## GIES algorithm
## Author: Alain Hauser <>
## $Id: gies.R 521 2022-03-31 11:04:52Z mmaechler $
## Auxiliary functions for simulations
#' Randomly generates a Gaussian causal model >>> ../man/r.gauss.pardag.Rd
#' @param p number of vertices
#' @param prob probability of inserting an edge between two given
#' vertices
#' @param top.sort indicates whether the produced DAG should be
#' topologically sorted
#' @param normalize indicates whether weights and error variances
#' should be normalized s.t. the diagonal of the
#' corresponding covariance matrix is 1. Note that
#' weights and error variances can then lie outside
#' the boundaries specified below!
#' @param lbe lower bound of edge weights. Default: 0.1
#' @param ube upper bound of edge weights. Default: 1
#' @param neg.coef indicates whether also negative edge weights should
#' be sampled
#' @param labels
#' @param lbv lower bound of vertex variance. Default: 0.5
#' @param ubv upper bound of vertex variance. Default: 1
#' @return an instance of gauss.pardag
r.gauss.pardag <- function(p,
top.sort = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE,
lbe = 0.1,
ube = 1,
neg.coef = TRUE,
labels = as.character(1:p),
lbv = 0.5,
ubv = 1)
## Error checking
stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p) == 1, p >= 2,
is.numeric(prob), length(prob) == 1, 0 <= prob, prob <= 1,
is.numeric(lbe), is.numeric(ube), lbe <= ube,
is.numeric(lbv), is.numeric(ubv), lbv <= ubv,
is.character(labels), length(labels) == p)
## Create list of nodes, edges and parameters
edL <- as.list(labels)
names(edL) <- labels
## Create list of parameters; first entry: error variances
pars <- as.list(runif(p, min = lbv, max = ubv))
names(pars) <- labels
## Create topological ordering
top.ord <- if (top.sort) 1:p else
## Sample edges and corresponding coefficients, respecting the generated
## topological ordering
for (i in 2:p) {
ii <- top.ord[i]
parentCount <- rbinom(1, i - 1, prob)
edL[[ii]] <- top.ord[ - 1, size = parentCount)]
weights <- runif(parentCount, min = lbe, max = ube)
if (neg.coef)
weights <- weights * sample(c(-1, 1), parentCount, replace = TRUE)
pars[[ii]] <- c(pars[[ii]], 0, weights)
edL[[top.ord[1]]] <- integer(0)
pars[[top.ord[1]]] <- c(pars[[top.ord[1]]], 0)
## Create new instance of gauss.pardag
result <- new("GaussParDAG", nodes = labels, in.edges = edL, params = pars)
## Normalize if requested
if (normalize) {
H <- diag(result$cov.mat())
result$set.err.var(result$err.var() / H)
H <- sqrt(H)
for (i in 1:p)
if (length(edL[[i]]) > 0)
result$.params[[i]][-c(1, 2)] <- pars[[i]][-c(1, 2)] * H[edL[[i]]] / H[i]
## Validate and return object
#' Simulates independent observational or interventional data for a
#' specified interventions from a Gaussian causal model
#' @param n number of data samples
#' @param object an instance of gauss.pardag
#' @param target intervention target
#' @param target.value value of intervention targets
rmvnorm.ivent <- function(n, object, target = integer(0), target.value = numeric(0))
p <- object$node.count()
## Error checking
stopifnot(length(target) == 0 || (1 <= min(target) && max(target) <= p))
stopifnot((is.vector(target.value) && length(target.value) == length(target)) ||
(is.matrix(target.value) && dim(target.value) == c(n, length(target))))
## Simulate error terms
sigma <- sqrt(object$err.var())
mu <- object$intercept()
Y <- matrix(rnorm(n*p, mu, sigma), nrow = p, ncol = n)
## Insert intervention values
Y[target, ] <- target.value
## Calculate matrix of structural equation system
A <- - t(object$weight.mat(target))
diag(A) <- 1.
