#' Create a Local, CRAN-like Repository
#' Generate a local CRAN-like repository which can be
#' used to store and distribute \R packages.
#' @param path Path to a local CRAN-like repository.
#' @param name The name to assign to the repository. Defaults to the
#' directory name in which the reopsitory is created.
#' @param add Add this new repository to the current set of repositories?
#' @export
repos_create <- function(path, name = basename(path), add = TRUE) {
if (file.exists(path))
stop("Path '", path, "' is not empty; cannot create ",
"repository at this location", call. = FALSE)
if (name %in% names(getOption("repos")))
stop("A repository named '", name, "' is already registered!")
dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
root <- normalize.path(path)
# helper function for writing PACKAGES, PACKAGES.gz into a directory
# (as tools::write_PACKAGES does nothing if the directory is empty)
write_packages <- function(dir) {
file.create(file.path(dir, "PACKAGES"))
conn <- gzfile(file.path(dir, "PACKAGES.gz"), "wt")
write.dcf(data.frame(), conn)
## Create the 'contrib' dirs
# Create the 'src' dir and write PACKAGES
srcContribDir <- file.path(root, "src", "contrib")
dir.create(srcContribDir, recursive = TRUE)
# Create the 'bin' dirs and write PACKAGES
binContribDirs <- binContribDirs(root)
lapply(binContribDirs, function(dirs) {
lapply(dirs, function(dir) {
dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
type <- if (grepl("/bin/windows/", dir))
else if (grepl("/bin/macosx/", dir))
message("Local CRAN repository '", name, "' created at: ",
"\n- ", shQuote(normalize.path(path)))
URI <- paste(filePrefix(), root, sep = "")
names(URI) <- name
if (add)
options(repos = c(getOption("repos"), URI))
binContribDirs <- function(root, rVersions = NULL) {
# Add a number of empty R-version folders by default, just
# so that these versions of R don't fail when attempting to query
# the PACKAGES file in the binary directory
if (is.null(rVersions))
rVersions <- c("2.15", "2.16", "3.0", "3.1", "3.2", "3.3", "3.4", "3.5")
win.binary = file.path(root, "bin/windows/contrib", rVersions),
mac.binary = file.path(root, "bin/macosx/contrib", rVersions),
mac.binary.mavericks = file.path(root, "bin/macosx/mavericks/contrib", rVersions),
mac.binary.leopard = file.path(root, "bin/macosx/leopard/contrib", rVersions)
#' Upload a Package to a Local CRAN-like Repository
#' @param package Path to a package tarball. The tarball should be
#' created by \code{R CMD build}; alternatively, it can be the path
#' to a folder containing the source code for a package (which
#' will then be built with \code{R CMD build}) and then uploaded
#' to the local repository.
#' @param to The name of the CRAN-like repository. It (currently) must
#' be a local (on-disk) CRAN repository.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{R CMD build}.
#' @export
repos_upload <- function(package, to, ...) {
# validation
if (!file.exists(package))
stop("no package named '", package, "'", call. = FALSE)
if ( && !file.exists(file.path(package, "DESCRIPTION")))
stop("directory '", package, "' exists but contains no DESCRIPTION file",
call. = FALSE)
if (!( && !(grepl("\\.tar\\.gz$", package)))
stop("file '", package, "' exists but is not appropriately named; ",
"uploadable package tarballs are generated by `R CMD build`",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.string(to))
stop("'to' should be a length-one character vector, naming ",
"a repository available in 'getOption(\"repos\")'",
call. = FALSE)
repos <- getOption("repos")
isNameOfRepo <- to %in% names(repos)
isRepo <- to %in% repos
if (!(isNameOfRepo || isRepo))
stop("no repository '", to, "' available; ",
"try adding a repository with 'packrat::repos_create()'",
call. = FALSE)
if (isNameOfRepo) {
repoName <- to
repoPath <- repos[[repoName]]
} else {
repoName <- names(repos)[which(repos == to)]
repoPath <- to
if (!grepl(reFilePrefix(), repoPath))
stop("packages can only be uploaded to local CRAN-like repositories with ",
"this version of packrat",
call. = FALSE)
# perform upload
if (
uploadPackageSourceDir(package, repoName, repoPath, ...)
uploadPackageTarball(package, repoName, repoPath)
uploadPackageSourceDir <- function(package, repoName, repoPath, ...) {
# create temporary directory for package
randomString <- paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 16, TRUE), collapse = "")
dir <- file.path(tempdir(), paste(basename(package), randomString, sep = "-"))
on.exit(unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE))
success <- dir_copy(package, dir, pattern = "^[^\\.]")
