
Defines functions get_local_rhub get_gitlab_info info get_local_meta get_local_tests parse_check_info get_local_check pick_log_file provide_cran_comments

Documented in provide_cran_comments

#' Provide a Template for Your Comments To CRAN
#'  \code{\link{submit}} reads a file \file{cran-comments.md}. This
#' function provides a template based on your R version, your
#' \command{R CMD check} output and
#' the package's \file{NEWS.md}.
#' @template package_path
#' @param initial Is this an initial submission?
#' @param check_log Deprecated, will be removed in a future release.
#'        The local R CMD check log is now supposed to live be
#'        `log/check.(log|Rout)`.
#' @param name The name to sign with, if NA, the given name of the package
#' maintainer as stated in file DESCRIPTION is used.
#' @param write_to_file Do write the comment to \file{cran-comment.md}?
#' @param private_token Provide a private token to access
#' \url{https://about.gitlab.com}.
#' @param proxy A proxy to use.
#' @note By default this function writes to disk as side effect.
#' @return Character vector containing the \acronym{CRAN} comments, which are
#' written to \file{cran-comments.md} (see Note).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (Sys.info()[["nodename"]] == "fvafrdebianCU") {
#'     gitlab_token <- readLines(file.path("~", ".gitlab_private_token.txt"))
#'     proxy <- httr::use_proxy("", 8080)
#'     comments <- provide_cran_comments(path = ".",
#'                                       write_to_file = TRUE,
#'                                       private_token = gitlab_token,
#'                                       proxy = proxy)
#' } else {
#'     gitlab_token <- readLines(file.path("~", ".gitlab_private_token.txt"))
#'     comments <- provide_cran_comments(path = ".",
#'                                       write_to_file = TRUE,
#'                                       private_token = gitlab_token)
#' }
#' cat(comments, sep = "")
#' }
provide_cran_comments <- function(check_log = NULL,
                                  path = ".",
                                  initial = FALSE,
                                  write_to_file = TRUE,
                                  private_token = NULL,
                                  name = NA, proxy = NULL) {
    if (is.na(name)) {
        name <- tryCatch({
            maintainer <- desc::desc_get_author(role = "cre", file = path)
            # Begin Exclude Linting
            # NOTE: a person object is a strange thing, we seem to unclass() it,
            # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9765493/
            #      how-do-i-reference-specific-tags-in-the-bibentry
            #      -class-using-the-or-conv
            # End Exclude Linting
            paste(getElement(unclass(maintainer)[[1]], "given"), collapse = " ")
        error = function(e) return(name)
    pkg <- as.package(path)
    comments_file <- file.path(pkg[["path"]], "cran-comments.md")
    if (file.exists(file.path(pkg[["path"]], "NEWS.md"))) {
        news <- get_news(path = path)
    } else {
        news <- "\nXXX: State your changes and consider using a NEWS.md\n\n"
    comments <- c("Dear CRAN Team,\n")
    if (isTRUE(initial)) {
        comments <- c(comments, "this is the initial commit of package '",
                      pkg[["package"]], "'.\n\n",
                      "XXX: Describe what it does.\n\n",
                      "Please consider uploading it to CRAN.\n")