## Solve linear structural equations
t(solve(A, Y))
## Structure learning algorithms
##' Wrapper function for all causal inference algorithms. It's not recommended
##' to use it directly; adapted wrapper functions for the single algorithms are
##' provided
##' @param algorithm name of the causal inference algorithm to be used
##' @param score scoring object to be used
##' @param labels node labels
##' @param targets unique list of targets. Normally determined from the scoring object
##' @param ... additional parameters passed to the algorithm chosen
caus.inf <- function(
algorithm = c("GIES", "GDS", "SiMy"),
labels = score$getNodes(),
targets = score$getTargets(),
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
# Catching error occurring when a user called one of the causal
# inference algorithms using the old calling conventions: try to
# rearrange passed arguments, print a warning
# NOTE: old calling conventions were
# (algorithm, p, targets, score) for caus.inf
# (p, targets, score) for all functions allowing interventional data
# (p, score) for GES
if (is.numeric(score)) {
# This happens when the old calling convention is used with all
# mandatory arguments unnamed
p <- score
if (is.list(labels) && is(targets, "Score")) {
score <- targets
targets <- labels
labels <- as.character(1:p)
warning(paste("You are using a DEPRECATED calling convention for",
"gies(), gds() or simy(); please refer to the documentation",
"of these functions to adapt to the new calling conventions."))
} else if (is(labels, "Score")) {
score <- labels
labels <- as.character(1:p)
warning(paste("You are using a DEPRECATED calling convention for",
"ges(); please refer to the documentation",
"to adapt to the new calling convention."))
} else if (is.numeric(labels) && length(labels) == 1) {
# This happens when the old calling convention is used with only the
# 'score' argument named
labels <- as.character(1:labels)
warning(paste("You are using a DEPRECATED calling convention for",
"gies(), ges(), gds() or simy(); please refer to the documentation",
"of these functions to adapt to the new calling conventions."))
if (!is(score, "Score")) {
stop("'score' must be of a class inherited from the class 'Score'.")
if (!is.character(labels)) {
stop("'labels' must be a character vector.")
if (!is.list(targets) || !all(sapply(targets, is.numeric))) {
stop("'targets' must be a list of integer vectors.")
essgraph <- new("EssGraph", nodes = labels, targets = targets, score = score)
if (essgraph$caus.inf(algorithm, ...)) {
if (algorithm == "GIES") {
## GIES yields an essential graph; calculate a representative thereof
list(essgraph = essgraph, repr = essgraph$repr())
} else {
## GDS and SiMy yield a DAG; calculate the corresponding essential graph,
## although calculations may come from a model class where Markov equivalence
## does not hold!
list(essgraph = dag2essgraph(essgraph$repr(), targets = targets),
repr = essgraph$repr())
} else stop("invalid 'algorithm' or \"EssGraph\" object")
##' Greedy Interventional Equivalence Search - GIES --> ../man/gies.Rd
##' @param score scoring object to be used
##' @param labels node labels
##' @param targets unique list of targets. Normally determined from the scoring object
##' @param fixedGaps logical matrix indicating forbidden edges
##' @param adaptive sets the behaviour for adaptiveness in the forward phase (cf. "ARGES")
##' @param phase lists the phases that should be executed
##' @param iterate indicates whether the phases should be iterated. iterated = FALSE
##' means that the required phases are run just once
##' @param turning indicates whether the turning step should be included (DEPRECATED).
##' @param maxDegree maximum vertex degree allowed
##' @param verbose indicates whether debug output should be printed
##' @param ... additional parameters (currently none)
