
Defines functions .isCfg .getSubSampleTablePathFromConfig .getSampleTablePathFromConfig .checkSection .printNestedList .matchesAndRegexes fetchSamples .listifyDF .safeFileExists .isValidUrl .isAbsolute .isDefined .makeAbsPath .strformat .expandPath

Documented in .checkSection .expandPath fetchSamples .getSampleTablePathFromConfig .getSubSampleTablePathFromConfig .isAbsolute .isCfg .isValidUrl .listifyDF .makeAbsPath .matchesAndRegexes .printNestedList .safeFileExists .strformat

#' Expand system path
#' This function expands system paths (the non-absolute paths become absolute)
#' and replaces the environment variables (e.g, \code{${HOME}})
#' with their values.
#' Most importantly strings that are not system paths are returned untouched
#' @param path file path to expand. Potentially any string
#' @return Expanded path or untouched string
#' @examples
#' string = "https://www.r-project.org/"
#' .expandPath(string)
#' path = "$HOME/my/path/string.txt"
#' .expandPath(path)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.expandPath = function(path) {
  # helper function
  removeNonWords = function(str) {
    # can be used to get rid of the non-word chars in the env vars strings
    strsplit(gsub("[^[:alnum:] ]", "", str), " +")[[1]]
  # helper function
  replaceEnvVars = function(path, matches) {
    # the core of the expandPath function
    parts = unlist(regmatches(x = path, matches, invert = F))
    replacements = c()
    for (i in seq_along(attr(matches[[1]], "match.length"))) {
      # get the values of the env vars
      replacements[i] = Sys.getenv(removeNonWords(parts[i]))
      undefinedID = which(replacements == "")
      if (length(undefinedID) > 0) {
            "The environment variable '",
            "' was not found. Created object might be invalid."
        replacements[undefinedID] = parts[undefinedID]
    # replace env vars with their system values
    regmatches(x = path, matches, invert = F) = replacements
    # if UNIX, make sure the root's in the path
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
      if (!startsWith(path, "/") && length(undefinedID) == 0) {
        path = paste0("/", path)
    # prevent double slashes
    path = gsub("//", "/", path)
  # handle null/empty input.
  if (!.isDefined(path) || !is.character(path)) {
  # if it's a path, make it absolute
  path = path.expand(path)
  # search for env vars, both bracketed and not
  matchesBracket = gregexpr("\\$\\{\\w+\\}", path, perl = T)
  matches = gregexpr("\\$\\w+", path, perl = T)
  # perform two rounds of env var replacement
  # this way both bracketed and not bracketed ones will be replaced
  if (all(attr(matchesBracket[[1]], "match.length") != -1))
    path = replaceEnvVars(path, matchesBracket)
  if (all(attr(matches[[1]], "match.length") != -1))
    path = replaceEnvVars(path, matches)

#' Format a string like python's format method
#' Given a string with environment variables (encoded like \code{${VAR}} or \code{$VAR}), and
#' other variables (encoded like \code{{VAR}}) this function will substitute
#' both of these and return the formatted string, like the Python
#' \code{str.format()} method. Other variables are populated from a list of arguments.
#' Additionally, if the string is a non-absolute path, it will be expanded.

#' @param string String with variables encoded
#' @param args named list of arguments to use to populate the string
#' @param parent a directory that will be used to make the path absolute
#' @return Formatted string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .strformat("~/{VAR1}{VAR2}_file", list(VAR1="hi", VAR2="hello"))
#' .strformat("$HOME/{VAR1}{VAR2}_file", list(VAR1="hi", VAR2="hello"))
#' @keywords internal
.strformat = function(string, args, parent = NULL) {
  result = c()
  # if parent provided, make the path absolute and expand it.
  #  Otherwise, just expand it
  x = .expandPath(string)
  # str_interp requires variables encoded like ${var}, so we substitute
  # the {var} syntax here.
  x = stringr::str_replace_all(x, "\\{", "${")
  argsUnlisted = lapply(args, unlist)
  argsLengths = lapply(argsUnlisted, length)
  if (any(argsLengths > 1)) {
    pluralID = which(argsLengths > 1)
    attrCount = sapply(argsUnlisted, length)[pluralID]
    nrows = unique(attrCount)
    if (length(nrows) > 1) {
        "If including multiple attributes with multiple values, the number of values in each attribute must be identical."
    for (r in seq_len(nrows)) {
      argsUnlistedCopy = argsUnlisted
      for (i in seq_along(pluralID)) {
        argsUnlistedCopy[[pluralID[[i]]]] = argsUnlisted[[pluralID[[i]]]][r]
      result = append(result, stringr::str_interp(x, argsUnlistedCopy))
  } else {
    return(stringr::str_interp(x, argsUnlisted))

