
Defines functions pdfetch_BUNDESBANK pdfetch_EIA pdfetch_ONS pdfetch_INSEE pdfetch_BLS pdfetch_BOE pdfetch_WB pdfetch_EUROSTAT pdfetch_EUROSTAT_DSD pdfetch_EUROSTAT_GETDSD pdfetch_ECB pdfetch_FRED pdfetch_YAHOO

Documented in pdfetch_BLS pdfetch_BOE pdfetch_BUNDESBANK pdfetch_ECB pdfetch_EIA pdfetch_EUROSTAT pdfetch_EUROSTAT_DSD pdfetch_FRED pdfetch_INSEE pdfetch_ONS pdfetch_WB pdfetch_YAHOO

.pdenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

#' Fetch data from Yahoo Finance
#' @param identifiers a vector of Yahoo Finance tickers
#' @param fields can be any of "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", or "adjclose"
#' @param from a Date object or string in YYYY-MM-DD format. If supplied, only data on or after this date will be returned
#' @param to a Date object or string in YYYY-MM-DD format. If supplied, only data on or before this date will be returned
#' @param interval the frequency of the return data, can be '1d', '1wk', or '1mo'
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://finance.yahoo.com/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_YAHOO(c("^gspc","^ixic"))
#' pdfetch_YAHOO(c("^gspc","^ixic"), "adjclose")
#' }
pdfetch_YAHOO <- function(identifiers,
                           interval="1d") {
  valid.fields <- c("open","high","low","close","adjclose","volume")
  interval <- match.arg(interval, c("1d","1wk","1mo"))
  if (!missing(from))
    from <- as.Date(from)
  if (!missing(to))
    to <- as.Date(to)
  if (missing(fields))
    fields <- valid.fields
  if (length(setdiff(fields,valid.fields)) > 0)
    stop(paste0("Invalid fields, must be one of ", valid.fields))
  results <- list()
  from <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(from))
  to <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(to))
  # The following .yahooSession function is directly copied from quantmod, thank you to Joshua Ulrich.
  .yahooSession <- function(is.retry = FALSE) {
    cache.name <- "_yahoo_curl_session_"
    ses <- get0(cache.name, .pdenv) # get cached session
    if (is.null(ses) || is.retry) {
      ses <- list()
      ses$h <- curl::new_handle()
      # yahoo finance doesn't seem to set cookies without these headers
      # and the cookies are needed to get the crumb
                              accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7",
                              "User-Agent" = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/115.0.1901.183")
      URL <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/"
      r <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(URL, handle = ses$h)
      # yahoo redirects to a consent form w/ a single cookie for GDPR:
      # detecting the redirect seems very brittle as its sensitive to the trailing "/"
      ses$can.crumb <- ((r$status_code == 200) && (URL == r$url) && (NROW(curl::handle_cookies(ses$h)) > 1))
      assign(cache.name, ses, .pdenv) # cache session
    if (ses$can.crumb) {
      # get a crumb so that downstream callers don't have to handle invalid sessions.
      # this is a network hop, but very lightweight payload
      n <- if (unclass(Sys.time()) %% 1L >= 0.5) 1L else 2L
      query.srv <- paste0("https://query", n, ".finance.yahoo.com/v1/test/getcrumb")
      r <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(query.srv, handle = ses$h)
      if ((r$status_code == 200) && (length(r$content) > 0)) {
        ses$crumb <- rawToChar(r$content)
      } else {
        # we were unable to get a crumb
        if (is.retry) {
          # we already did a retry and still couldn't get a crumb with a new session
          stop("unable to get yahoo crumb")
        } else {
          # we tried to re-use a session but couldn't get a crumb
          # try to get a crumb using a new session
          ses <- .yahooSession(TRUE)
  session <- .yahooSession()
  for (i in 1:length(identifiers)) {
    url <- paste0("https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/",identifiers[i],
    resp <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle=session$h)
    if (resp$status != 200) {
      warning(paste0("Could not find series '",identifiers[i],"'"))
    fr <- utils::read.csv(text=rawToChar(resp$content), na.strings="null")
    dates <- as.Date(fr$Date)
    fr <- fr[,-1]
    fr <- fr[,match(fields, valid.fields), drop=F]
    if (length(fields)==1)
      colnames(fr) <- identifiers[i]
      colnames(fr) <- paste(identifiers[i], fields, sep=".")
    x <- xts::xts(fr, dates)
    results[[identifiers[i]]] <- x
  if (length(results) == 0)
  storenames <- sapply(results, names)
  results <- do.call(xts::merge.xts, results)
  colnames(results) <- storenames

