
Defines functions parDistributionFor parDistributionCustom parInterval withoutIndex responseCurve assertDataFitCompat outlierTable toLoo calibrateItems pcStan prepFactorModel setFactorScalePrior prepSingleFactorModel findModel verifyIsPreppedData prepData prepCleanData normalizeData

Documented in calibrateItems findModel normalizeData outlierTable parDistributionCustom parDistributionFor parInterval pcStan prepCleanData prepData prepFactorModel prepSingleFactorModel responseCurve toLoo withoutIndex

#' Normalize data according to a canonical order
#' @template args-df
#' @template args-dots-barrier
#' @param .palist a character vector giving an order to use instead of the default
#' @param .sortRows logical. Using the same order, sort rows in addition to vertex pairs.
#' @description
#' Pairwise comparison data are not commutative.
#' Alice beating Bob in chess is equivalent to Bob losing to
#' Alice. \code{normalizeData} assigns an arbitrary order to all
#' vertices and reorders vertices column-wise to match,
#' flipping signs as needed.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(pa1=NA, pa2=NA, i1=c(1, -1))
#' df[1,paste0('pa',1:2)] <- c('a','b')
#' df[2,paste0('pa',1:2)] <- c('b','a')
#' normalizeData(df)
#' @export
normalizeData <- function(df, ..., .palist=NULL, .sortRows=TRUE) {
  if (length(list(...)) > 0) stop("Rejected are any values passed in the '...' argument")

  palist <- verifyIsData(df)
  if (!is.null(.palist)) {
    if (length(palist) != length(.palist)) {
      stop(paste(".palist must be length", length(palist)))
    if (any(is.na(match(palist, .palist)))) {
      stop(".palist must contain the names of all vertices")
    palist <- .palist
  flip <- match(df$pa1, palist) > match(df$pa2, palist)
  dataCols <- -match(paste0('pa',1:2), colnames(df))
  df[flip, dataCols] <- -df[flip, dataCols]
  tmp <- df[flip, 'pa1']
  df[flip, 'pa1'] <- df[flip, 'pa2']
  df[flip, 'pa2'] <- tmp
  if (.sortRows) {
    df <- df[order(df$pa1, df$pa2),]

#' Transforms data into a form tailored for efficient evaluation by Stan
#' Vertex names, if not already factors, are converted to
#' factors.  The number of thresholds per item is determined by the
#' largest absolute response value.  Missing responses are filtered
#' out.  Responses on the same pair of vertices on the same item are
#' grouped together.  Within a vertex pair and item, responses
#' are ordered from negative to positive.
#' @details
#' Note: Reordering of responses is likely unless something like
#' \code{\link{normalizeData}} has been used with \code{.sortRows=TRUE}.
#' @template args-df
#' @template return-datalist
#' @family data preppers
#' @examples
#' df <- prepCleanData(phyActFlowPropensity)
#' str(df)
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
prepCleanData <- function(df) {
  palist <- verifyIsData(df)

  if (!is.factor(df$pa1)) {
    df$pa1 <- factor(df$pa1, levels=palist)
    df$pa2 <- factor(df$pa2, levels=palist)

  dataCols <- -match(paste0('pa',1:2), colnames(df))
  nthr <- apply(df[,dataCols,drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) max(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE))
  itemNames <- names(nthr)
  names(nthr) <- NULL

  tall <- melt(df, id.vars = paste0('pa',1:2),
               variable.name = "item", value.name="pick")

  base <- 1L+max(length(nthr), length(palist))
  likeId <- (base * base * unclass(tall$pa1) +
             base * unclass(tall$pa2) + unclass(tall$item))

