#' Expand system path
#' This function expands system paths (the non-absolute paths become absolute)
#' and replaces the environment variables (e.g, \code{${HOME}})
#' with their values.
#' Most importantly strings that are not system paths are returned untouched
#' @param path file path to expand. Potentially any string
#' @return Expanded path or untouched string
#' @examples
#' string = ""
#' .expandPath(string)
#' path = "$HOME/my/path/string.txt"
#' .expandPath(path)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.expandPath = function(path) {
# helper function
removeNonWords = function(str) {
# can be used to get rid of the non-word chars in the env vars strings
strsplit(gsub("[^[:alnum:] ]", "", str), " +")[[1]]
# helper function
replaceEnvVars = function(path, matches) {
# the core of the expandPath function
parts = unlist(regmatches(x = path, matches, invert = F))
replacements = c()
for (i in seq_along(attr(matches[[1]], "match.length"))) {
# get the values of the env vars
replacements[i] = Sys.getenv(removeNonWords(parts[i]))
undefinedID = which(replacements == "")
if (length(undefinedID) > 0) {
"The environment variable '",
"' was not found. Created object might be invalid."
replacements[undefinedID] = parts[undefinedID]
# replace env vars with their system values
regmatches(x = path, matches, invert = F) = replacements
# if UNIX, make sure the root's in the path
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
if (!startsWith(path, "/") && length(undefinedID) == 0) {
path = paste0("/", path)
# prevent double slashes
path = gsub("//", "/", path)
# handle null/empty input.
if (!.isDefined(path) || !is.character(path)) {
# if it's a path, make it absolute
path = path.expand(path)
# search for env vars, both bracketed and not
matchesBracket = gregexpr("\\$\\{\\w+\\}", path, perl = T)
matches = gregexpr("\\$\\w+", path, perl = T)
# perform two rounds of env var replacement
# this way both bracketed and not bracketed ones will be replaced
if (all(attr(matchesBracket[[1]], "match.length") != -1))
path = replaceEnvVars(path, matchesBracket)
if (all(attr(matches[[1]], "match.length") != -1))
path = replaceEnvVars(path, matches)
#' Format a string like python's format method
#' Given a string with environment variables (encoded like \code{${VAR}} or \code{$VAR}), and
#' other variables (encoded like \code{{VAR}}) this function will substitute
#' both of these and return the formatted string, like the Python
#' \code{str.format()} method. Other variables are populated from a list of arguments.
#' Additionally, if the string is a non-absolute path, it will be expanded.
#' @param string String with variables encoded
#' @param args named list of arguments to use to populate the string
#' @param parent a directory that will be used to make the path absolute
#' @return Formatted string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .strformat("~/{VAR1}{VAR2}_file", list(VAR1="hi", VAR2="hello"))
#' .strformat("$HOME/{VAR1}{VAR2}_file", list(VAR1="hi", VAR2="hello"))
#' @keywords internal
.strformat = function(string, args, parent = NULL) {
result = c()
# if parent provided, make the path absolute and expand it.
# Otherwise, just expand it
x = .expandPath(string)
# str_interp requires variables encoded like ${var}, so we substitute
# the {var} syntax here.
x = stringr::str_replace_all(x, "\\{", "${")
argsUnlisted = lapply(args, unlist)
argsLengths = lapply(argsUnlisted, length)
if (any(argsLengths > 1)) {
pluralID = which(argsLengths > 1)
attrCount = sapply(argsUnlisted, length)[pluralID]
nrows = unique(attrCount)
if (length(nrows) > 1) {
"If including multiple attributes with multiple values, the number of values in each attribute must be identical."
for (r in seq_len(nrows)) {
argsUnlistedCopy = argsUnlisted
for (i in seq_along(pluralID)) {
argsUnlistedCopy[[pluralID[[i]]]] = argsUnlisted[[pluralID[[i]]]][r]
result = append(result, stringr::str_interp(x, argsUnlistedCopy))
} else {
return(stringr::str_interp(x, argsUnlisted))
#' Create an absolute path from a primary target and a parent candidate.