#' Fetch data from St Louis Fed's FRED database
#' @param identifiers a vector of FRED series IDs
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://fred.stlouisfed.org/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_FRED(c("GDPC1", "PCECC96"))
#' }
pdfetch_FRED <- function(identifiers) {  
  results <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(identifiers)) {
    url <- paste0("https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/",identifiers[i],"/downloaddata/",identifiers[i],".txt")
    req <- GET(url)
    fileLines <- readLines(textConnection(content(req, encoding="utf-8")))
    freq <- sub(",", "", strsplit(fileLines[6], " +")[[1]][2])
    skip <- grep("DATE", fileLines)[1]
    fr <- utils::read.fwf(textConnection(content(req, encoding="utf-8")), skip=skip, widths=c(10,20), na.strings=".", colClasses=c("character","numeric"))
    dates <- as.Date(fr[,1], origin="1970-01-01")

    if (freq == "Annual")
      dates <- year_end(dates)
    else if (freq == "Semiannual")
      dates <- halfyear_end(dates)
    else if (freq == "Quarterly")
      dates <- quarter_end(dates)
    else if (freq == "Monthly")
      dates <- month_end(dates)
    ix <- !is.na(dates)
    x <- xts(as.matrix(fr[ix,2]), dates[ix])
    dim(x) <- c(nrow(x),1)
    colnames(x) <- identifiers[i]
    results[[identifiers[i]]] <- x
  do.call(merge.xts, results)

#' Fetch data from European Central Bank's statistical data warehouse
#' @param identifiers a vector of ECB series IDs
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_ECB("FM.B.U2.EUR.4F.KR.DFR.CHG")
#' }
pdfetch_ECB <- function(identifiers) {
  results <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(identifiers)) {
    req <- GET(paste0("http://sdw.ecb.europa.eu/quickviewexport.do?SERIES_KEY=",identifiers[i],"&type=csv"))
    tmp <- content(req, as="text", encoding="utf-8")
    if (stringr::str_detect(tmp, "(serieskey no longer active)|(non-existent serieskey)")) {
      stop(paste0("Series ", identifiers[i], " not found"))
    fr <- utils::read.csv(textConnection(tmp), header=F, stringsAsFactors=F, skip=6)
    freq <- strsplit(identifiers[i], "\\.")[[1]][2]
    if (freq == "A") {
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(as.numeric(fr[,1]), 12, 31))
    } else if (freq == "H") {
      year <- as.numeric(substr(fr[,1], 1, 4))
      month <- as.numeric(substr(fr[,1], 6, 6))*6
      dates <- month_end(as.Date(ISOdate(year, month, 1)))
    } else if (freq == "Q") {
      dates <- quarter_end(as.Date(as.yearqtr(fr[,1])))
    } else if (freq == "M") {
      dates <- month_end(as.Date(as.yearmon(fr[,1], "%Y%b")))
    } else if (freq == "B" || freq == "D") {
      dates <- as.Date(fr[,1])
    } else {
      stop("Unsupported frequency")
    x <- xts(as.matrix(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(fr[,2]))), dates, origin="1970-01-01")
    dim(x) <- c(nrow(x),1)
    colnames(x) <- identifiers[i]
    results[[identifiers[i]]] <- x
  do.call(merge.xts, results)

# Download Eurostat DSD file
pdfetch_EUROSTAT_GETDSD <- function(flowRef) {
  url <- paste0("https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/sdmx/2.1/datastructure/ESTAT/", flowRef)
  req <- GET(url, add_headers(useragent="RCurl"))
  xmlInternalTreeParse(content(req, as="text", encoding="utf-8"))