  l <- split(tall, likeId)
  pa1 <- c()
  pa2 <- c()
  item <- c()
  weight <- c()
  pick <- c()
  refresh <- c()
  numOutcome <- c()
  numRefresh <- 0L
  for (lx in 1:length(l)) {
    x <- l[[lx]]
    pt <- table(x$pick, useNA="no")
    if (length(pt) == 0) next
    numRefresh <- numRefresh + 1L
    pa1 <- c(pa1, unclass(x$pa1)[1])
    pa2 <- c(pa2, unclass(x$pa2)[1])
    item <- c(item, unclass(x$item)[1])
    weight <- c(weight, pt, use.names=FALSE)
    pick <- c(pick, as.integer(names(pt)))
    refresh <- c(refresh, length(pt))
    numOutcome <- c(numOutcome, sum(pt))

  dl <- list(
    nameInfo=list(pa=palist, item=itemNames),
    # all models
    # multivariate models
    TOFFSET=c(1L, 1L + cumsum(nthr)[-length(nthr)]),
    # data (all models)
    # multivariate data
    # priors
    alphaScalePrior = 0.2,
    # correlation model
    corLKJPrior = 2.5,  # 2.0 not quite enough
    # factor model
    propShape = 3.0   # 2.0 give divegence, 4.0 okay, but try to reduce?
  if (any(is.na(match(preppedDataFields, names(dl))))) {
    stop("Bug in prepCleanData(); contact developers") # nocov

#' Transforms data into a form tailored for efficient evaluation by Stan
#' @template args-df
#' @description
#' Invokes \code{\link{filterGraph}} and \code{\link{normalizeData}}.
#' Vertex names, if not already factors, are converted to
#' factors.  The number of thresholds per item is determined by the
#' largest absolute response value.  Missing responses are filtered
#' out.  Responses on the same pair of vertices on the same item are
#' grouped together.  Within a vertex pair and item, responses
#' are ordered from negative to positive.
#' @template return-datalist
#' @family data preppers
#' @examples
#' df <- prepData(phyActFlowPropensity)
#' str(df)
#' @export
prepData <- function(df) {
  df <- filterGraph(df)
  df <- normalizeData(df)

preppedDataFields <- c('nameInfo','NPA','NCMP','N','pa1','pa1','weight',

verifyIsPreppedData <- function(data) {
  if (is.data.frame(data)) stop("Data must be processed by prepData. Try prepData(data)")
  if (is.list(data) && all(!is.na(match(preppedDataFields, names(data))))) return()
  stop("Is data an object returned by prepData()? Seems not")

#' Given a model name, return stanmodel object
#' @template args-locate
#' @description
#' This is a convenience function to help you look up the path to an
#' appropriate model for your data.
#' @details
#' There are essentially three models: \sQuote{unidim}, \sQuote{covariance}, and \sQuote{factor}.
#' \sQuote{unidim} analyzes a single item. \sQuote{covariance} is suitable for two or more items.
#' Once you have vetted your items with the \sQuote{unidim} and \sQuote{covariance} models,
#' then you can try the \sQuote{factor} model.
#' For each model, there is a \sQuote{_ll} variation. This model
#' includes row-wise log likelihoods suitable for feeding to \pkg{loo}
#' for efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (Vehtari, Gelman, & Gabry, 2017).
#' There is also a special model \sQuote{unidim_adapt}.  Except for
#' this model, the other models require a scaling constant.  To find
#' an appropriate scaling constant, we recommend fitting
#' \sQuote{unidim_adapt} to each item separately and then take the
#' median of median point estimates to set the scale. \sQuote{unidim_adapt} requires a
#' varCorrection constant. In general, a varCorrection of 2.0 or 3.0
#' should provide optimal results.
#' Since version 1.1.0, the factor model permits an arbitrary number
#' of factors and arbitrary factor-to-item paths. If you were using
#' the old factor model, you'll need to update your code to call
#' \link{prepSingleFactorModel}. Arbitrary factor model structure
#' should be specified using \link{prepFactorModel}. The single factor model
#' is called \sQuote{factor1} and the general factor model is called \sQuote{factor}.
#' @return An instance of S4 class \code{\link[rstan:stanmodel-class]{stanmodel}} that can be passed to \code{\link{pcStan}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{toLoo}}
#' @template ref-vehtari2017
#' @examples
#' findModel()  # shows available models
#' findModel('unidim')
#' @export
findModel <- function(model=NULL) {
  avail <- names(stanmodels)

  if (is.null(model)) {
    message(paste("Models available:", paste0(deparse(avail), collapse="")))

  obj <- stanmodels[[model]]
  if(is.null(obj)) {
    stop(paste("Stan model not found:", model))


