
Defines functions .descentPaths .generations .prettycat .rand01 .comb2 .getSex .internalID .myintersect .mysetdiff .is.natural0 .is.natural

.is.natural <- function(x) length(x) == 1 && is.numeric(x) && x == as.integer(x) && x > 0

.is.natural0 <- function(x) length(x) == 1 && is.numeric(x) && x == as.integer(x) && x >= 0

#' @export
on_failure(.is.natural) <- function(call, env) {
    paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a positive integer")

#' @export
on_failure(.is.natural0) <- function(call, env) {
    paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a non-negative integer")

.mysetdiff = function(x, y) unique.default(x[match(x, y, 0L) == 0L])
.myintersect = function(x, y) y[match(x, y, 0L)]

.internalID = function(x, orig.ids) {
    internal_ids = match(orig.ids, x$orig.ids)
    if (any(is.na(internal_ids)))
        stop(paste("Indicated ID(s) not among original ID labels:", paste(orig.ids[is.na(internal_ids)],
            collapse = ",")))

.getSex = function(x, orig.ids) as.vector(x$pedigree[.internalID(x, orig.ids), "SEX"])

.comb2 = function(n) {
    if (n < 2)
        return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
    v1 = rep.int(seq_len(n - 1), (n - 1):1)
    v2 = NULL
    for (i in 2:n) v2 = c(v2, i:n)
    cbind(v1, v2, deparse.level = 0)

.rand01 = function(n) sample.int(2, size = n, replace = T) - 1  #random 0/1 vector of length n.

.prettycat = function(v, andor) switch(min(len <- length(v), 3), toString(v), paste(v, collapse = " and "),
    paste(paste(v[-len], collapse = ", "), andor, v[len]))

.generations = function(x) {
    # linkdat object
    max(vapply(unlist(.descentPaths(x, x$founders, original.ids = FALSE), recursive = F), length,

.descentPaths = function(x, ids, original.ids = TRUE) {
    if (original.ids)
        ids = .internalID(x, ids)
    offs = lapply(1:x$nInd, offspring, x = x, original.id = FALSE)
    lapply(ids, function(id) {
        res = list(id)
        while (TRUE) {
            newoffs = offs[vapply(res, function(path) path[length(path)], 1)]
            if (length(unlist(newoffs)) == 0)
            nextstep = lapply(1:length(res), function(r) if (length(newoffs[[r]]) == 0)
                res[r] else lapply(newoffs[[r]], function(kid) c(res[[r]], kid)))
            res = unlist(nextstep, recursive = FALSE)
        if (original.ids)
            lapply(res, function(internal_vec) x$orig.ids[internal_vec]) else res

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