
Defines functions reorderSimple topolOrder getComponent generateLabs .isIntegral hasNumLabs print.nucleus peelingOrder subnucs validate_sex hasCommonAncestor hasSelfing hasInbredFounders hasUnbrokenLoops generations pedsize

Documented in generations getComponent hasCommonAncestor hasInbredFounders hasSelfing hasUnbrokenLoops pedsize peelingOrder print.nucleus subnucs

#' Pedigree utilities
#' Various utility functions for `ped` objects.
#' @param x A `ped` object, or (in some functions - see Details) a list of such.
#' @param what Either "max", "compMax", "indiv" or "depth" (See Value.)
#' @param chromType Either "autosomal" (default) or "x".
#' @return
#' * `pedsize(x)` returns the number of pedigree members in each component of
#' `x`.
#' * `generations(x)` by default returns the number of generations in `x`,
#' defined as the number of individuals in the longest line of parent-child
#' links. (Note that this is well-defined also if `x` has loops and/or
#' cross-generational marriages.) For individual generation numbers, use `what =
#' "indiv"` (generation numbering as in the plot) or `what = "depth" (length of
#' the longest chain up to a founder). Finally, if `x` has multiple components,
#' and what = "compMax"`, the function returns a vector with the generation
#' count from each component.
#' * `hasUnbrokenLoops(x)` returns TRUE if `x` has loops, otherwise FALSE. (No
#' computation is done here; the function simply returns the value of
#' * `hasInbredFounders(x)` returns TRUE is founder inbreeding is specified for
#' `x` and at least one founder has positive inbreeding coefficient. See
#' [founderInbreeding()] for details.
#' * `hasSelfing(x)` returns TRUE if the pedigree contains selfing events. This
#' is recognised by father and mother begin equal for some child. (Note that for
#' this to be allowed, the gender code of the parent must be 0.)
#' * `hasCommonAncestor(x)` computes a logical matrix `A` whose entry `A[i,j]`
#' is TRUE if pedigree members i and j have a common ancestor in `x`, and FALSE
#' otherwise. By convention, `A[i,i]` is TRUE for all i.
#' * `subnucs(x)` returns a list of all nuclear sub-pedigrees of `x`, wrapped as
#' `nucleus` objects. Each nucleus is a list with entries `father`, `mother` and
#' `children`.
#' * `peelingOrder(x)` calls `subnucs(x)` and extends each entry with a `link`
#' individual, indicating a member linking the nucleus to the remaining
#' pedigree. One application of this function is the fact that if _fails_ to
#' find a complete peeling order if and only if the pedigree has loops. (In fact
#' it is called each time a new `ped` object is created by [ped()] in order to
#' detect loops.) The main purpose of the function, however, is to prepare for
#' probability calculations in other packages, as e.g. in
#' `pedprobr::likelihood`.
#' @examples
#' x = fullSibMating(1)
#' stopifnot(pedsize(x) == 6)
#' stopifnot(hasUnbrokenLoops(x))
#' stopifnot(generations(x) == 3)
#' # All members have common ancestors except the grandparents
#' CA = hasCommonAncestor(x)
#' stopifnot(!CA[1,2], !CA[2,1], sum(CA) == length(CA) - 2)
#' # Effect of breaking the loop
#' y = breakLoops(x)
#' stopifnot(!hasUnbrokenLoops(y))
#' stopifnot(pedsize(y) == 7)
#' # A pedigree with selfing (note the necessary `sex = 0`)
#' z1 = singleton(1, sex = 0)
#' z2 = addChildren(z1, father = 1, mother = 1, nch = 1)
#' stopifnot(!hasSelfing(z1), hasSelfing(z2))
#' # Nucleus sub-pedigrees
#' stopifnot(length(subnucs(z1)) == 0)
#' peelingOrder(cousinPed(1))
#' # Plot with generation numbers as labels
#' w = cousinPed(1)
#' g = generations(w, what = "indiv")
#' labs = setNames(labels(w), g)
#' plot(w, labs = labs)
#' # ... compare with
#' plot(relabel(w, "generations"))
#' @name ped_utils

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
pedsize = function(x) {
  else if (is.pedList(x))
    return(vapply(x, function(comp) length(comp$ID), 1L))
  stop2("Input to `pedsize()` must be a `ped` object or a list of such")

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
generations = function(x, what = c("max", "compMax", "indiv", "depth")) {

  if(is.pedList(x)) {
    what = match.arg(what)
    usewhat = if(what == "compMax") "max" else what
    res = lapply(x, function(comp) generations(comp, what = usewhat))
                  max = max(unlist(res)),
                  compMax = unlist(res),
                  indiv = , depth = res))

  what = match.arg(what)

  if(what == "indiv") {
    p = .pedAlignment(x)$plist
    gen = rep(seq_along(p$n), p$n)

    oldIdx = unlist(lapply(seq_along(p$n), function(i) p$nid[i, 1:p$n[i]]))
    dups = duplicated(oldIdx)
    if(any(dups)) {
      oldIdx = oldIdx[!dups]
      gen = gen[!dups]