#' Specify a single factor model
#' Specify a single latent factor with a path to each item.
#' @template args-factorScalePrior
#' @template args-data
#' @template return-datalist
#' @examples
#' dl <- prepData(phyActFlowPropensity)
#' dl <- prepSingleFactorModel(dl)
#' str(dl)
#' @family factor model
#' @family data preppers
#' @export
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_warn
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated
prepSingleFactorModel <- function(data, factorScalePrior=deprecated()) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(factorScalePrior)) {
    deprecate_warn("1.5.0", "prepSingleFactorModel(factorScalePrior = )")
  ni <- data$NITEMS
  data$factorItemPath <- matrix(c(rep(1,ni), 1:ni), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
  data$NFACTORS <- 1L
  data$NPATHS <- ni
  data <- setFactorScalePrior(data)

setFactorScalePrior <- function(data) {
  data$factorScalePrior <- as.array(rep(1.2, data$NFACTORS))

#' Specify a factor model
#' Specify a factor model with an arbitrary number of factors and
#' arbitrary factor-to-item structure.
#' @template detail-factorspec
#' @template args-path
#' @template args-factorScalePrior
#' @template args-data
#' @param psiScalePrior matrix of priors for factor correlations (deprecated)
#' @template return-datalist
#' @examples
#' pa <- phyActFlowPropensity[,setdiff(colnames(phyActFlowPropensity),
#'                                     c('goal1','feedback1'))]
#' dl <- prepData(pa)
#' dl <- prepFactorModel(dl,
#'                       list(flow=c('complex','skill','predict',
#'                                   'creative', 'novelty', 'stakes',
#'                                   'present', 'reward', 'chatter',
#'                                   'body'),
#'                            f2=c('waiting','control','evaluated','spont'),
#'                            rc=c('novelty', 'waiting')))
#' str(dl)
#' @family factor model
#' @family data preppers
#' @seealso To simulate data from a factor model: \link{generateFactorItems}
#' @export
prepFactorModel <- function(data, path, factorScalePrior=deprecated(),
                            psiScalePrior=deprecated()) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(factorScalePrior)) {
    deprecate_warn("1.5.0", "prepFactorModel(factorScalePrior = )")
  if (lifecycle::is_present(psiScalePrior)) {
    deprecate_warn("1.5.0", "prepFactorModel(psiScalePrior = )")
  items <- data$nameInfo$item
  validateFactorModel(items, path)
  itemsPerFactor <- sapply(path, length)
  data$factorItemPath <- matrix(c(rep(1:length(itemsPerFactor), itemsPerFactor),
                                  unlist(lapply(path, function(x) match(x, items)))),
                                nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
  data$NFACTORS <- length(names(path))
  data$NPATHS <- sum(itemsPerFactor)
  data$nameInfo[['factor']] <- names(path)
  data <- setFactorScalePrior(data)

#' Fit a paired comparison Stan model
#' @template args-locate
#' @template args-data
#' @template args-stan
#' @description Uses \code{\link{findModel}} to find the appropriate
#'   model and then invokes \link[rstan:sampling]{sampling}.
#' @return A \code{\link[rstan:stanfit-class]{stanfit}} object.
#' @seealso See \code{\link[rstan:sampling]{sampling}}, for which this function is
#'   a wrapper, for additional options. See \code{\link{prepData}} to
#'   create a suitable data list.  See
#'   \code{\link[rstan:print.stanfit]{print.stanfit}} for ways of getting tables
#'   summarizing parameter posteriors.
#' @return An object of S4 class \code{\link[rstan:stanfit-class]{stanfit}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{calibrateItems}}, \code{\link{outlierTable}}
#' @examples
#' dl <- prepData(phyActFlowPropensity[,c(1,2,3)])
#' dl$varCorrection <- 5.0
#' \donttest{pcStan('unidim_adapt', data=dl)}  # takes more than 5 seconds
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @export
pcStan <- function(model, data, ...) {
  obj <- findModel(model)
  rstan::sampling(obj, data = data, ...)

