
Defines functions pfCompositeLF plot.pfCompositeLF contrib contrib.pfCompositeLF

Documented in contrib contrib.pfCompositeLF pfCompositeLF plot.pfCompositeLF

#' Produce a composite serie from multiple charcoal records using a local
#' regression procedure (from the locfit package)
#' Produces a composite series from multiple charcoal records by using a robust
#' locally weighted scatterplot smoother (LOWESS). The robust LOWESS uses the
#' locfit function from the locfit package and is applied repeatedly (nboot
#' times) on bootstrapped charcoal sites samples. The records charcoal values
#' are pre-binned prior to sites resampling. This procedure is equivalent to
#' Daniau et al. (2012).
#' @param TR An object returned by \code{\link[paleofire]{pfTransform}}
#' @param tarAge Numeric, the target ages for prebinning given in years (e.g.
#' tarAge = seq(0, 10000, 20)). If unspecified the sequence is defined as
#' tarAge=seq(from=min age, to=max Age, by=median resolution).
#' @param binhw Numeric, bin half width for the prebinning procedure (use the
#' same value as tarAge intervals for overlapping bins or tarAge intervals/2
#' for non-overlapping bins, default).
#' @param nboot Numeric, a number specifying the number of bootstrap
#' replicates.
#' @param hw Numeric, the half window width for the locfit procedure (in
#' years).
#' @param conf Numeric, define confidence levels.
#' @param pseudodata Logical, if TRUE 10 percent of the data is reflected at
#' the top and the bottom of the resampled serie prior of each locfit
#' regression in order to correct for the edge effect introduced by the local
#' regression, see Cowling & Hall (1996). Equivalent to "minimum slope"
#' correction in Mann(2004).
#' @param verbose Logical: verbose or not...
#' @return
#' \item{out}{A "pfCompositeLF" object.}
#' @author O.Blarquez
#' @references Daniau, A. L., P. J. Bartlein, S. P. Harrison, I. C. Prentice,
#' S. Brewer, P. Friedlingstein, T. I. Harrison-Prentice, J. Inoue, K. Izumi,
#' J. R. Marlon, S. Mooney, M. J. Power, J. Stevenson, W. Tinner, Andri, M., J.
#' Atanassova, H. Behling, M. Black, O. Blarquez, K. J. Brown, C. Carcaillet,
#' E. A. Colhoun, D. Colombaroli, B. A. S. Davis, D. D'Costa, J. Dodson, L.
#' Dupont, Z. Eshetu, D. G. Gavin, A. Genries, S. Haberle, D. J. Hallett, G.
#' Hope, S. P. Horn, T. G. Kassa, F. Katamura, L. M. Kennedy, P. Kershaw, S.
#' Krivonogov, C. Long, D. Magri, E. Marinova, G. M. McKenzie, P. I. Moreno, P.
#' Moss, F. H. Neumann, E. Norstrom, C. Paitre, D. Rius, N. Roberts, G. S.
#' Robinson, N. Sasaki, L. Scott, H. Takahara, V. Terwilliger, F. Thevenon, R.
#' Turner, V. G. Valsecchi, B. Vanniere, M. Walsh, N. Williams, and Y. Zhang.
#' 2012. Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes.
#' Global Biogeochem. Cycles 26:GB4007. \cr \cr Cowling A, Hall P (1996) On
#' pseudodata methods for removing boundary effects in kernel density
#' estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 58(3):
#' 551-563. \cr \cr Mann, M. E. (2004). On smoothing potentially non-stationary
#' climate time series. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(7).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent=="North America", l12==1, long>=-160 & long<=-140)
#' plot(ID, xlim=c(-180, -130), ylim=c(40,80))
#' TR=pfTransform(ID, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","MinMax","Z-Score"),
#'                BasePeriod=c(200,2000),QuantType="INFL")
#' COMP1=pfCompositeLF(TR, tarAge=seq(-50,4000,10), hw=200, nboot=100)
#' plot(COMP1)
#' ## Note: comparing confidence intervals based on 100 replicates is not recommended
#' # (100 is used to decrease analysis time)
#' }
pfCompositeLF <- function(TR, hw=250,
                          tarAge=NULL, binhw=NULL,
                          nboot=1000, conf=c(0.05, 0.95),
                          pseudodata=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {

  ## IF TR is a matrix
  if (is.matrix(TR) | is.data.frame(TR)) {
    ID <- unique(TR[, 1])
    lgth <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(ID)) {
      lgth[i] <- length(na.omit(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 1]))
    m <- max(lgth)
    Age <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    TransData <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = length(ID))
    for (i in 1:length(ID)) {
      Age[, i] <- c(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 3], rep(NA, m - length(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 3])))
      TransData[, i] <- c(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 4], rep(NA, m - length(TR[TR[, 1] == ID[i], 4])))
    colnames(TransData) <- ID
    colnames(Age) <- ID
    TR <- structure(list(Age = structure(Age, class = "matrix"), TransData = structure
    (TransData, class = "matrix"), Method = "unspecified"))

  ## Prebinning procedure
  # Define the sequence for binning if unspecified
  if (is.null(tarAge)) {
    AgeRes <- matrix(nrow = length(TR$Age[, 1]) - 1, ncol = length(TR$Age[1, ]))
    for (i in 1:length(TR$Age[1, ])) {
      AgeRes[, i] <- c(diff(TR$Age[, i]))
    width <- ceiling(median(na.omit(AgeRes)) / 10) * 10
    binI <- floor(min(na.omit(TR$Age)) / 10) * 10
    binF <- ceiling(max(na.omit(TR$Age)) / 10) * 10
    tarAge <- seq(binI, binF, width)
    if (is.null(binhw)) {
      binhw <- (tarAge[2] - tarAge[1]) / 2

  m <- length(TR$TransData[, 1])
  n <- length(TR$TransData[1, ])

  # Matrix to store results
  result <- matrix(ncol = length(TR$Age[1, ]), nrow = length(tarAge))

  ## Use non-overlapping bins by default if unspecified
  if (is.null(binhw)) {
    binhw <- (tarAge[2] - tarAge[1]) / 2

  ## Prebinning procedure

  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    percent <- seq(1, 100, by = 1)
    values <- round(percent * n / 100)
    #cat("Percentage done: ")
  pb   <- txtProgressBar(1, n, style=3)
  for (k in 1:n) {
    if (length(TR$TransData[is.na(TR$TransData[, k]) == FALSE, k]) != 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(tarAge)) {
        t <- na.omit(cbind(as.numeric(TR$Age[, k]), as.numeric(TR$TransData[, k])))
        result[i, k] <- mean(t[t[, 1] > tarAge[i] - binhw & t[, 1] < tarAge[i] + binhw, 2])
    ## print
    if (k %in% values & verbose == TRUE) {
      # cat(percent[values == k], " ", sep = "")
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)

  if (verbose == TRUE) {

  # suppres Inf values occuring with specific charcoal series (binary series)
  result[!is.finite(result)] <- NA

  # Target Ages:
  centres <- tarAge

  # Matrix to strore boot results
  mboot <- matrix(nrow = length(centres), ncol = nboot)


  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    percent <- seq(1, 100, by = 1)
    values <- round(percent * nboot / 100)
    cat("Percentage done: ")
  pb   <- txtProgressBar(1, nboot, style=3)
  ## Bootstrap procedure (with locfit)
  for (i in 1:nboot) {
    ne <- sample(seq(1, length(result[1, ]), 1), length(result[1, ]), replace = TRUE)
    y <- as.vector(result[, ne])
    x <- as.vector(rep(centres, length(ne)))
    dat <- na.omit(data.frame(x = x, y = y))
    # dat=dat[ order(dat$x), ]

    if (pseudodata == TRUE) {
      ## Pseudodata part:
      # Generate a mirror of data series at top and bottom
      # Only reflect 10% of the data
      pseudo_n <- round(length(dat$x) * 0.3)