#' Fetch description for a Eurostat dataset
#' @param flowRef Eurostat dataset code
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_EUROSTAT_DSD("namq_gdp_c")
#' }
pdfetch_EUROSTAT_DSD <- function(flowRef) {
  results <- NULL
  doc <- pdfetch_EUROSTAT_GETDSD(flowRef)
  concepts <- setdiff(unlist(getNodeSet(doc, "//s:Dimension/@id")), c("OBS_VALUE","OBS_STATUS","OBS_FLAG"))
  url <- paste0("https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/sdmx/2.1/contentconstraint/ESTAT/", flowRef)
  req <- GET(url, add_headers(useragent="RCurl"))
  doc_constraint <- xmlInternalTreeParse(content(req, as="text", encoding="utf-8"))
  constraints <- NULL
  for (node in getNodeSet(doc_constraint, "//c:KeyValue")) {
    id <- as.character(xmlAttrs(node, "id"))
    constraints <- rbind(constraints, data.frame(concept=id, code=sapply(getNodeSet(doc_constraint, paste0("//c:KeyValue[@id='",id,"']/c:Value/text()")), xmlValue)))
  for (concept in concepts) {
    dimension <- as.character(unclass(getNodeSet(doc, paste0("//s:Dimension[@id='",concept,"']//s:Enumeration/Ref/@id"))[[1]]))
    doc_code <- xmlInternalTreeParse(content(GET(paste0("https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/sdmx/2.1/codelist/ESTAT/", dimension)), as="text", encoding="utf-8"))
    codes <- unlist(getNodeSet(doc_code, "//s:Code/@id"))
    descriptions <- sapply(unlist(getNodeSet(doc_code, "//s:Code/c:Name[@xml:lang='en']/text()")), xmlValue)
    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(concept=concept, dimension=dimension, code=codes, description=descriptions))
  results <- merge(results, constraints, by=c("concept","code"))
  results <- subset(results, select = -c(concept))
  results[, c("dimension","code","description")]

#' Fetch data from Eurostat
#' Eurostat stores its statistics in data cubes, which can be browsed at
#' \url{https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database}. To access data, specify the name of a data cube and optionally filter it based on its dimensions. 
#' @param flowRef Eurostat dataset code
#' @param from a Date object or string in YYYY-MM-DD format. If supplied, only data on or after this date will be returned
#' @param to a Date object or string in YYYY-MM-DD format. If supplied, only data on or before this date will be returned
#' @param ... optional dimension filters for the dataset
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_EUROSTAT("namq_gdp_c", FREQ="Q", S_ADJ="NSA", UNIT="MIO_EUR", 
#'                           INDIC_NA="B1GM", GEO=c("DE","UK"))
#' }
pdfetch_EUROSTAT <- function(flowRef, from, to, ...) {
  arguments <- list(...)
  doc <- pdfetch_EUROSTAT_GETDSD(flowRef)
  concepts <- setdiff(unlist(getNodeSet(doc, "//s:Dimension//s:Enumeration/Ref/@id")), c("OBS_VALUE","OBS_STATUS","OBS_FLAG"))
  concepts_lower <- as.vector(unlist(getNodeSet(doc, "//s:Dimension/@id")))
  key <- paste(sapply(concepts, function(concept) {
    if (concept %in% names(arguments)) {
      paste(arguments[[concept]], collapse="+")
    } else {
  }), collapse=".")
  if (!missing(from))
    from <- as.Date(from)
  if (!missing(to))
    to <- as.Date(to)
  baseurl <- 'https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/api/dissemination/sdmx/2.1/data/'
  if (!missing(from) && !missing(to))
    url <- paste0(baseurl,flowRef,"/",key,"/?format=SDMX-CSV&startPeriod=",from,"&endPeriod=",to)
  else if (!missing(from))
    url <- paste0(baseurl,flowRef,"/",key,"/?format=SDMX-CSV&startPeriod=",from)
  else if (!missing(to))
    url <- paste0(baseurl,flowRef,"/",key,"/?format=SDMX-CSV&endPeriod=",to)
    url <- paste0(baseurl,flowRef,"/",key,"?format=SDMX-CSV")
  req <- GET(url, add_headers(useragent="RCurl"))
  doc <- readr::read_csv(content(req, as="text", encoding="utf-8"), show_col_types = FALSE)
  if (nrow(doc) == 0) {
    warning("No series found")
  doc$ID_COLUMN <- apply(doc[, concepts_lower], 1, paste, collapse=".")
  doc <- doc %>% 
    select(c("freq","ID_COLUMN","TIME_PERIOD","OBS_VALUE")) %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from="ID_COLUMN", values_from="OBS_VALUE") %>% 
        freq == 'A' ~ as.Date(ISOdate(TIME_PERIOD,12,31)),
        freq == 'Q' ~ quarter_end(as.Date(lubridate::parse_date_time2(TIME_PERIOD, orders="Y-q"))),
        freq == 'M' ~ month_end(as.Date(lubridate::parse_date_time2(TIME_PERIOD, orders="Y-m"))),
        TRUE ~ as.Date(TIME_PERIOD, format="%Y-%m-%d")

  na.trim(xts(doc %>% select(-c("freq","TIME_PERIOD","date")), doc$date), is.na="all")