#' Create an absolute path from a primary target and a parent candidate.
#' @param perhapsRelative Path to primary target directory.
#' @param parent a path to parent folder to use if target isn't absolute.
#' @export
#' @return Target itself if already absolute, else target nested within parent.
#' @keywords internal
.makeAbsPath = function(perhapsRelative, parent) {
  res = c()
  for (pR in perhapsRelative) {
    if (!.isDefined(pR))
    pR = .expandPath(pR)
    if (.isAbsolute(pR)) {
      abspath = pR
    } else {
      abspath = file.path(path.expand(parent), pR)
    if (!.isAbsolute(abspath))
      stop("Relative path ",
           " and parent ",
           parent ,
           " failed to create absolute path: ",
    res = append(res, abspath)

# Must test for is.null first, since is.na(NULL) returns a logical(0) which is
# not a boolean
#' @keywords internal
.isDefined = function(var) {
  !(is.null(var) || is.na(var))

#' Determine whether a path is absolute.
#' @param path The path to check for seeming absolute-ness.
#' @return Flag indicating whether the \code{path} appears to be absolute.
#' @keywords internal
.isAbsolute = function(path) {
  if (!is.character(path))
    stop("The path must be character")
  return(grepl("^(/|[A-Za-z]:|\\\\|~)", path))

#' Determine whether the string is a valid URL
#' @param str string to inspect
#' @import RCurl
#' @return logical indicating whether a string is a valid URL
#' @keywords internal
.isValidUrl = function(str) {
  ans = FALSE
  if (grepl("www.|http:|https:", str)) {
    ans = RCurl::url.exists(str)

#' Check whether the string is a valid URL or an existing local path
#' @param path string to be checked
#' @return a logical indicating whether it's an existing path or valid URL
#' @keywords internal
.safeFileExists = function(path) {
  (.isValidUrl(path) || (!is.null(path) && file.exists(path)))

#' Listify data frame columns
#' This function turns each data frame column into a list,
#' so that its cells can contain multiple elements
#' @param DF an object of class data.frame
#' @return an object of class data.frame
#' @examples
#' dataFrame=mtcars
#' listifiedDataFrame=.listifyDF(dataFrame)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.listifyDF = function(DF) {
  if (!is.data.frame(DF))
    stop("The input object must be a data.frame.")
  colNames =  names(DF)
  for (iColumn in colNames) {
    DF[[iColumn]] = as.list(DF[[iColumn]])

#' Collect samples fulfilling the specified requirements
#' This funciton collects the samples from a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} object that
#' fulfill the requirements of an attribute \code{attr} specified with
#' the \code{fun} argument
#' The anonymous function provided in the \code{func} argument has to return an integer that indicate the rows that the \code{action} should be performed on.
#' Core expressions which are most useful to implement the anonymous function are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link[base]{which}} with inequality signs: \code{==,>,<}
#' \item \code{\link[base]{grep}}
#' }
#' @param samples an object of \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} class
#' @param attr a string specifying a column in the \code{samples}
#' @param func an anonymous function, see Details for more information
#' @param action a string (either \code{include} or \code{exclude}) that specifies whether the function should select the row or exclude it.
#' @return an object of \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} class filtered according to specified requirements
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' projectConfig = system.file("extdata", "example_peps-master",
#' "example_amendments1", "project_config.yaml", package="pepr")
#' p = Project(projectConfig)
#' s = sampleTable(p)
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ which(x=="pig_0h") },action="include")
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ which(x=="pig_0h") },action="exclude")
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ grep("pig_",x) },action="include")
#' @export
fetchSamples = function(samples,
                        attr = NULL,
                        func = NULL,
                        action = "include") {
  if (!methods::is(samples, "data.table"))
    stop("'samples' argument has to be a data.table object, got: '",
  if (!action %in% c("include", "exclude"))
    stop("'action' argument has to be either 'include' or 'exclude', got '",
  attrNames = colnames(samples)
  if (!is.null(attr)) {
    if (!attr %in% attrNames)
      stop("The samples attribute '", attr, "' was not found.")
    if (!is.null(func)) {
      # use the anonymous function if provided
      if (is.function(func)) {
        rowIdx = tryCatch(
          expr = {
            do.call(func, list(x = samples[[attr]]))
          error = function(e) {
            message("Error in your function: ")
          warning = function(w) {
            message("Warning in your function: ")
      } else {
        stop("The anonymous function you provided is invalid.")
  if ((length(rowIdx) < 1) || (!methods::is(rowIdx, "integer")))
    stop("your function returned invalid indices: '", rowIdx, "'")
  # use action arg
  if (action == "include") {
  } else {