      ## Upper part
      pseudo_up <- -((dat$x) - rep((min(dat$x)), length(dat$x))) + min(dat$x)
      pseudo_up <- as.data.frame(cbind(pseudo_up, dat$y))
      pseudo_up <- pseudo_up[1:pseudo_n, ]
      pseudo_up <- pseudo_up[length(pseudo_up[, 1]):1, ]
      colnames(pseudo_up) <- c("x", "y")
      ## Lower part
      pseudo_lo <- -((dat$x) - rep((max(dat$x)), length(dat$x))) + max(dat$x)
      pseudo_lo <- as.data.frame(cbind(pseudo_lo, dat$y))
      pseudo_lo <- pseudo_lo[(length(dat$x) - pseudo_n):length(dat$x), ]
      pseudo_lo <- pseudo_lo[length(pseudo_lo[, 1]):1, ]
      colnames(pseudo_lo) <- c("x", "y")
      # New random serie with 10% pseudodata
      dat <- rbind(pseudo_up, dat, pseudo_lo)
    x <- as.vector(dat$x)
    y <- as.vector(dat$y)
    locboot <- locfit(y ~ lp(x, deg = 1, h = hw), maxk = 2000, family = "qrgauss")
    if (is.na(locboot$dp[7]) == FALSE) {
      predboot <- predict(locboot, newdata = centres, se.fit = TRUE)
      mboot[, i] <- predboot$fit

    # Verbose
    if (i %in% values & verbose == TRUE) {
      #cat(percent[values == i], " ", sep = "")
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  bootci <- t(apply(mboot, 1, quantile, probs = conf, na.rm = TRUE))
  bootmean <- t(apply(mboot, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
  bootmed <- t(apply(mboot, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE))

  ## Locfit of all stacked data
  rm(x, y, dat)
  y <- c(result)
  x <- rep(centres, length(result[1, ]))
  dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(x, y))
  dat <- na.omit(dat[ order(x), ])
  if (pseudodata == TRUE) {
    ## Pseudodata part:
    # Generate a mirror of data series at top and bottom
    # Only reflect 10% of the data
    pseudo_n <- round(length(dat$x) * 0.3)

    ## Upper part
    pseudo_up <- -((dat$x) - rep((min(dat$x)), length(dat$x))) + min(dat$x)
    pseudo_up <- as.data.frame(cbind(pseudo_up, dat$y))
    pseudo_up <- pseudo_up[1:pseudo_n, ]
    pseudo_up <- pseudo_up[length(pseudo_up[, 1]):1, ]
    colnames(pseudo_up) <- c("x", "y")
    ## Lower part
    pseudo_lo <- -((dat$x) - rep((max(dat$x)), length(dat$x))) + max(dat$x)
    pseudo_lo <- as.data.frame(cbind(pseudo_lo, dat$y))
    pseudo_lo <- pseudo_lo[(length(dat$x) - pseudo_n):length(dat$x), ]
    pseudo_lo <- pseudo_lo[length(pseudo_lo[, 1]):1, ]
    colnames(pseudo_lo) <- c("x", "y")
    # New serie with 10% pseudodata
    dat <- rbind(pseudo_up, dat, pseudo_lo)
  x <- as.vector(dat$x)
  y <- as.vector(dat$y)
  locbootA <- locfit(y ~ lp(x, deg = 1, h = hw), maxk = 500, family = "qrgauss")
  predbootA <- predict(locbootA, newdata = centres, se.fit = TRUE)
  locfitAll <- predbootA$fit

  # write out the transformed data
  result2 <- as.data.frame(cbind(centres, locfitAll, t(bootmean), bootci))
  colnames(result2) <- c("AGE", "LocFit", "MEAN(of_boot)", as.character(conf))

  colnames(result) <- colnames(TR$TransData)

  colnames(result) <- colnames(TR$TransData)
  output <- structure(list(
    BinnedData = structure(result, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = colnames(TR$TransData), class = "matrix"),
    Result = result2,
    mboot = mboot,
    BinCentres = centres,
    BinWidth = binhw * 2,
    nboot = nboot,
    halfwidth = hw,
    conf = conf,
    locfitAll = locfitAll,
    BootMed = structure(bootmed, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = c("Median"), class = "matrix"),
    BootMean = structure(bootmean, row.names = as.character(centres), col.names = c("Mean"), class = "matrix"),
    BootCi = structure(bootci, row.names = as.character(centres), class = "matrix")
  class(output) <- "pfCompositeLF"
  if (verbose == TRUE) {