#' Fetch data from World Bank
#' @param indicators a vector of World Bank indicators
#' @param countries a vector of country identifiers, which can be 2- or
#'   3-character ISO codes. The special option "all" retrieves all countries.
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://data.worldbank.org/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_WB("NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", c("BR","MX"))
#' }
pdfetch_WB <- function(indicators, countries="all") {
  countries <- paste(countries, collapse=";")
  indicators <- paste(indicators, collapse=";")
  query <- paste0("http://api.worldbank.org/countries/",countries,"/indicators/",indicators,"?format=json&per_page=1000")
  req <- GET(query)
  x <- fromJSON(content(req, as="text"))[[2]]
  if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
    warning("No series found")
  results <- data.frame(indicator=paste(x$indicator$id, x$country$id, sep="."),
                  date=as.Date(ISOdate(as.numeric(x$date), 12, 31))) # This dating won't always work, need to detect frequency
  results <- tidyr::pivot_wider(results, names_from = "indicator", values_from = "value")
  results <- na.trim(xts(subset(results, select=-date), results$date), is.na="all")

#' Fetch data from the Bank of England Interactive Statistical Database
#' @param identifiers a vector of BoE series codes
#' @param from start date
#' @param to end date; if not given, today's date will be used
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/boeapps/iadb/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_BOE(c("LPMVWYR", "LPMVWYR"), "2012-01-01")
#' }
pdfetch_BOE <- function(identifiers, from, to=Sys.Date()) {
  if (length(identifiers) > 300)
    stop("At most 300 series can be downloaded at once")
  from <- as.Date(from)
  to <- as.Date(to)
  url <- paste0("http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/boeapps/iadb/fromshowcolumns.asp?csv.x=yes",
                "&SeriesCodes=",paste(identifiers, collapse=","),
                "&Datefrom=", format(from, "%d/%b/%Y"),
                "&Dateto=", format(to, "%d/%b/%Y"))
  tmp <- tempfile()
  utils::download.file(url, destfile=tmp, quiet=T)
  fr <- utils::read.csv(tmp, header=T)
  dates <- as.Date(fr[,1], "%d %b %Y")
  xts(fr[,-1], dates)

#' Fetch data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
#' @param identifiers a vector of BLS time series IDs
#' @param from start year
#' @param to end year. Note that the request will fail if this is a future year
#'   that is beyond the last available data point in the series.
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://www.bls.gov/data/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_BLS(c("EIUIR","EIUIR100"), 2005, 2010)
#' }
pdfetch_BLS <- function(identifiers, from, to) {
  if (!is.numeric(from) || !is.numeric(to))
    stop("Both from and to must be integers")
  if (to < from)
    stop("to must be greater than or equal to from")
  years <- seq(from, to, by=10)
  if (years[length(years)] != to || length(years) == 1)
    years <- c(years, to)
  results <- list()
  for (id in identifiers)
    results[[id]] <- NA
  for (i in 2:length(years)) {
    from <- years[i-1]+1
    to <- years[i]
    if (i == 2)
      from <- years[i-1]
    req <- list(seriesid=I(identifiers), startyear=unbox(from), endyear=unbox(to))
    resp <- POST("https://api.bls.gov/publicAPI/v1/timeseries/data/", body=req, encode="json")
    resp <- fromJSON(content(resp, as="text", encoding="utf-8"))
    if (resp$status != "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED")
      stop("Request failed")
    series <- resp$Results$series
    for (j in 1:length(identifiers)) {
      seriesID <- series$seriesID[j]
      if (length(series$data[[j]]) > 0)
        results[[seriesID]] <- rbind(results[[seriesID]], series$data[[j]])
  ix <- sapply(results, function(x) inherits(x, "data.frame"))
  if (!all(ix))
    warning(paste("No data found for series", identifiers[!ix], "in specified time range"))
  if (all(!ix))
  results <- results[ix]
  for (id in names(results)) {
    dat <- subset(results[[id]], period != 'M13')
    freq <- substr(dat$period[1], 1, 1)
    periods <- as.numeric(substr(dat$period, 2, 3))
    years <- as.numeric(dat$year)
    if (freq == "M")
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(years, periods, 1))
    else if (freq == "Q")
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(years, periods*3, 1))
    else if (freq == "A")
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(years, 12, 31))
      stop(paste("Unrecognized frequency", freq))
    dates <- month_end(dates)
    results[[id]] <- xts(as.numeric(dat$value), dates)
    colnames(results[[id]]) <- id
  identifiers <- identifiers[identifiers %in% names(results)]
  na.trim(do.call(merge.xts, results), is.na="all")[, identifiers]