gies <- function(
labels = score$getNodes(),
targets = score$getTargets(),
fixedGaps = NULL,
adaptive = c("none", "vstructures", "triples"),
phase = c("forward", "backward", "turning"),
iterate = length(phase) > 1,
turning = NULL,
maxDegree = integer(0),
verbose = FALSE,
# Catch calling convention of previous package versions:
# ges(p, targets, score, fixedGaps = NULL, ...)
# If this calling convention is used, issue a warning, but adjust the
# arguments
if (is.numeric(score) && is.list(labels) && inherits(targets, "Score")) {
score <- targets
targets <- labels
labels <- as.character(1:length(score$getNodes()))
warning(paste("You are using a deprecated calling convention for gies()",
"which will be disabled in future versions of the package;",
"cf. ?gies.", sep = " "))
# If the old calling convention was used with named arguments, "p = ..."
# would assign a numerical value to "phase" (expanding arguments...)
if (is.numeric(phase)) {
phase <- c("forward", "backward", "turning")
warning(paste("You are using a deprecated calling convention for gies()",
"which will be disabled in future versions of the package;",
"cf. ?gies.", sep = " "))
# Issue warning if argument 'turning' was used
if (!missing(turning)) {
warning(paste0("The argument 'turning' is deprecated; please use 'phase'",
"instead (cf. ?ges)"))
if (turning) {
phase <- c("forward", "backward", "turning")
iterate <- FALSE
} else {
phase <- c("forward", "backward")
iterate <- FALSE
# Error checks
if (!inherits(score, "Score")) {
stop("Argument 'score' must be an instance of a class inherited from 'Score'.")
phase <- match.arg(phase, several.ok = TRUE)
# TODO extend...
score = score,
labels = labels,
targets = targets,
fixedGaps = fixedGaps,
adaptive = adaptive,
phase = phase,
iterate = iterate,
maxDegree = maxDegree,
verbose = verbose,
##' Greedy Equivalence Search - GES --> ../man/ges.Rd
##' @param score scoring object to be used
##' @param labels node labels
##' @param fixedGaps logical matrix indicating forbidden edges
##' @param adaptive sets the behaviour for adaptiveness in the forward phase (cf. "ARGES")
##' @param phase lists the phases that should be executed
##' @param iterate indicates whether the phases should be iterated. iterated = FALSE
##' means that the required phases are run just once
##' @param turning indicates whether the turning step should be included (DEPRECATED).
##' @param maxDegree maximum vertex degree allowed
##' @param verbose indicates whether debug output should be printed
##' @param ... additional parameters (currently none)
##' @param targets unique list of targets. Normally determined from the scoring object
ges <- function(
labels = score$getNodes(),
fixedGaps = NULL,
adaptive = c("none", "vstructures", "triples"),
phase = c("forward", "backward", "turning"),
iterate = length(phase) > 1,
turning = NULL,
maxDegree = integer(0),
verbose = FALSE,
# Catch calling convention of previous package versions:
# ges(p, score, fixedGaps = NULL, ...)
# If this calling convention is used, issue a warning, but adjust the
# arguments
if (is.numeric(score) && inherits(labels, "Score")) {
score <- labels
labels <- as.character(1:length(score$getNodes()))
warning(paste("You are using a deprecated calling convention for ges()",
"which will be disabled in future versions of the package;",
"please refer to the help page of ges().", sep = " "))
# If the old calling convention was used with named arguments, "p = ..."
# would assign a numerical value to "phase" (expanding arguments...)
if (is.numeric(phase)) {
phase <- c("forward", "backward", "turning")
warning(paste("You are using a deprecated calling convention for ges()",
"which will be disabled in future versions of the package;",
"cf. ?ges.", sep = " "))
# Issue warning if argument 'turning' was used
if (!missing(turning)) {
warning(paste0("The argument 'turning' is deprecated; please use 'phase'",
"instead (cf. ?ges)"))
if (turning) {
phase <- c("forward", "backward", "turning")
iterate <- FALSE
} else {
phase <- c("forward", "backward")
iterate <- FALSE
# Error checks
if (!inherits(score, "Score")) {
stop("Argument 'score' must be an instance of a class inherited from 'Score'.")
phase <- match.arg(phase, several.ok = TRUE)
# TODO extend...
if(min(score$pp.dat$data.count) <= score$pp.dat$vertex.count){
warning("The data set is high-dimensional, ges might not be
able to terminate")
score = score,
labels = labels,
targets = list(integer(0)),
fixedGaps = fixedGaps,
adaptive = adaptive,
phase = phase,
iterate = iterate,
maxDegree = maxDegree,
verbose = verbose,
##' Greedy DAG Search - GDS : greedy search in the DAG space --> ../man/gds.Rd
##' @param score scoring object to be used
##' @param labels node labels
##' @param targets
##' @param fixedGaps logical matrix indicating forbidden edges
##' @param phase lists the phases that should be executed
##' @param iterate indicates whether the phases should be iterated. iterated = FALSE
##' means that the required phases are run just once
##' @param turning indicates whether the turning step should be included (DEPRECATED).