    } else {
        comments <- c(comments, "this is a resubmission of package '",
                      "'. I have added the following changes:\n",
                      "Please upload to CRAN.\n")
    comments <- c(comments, "Best, ", name, "\n\n")
    comments <- c(comments, "# Package ", pkg[["package"]], " ",
                  "\n\nReporting is done by packager version ",
                                                     package = "packager"))),
    comments <- c(comments, get_local_check(path))
    comments <- c(comments, get_local_rhub(path))
    if (is.null(proxy)) {
        gitlab_info <- get_gitlab_info(path = path,
                                       private_token = private_token)
    } else {
        gitlab_info <- get_gitlab_info(path = path,
                                       private_token = private_token, proxy)
    if (!is.null(gitlab_info))
        comments <- c(comments, paste(c("\n- gitlab.com", gitlab_info),
                                      collapse = "\n  "))
    comments <- c(comments, "\n- win-builder (devel)")
    cran_mails <- file.path("~", "Mail", "CRAN")
    if (! file.access(cran_mails, mode = 4)) {
        cran <- readLines(cran_mails)
        from_pattern <- paste0("Subject: winbuilder: Package ",
                               pkg[["package"]], "_", pkg[["version"]])
        index <- grep(from_pattern, cran)
        if (! fritools::is_of_length_zero(index)) {
            start <- index[length(index)]
            diff <- start - grep("^Date:", cran)
            start <- start - min(diff[diff >= 0])
            tail <- cran[start:length(cran)]
            from_pattern <- paste0(pkg[["package"]], "_", pkg[["version"]])
            winbuilder <- fritools::fromto(tail, from_pattern, "All the best",
                                           from_i = 2, shift_to = -1)
            winbuilder <- paste(c("  ", grep("^Date:", tail,
                                             value = TRUE)[1],
                                  winbuilder), collapse = "\n  ")
            comments <- c(comments, winbuilder)

    comments <- c(comments, get_local_tests(path))
    comments <- c(comments, get_local_meta(path))

    if (! as.logical(file.access(".", mode = 2))) # see ?file.acces return/note
        if (isTRUE(write_to_file))
            writeLines(comments, con = comments_file, sep = "")

pick_log_file <- function(path, basename, extension = "(log|Rout)") {
    candidates <- list.files(file.path(path, "log"),
                             pattern =  paste0("^", basename, "\\.", extension,
                             full.names = TRUE)
    newest <- candidates[order(file.mtime(candidates), decreasing = TRUE)][1]

get_local_check <- function(path) {
    comments <- c("\n\n## Test environments\n")
    here <- info(session = NULL)
    # TODO: run parse_check_info for here (keep the inital here!)
    # and loop over alle check(\\.-) files
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "check"))) {
        check_output <- parse_check_results(log_file)
        check_output <- utils::capture.output(print.check_results(check_output),
                                              type = "message")[2]
    } else {
        check_output  <- "ERROR: No check log found!"
    comments <- c(comments, "- ", paste(c(here, check_output),
                                       collapse = "\n   "))
parse_check_info <- function(path) {
    lines <- readLines(path)
    info <- grep(value = TRUE, x = lines,
                 pattern = "^\\* using (R|platform|options)")

get_local_tests <- function(path) {
    comments <- c("\n\n## Local test results\n")
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "runit"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        result <- grep(pattern = "test functions?.*errors.*failures",
                       x = lines, value = TRUE)
        if (!fritools::is_of_length_zero(result, "character")) {
            checks_lines <- grep("\\([0-9]* checks\\)", lines, value = TRUE)
            checks <- sub("^.*\\((.* checks).*$", "\\1", checks_lines)
            num_checks <- sum(as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(checks, split = " "),
                                                function(x) x[[1]])))
            comments <- c(comments, "- RUnit:\n    ", result, " in ",
                          num_checks, " checks.", "\n")
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "testthat"))) {
        result <- grep(pattern = "fail.*warn.*skip", ignore.case = TRUE,
                       x = readLines(log_file), value = TRUE)
        if (!fritools::is_of_length_zero(result, "character")) {
            comments <- c(comments, "- testthat:\n    ",
                          paste(sub("\\s+", " ", result), collapse = ", "),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "tinytest"))) {
        result <- grep(pattern = "results", ignore.case = TRUE,
                       x = readLines(log_file), value = TRUE)
        if (!fritools::is_of_length_zero(result, "character")) {
            comments <- c(comments, "- tinytest:\n    ",
                          paste(sub("\\s+", " ", result), collapse = ", "),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "covr"))) {
        pkg <- as.package(path)
        result <- grep(pattern = paste0("^", pkg[["package"]], " Coverage:"),
                       x = readLines(log_file), value = TRUE)
        if (!fritools::is_of_length_zero(result, "character")) {
            comments <- c(comments, "- Coverage by covr:\n    ", result, "\n")