#' Create a list of matched files in the system and unmatched regular expessions
#' @param rgx string to expand in the system
#' @return a list of all the elements after possible expansion
#' @keywords internal
.matchesAndRegexes = function(rgx) {
  res = c()
  for (i in rgx) {
    matched = Sys.glob(i)
    if (length(matched) < 1) {
      matched = i
    res = c(res, matched)

#' Print a nested list
#' Prints a nested list in a way that looks nice
#' Useful for displaying the config of a PEP
#' @param lst list object to print
#' @param level the indentation level
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @examples
#' projectConfig = system.file("extdata",
#' "example_peps-master",
#' "example_basic",
#' "project_config.yaml",
#' package = "pepr")
#' p = Project(file = projectConfig)
#' .printNestedList(config(p),level=2)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.printNestedList = function(lst, level = 0) {
  if (!is.list(lst))
    stop("The input is not a list, cannot be displayed.")
  ns = names(lst)
  for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
    item = lst[[i]]
    itemName = ns[i]
    if (is.list(item)) {
      if (!is.null(itemName))
        cat(rep(" ", level), paste0(itemName, ":"), fill = T)
      .printNestedList(item, level + 2)
    } else {
      if (is.null(item))
        item = "null"
      cat(rep(" ", level), paste0(itemName, ":"), item, fill = T)

#' Check for a section existence in a nested list
#' @param object list to inspect
#' @param sectionNames vector or characters with sectio names to check for
#' @return logical indicating whether the sections where found in the list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l = list(a=list(b="test"))
#' .checkSection(l,c("a","b"))
#' .checkSection(l,c("c","b"))
#' @keywords internal
.checkSection = function(object, sectionNames) {
  tryToNum = function(x) {
    convertedX = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
    ifelse(!is.na(convertedX), convertedX, x)
  testList = object
  counter = 1
  while (!is.na(sectionNames[counter])) {
    item = tryToNum(sectionNames[counter])
    if ((!is.list(testList)) || is.null(testList[[item]])) {
    testList = testList[[item]]
    counter = counter + 1

#' Get the sample table from config
#' @param config an object of \code{"\linkS4class{Config}"}
#' @return a string which specifies a path to the sample table file
#' @keywords internal
.getSampleTablePathFromConfig = function(config) {
  if (!CFG_SAMPLE_TABLE_KEY %in% names(config))
    stop("Sample table not defined in config")

#' Get the subsample tables from config
#' @param config an object of \code{"\linkS4class{Config}"}
#' @return  string/vector of strings/NULL depending on the configuration
#' @keywords internal
.getSubSampleTablePathFromConfig = function(config) {
  if (!CFG_SUBSAMPLE_TABLE_KEY %in% names(config))

#' Config file or annotation file
#' Determine if the input file seems to be a project
#'  config file (based on the file extension).
#' @param filePath a string to examine
#' @return a boolean, TRUE if indicating the path seems to be pointing to a config,
#'  or FALSE if the path seems to be pointing to an annotation file.
#' @keywords internal
.isCfg = function(filePath) {
  if (endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".yaml") ||
      endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".yml"))
  if (endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".csv") ||
      endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".tsv"))
  stop("File path does not point to an annotation or a config: ", filePath)

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pepr documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.