
Defines functions oneMarkerDistribution

Documented in oneMarkerDistribution

#' Genotype probability distribution
#' Computes the (joint) genotype probability distribution of one or several
#' pedigree members, possibly conditional on partial marker data.
#' @param x A \code{\link{linkdat}} object.
#' @param ids A numeric with ID labels of one or more pedigree members.
#' @param partialmarker Either a \code{\link{marker}} object compatible with
#'   \code{x}, or the index (a single integer) of an existing marker of
#'   \code{x}.
#' @param theta The recombination fraction between marker and disease locus.
#'   Only relevant if at least one individual is affected by disease. In that
#'   case an error is raised if \code{theta} is NULL, and if \code{x} does not
#'   have a disease model.
#' @param grid.subset (Not relevant for most end users.) A numeric matrix
#'   describing a subset of all marker genotype combinations for the \code{ids}
#'   individuals. The matrix should have one column for each of the \code{ids}
#'   individuals, and one row for each combination: The genotypes are described
#'   in terms of the matrix \code{M = allGenotypes(n)}, where \code{n} is the
#'   number of alleles for the marker. If the entry in column \code{j} is the
#'   integer \code{k}, this means that the genotype of individual \code{ids[j]}
#'   is row \code{k} of \code{M}.
#' @param loop_breakers A numeric containing IDs of individuals to be used as
#'   loop breakers. Relevant only if the pedigree has loops. See
#'   \code{\link{breakLoops}}.
#' @param eliminate A non-negative integer, indicating the number of iterations
#'   in the internal genotype-compatibility algorithm. Positive values can save
#'   time if \code{partialmarker} is non-empty and the number of alleles is
#'   large.
#' @param ignore.affection.status A logical indicating if the 'AFF' column
#'   should be ignored (only relevant if some family members are marked as
#'   affected).
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @return A named array (of dimension \code{length(ids)}) giving the joint
#'   marker genotype distribution for the \code{ids} individuals, conditional on
#'   1) the marker allele frequencies given in \code{partialmarker}, 2)
#'   non-missing alleles in \code{partialmarker}, and 3) the disease model of
#'   \code{x} (if the pedigree is affected).
#' @seealso \code{\link{twoMarkerDistribution}}, \code{\link{allGenotypes}}
#' @examples
#' x = nuclearPed(2)
#' x_aff = swapAff(x, c(1,3))
#' x_aff = setModel(x_aff, model=1) # dominant model
#' snp = marker(x, 1, c(1,1), 2, c(1,0), alleles=1:2, afreq=c(0.1, 0.9))
#' res1 = oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=3:4, partialmarker=snp)
#' res2 = oneMarkerDistribution(x_aff, ids=3:4, partialmarker=snp, theta=0.5)
#' # should give same result, since theta=0.5 implies that marker is independent of disease.
#' stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))
#' #### Different example for the same pedigree. A marker with 4 alleles:
#' m2 = marker(x, 3:4, c('C','D'), alleles=LETTERS[1:4])
#' oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1, partialmarker=m2)
#' # Same as above, but computing only the cases where individual 1 is heterozygous.
#' # (The numbers 5:10 refer to the 6 last rows of allGenotypes(4),
#' # which contain the heterozygous genotypes.)
#' oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1, partialmarker=m2, grid.subset=matrix(5:10, ncol=1))
#' #### Expanding on the previous example:
#' # Joint genotype probabilities of the parents, but including only the combinations
#' # where the father is heterozygous and the mother is homozygous:
#' grid = expand.grid(5:10, 1:4)
#' oneMarkerDistribution(x, ids=1:2, partialmarker=m2, grid.subset=grid)
#' #### Something else:
#' # The genotype distribution of an individual whose half cousin is homozygous
#' # for a rare allele.
#' y = halfCousinPed(degree=1)
#' snp = marker(y, 9, c('a','a'), alleles=c('a', 'b'), afreq=c(0.01, 0.99))
#' oneMarkerDistribution(y, ids=8, partialmarker=snp)
#' #### X-linked example:
#' z = linkdat(Xped, model=4) # X-linked recessive model
#' z2 = swapAff(z, 1:z$nInd, 1) # disease free version of the same pedigree
#' snpX = marker(z, c(5,15), c('A','A'), alleles=c('A', 'B'), chrom=23)
#' r1 = oneMarkerDistribution(z, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX, theta=0.5) # results: A - 0.8; B - 0.2
#' r2 = oneMarkerDistribution(z2, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX)          # should be same as above
#' r3 = oneMarkerDistribution(z, ids=13, partialmarker=snpX, theta=0) # results: A - 0.67; B - 0.33
#' stopifnot(all.equal(r1,r2), round(r1[1], 2)==0.8, round(r3[1], 2) == 0.67)
#' @export
oneMarkerDistribution <- function(x, ids, partialmarker, theta = NULL, grid.subset = NULL,
    loop_breakers = NULL, eliminate = 0, ignore.affection.status = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
    starttime = proc.time()
    if (!inherits(m <- partialmarker, "marker"))
        if (is.numeric(m) && length(m) == 1 && m <= x$nMark)
            m = x$markerdata[[m]] else stop("The 'partialmarker' must be a 'marker' object, or a single integer indicating an existing marker of 'x'.")