get_local_meta <- function(path) {
    comments <- c("\n## Local meta results\n")
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "cyclocomp"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        hits <- grep("Exceeding maximum cyclomatic complexity", lines, value = TRUE)
        if (length(hits) > 0) {
            result <- sub(">$", "", sub(".*: ", "", hits))
        } else {
            result <- "no issues."
        comments <- c(comments, "- Cyclocomp:", paste("\n    ", result),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "lintr"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        lints_in_R <- sum(grepl("R/", lines))
        lines_in_R <- sum(sapply(lapply(list.files(file.path(path, "R"),
                                                   full.names = TRUE),
                                        readLines), length))
        comments <- c(comments, "- lintr:\n    ",
                      paste0("found ", lints_in_R, " lints in ", lines_in_R,
                            " lines of code (a ratio of ",
                            round(lints_in_R / lines_in_R, 4), ")."),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "cleanr"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        lines <- grep("found", lines, value = TRUE)
        comments <- c(comments, "- cleanr:\n    ",
                      paste("found", max(length(lines) - 1, 0),
                            "dreadful things about your code."),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "usage"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        comments <- c(comments, "- codetools::checkUsagePackage:\n    ",
                      paste("found", max(length(lines) - 1, 0),
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "spell"))) {
        lines <- readLines(log_file)
        result <- sum(!grepl("^ ", grep(":[1-9]", lines, value = TRUE)))
        comments <- c(comments, "- devtools::spell_check:\n    ",
                      paste("found", result,
                            "unkown words."),

info <- function(session = NULL) {
    if (is.null(session))
        session <- utils::sessionInfo()
    if (!identical(class(session), "sessionInfo"))
        warning("Argument session is not of class `sessionInfo`!")
    info <- c(session[["R.version"]][["version.string"]],
              paste0("Platform: ", session[["platform"]]),
              paste0("Running under: ", session[["running"]]))

get_gitlab_info <- function(path = ".", private_token, ...) {
    info <- NULL
    if (missing(private_token) || is.null(private_token)) {
        warning("You need a private token to access gitlab.")
    } else {
        url <- get_git_url(get_remote_url(path))
        if (!is.null(url)) {
            project <- sub("\\.git$", "", basename(url))
            user <- tolower(basename(dirname(url)))
            log <- tryCatch(get_gitlab_log(user = user, project = project,
                                           private_token, ...),
                            error = function(e) return(NULL))
            if (!is.null(log)) {
                tmp <- grep_log(file = log,
                                pattern = "^\\* this is.*version",
                                strip = FALSE)
                tmp <- gsub("\u2018", "'", gsub("\u2019", "'", tmp))
                pkg_info <- unlist(strsplit(tmp, split = "'"))[c(2,4)]
                gitlab_version <- pkg_info[2]
                current_version <- as.package(path)[["version"]]
                if (identical(gitlab_version, current_version)) {

                    info <- eval_from_log(file = log,
                                          pattern = "=== packager info:")
                    info <- info(info)
                    rcmdcheck <- eval_from_log(log,
                                               pattern =
                                                   "=== packager rcmdcheck:")
                    if (is.null(rcmdcheck)) {
                        status <- "FAILED"
                    } else {
                        status <- grep("^Status",
                                                split = "\n")[[1]],
                                       value = TRUE)
                    info <- c(info, paste(c("Package:", "Version:"), pkg_info),
                } else {
                    warning("gitlab version `",  gitlab_version,
                            "` not matching current version `", current_version,

get_local_rhub <- function(path) {
    comments <- NULL
    if (!is.na(log_file <- pick_log_file(path, "rhub"))) {
        r <- readLines(log_file)
        desc_version <- desc::desc_get_version(path)
        name <- desc::desc_get_field("Package", file = path)
        i <- grep(paste(name, desc_version), r)
        if (length(i) > 0) {
            comments <- c(comments, "\n- rhub")
            if (length(i) > 1) {
                r <- r[1:(i[2] -1)]
            comments <- c(comments, paste(r, collapse = "\n   "))

Try the packager package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

packager documentation built on Aug. 16, 2023, 5:08 p.m.