if given include_probs is NULL
if ("include_probs" %in% names(wave_md)){
include_probs <- wave_md$include_probs
} else if ("include_probs" %in% names(phase_md)) {
include_probs <- phase_md$include_probs
} else if ("include_probs" %in% names(survey_md)) {
include_probs <- survey_md$include_probs
} else{
include_probs <- FALSE
} else{
include_probs <- arguments$include_probs
x_updated <- merge_samples(
x = x, phase = phase, wave = wave, id = id,
phase_sample_ind = phase_sample_ind,
wave_sample_ind = wave_sample_ind,
include_probs = include_probs
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