#' Determine the optimal scale constant for a set of items
#' @template args-df
#' @template args-stan
#' @param iter A positive integer specifying the number of iterations for each chain (including warmup).
#' @param chains A positive integer specifying the number of Markov chains.
#' @param varCorrection A correction factor greater than or equal to 1.0
#' @param maxAttempts How many times to try re-running a model with more iterations.
#' @description
#' Data are passed through \code{\link{filterGraph}} and \code{\link{normalizeData}}.
#' Then the \sQuote{unidim_adapt} model is fit to each item individually.
#' A larger \code{varCorrection} will obtain a more accurate
#' \code{scale}, but is also more likely to produce an intractable
#' model. A good compromise is between 5.0 and 9.0.
#' @return
#' A data.frame (one row per item) with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{item}{Name of the item}
#'  \item{iter}{Number of iterations per chain}
#'  \item{divergent}{Number of divergent transitions observed after warmup}
#'  \item{treedepth}{Number of times the treedepth was exceeded}
#'  \item{low_bfmi}{Number of chains with low E-BFMI}
#'  \item{n_eff}{Minimum effective number of samples across all parameters}
#'  \item{Rhat}{Maximum Rhat across all parameters}
#'  \item{scale}{Median marginal posterior of \code{scale}}
#'  \item{thetaVar}{Median variance of theta (latent scores)}
#'  }
#' @seealso \code{\link[rstan:check_hmc_diagnostics]{check_hmc_diagnostics}}
#' @template ref-vehtari2019
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' result <- calibrateItems(phyActFlowPropensity)  # takes more than 5 seconds
#' print(result)
#' }
#' @importMethodsFrom rstan summary
#' @importFrom rstan get_num_divergent get_max_treedepth_iterations get_low_bfmi_chains
#' @export
calibrateItems <- function(df, iter=2000L, chains=4L, varCorrection=5.0, maxAttempts=5L, ...) {
  df <- filterGraph(df)
  df <- normalizeData(df)
  vCol <- match(paste0('pa',1:2), colnames(df))
  result <- expand.grid(item=colnames(df[,-vCol]),
                        divergent=NA, treedepth=NA, low_bfmi=NA, n_eff=NA, Rhat=NA,
                        scale=NA, thetaVar=NA)
  for (attempt in 1:maxAttempts) {
    for (rx in 1:nrow(result)) {
      if (!is.na(result[rx,'divergent']) &&
          (result[rx,'divergent'] || result[rx,'treedepth'] || result[rx,'low_bfmi'])) next
      if (!is.na(result[rx, 'Rhat']) &&
          result[rx, 'Rhat'] < 1.015 && result[rx, 'n_eff'] > 100 * chains) next

      itemCol <- match(result[rx,'item'], colnames(df))
      dl <- prepCleanData(df[,c(vCol, itemCol)])
      dl$varCorrection <- varCorrection
      result[rx,'iter'] <- ifelse(is.na(result[rx,'iter']), iter, result[rx,'iter'] * 1.5)
      fit1 <- suppressWarnings(pcStan("unidim_adapt", data=dl, chains=chains, iter=result[rx,'iter'], ...))
      result[rx,'divergent'] <- get_num_divergent(fit1)
      result[rx,'treedepth'] <- sum(get_max_treedepth_iterations(fit1))
      result[rx,'low_bfmi'] <- length(get_low_bfmi_chains(fit1))
      allPars <- summary(fit1, probs=0.5)$summary
      result[rx,'n_eff'] <- min(allPars[,'n_eff'])
      result[rx,'Rhat'] <- max(allPars[,'Rhat'])
      result[rx,'scale'] <- allPars['scale','50%']
      result[rx,'thetaVar'] <- allPars['thetaVar','50%']

