
Defines functions pfComposite plot.pfComposite

Documented in pfComposite plot.pfComposite

#' Produce a composite serie from multiple charcoal records
#' Produce a composite serie from multiple charcoal records using bootstrap
#' resampling, the sites charcoal values are binned and the mean in each bin is
#' calculated prior the bootstrap procedure. This procedure is equivalent to
#' Power et al. 2008.
#' @param TR An object returned by \code{\link{pfTransform}}
#' @param bins Numeric, the sequence for binning given in years (e.g.
#' bins=seq(from=0, to=10000, by=200)). If unspecified the sequence is defined
#' as bins=seq(from=min age, to=max age, by=median resolution).
#' @param nboot Numeric, a number specifying the number of bootstrap
#' replicates.
#' @param binning Logical, set to TRUE (default) for binning, if transformed
#' data are first interpolated this argument can be set to FALSE (no binning).
#' @param conf Numeric, define confidence levels.
#' @return Object of the class "pfComposite"
#' @author O.Blarquez
#' @references Power, M., J. Marlon, N. Ortiz, P. Bartlein, S. Harrison, F.
#' Mayle, A. Ballouche, R. Bradshaw, C. Carcaillet, C. Cordova, S. Mooney, P.
#' Moreno, I. Prentice, K. Thonicke, W. Tinner, C. Whitlock, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao,
#' A. Ali, R. Anderson, R. Beer, H. Behling, C. Briles, K. Brown, A. Brunelle,
#' M. Bush, P. Camill, G. Chu, J. Clark, D. Colombaroli, S. Connor, A. L.
#' Daniau, M. Daniels, J. Dodson, E. Doughty, M. Edwards, W. Finsinger, D.
#' Foster, J. Frechette, M. J. Gaillard, D. Gavin, E. Gobet, S. Haberle, D.
#' Hallett, P. Higuera, G. Hope, S. Horn, J. Inoue, P. Kaltenrieder, L.
#' Kennedy, Z. Kong, C. Larsen, C. Long, J. Lynch, E. Lynch, M. McGlone, S.
#' Meeks, S. Mensing, G. Meyer, T. Minckley, J. Mohr, D. Nelson, J. New, R.
#' Newnham, R. Noti, W. Oswald, J. Pierce, P. Richard, C. Rowe, M. Sanchez
#' Goni, B. Shuman, H. Takahara, J. Toney, C. Turney, D. Urrego-Sanchez, C.
#' Umbanhowar, M. Vandergoes, B. Vanniere, E. Vescovi, M. Walsh, X. Wang, N.
#' Williams, J. Wilmshurst, and J. Zhang. 2008. Changes in fire regimes since
#' the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on a global synthesis and
#' analysis of charcoal data. Climate Dynamics 30:887-907.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Composite charcoal record for boreal Canada:
#' ID=pfSiteSel(country=="Canada" & l12==1)
#' plot(ID)
#' ## Transform data
#' res3=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),BasePeriod=c(200,4000))
#' ## Composite
#' comp=pfComposite(res3,bins=seq(from=0,to=12000,by=200))
#' plot(comp)
pfComposite <- function(TR,
                        conf=c(0.05, 0.95)) {

  ## IF TR is a matrix
  if (is.matrix(TR) | is.data.frame(TR)) {
    ID <- unique(TR[, 1])
    lgth <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(ID)) {
      lgth[i] <- length(na.omit(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 1]))
    m <- max(lgth)
    Age <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    TransData <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    for (i in 1:length(ID)) {
      Age[, i] <- c(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 3], rep(NA, m - length(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 3])))
      TransData[, i] <- c(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 4], rep(NA, m - length(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 4])))
    colnames(TransData) <- ID
    colnames(Age) <- ID
    TR <- structure(list(Age = structure(Age, class = "matrix"), TransData = structure
    (TransData, class = "matrix"), Method = "unspecified"))

  if (binning == TRUE) {
    # Define the sequence for binning if unspecified
    if (is.null(bins)) {
      AgeRes <- matrix(nrow = length(TR$Age[, 1]) - 1, ncol = length(TR$Age[1, ]))
      for (i in 1:length(TR$Age[1, ])) {
        AgeRes[, i] <- c(diff(TR$Age[, i]))
      width <- ceiling(median(na.omit(AgeRes)) / 10) * 10
      binI <- floor(min(na.omit(TR$Age)) / 10) * 10
      binF <- ceiling(max(na.omit(TR$Age)) / 10) * 10
      bins <- seq(binI, binF, width)