#' @param perhapsRelative Path to primary target directory.
#' @param parent a path to parent folder to use if target isn't absolute.
#' @export
#' @return Target itself if already absolute, else target nested within parent.
#' @keywords internal
.makeAbsPath = function(perhapsRelative, parent) {
res = c()
for (pR in perhapsRelative) {
if (!.isDefined(pR))
pR = .expandPath(pR)
if (.isAbsolute(pR)) {
abspath = pR
} else {
abspath = file.path(path.expand(parent), pR)
if (!.isAbsolute(abspath))
stop("Relative path ",
" and parent ",
parent ,
" failed to create absolute path: ",
res = append(res, abspath)
# Must test for is.null first, since returns a logical(0) which is
# not a boolean
#' @keywords internal
.isDefined = function(var) {
!(is.null(var) ||
#' Determine whether a path is absolute.
#' @param path The path to check for seeming absolute-ness.
#' @return Flag indicating whether the \code{path} appears to be absolute.
#' @keywords internal
.isAbsolute = function(path) {
if (!is.character(path))
stop("The path must be character")
return(grepl("^(/|[A-Za-z]:|\\\\|~)", path))
#' Determine whether the string is a valid URL
#' @param str string to inspect
#' @import RCurl
#' @return logical indicating whether a string is a valid URL
#' @keywords internal
.isValidUrl = function(str) {
ans = FALSE
if (grepl("www.|http:|https:", str)) {
ans = RCurl::url.exists(str)
#' Check whether the string is a valid URL or an existing local path
#' @param path string to be checked
#' @return a logical indicating whether it's an existing path or valid URL
#' @keywords internal
.safeFileExists = function(path) {
(.isValidUrl(path) || (!is.null(path) && file.exists(path)))
#' Listify data frame columns
#' This function turns each data frame column into a list,
#' so that its cells can contain multiple elements
#' @param DF an object of class data.frame
#' @return an object of class data.frame
#' @examples
#' dataFrame=mtcars
#' listifiedDataFrame=.listifyDF(dataFrame)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.listifyDF = function(DF) {
if (!
stop("The input object must be a data.frame.")
colNames = names(DF)
for (iColumn in colNames) {
DF[[iColumn]] = as.list(DF[[iColumn]])
#' Collect samples fulfilling the specified requirements
#' This funciton collects the samples from a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} object that
#' fulfill the requirements of an attribute \code{attr} specified with
#' the \code{fun} argument
#' The anonymous function provided in the \code{func} argument has to return an integer that indicate the rows that the \code{action} should be performed on.
#' Core expressions which are most useful to implement the anonymous function are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link[base]{which}} with inequality signs: \code{==,>,<}
#' \item \code{\link[base]{grep}}
#' }
#' @param samples an object of \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} class
#' @param attr a string specifying a column in the \code{samples}
#' @param func an anonymous function, see Details for more information
#' @param action a string (either \code{include} or \code{exclude}) that specifies whether the function should select the row or exclude it.
#' @return an object of \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-class}} class filtered according to specified requirements
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' projectConfig = system.file("extdata", "example_peps-master",
#' "example_amendments1", "project_config.yaml", package="pepr")
#' p = Project(projectConfig)
#' s = sampleTable(p)
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ which(x=="pig_0h") },action="include")
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ which(x=="pig_0h") },action="exclude")
#' fetchSamples(s,attr = "sample_name", func=function(x){ grep("pig_",x) },action="include")
#' @export
fetchSamples = function(samples,
attr = NULL,
func = NULL,
action = "include") {
if (!methods::is(samples, "data.table"))
stop("'samples' argument has to be a data.table object, got: '",
if (!action %in% c("include", "exclude"))
stop("'action' argument has to be either 'include' or 'exclude', got '",
attrNames = colnames(samples)
if (!is.null(attr)) {
if (!attr %in% attrNames)
stop("The samples attribute '", attr, "' was not found.")