#' Compute approximate leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation for Bayesian
#' models using Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS)
#' @template args-fit
#' @param ... Additional options passed to \code{\link[loo:loo]{loo}}.
#' @description
#' You must use an \sQuote{_ll} model variation (see \code{\link{findModel}}).
#' @return a loo object
#' @seealso \code{\link{outlierTable}}, \code{\link[loo:loo]{loo}}
#' @importFrom loo loo extract_log_lik relative_eff
#' @export
#' @examples
#' palist <- letters[1:10]
#' df <- twoLevelGraph(palist, 300)
#' theta <- rnorm(length(palist))
#' names(theta) <- palist
#' df <- generateItem(df, theta, th=rep(0.5, 4))
#' df <- filterGraph(df)
#' df <- normalizeData(df)
#' dl <- prepCleanData(df)
#' dl$scale <- 1.5
#' \donttest{
#' m1 <- pcStan("unidim_ll", dl)
#' loo1 <- toLoo(m1, cores=1)
#' print(loo1)
#' }
toLoo <- function(fit, ...) {
  ll <- extract_log_lik(fit, merge_chains = FALSE)
  loo(ll, r_eff=relative_eff(exp(ll)), ...)

#' List observations with Pareto values larger than a given threshold
#' @template args-data
#' @param x An object created by \code{\link[loo:loo]{loo}}
#' @param threshold threshold is the minimum k value to include
#' @description
#' The function \code{\link{prepCleanData}} compresses observations
#' into the most efficient format for evaluation by Stan. This function
#' maps indices of observations back to the actual observations,
#' filtering by the largest Pareto k values. It is assumed that
#' \code{data} was processed by \code{\link{normalizeData}} or is in
#' the same order as seen by \code{\link{prepCleanData}}.
#' @return
#' A data.frame (one row per observation) with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{pa1}{Name of object 1}
#' \item{pa2}{Name of object 2}
#' \item{item}{Name of item}
#' \item{pick}{Observed response}
#' \item{k}{Associated Pareto k value}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{toLoo}}, \code{\link[loo:pareto-k-diagnostic]{pareto_k_ids}}
#' @importFrom loo pareto_k_ids pareto_k_values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' palist <- letters[1:10]
#' df <- twoLevelGraph(palist, 300)
#' theta <- rnorm(length(palist))
#' names(theta) <- palist
#' df <- generateItem(df, theta, th=rep(0.5, 4))
#' df <- filterGraph(df)
#' df <- normalizeData(df)
#' dl <- prepCleanData(df)
#' dl$scale <- 1.5
#' \donttest{
#' m1 <- pcStan("unidim_ll", dl)
#' loo1 <- toLoo(m1, cores=1)
#' ot <- outlierTable(dl, loo1, threshold=.2)
#' df[df$pa1==ot[1,'pa1'] & df$pa2==ot[1,'pa2'], 'i1']
#' }
outlierTable <- function(data, x, threshold=0.5) {
  ids <- pareto_k_ids(x, threshold)
  xx <- data.frame(rx=rep(NA, data$N),
                   px=rep(NA, data$N))
  cmpStart <- 1L
  cur <- 1L
  for (rx in 1:data$numRefresh) {
    len <- data$refresh[rx]
    for (ox in cmpStart:(cmpStart + len - 1)) {
      for (wx in 1:data$weight[ox]) {
        cur <- cur + 1L
    cmpStart <- cmpStart + data$refresh[rx]
  RX <- xx[ids,'rx']
  PX <- xx[ids,'px']
  palist <- data$nameInfo$pa
  itemName <- data$nameInfo$item
  df <- data.frame(pa1=data$pa1[RX],
  df <- df[!duplicated(PX),]
  for (k in paste0('pa',1:2)) {
    levels(df[[k]]) <- palist
    class(df[[k]]) <- 'factor'
  levels(df[['item']]) <- itemName
  class(df[['item']]) <- 'factor'
  df <- df[order(-df$k),]
  rownames(df) <- c()  # original order is meaningless