#' Fetch data from the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE)
#' @param identifiers a vector of INSEE series codes
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://www.insee.fr/en/accueil}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_INSEE(c("000810635"))
#' }
pdfetch_INSEE <- function(identifiers) {
  results <- list()
  for (id in identifiers) {
    url <- paste0("https://www.insee.fr/en/statistiques/serie/ajax/",id)
    resp <- GET(url, add_headers("Accept-Language"="en-US,en;q=0.8"))
    if (resp$status_code != 200) {
      warning(paste0("Series ", id, " not found"))
    page <- content(resp)
    freq <- page$series[[1]]$frequence
    page <- xml2::read_html(page$html)
    values <- as.numeric(gsub("[^-.0-9]", "", xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[@class='nombre']"))))
    if (freq == 'M') {
      year <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]/text()")))
      month <- as.numeric(substr(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]/span"), "data-i18n"), 13, 14))
    } else if (freq == 'B') {
      nodes <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]"))
      year <- as.numeric(nodes[seq(1,length(nodes)-1,2)])
      month <- as.numeric(substr(nodes[seq(2,length(nodes),2)], 2, 2))*2
    } else if (freq == 'T') {
      nodes <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]"))
      year <- as.numeric(nodes[grepl("^\\d{4}$", nodes)])
      month <- as.numeric(substr(nodes[grepl("^Q\\d{1}$", nodes)], 2, 2))*3
    } else if (freq == 'S') {
      nodes <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]"))
      year <- as.numeric(nodes[seq(1,length(nodes)-1,2)])
      month <- as.numeric(substr(nodes[seq(2,length(nodes),2)], 2, 2))*6
    } else if (freq == 'A') {
      year <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(page, "//td[not(@class='nombre')]")))
      month <- 12
    } else {
      warning(paste0("Unrecognized frequency code '", freq, "' for series ", id, ". Skipping"))
    dates <- month_end(as.Date(ISOdate(year, month, 1)))
    x <- xts(values, dates)
    colnames(x) <- id
    results[[id]] <- x 
  if (length(results) == 0)
  na.trim(do.call(merge.xts, results), is.na="all")

#' Fetch data from the UK Office of National Statistics
#' The ONS maintains multiple data products; this function can be used to
#' retrieve data from the Time Series Explorer, see \url{https://www.ons.gov.uk/timeseriestool}
#' @param identifiers a vector of ONS series codes
#' @param dataset optional ONS dataset name, only used if a time series is available in multiple datasets.
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_ONS(c("LF24","LF2G"), "lms")
#' }
pdfetch_ONS <- function(identifiers, dataset) {
  identifiers <- tolower(identifiers)
  results <- list()
  for (id in identifiers) {
    url <- paste0("https://api.ons.gov.uk/dataset/",dataset,"/timeseries/",id,"/data")

    raw <- content(GET(url))
    if (is.null(raw)) {
      warning(paste0('Series ', id, ' in dataset ', dataset, ' not found.'))
    if (length(raw$months) > 0) {
      month <- sapply(raw$months, function(x) match(x$month, c("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")))
      year <- sapply(raw$months, function(x) as.numeric(x$year))
      values <- sapply(raw$months, function(x) as.numeric(x$value))
    } else if (length(raw$quarters) > 0) {
      month <- sapply(raw$quarters, function(x) 3*as.numeric(substr(x$quarter, 2, 2)))
      year <- sapply(raw$quarters, function(x) as.numeric(x$year))
      values <- sapply(raw$quarters, function(x) as.numeric(x$value))
    } else {
      month <- 12
      year <- sapply(raw$years, function(x) as.numeric(x$year))
      values <- sapply(raw$years, function(x) as.numeric(x$value))
    dates <- month_end(as.Date(ISOdate(year, month, 1)))
    x <- xts(values, dates)
    colnames(x) <- toupper(id)
    results[[id]] <- x

  if (length(results) == 0)
  na.trim(do.call(merge.xts, results), is.na="all")