    # Check for error
    if(length(oldIdx) != length(x$ID)) {
      warning("Alignment error; cannot find generation numbers")

    names(gen) = x$ID[oldIdx]

  # Depth definition: dp[i] = 1 + max(dp[parents])
  # NB: Algorithm requires "parentsBeforeChildren".
  # Iteration starting with depth = 1 for founders

  xorig = x
  x = parentsBeforeChildren(x)

  N = length(x$ID)
  NONFOU = which(FIDX > 0)

  dp = rep(1L, N) # depth = 1 for founders
  for(i in NONFOU)
    dp[i] = 1L + max(dp[c(FIDX[i], MIDX[i])])

  if(what == "max")

  if(what == "depth") {
    names(dp) = x$ID

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
hasUnbrokenLoops = function(x) {
    return(any(vapply(x, hasUnbrokenLoops, logical(1))))

  unbrokenLoops = x$UNBROKEN_LOOPS
  if(length(unbrokenLoops) == 1 && is.na(unbrokenLoops)) {
    # Detect loop by trying to find a peeling order
    nucs = peelingOrder(x)
    lastnuc_link = nucs[[length(nucs)]]$link
    unbrokenLoops = is.null(lastnuc_link)


#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
hasInbredFounders = function(x, chromType = "autosomal") {
    return(any(vapply(x, hasInbredFounders, logical(1), chromType = chromType)))


  finb = founderInbreeding(x, named = TRUE, chromType = chromType)

  # If X: only females interesting (males are always 1)
  if(chromType == "x")
    finb = finb[getSex(x, names(finb)) == 2]

  any(finb > 0)

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
hasSelfing = function(x) {
    return(any(vapply(x, hasSelfing, logical(1))))

  any(x$FIDX != 0 & x$FIDX == x$MIDX)

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
hasCommonAncestor = function(x) {
    stop2("Input is not a `ped` object: ", x)

  n = pedsize(x)
  labs = labels(x)

  A = matrix(FALSE, ncol = n, nrow = n, dimnames = list(labs, labs))

  FOU = founders(x, internal = TRUE)
  for(i in FOU) {
    # vector of all descendants of i, including i
    desc = c(i, descendants(x, i, internal = TRUE))
    A[fast.grid(rep(list(desc), 2))] = TRUE

validate_sex = function(sex, nInd, zero_allowed = TRUE) {
  if(length(sex) == 0)
    stop2(sprintf("`%s` cannot be empty", deparse(substitute(sex))))
  if(length(sex) > nInd)
    stop2(sprintf("`%s` is longer than the number of individuals",

  codes = if(zero_allowed) 0:2 else 1:2
  sex_int = suppressWarnings(as.integer(sex))
  ok = (sex == sex_int) & sex_int %in% codes
    stop2("Illegal sex: ", unique(sex[!ok]),
          ".  [0 = NA; 1 = male; 2 = female]")
  invisible(rep_len(sex_int, nInd))

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
subnucs = function(x) {
  if (is.singleton(x))

  n = pedsize(x)
  labs = labels(x)
  seqn = seq_len(n)

  FIDX = x[["FIDX"]]
  MIDX = x[["MIDX"]]

  # Indices of unique parent couples
  p_pairs_idx = seqn[FIDX + MIDX > 0 & !duplicated.default(FIDX*(n+1) + MIDX)]

  # List all nucs
  lapply(rev.default(p_pairs_idx), function(j) {
    nuc = list(father = FIDX[j], mother = MIDX[j], children = seqn[FIDX == FIDX[j] & MIDX == MIDX[j]])
    class(nuc) = "nucleus"
    attr(nuc, "labels") = labs

#' @rdname ped_utils
#' @export
peelingOrder = function(x) {
  # output: list of nuclear subfamilies. Format for each nuc:
  # list(father,mother,children,link), where link = 0 for the last nuc.
  nucs = subnucs(x)
  if(length(nucs) == 0)

  peeling = vector("list", Nnucs <- length(nucs))
  i = k = 1

  while (length(nucs)) {
    # Start searching for a nuc with only one link to others
    nuc = nucs[[i]]

    # Identify links to other remaining nucs
    if(length(nucs) > 1) {
      nucmembers = c(nuc$father, nuc$mother, nuc$children)
      links = nucmembers[nucmembers %in% unlist(nucs[-i], use.names = FALSE)]
      links = 0 # if nuc is the last

    # If only one link: move nuc to peeling list, and proceed
    if (length(links) == 1) {
      nuc$link = links
      peeling[[k]] = nuc
      nucs[i] = NULL
      i = 1
      k = k+1
    else {
      if (i == length(nucs)) { # LOOP! Include remaining nucs without 'link', and break.
        peeling[k:Nnucs] = nucs
      # Otherwise try next remaining nuc
      i = i+1