assertDataFitCompat <- function(dl, fit) {
  if (!is(dl, 'list')) stop("dl must be a list of data")
  if (!is(fit, 'stanfit')) stop("fit must be a stanfit object")
  pd <- fit@par_dims
  if (pd$theta[1] != dl$NPA) {
    stop(paste0("dl has ",dl$NPA," objects but fit has ",pd$theta[1]," objects"))
  fitItems <- ifelse(length(pd$theta)==1, 1, pd$theta[2])
  if (!fitItems == dl$NITEMS) {
    stop(paste0("dl has ",dl$NITEMS," items but fit has ",fitItems," items"))
  if (pd$threshold != sum(dl$NTHRESH)) {
    stop(paste0("dl has a total of ",dl$NTHRESH," thresholds across all items but fit has ",
                pd$threshold," thresholds"))

#' Produce data suitable for plotting item response curves
#' @template args-dl
#' @template args-fit
#' @param item a vector of item names
#' @param responseNames a vector of labels for the possible responses
#' @template args-samples
#' @param from the starting latent difference value
#' @param to the ending latent difference value
#' @param by the grid increment
#' @description
#' Selects \code{samples} random draws from the posterior and evaluates the item
#' response curve on the grid given by \code{seq(from,to,by)}.
#' All items use the same \code{responseNames}. If you have some items
#' with a different number of thresholds or different response names
#' then you can call \code{responseCurve} for each item separately
#' and \code{rbind} the results together.
#' @template detail-response
#' @return
#' A data.frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{response}{Which response}
#' \item{worthDiff}{Difference in worth}
#' \item{item}{Which item}
#' \item{sample}{Which sample}
#' \item{prob}{Associated probability}
#' \item{responseSample}{A grouping index for independent item response samples}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @family data extractor
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ vignette('manual', 'pcFactorStan') }
responseCurve <- function(dl, fit, responseNames, item=dl$nameInfo$item,
                          samples=100, from=qnorm(.1), to=-from, by=.02) {
  assertDataFitCompat(dl, fit)
  pd <- fit@par_dims
  itemIndex <- match(item, dl$nameInfo$item)
  if (any(is.na(itemIndex))) {
    stop(paste0("Item not found: ",
                paste(item[is.na(itemIndex)], collapse=', ')))
  mismatch <- (1 + 2 * dl$NTHRESH[itemIndex]) != length(responseNames)
  if (any(mismatch)) {
    stop(paste0("Item with different number of responseNames: ",
                paste(item[mismatch], collapse=', ')))
  grid <- seq(from,to,by)
  df <- expand.grid(response=responseNames, worthDiff=1:length(grid),
                    item=item, sample=1:samples, prob=NA)
  pick <- c()
  for (i1 in item) {
    ii <- match(i1, dl$nameInfo$item)
    grid <- seq(from,to,by) / dl$scale[ii]
    thrInd <- dl$TOFFSET[ii] + 1:dl$NTHRESH[ii] - 1L
    thrData <- extract(fit, pars=paste0("threshold[",thrInd,"]"))
    if ('alpha' %in% names(pd)) {
      if (length(pd$alpha) == 0) {
        alphaData <- extract(fit, pars="alpha")[[1]]
      } else {
        alphaData <- extract(fit, pars=paste0("alpha[",ii,"]"))[[1]]
    } else {
      alphaData <- dl$alpha[ii]
    if (length(pick)==0) {
      samples <- min(length(thrData[[1]]), samples)
      pick <- sample.int(length(thrData[[1]]), samples)
    for (sx in 1:samples) {
      mask <- df$item == i1 & df$sample == sx
      p1 <- sapply(grid, function(gx) {
        if (length(alphaData) > 1) {
          alpha <- alphaData[pick[sx]]
        } else {
          alpha <- alphaData
        cmp_probs(dl$scale[ii], alpha, 0, gx,
                  sapply(thrData, function(x) x[pick[sx]]))
      df[mask, 'prob'] <- c(p1)
      df[mask, 'worthDiff'] <- kronecker(grid, rep(1, nrow(p1)))
  df$responseSample <-
    (match(df$item, dl$nameInfo$item) * length(responseNames) * samples +
     df$sample * length(responseNames) +