#' Fetch data from the US Energy Information Administration
#' @param identifiers a vector of EIA series codes
#' @param api_key EIA API key
#' @return a xts object. Note that for hourly series the time zone will always be set to 
#' GMT, whereas the true time zone may be different. If you wish to use the correct time zone 
#' you must manually convert it. 
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://www.eia.gov/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_EIA(c("ELEC.GEN.ALL-AK-99.A","ELEC.GEN.ALL-AK-99.Q"), EIA_KEY)
#' }
pdfetch_EIA <- function(identifiers, api_key) {
  results <- list()
  freqlist <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(identifiers)) {
    id <- identifiers[i]
    url <- paste0("https://api.eia.gov/series/?series_id=",id,"&api_key=",api_key)
    req <- GET(url)
    res <- fromJSON(content(req, as="text", encoding="utf-8"))
    if (is.null(res$request)) {
      warning(paste("Invalid series code",id))
    freq <- res$series$f
    dates <- res$series$data[[1]][,1]
    data <- as.numeric(res$series$data[[1]][,2])
    freqlist <- c(freqlist, freq)
    if (freq == "A") {
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(as.numeric(dates), 12, 31))
    } else if (freq == "Q") {
      y <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 1, 4))
      m <- 3*as.numeric(substr(dates, 6, 6))
      dates <- month_end(as.Date(ISOdate(y,m,1)))
    } else if (freq == "M") {
      y <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 1, 4))
      m <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 5, 6))
      dates <- month_end(as.Date(ISOdate(y,m,1)))
    } else if (freq == "W" || freq == "D") {
      dates <- as.Date(dates, "%Y%m%d")
    } else if (freq == "H") {
      dates <- as.POSIXct(dates, format="%Y%m%dT%HZ", tz="GMT")
    } else {
      warning(paste("Unrecognized frequency",freq,"for series",id))
    x <- xts(rev(data), rev(dates))
    colnames(x) <- id
    results[[i]] <- x
  if (length(results) == 0)
  if ("H" %in% freqlist && !all(freqlist=="H"))
    stop("You cannot mix hourly and non-hourly data in the same call")
  na.trim(do.call(merge.xts, results), is.na="all")

#' Fetch data from the Deutsche Bundesbank
#' @param identifiers a vector of series codes
#' @return a xts object
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://www.bundesbank.de/en/statistics/time-series-databases}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pdfetch_BUNDESBANK(c("BBNZ1.Q.DE.Y.H.0000.A","BBK01.BJ9069"))
#' }
pdfetch_BUNDESBANK <- function(identifiers) {
  results <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(identifiers)) {
    url <- paste0("https://api.statistiken.bundesbank.de/rest/download/",stringr::str_replace(identifiers[i], "\\.", "/"),"?format=csv&lang=en")
    req <- GET(url)
    if (req$status_code != 200) {
      warning(paste("Series", identifiers[i], "not found"))
    fr <- utils::read.csv(textConnection(rawToChar(content(req, as="raw"))))
    fr <- fr[grep("^\\d{4}", fr[[1]]),1:2]
    dates <- fr[[1]]
    if (regexpr("^\\d{4}$", dates[1], perl=T)==1) { # Annual
      dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(as.numeric(dates),12,31))
    } else if (stringr::str_detect(dates[1], "^\\d{4}-Q\\d$")) { #Quarterly
      y <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 1, 4))
      m <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 7))*3
      dates <- as.Date(month_end(ISOdate(y,m,1)))
    } else if (stringr::str_detect(dates[1], "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}$")) { # Monthly
      y <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 1, 4))
      m <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 6, 7))
      dates <- as.Date(month_end(ISOdate(y,m,1)))
    } else if (regexpr("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$", dates[1], perl=T)==1) { # Daily
      dates <- as.Date(dates)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Unrecognized date format for series: ", identifiers[i]))
    value <- as.numeric(fr[[2]])
    x <- xts(value, dates)
    colnames(x) <- identifiers[i]
    results[[i]] <- x
  if (length(results) == 0)
  na.trim(do.call(merge.xts, results), is.na="all")

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pdfetch documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 9:08 a.m.