    # If specified, values for plotting are:
    if (is.null(bins) == FALSE) {
      width <- bins[2] - bins[1]
      binI <- bins[1]
      binF <- bins[length(bins)]

    # Matrix to store results
    result <- matrix(ncol = length(TR$Age[1, ]), nrow = length(bins) - 1)
    # sm_result=matrix(ncol=length(ID),nrow=length(bins)-1)

    ## Binning procedure
    for (k in 1:length(TR$Age[1, ])) {
      c1 <- cut(TR$Age[, k], breaks = bins)
      tmean <- tapply(TR$TransData[, k], c1, mean)
      result[, k] <- c(as.numeric(tmean))
    # suppres Inf values occuring with specific charcoal series (binary series)
    result[!is.finite(result)] <- NA

  if (binning == FALSE) {
    bins <- TR$Age[, 1]
    binF <- max(bins)
    binI <- min(bins)
    width <- bins[2] - bins[1]
    mboot <- matrix(nrow = length(bins), ncol = nboot)
    result <- TR$TransData
  } else {
    mboot <- matrix(nrow = length(bins) - 1, ncol = nboot)

  ## Bootstrap procedure
  for (i in 1:nboot) {
    ne <- sample(seq(1, length(result[1, ]), 1), length(result[1, ]), replace = TRUE)
    ## If has one bin
    if (dim(result)[1] == 1) {
      mboot[1, i] <- mean(result[, ne], na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      mboot[, i] <- c(apply(result[, ne], 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
  bootci <- t(apply(mboot, 1, quantile, probs = conf, na.rm = TRUE))
  bootmean <- t(apply(mboot, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))

  # write out the transformed data

  if (binning == TRUE) {
    centres <- bins[1:length(bins) - 1] + width / 2
  } else {
    centres <- bins
  if (binning == FALSE) {
    width <- NA

  result2 <- as.data.frame(cbind(centres, t(bootmean), bootci))
  colnames(result2) <- c("AGE", "MEAN", as.character(conf))
  colnames(result) <- colnames(TR$TransData)

  output <- structure(list(
    BinnedData = structure(result, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = colnames(TR$TransData), class = "matrix"),
    mboot = mboot,
    BinCentres = centres,
    Result = result2,
    BinWidth = width,
    nboot = nboot,
    binning = binning,
    BootMean = structure(bootmean, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = c("Mean"), class = "matrix"),
    BootCi = structure(bootci, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = as.character(conf), class = "matrix")
  class(output) <- "pfComposite"

###### SUMMARY########

###### PLOT########

#' plot.pfComposite
#' Plot a pfComposite object
#' @method plot pfComposite
#' @export
#' @param x A "pfComposite" object.
#' @param type Character, type of plot among "ci", "prctile", "density"
#' @param conf Numeric, confidence levels.
#' @param palette Character, color palette used with type=c("prctile",
#' "density") among "jet" and "BW".
#' @param add Character, add="NONE" by default, add="sitenum" could be
#' specified to plot the sites number in eah bin along with the composite
#' curve.
#' @param main Character, title of the plot.
#' @param text Logical, text options.
#' @param \dots \dots{}
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @examples
#' # Composite charcoal record for boreal Canada:
#' ID=pfSiteSel(country=="Canada" & l12==1)
#' ## Transform data
#' res3=pfTransform(ID,method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","Z-Score"),BasePeriod=c(200,4000))
#' ## Composite
#' comp=pfComposite(res3,bins=seq(0,5000,200))
#' plot(comp,type="density",smoothing=TRUE,spar=0.3)
plot.pfComposite <- function(x, type="ci", conf=c(0.05, 0.95), palette="jet", add="NONE", text=FALSE, main=NULL, ...) {
  # Value for plotting:
  w <- (x$BinCentres[2] - x$BinCentres[1]) / 2