#' Remove the array indexing from a parameter name
#' @param name a parameter name
#' @return the name without the square bracket parameter indexing
#' @examples
#' withoutIndex("foo[1,2]")
#' @export
withoutIndex <- function(name) {
  sub("\\[[\\d,]+\\]$", "", name, perl=TRUE)

#' Produce data suitable for plotting parameter estimates
#' @template args-fit
#' @param pars a vector of parameter names
#' @param label column name for \code{nameVec}
#' @param nameVec a vector of explanatory parameters names
#' @param width a width in probability units for the uncertainty interval
#' @return
#' A data.frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{L}{Lower quantile}
#' \item{M}{Median}
#' \item{U}{Upper quantile}
#' \item{\emph{label}}{\emph{nameVec}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstan summary
#' @family data extractor
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ vignette('manual', 'pcFactorStan') }
parInterval <- function(fit, pars, nameVec,
                        label=withoutIndex(pars[1]), width=0.8) {
  if (!is(fit, "stanfit")) stop("fit must be a stanfit object")
  if (width <= 0 || width >= 1) stop("width must be in the interval (0,1)")
  probs <- 0.5 + c(-width/2, 0, width/2)
  interval <- summary(fit, pars=pars, probs=probs)$summary[,4:6,drop=FALSE]
  colnames(interval) <- c("L","M","U")
  interval <- as.data.frame(interval)
  if (nrow(interval) != length(nameVec)) {
    stop(paste("pars and nameVec must be the same length. Currently",
               "pars is length", nrow(interval),
               "but nameVec is length", length(nameVec)))
  interval[[label]] <- factor(nameVec, levels=nameVec)

#' Produce data suitable for plotting parameter distributions
#' @template args-fit
#' @param pars a vector of parameter names
#' @param label column name for \code{nameVec}
#' @param nameVec a vector of explanatory parameters names
#' @template args-samples
#' @return
#' A data.frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{sample}{Sample index}
#' \item{\emph{label}}{A name from \emph{nameVec}}
#' \item{value}{A single sample of the associated parameter}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @family data extractor
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ vignette('manual', 'pcFactorStan') }
parDistributionCustom <- function(fit, pars, nameVec,
                                  label=withoutIndex(pars[1]), samples=500) {
  if (!is(fit, "stanfit")) stop("fit must be a stanfit object")
  colSet <- extract(fit, pars)
  if (length(colSet) != length(nameVec)) {
    stop(paste("pars and nameVec must be the same length. Currently",
               "pars is length", length(colSet),
               "but nameVec is length", length(nameVec)))
  nextCol <- 1L
  pick <- c()
  tall <- NULL
  for (c1 in colSet) {
    if (length(dim(c1)) == 1) c1 <- as.matrix(c1)
    colnames(c1) <- nameVec[nextCol:(nextCol + ncol(c1) - 1L)]
    nextCol <- nextCol + ncol(c1)
    if (length(pick) == 0) {
      samples <- min(nrow(c1), samples)
      pick <- sample.int(nrow(c1), samples)
    c1 <- c1[pick,,drop=FALSE]
    tall1 <- melt(c1)
    colnames(tall1)[1:2] <- c('sample',label)
    tall <- rbind(tall, tall1)

#' @param pi a data.frame returned by \code{\link{parInterval}}
#' @rdname parDistributionCustom
#' @export
parDistributionFor <- function(fit, pi, samples=500) {
  parDistributionCustom(fit, rownames(pi), nameVec=pi[[4]],
                        label=colnames(pi)[4], samples=samples)

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pcFactorStan documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:09 a.m.