##' @param maxDegree maximum vertex degree allowed
##' @param verbose indicates whether debug output should be printed
##' @param ... additional parameters (currently none)
gds <- function(
labels = score$getNodes(),
targets = score$getTargets(),
fixedGaps = NULL,
phase = c("forward", "backward", "turning"),
iterate = length(phase) > 1,
turning = TRUE,
maxDegree = integer(0),
verbose = FALSE,
# Issue warning if argument 'turning' was used
# TODO: do not check whether 'turning' is false, but whether 'turning'
# was provided as an argument.
if (!turning) {
phase <- c("forward", "backward")
iterate <- FALSE
warning(paste("The argument 'turning' is deprecated; please use 'phase' instead",
"(cf. ?ges)", sep = " "))
phase <- match.arg(phase, several.ok = TRUE)
score = score,
labels = labels,
targets = targets,
fixedGaps = fixedGaps,
phase = phase,
iterate = iterate,
maxDegree = maxDegree,
verbose = verbose,
##' Dynamic programming approach of Silander and Myllimäki - SiMy --> ../man/simy.Rd
##' @param score scoring object to be used
##' @param labels node labels
##' @param targets
##' @param verbose indicates whether debug output should be printed
##' @param ... additional parameters (currently none)
simy <- function(score, labels = score$getNodes(), targets = score$getTargets(),
verbose = FALSE, ...)
caus.inf("SiMy", score = score, labels = labels, targets = targets, verbose = verbose, ...)
#' Converts a DAG to an (observational or interventional) essential graph
dag2essgraph <- function(dag, targets = list(integer(0))) {
edgeListDAG <- inEdgeList(dag)
edgeListEssGraph <- .Call(dagToEssentialGraph, edgeListDAG, targets)
if (is.matrix(dag)) {
p <- nrow(dag)
result <- sapply(1:p, function(i) 1:p %in% edgeListEssGraph[[i]])
rownames(result) <- rownames(dag)
colnames(result) <- colnames(dag)
} else if (inherits(dag, "graphNEL")) {
nodeNames <- nodes(dag)
names(edgeListEssGraph) <- nodeNames
result <- new("graphNEL",
nodes = nodeNames,
edgeL = lapply(edgeListEssGraph, function(v) nodeNames[v]),
edgemode = "directed")
} else {
nodes = dag$.nodes,
in.edges = edgeListEssGraph,
targets = targets)
## Active learning algorithms
##' Optimal intervention targets
##' @param essgraph (Observational or interventional) essential graph,
##' represented by an EssGraph or a graphNEL object.
##' @param max.size Maximum size of intervention target; only 1 and the
##' number of nodes of `essgraph` (the default, if not set) are supported.
##' @param use.node.names Indicates if the intervention target should be
##' returned as a list of node names (if `TRUE`) or indices (if `FALSE`). <- function(essgraph, max.size, use.node.names = TRUE) {
# Test parameters.
if (inherits(essgraph, "graphNEL")) {
essgraph <- as(essgraph, "EssGraph")
if (!inherits(essgraph, "EssGraph")) {
stop("`essgraph` must be an object of class EssGraph or graphNEL.")
p <- essgraph$node.count()
if (missing(max.size)) {
max.size <- p
if (!(max.size %in% c(1, p))) {
stop("`max.size` must either be 1 or the number of nodes of `essgraph` (",
p, "); actual value: ", max.size)
# Get the optimal intervention target.
target <- essgraph$ = max.size)
if (use.node.names) {
} else {
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