tidymodels and glmnet

The implementation of the glmnet package has some nice features. For example, one of the main tuning parameters, the regularization penalty, does not need to be specified when fitting the model. The package fits a compendium of values, called the regularization path. These values depend on the data set and the value of alpha, the mixture parameter between a pure ridge model (alpha = 0) and a pure lasso model (alpha = 1). When predicting, any penalty values can be simultaneously predicted, even those that are not exactly on the regularization path. For those, the model approximates between the closest path values to produce a prediction. There is an argument called lambda to the glmnet() function that is used to specify the path.

In the discussion below, linear_reg() is used. The information is true for all parsnip models that have a "glmnet" engine.

Fitting and predicting using parsnip

Recall that tidymodels uses standardized parameter names across models chosen to be low on jargon. The argument penalty is the equivalent of what glmnet calls the lambda value and mixture is the same as their alpha value.

In tidymodels, our predict() methods are defined to make one prediction at a time. For this model, that means predictions are for a single penalty value. For this reason, models that have glmnet engines require the user to always specify a single penalty value when the model is defined. For example, for linear regression:

linear_reg(penalty = 1) %>% set_engine("glmnet")

When the predict() method is called, it automatically uses the penalty that was given when the model was defined. For example:


fit <- 
  linear_reg(penalty = 1) %>% 
  set_engine("glmnet") %>% 
  fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)

# predict at penalty = 1
predict(fit, mtcars[1:3,])

However, any penalty values can be predicted simultaneously using the multi_predict() method:

# predict at c(0.00, 0.01)
multi_predict(fit, mtcars[1:3,], penalty = c(0.00, 0.01))

# unnested:
multi_predict(fit, mtcars[1:3,], penalty = c(0.00, 0.01)) %>% 
  add_rowindex() %>% 
  unnest(cols = ".pred")

Where did lambda go?

It may appear odd that the lambda value does not get used in the fit:

linear_reg(penalty = 1) %>% 
  set_engine("glmnet") %>% 

Internally, the value of penalty = 1 is saved in the parsnip object and no value is set for lambda. This enables the full path to be fit by glmnet(). See the section below about setting the path.

How do I set the regularization path?

Regardless of what value you use for penalty, the full coefficient path is used when [glmnet::glmnet()] is called.

What if you want to manually set this path? Normally, you would pass a vector to lambda in [glmnet::glmnet()].

parsnip models that use a glmnet engine can use a special optional argument called path_values. This is not an argument to [glmnet::glmnet()]; it is used by parsnip to independently set the path.

For example, we have found that if you want a fully ridge regression model (i.e., mixture = 0), you can get the wrong coefficients if the path does not contain zero (see issue #431).

If we want to use our own path, the argument is passed as an engine-specific option:

coef_path_values <- c(0, 10^seq(-5, 1, length.out = 7))

fit_ridge <- 
  linear_reg(penalty = 1, mixture = 0) %>% 
  set_engine("glmnet", path_values = coef_path_values) %>% 
  fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)

all.equal(sort(fit_ridge$fit$lambda), coef_path_values)

# predict at penalty = 1
predict(fit_ridge, mtcars[1:3,])

Tidying the model object

[broom::tidy()] is a function that gives a summary of the object as a tibble.

tl;dr tidy() on a glmnet model produced by parsnip gives the coefficients for the value given by penalty.

When parsnip makes a model, it gives it an extra class. Use the tidy() method on the object, it produces coefficients for the penalty that was originally requested:


Note that there is a tidy() method for glmnet objects in the broom package. If this is used directly on the underlying glmnet object, it returns all of coefficients on the path:

# Use the basic tidy() method for glmnet
all_tidy_coefs <- broom:::tidy.glmnet(fit$fit)


This can be nice for plots but it might not contain the penalty value that you are interested in.

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parsnip documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:14 p.m.