#' plot.pfCompositeLF
#' Plot pfCompositeLF object
#' @export
#' @method plot pfCompositeLF
#' @param x A "pfCompositeLF" object.
#' @param type Character, type of plot among "ci", "prctile", "density"
#' @param add Character, add=NULL by default, add="sitenum" could be specified
#' to plot the sites number in eah bin along with the composite curve.
#' @param conf Numeric, confidence levels.
#' @param palette Character, color palette used with type=c("prctile",
#' "density") among "jet" and "BW".
#' @param xlim Numeric, x axis limits.
#' @param ylim Numeric, y axis limits.
#' @param main Character, title of the plot.
#' @param text Logical, text options.
#' @param what Character, indicates which transformed charcoal trend is used
#' for the plot (type="ci"), default "locfit" indicates that the trend is the
#' locfit applied to All binned data, use "mean" or "median" to plot the mean
#' or median of the locfit relplicates given by the bootstrap procedure.
#' @param \dots \dots{}
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent=="North America", l12==1, long>=-160 & long<=-140)
#' TR=pfTransform(ID, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","MinMax","Z-Score"),
#'                BasePeriod=c(200,2000),QuantType="INFL")
#' COMP1=pfCompositeLF(TR, tarAge=seq(-50,4000,10), hw=200, nboot=999)
#' plot(COMP1, type="density")
#' }
plot.pfCompositeLF <- function(x, type="ci", add="NULL", conf=c(0.05, 0.95), palette="jet", xlim=NULL,
                               ylim=NULL, main="Composite", text=FALSE, what="locfit", ...) {
  # Value for plotting:
  w <- (x$BinCentres[2] - x$BinCentres[1]) / 2

  # Lims
  if (type == "ci") bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = conf, na.rm = TRUE))
  if (type == "prctile") bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = seq(0, 1, .01), na.rm = TRUE))
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w)
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    # bootci1=t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = seq(0, 1, .01),  na.rm = TRUE))
    # ylim= c(min(bootci1,na.rm=T),max(bootci1,na.rm=T))
    ylim <- range(x$Result[, 4:5])

  # What to plot as the trend:
  if (what == "mean") trend <- x$BootMean
  if (what == "median") trend <- x$BootMed
  if (what == "locfit") trend <- x$locfitAll

  # Now plot:

  if (type == "ci") {
    if (add == "sitenum") {
      par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

    bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = conf, na.rm = TRUE))