  if (type == "ci") {
    if (add == "sitenum") {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

    bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = conf, na.rm = TRUE))

    plot(x$BinCentres, x$BootMean,
      xlim = c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w), ylim = c(min(bootci1, na.rm = T), max(bootci1, na.rm = T)), axes = F, mgp = c(2, 0, 0),
      main = main, font.main = 1, lab = c(8, 5, 5),
      ylab = "Composite", xlab = "Age (cal yr BP)", cex.lab = 1, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, type = "o"
    axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2
    for (i in 1:length(conf)) {
      lines(x$BinCentres, bootci1[, i], lty = 2)
      pos <- which.min(is.na(bootci1[, i]))
      if (text == TRUE) text(min(x$BinCentres) - 200, bootci1[pos, i], paste(conf[i] * 100, "%", sep = ""), col = "black")

    # Plot site number
    if (add == "sitenum") {
      sitenum <- length(x$BinnedData[1, ]) - rowSums(is.na(x$BinnedData))
      plot(x$BinCentres, sitenum,
        xlim = c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w), ylim = c(min(sitenum, na.rm = T), max(sitenum, na.rm = T)), axes = F, mgp = c(2, 0, 0),
        main = paste("Sites #"), font.main = 1, lab = c(8, 5, 5),
        ylab = "Sites #", xlab = "Age", cex.lab = 0.8, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, type = "o"
      axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
        side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
        labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2

  if (type == "prctile") {
    bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = seq(0, 1, .01), na.rm = TRUE))
    bins1 <- x$BinCentres[is.na(bootci1[, 1]) == FALSE]
    bootci1 <- bootci1[is.na(bootci1[, 1]) == FALSE, ]
    n <- length(bootci1[1, ])
    ## PLOT
    plot(NULL, type = "n", xlim = c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w), ylim = range(bootci1), axes = FALSE, ylab = "Composite", xlab = "Age", main = main)
    if (palette == "jet") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")))
    if (palette == "BW") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("white", "black")))
    xx <- cbind(bins1, rev(bins1))
    coli <- pal(50)
    for (i in 1:floor(n / 2)) {
      yy <- cbind(as.vector(bootci1[, i]), rev(as.vector(bootci1[, n - i + 1])))
      polygon(xx, yy, col = coli[floor(n / 2) - i + 1], border = coli[floor(n / 2) - i + 1])
    for (i in c(2, 11, 51, 91, 100)) {
      lines(bins1, bootci1[, i], col = "grey", lty = 2)
      if (text == TRUE) text(min(bins1) - 200, median(bootci1[1:round(length(bootci1[, 1]) * 0.02), i]), paste(i - 1, "%", sep = ""), col = "grey")
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2

  if (type == "density") {
    seqI <- seq(min(na.omit(x$mboot)), max(na.omit(x$mboot)), len = 1000)
    img <- matrix(nrow = 1000, ncol = length(x$mboot[, 1]))

    id <- seq(1, length(x$mboot[, 1]), 1)[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]
    id[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]

    for (i in seq(1, length(x$mboot[, 1]), 1)[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]) {
      kd <- density(x$mboot[i, ], na.rm = T)
      img[, i] <- c(approx(kd$x, kd$y, seqI)$y)
    layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2), 1, 4, byrow = TRUE))
    if (palette == "jet") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette((c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")))
    if (palette == "BW") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette((c("white", "black")))
    image(x$BinCentres, seqI, t(img), col = pal(100), xlab = "Age", ylab = "Composite", main = main, axes = F, xlim = c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w))
    axis(1, cex.axis = 1, xaxp = c(0, 99000, 99))
    axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
    lines(x$BinCentres, rowMeans(x$mboot, na.rm = T))
    z <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 1)
    x <- 1
    y <- seq(min(img, na.rm = T), max(img, na.rm = T), len = 100)
    image(x, y, z, col = pal(100), axes = FALSE, xlab = "Density", ylab = "")
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2

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