#' S3 methods
#' @param x An object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @export
print.nucleus = function(x, ...) {
  labs = attr(x, 'labels')
  fa = x$father
  mo = x$mother
  ch = x$children

  link = x$link
  if (is.null(link))
    linktext = "NO LINK ASSIGNED"
  else if (link == 0)
    linktext = "0 (end of chain)"
  else {
    who = if (link == fa) "father"
    else if (link == mo) "mother"
    else if (link %in% ch) "child"
    else stop2("Erroneous link individual (not a member of nucleus): ", link)
    linktext = sprintf("%s (%s)", labs[link], who)
  cat(sprintf("Nucleus: Fa/mo/ch = %s/%s/%s\nLink individual: %s\n",
              labs[fa], labs[mo], paste(labs[ch], collapse = ","), linktext))

hasNumLabs = function(x) {
  # Returns TRUE if the labels of x are coercible to integers
  labs = labels(x)
  numlabs = suppressWarnings(as.character(as.integer(labs)))
  isTRUE(all(labs == numlabs))

# New implementation of `hasNumLabs`; takes either a character or ped(list)
.isIntegral = function(labs) {
    labs = labels(labs)

  intlabs = suppressWarnings(as.character(as.integer(labs)))
  isTRUE(all(labs == intlabs))

# Utility for creating new labels
generateLabs = function(x, n = 1, avoid = NULL, prefix = "") {
  labs = if(is.character(x)) x else labels(x)

  # Simple strategy (no need to be clever about this...)
  # Generate enough candidates and drop the taken ones
  taken = c(labs, avoid)
  cand = as.character(seq_len(length(taken) + n))

    cand = paste0(prefix, cand)

  .mysetdiff(cand, taken)[seq_len(n)]

#' Pedigree component
#' Given a list of `ped` objects (called pedigree components), and a vector of
#' ID labels, find the index of the component holding each individual.
#' @param x A `ped` object, or a list of such.
#' @param ids A vector of ID labels (coercible to character).
#' @param checkUnique A logical, by default FALSE. If TRUE, an error is raised
#'   if any element of `ids` occurs more than once in `x`.
#' @param errorIfUnknown A logical, by default FALSE. If TRUE, the function
#'   stops with an error if not all elements of `ids` are found in `x`.
#' @return An integer vector of the same length as `ids`, with NA entries where
#'   the corresponding label was not found in any of the components.
#' @seealso [internalID()]
#' @examples
#' x = list(nuclearPed(1), singleton(id = "A"))
#' getComponent(x, c(3, "A"))
#' @export
getComponent = function(x, ids, checkUnique = FALSE, errorIfUnknown = FALSE) {
  # If simple ped: Handle separately and return early
  if(is.ped(x)) {
    comp = rep(1L, length(ids))
    if(any(unkn <- !ids %in% x$ID)) {
        stop2("Unknown ID label: ", ids[unkn])
      comp[unkn] = NA_integer_

  if(!is.pedList(x)) {
    stop2("Input is not a `ped` object (or a list of such)")

  # List labels of each component
  labList = labels(x, unlist = FALSE)

  # A single vector with all labels
  labVec = unlist(labList, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

  # Check for duplicates if indicated
  if(checkUnique) {
    v = labVec[labVec %in% ids]
    if(dup <- anyDuplicated.default(v))
      stop2("ID label is not unique: ", v[dup])

  # Vector of same length as labVec, with component index for each member
  compi = rep(seq_along(labList), times = lengths(labList))

  # Match input ids against label vector
  idx = match(ids, labVec)

  if(anyNA(idx) && errorIfUnknown)
    stop2("Unknown ID label: ", ids[is.na(idx)])

  # Return comp idx of the input ids, including NA if not present

topolOrder = function(x) {
  N = pedsize(x)

  env = new.env()
  logvec = logical(N)
  names(logvec) = x$ID

  isNonFou = logvec
  isNonFou[nonfounders(x)] = TRUE

  env$visited = logvec
  env$ord = character(N)
  env$k = 1

  dfs = function(x, id, env) {
    env$visited[id] = TRUE

    if(isNonFou[id]) {
      fa = father(x, id)
        dfs(x, fa, env)
      mo = mother(x, id)
        dfs(x, mo, env)

    k = env$k
    env$ord[k] = id
    #message("Added ", id, " in position ", N-k)

    env$k = k + 1

  lvs = sort.int(leaves(x), method = "quick")
  for(id in lvs)
    dfs(x, id, env)

  # Return ordered labels

reorderSimple = function(x, neworder, ids = NULL) {
    stop2("`reorderQuick` only works for `ped` objects")
  if(length(neworder) != length(x$ID))
    stop2("Wrong length of `neworder`")

    neworder = match(neworder, x$ID)

  ID = x$ID[neworder]
  FIDX = x$FIDX[neworder]
  MIDX = x$MIDX[neworder]
  SEX = x$SEX[neworder]

  nonf = FIDX > 0
  FIDX[nonf] = match(FIDX[nonf], neworder)
  MIDX[nonf] = match(MIDX[nonf], neworder)

  # Mask all but `ids` indivs
  if(!is.null(ids)) {
    mask = !ID %in% ids
    ID[mask] = "*"
    SEX[mask] = "*"

  list(ID, FIDX, MIDX, SEX)

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