    plot(x$BinCentres, trend,
      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = F, mgp = c(2, 0, 0),
      main = main, font.main = 1, lab = c(8, 5, 5),
      ylab = "Composite", xlab = "Age (cal yr BP)", cex.lab = 1, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, type = "l"
    axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2
    for (i in 1:length(conf)) {
      lines(x$BinCentres, bootci1[, i], lty = 2)
      pos <- which.min(is.na(bootci1[, i]))
      if (text == TRUE) text(min(x$BinCentres) - 200, bootci1[pos, i], paste(conf[i] * 100, "%", sep = ""), col = "black")
    # Plot site number
    if (add == "sitenum") {
      sitenum <- length(x$BinnedData[1, ]) - rowSums(is.na(x$BinnedData))
      plot(x$BinCentres, sitenum,
        xlim = c(max(x$BinCentres) + w, min(x$BinCentres) - w),
        ylim = c(min(sitenum, na.rm = T), max(sitenum, na.rm = T)), axes = F, mgp = c(2, 0, 0),
        main = paste("Sites #"), font.main = 1, lab = c(8, 5, 5),
        ylab = "Sites #", xlab = "Age", cex.lab = 0.8, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, type = "o"
      axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
        side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
        labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2
  if (type == "prctile") {
    bootci1 <- t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = seq(0, 1, .01), na.rm = TRUE))
    bins1 <- x$BinCentres[is.na(bootci1[, 1]) == FALSE]
    bootci1 <- bootci1[is.na(bootci1[, 1]) == FALSE, ]
    n <- length(bootci1[1, ])
    ## PLOT
      type = "n",
      xlim = xlim,
      ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE, ylab = "Composite", xlab = "Age", main = main
    if (palette == "jet") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")))
    if (palette == "BW") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("white", "black")))
    xx <- cbind(bins1, rev(bins1))
    coli <- pal(50)
    for (i in 1:floor(n / 2)) {
      yy <- cbind(as.vector(bootci1[, i]), rev(as.vector(bootci1[, n - i + 1])))
      polygon(xx, yy, col = coli[floor(n / 2) - i + 1], border = coli[floor(n / 2) - i + 1])
    for (i in c(2, 11, 51, 91, 100)) {
      lines(bins1, bootci1[, i], col = "grey", lty = 2)
      if (text == TRUE) text(min(bins1) - 200, median(bootci1[1:round(length(bootci1[, 1]) * 0.02), i]), paste(i - 1, "%", sep = ""), col = "grey")
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2

  if (type == "density") {
    # bootci1=t(apply(x$mboot, 1, quantile, probs = seq(0, 1, .01),  na.rm = TRUE))
    seqI <- seq(min(na.omit(x$mboot)), max(na.omit(x$mboot)), len = 1000)
    img <- matrix(nrow = 1000, ncol = length(x$mboot[, 1]))

    id <- seq(1, length(x$mboot[, 1]), 1)[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]
    id[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]

    for (i in seq(1, length(x$mboot[, 1]), 1)[rowSums(x$mboot, na.rm = T) != 0]) {
      kd <- density(x$mboot[i, ], na.rm = T)
      img[, i] <- c(approx(kd$x, kd$y, seqI)$y)
    layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2), 1, 4, byrow = TRUE))
    if (palette == "jet") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette((c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000")))
    if (palette == "BW") {
      pal <- colorRampPalette((c("white", "black")))
    image(x$BinCentres, seqI, t(img),
      col = pal(100), xlab = "Age", ylab = "Composite", main = main, axes = F,
      xlim = xlim
    axis(1, cex.axis = 1, xaxp = c(0, 99000, 99))
    axis(2, cex.axis = 1)
    lines(x$BinCentres, rowMeans(x$mboot, na.rm = T))
    z <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 1)
    x <- 1
    y <- seq(min(img, na.rm = T), max(img, na.rm = T), len = 100)
    image(x, y, z, col = pal(100), axes = FALSE, xlab = "Density", ylab = "")
      side = 1, at = seq(0, 99000, by = 500),
      labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.2

contrib <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("contrib", x)

#' contrib.pfCompositeLF
#' Calculates the number of prebinned samples contributing to the composite curve.
#' The number is calculated by counting the number on non null charcoal
#' values at each tarAge from the prebinned charcoal series.
#' @export
#' @method contrib pfCompositeLF
#' @param x A "pfCompositeLF" object.
#' @param \dots \dots{}
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ID=pfSiteSel(continent=="North America", l12==1, long>=-160 & long<=-140)
#' TR=pfTransform(ID, method=c("MinMax","Box-Cox","MinMax","Z-Score"),
#'                BasePeriod=c(200,2000),QuantType="INFL")
#' COMP1=pfCompositeLF(TR, tarAge=seq(-50,4000,10), hw=200, nboot=100)
#' a=contrib(COMP1)
#' plot(COMP1$BinCentres,a)
#' }
contrib.pfCompositeLF <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- x$BinnedData
  m[!is.na(m)] <- 1
  res <- list()
  res <- rowSums(m, na.rm = TRUE)

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