if (!all(success))
stop("failed to copy package files to temporary directory")
# Annotate the DESCRIPTION with the name of the repository we're
# going to be uploading to
descPath <- file.path(dir, "DESCRIPTION")
setRepositoryField(descPath, repoName)
path <- build(dir, ...)
if (!file.exists(path))
stop("failed to build source package")
contribUrl <- sub(reFilePrefix(), "", file.path(repoPath, "src", "contrib"))
success <- file.copy(
if (!success)
stop("failed to copy built package to CRAN repo '", repoName, "'")
tools::write_PACKAGES(contribUrl, type = "source")
message("Package '", basename(path), "' successfully uploaded.")
file.path(contribUrl, basename(path))
uploadPackageTarball <- function(package, repoName, repoPath, ...) {
# Annotate the package DESCRIPTION with the repository
tmpTarballPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "packrat-tarball-upload")
untar(package, exdir = tmpTarballPath, tar = tar_binary())
pkgName <- sub("_.*", "", basename(package))
untarredPath <- file.path(tmpTarballPath, pkgName)
file.path(untarredPath, "DESCRIPTION"),
owd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)
success <- tar(
files = pkgName,
compression = "gzip",
tar = tar_binary()
if (success != 0)
stop("Failed to re-tar package tarball")
path <- normalize.path(basename(package))
contribUrl <- sub(reFilePrefix(), "", file.path(repoPath, "src", "contrib"))
if (!file.copy(path, contribUrl, overwrite = TRUE))
stop("failed to upload package '", basename(package), "' to '", contribUrl, "'")
tools::write_PACKAGES(contribUrl, type = "source")
message("Package '", basename(path), "' successfully uploaded.")
file.path(contribUrl, basename(path))
addRepos <- function(repos, overwrite = FALSE, local = FALSE) {
dots <- repos
dotNames <- names(dots)
if (!length(dotNames) || any(!nzchar(dotNames)))
stop("all arguments should be named")
# For local (on-disk) repositories, ensure that the paths
# supplied do exist
if (local) {
missing <- unlist(lapply(dots, function(x) {
if (any(missing))
stop("The following paths do not exist: \n- ",
paste(shQuote(dots[missing]), collapse = "\n- "))
oldRepos <- getOption("repos")
if (!overwrite) {
conflicts <- intersect(names(dots), names(oldRepos))
if (length(conflicts)) {
quoted <- paste(shQuote(conflicts), " (", oldRepos[conflicts], ")", sep = "")
stop("The following repositories have already been set.\n",
"Use 'overwrite = TRUE' to override these repository paths.\n- ",
paste(quoted, collapse = "\n- "))
URIs <- if (local) {
paths <- normalizePath(unlist(dots), winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
paste(filePrefix(), paths, sep = "")
} else {
newRepos <- URIs
names(newRepos) <- names(dots)
repos <- c(oldRepos, newRepos)
repos <- repos[!duplicated(repos)]
options(repos = repos)
#' Add a Repository
#' Add a repository to the set of currently available repositories. This is
#' effectively an easier-to-use wrapper over interacting with the
#' \code{"repos"} option, which is otherwise set with \code{options(repos = ...)}.
#' \code{repos_add_local} is used for adding file-based repositories; that is,
#' CRAN repositories that live locally on disk and not on the internet / local network.
#' @param ... Named arguments of the form \code{<repoName> = <pathToRepo>}.
#' @param overwrite Boolean; overwrite if a repository with the given name
#' already exists?
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_add <- function(..., overwrite = FALSE) {
addRepos(list(...), overwrite = overwrite, local = FALSE)
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_add_local <- function(..., overwrite = FALSE) {
addRepos(list(...), overwrite = overwrite, local = TRUE)
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_set <- function(...) {
addRepos(list(...), overwrite = TRUE, local = FALSE)
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_set_local <- function(...) {
addRepos(list(...), overwrite = TRUE, local = TRUE)
#' @param names The names of repositories (as exist in e.g.
#' \code{names(getOption("repos"))}).
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_remove <- function(names) {
oldRepos <- getOption("repos")
repos <- oldRepos[setdiff(names(oldRepos), names)]
options(repos = repos)
#' @rdname repository-management
#' @name repository-management
#' @export
repos_list <- function() getOption("repos")
setRepositoryField <- function(descPath, repoName) {
contents <- readLines(descPath)
repoIdx <- grep("^Repository:", contents)
repoLine <- paste("Repository:", repoName)
if (length(repoIdx))
contents[[repoIdx]] <- repoLine
contents <- c(contents, repoLine)
cat(contents, file = descPath, sep = "\n")
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