    if (!is.null(x$loop_breakers))
        stop("Linkdat objects with broken loops are not allowed as input to the `oneMarkerDistribution` function.")

    markerchrom = as.integer(attr(m, "chrom"))
    alleles = attr(m, "alleles")
    mutmat = attr(m, "mutmat")
    mutations = !is.null(mutmat)

    affped = any(x$pedigree[, "AFF"] == 2) && !ignore.affection.status
    if (affped) {
        if (is.null(theta))
            stop("This is a disease pedigree, but recombination fraction ('theta') between the marker and disease loci is not indicated. \n(To ignore disease, use 'ignore.affecton.status=TRUE'")
        if (is.null(x$model))
            stop("This is a disease pedigree. Please spesify a disease model, e.g. using 'setModel()'.")
        locus2 = "disease"
        chrom = x$model$chrom
        if (!is.na(markerchrom) && ((chrom == "X") != (23L == markerchrom)))
            stop("Disease model and marker chromosome are not compatible.")
    } else {
        locus2 = NULL
        chrom = ifelse(identical(23L, markerchrom), "X", "AUTOSOMAL")

    SEX = x$pedigree[, "SEX"]
    if (verbose) {
        cat(ifelse(chrom == "AUTOSOMAL", "Autosomal", "X-linked"), "marker with the following partial data:\n")
        print(data.frame(ID = x$orig.ids, GENO = .prettyMarkers(list(m), missing = "-", singleCol = TRUE,
            sep = "/", sex = SEX)), row.names = FALSE)
        cat("\nMarker allele frequencies:\n")
        print(structure(attr(m, "afreq"), names = alleles))
        if (mutations) {
            cat("\nMutation matrices:\n")
        if (affped) {
            cat("\nDisease model:\n")
            cat(sprintf("\nRecombination rate between marker and disease locus: %f.\n", theta))

    allgenos = allGenotypes(attr(m, "nalleles"))

    if (is.null(grid.subset))
        grid.subset = geno.grid.subset(x, m, ids, chrom)  #Do this before loop breaking, works better with eliminate2.
 else grid.subset = as.matrix(grid.subset)

    if (x$hasLoops) {
        x = breakLoops(setMarkers(x, m), loop_breakers = loop_breakers, verbose = verbose)
        m = x$markerdata[[1]]
        SEX = x$pedigree[, "SEX"]

    int.ids = .internalID(x, ids)
    gt.strings = paste(alleles[allgenos[, 1]], alleles[allgenos[, 2]], sep = "/")
    geno.names = switch(chrom, AUTOSOMAL = rep(list(gt.strings), length(ids)), X = list(alleles,

    marginal = likelihood(x, locus1 = m, locus2 = locus2, theta = theta, eliminate = eliminate)
    if (marginal == 0)
        stop("Partial marker is impossible")
    probs = array(0, dim = lengths(geno.names, use.names = F), dimnames = geno.names)
    probs[grid.subset] = apply(grid.subset, 1, function(allg_rows) {
        m[int.ids, ] = allgenos[allg_rows, ]
        likelihood(x, locus1 = m, locus2 = locus2, theta = theta, eliminate = eliminate)

    res = probs/marginal
    if (verbose) {
        cat(ifelse(length(ids) == 1, "\nGenotype probability distribution for individual ",
            "\nJoint genotype probability distribution for individuals "), .prettycat(ids,
            "and"), ":\n", sep = "")
        print(round(res, 4))
        cat("\nTotal time used: ", (proc.time() - starttime)[["elapsed"]], " seconds.\n", sep = "")
    } else res

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paramlink documentation built on April 15, 2022, 9:06 a.m.