if (!is.null(func)) {
# use the anonymous function if provided
if (is.function(func)) {
rowIdx = tryCatch(
expr = {, list(x = samples[[attr]]))
error = function(e) {
message("Error in your function: ")
warning = function(w) {
message("Warning in your function: ")
} else {
stop("The anonymous function you provided is invalid.")
if ((length(rowIdx) < 1) || (!methods::is(rowIdx, "integer")))
stop("your function returned invalid indices: '", rowIdx, "'")
# use action arg
if (action == "include") {
} else {
#' Create a list of matched files in the system and unmatched regular expessions
#' @param rgx string to expand in the system
#' @return a list of all the elements after possible expansion
#' @keywords internal
.matchesAndRegexes = function(rgx) {
res = c()
for (i in rgx) {
matched = Sys.glob(i)
if (length(matched) < 1) {
matched = i
res = c(res, matched)
#' Print a nested list
#' Prints a nested list in a way that looks nice
#' Useful for displaying the config of a PEP
#' @param lst list object to print
#' @param level the indentation level
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @examples
#' projectConfig = system.file("extdata",
#' "example_peps-master",
#' "example_basic",
#' "project_config.yaml",
#' package = "pepr")
#' p = Project(file = projectConfig)
#' .printNestedList(config(p),level=2)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.printNestedList = function(lst, level = 0) {
if (!is.list(lst))
stop("The input is not a list, cannot be displayed.")
ns = names(lst)
for (i in seq_along(lst)) {
item = lst[[i]]
itemName = ns[i]
if (is.list(item)) {
if (!is.null(itemName))
cat(rep(" ", level), paste0(itemName, ":"), fill = T)
.printNestedList(item, level + 2)
} else {
if (is.null(item))
item = "null"
cat(rep(" ", level), paste0(itemName, ":"), item, fill = T)
#' Check for a section existence in a nested list
#' @param object list to inspect
#' @param sectionNames vector or characters with sectio names to check for
#' @return logical indicating whether the sections where found in the list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l = list(a=list(b="test"))
#' .checkSection(l,c("a","b"))
#' .checkSection(l,c("c","b"))
#' @keywords internal
.checkSection = function(object, sectionNames) {
tryToNum = function(x) {
convertedX = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
ifelse(!, convertedX, x)
testList = object
counter = 1
while (![counter])) {
item = tryToNum(sectionNames[counter])
if ((!is.list(testList)) || is.null(testList[[item]])) {
testList = testList[[item]]
counter = counter + 1
#' Get the sample table from config
#' @param config an object of \code{"\linkS4class{Config}"}
#' @return a string which specifies a path to the sample table file
#' @keywords internal
.getSampleTablePathFromConfig = function(config) {
if (!CFG_SAMPLE_TABLE_KEY %in% names(config))
stop("Sample table not defined in config")
#' Get the subsample tables from config
#' @param config an object of \code{"\linkS4class{Config}"}
#' @return string/vector of strings/NULL depending on the configuration
#' @keywords internal
.getSubSampleTablePathFromConfig = function(config) {
if (!CFG_SUBSAMPLE_TABLE_KEY %in% names(config))
#' Config file or annotation file
#' Determine if the input file seems to be a project
#' config file (based on the file extension).
#' @param filePath a string to examine
#' @return a boolean, TRUE if indicating the path seems to be pointing to a config,
#' or FALSE if the path seems to be pointing to an annotation file.
#' @keywords internal
.isCfg = function(filePath) {
if (endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".yaml") ||
endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".yml"))
if (endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".csv") ||
endsWith(tolower(filePath), ".tsv"))
stop("File path does not point to an annotation or a config: ", filePath)
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