#' @title pgu.optimizer
#' @description
#' Finds the transformation models that result in distributions that come closest to a normal distribution.
#' @details
#' Analysis is performed individually on each attribute.
#' This object is used by the shiny based gui and is not for use in individual R-scripts!
#' @format [R6::R6Class] object.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select_if
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom shiny Progress
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr separate unite
#' @include pguTransformator.R
#' @include pguModel.R
#' @author Sebastian Malkusch, \email{}
#' @export
pgu.optimizer <- R6::R6Class("pgu.optimizer",
# instance variables
private = list(
.features = "character",
.trafoAlphabet = "character",
.mirror = "logical",
.optParameter = "tbl_df",
.optTypes = "tbl_df"
# accessor methods
active = list(
#' @field features
#' Returns the instance variable features.
#' (character)
features = function(){
#' @field trafoAlphabet
#' Returns the instance variable trafoAlphabet.
#' (character)
trafoAlphabet = function(){
#' @field setTrafoAlphabet
#' Sets the instance variable trafoAlphabet to data.
#' (character)
setTrafoAlphabet = function(data = "character"){
private$.trafoAlphabet <- data
#' @field mirror
#' Returns the instance variable mirror
#' (logical)
mirror = function(){
#' @field setMirror
#' Sets the instance variable mirror to data
#' (logical)
setMirror = function(data = "logical"){
private$.mirror <- data
#' @field optParameter
#' Returns the instance variable optParameter
#' (tibble::tibble)
optParameter = function(){
#' @field optTypes
#' Returns the instance variable optTypes
#' (tibble::tibble)
optTypes = function(){
# memory management
public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates and returns a new `pgu.optimizer` object.
#' @param data
#' The data to be analyzed.
#' (tibble::tibble)
#' @return
#' A new `pgu.optimizer` object.
#' (pguIMP::pgu.optimizer)
initialize = function(data = "tbl_df"){
if(class(data) != "tbl_df"){
data <- tibble::tibble(names <- "none",
values <- c(NA))
}, #function
#' @description
#' Clears the heap and
#' indicates that instance of `pgu.optimizer` is removed from heap.
finalize = function(){
print("Instance of pgu.optimizer removed from heap")
}, #function
# print instance variables
#' @description
#' Prints instance variables of a `pgu.optimizer` object.
#' @return
#' string
print = function(){
rString <- sprintf("\npgu.optimizer\n")
}, #function
# public functions #
#' @description
#' Extract the attribute names from the given data frame
#' and stores them in the class' instance variable
#' features,
#' @param data
#' The data to be analyzed.
#' (tibble::tibble)
resetFeatures = function(data = "tbl_df"){
private$.features <- data %>%
dplyr::select_if(is.numeric) %>%
}, #function
#' @description
#' Initializes the instance variable optParameter.
resetOptParameter = function(){
features <- self$features
mirrorLogic <- c(rep(FALSE, length(features)))
features <- append(features, features)
mirrorLogic <- append(mirrorLogic, c(rep(TRUE, length(self$features))))
logLikelihood <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
bic <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
aic <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
aicc <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
rmse <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
w.shapiro <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
p.shapiro <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
d.kolmogorow <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
p.kolmogorow <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
a.anderson <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
p.anderson <- as.numeric(c(rep(0, length(features))))
private$.optParameter <- tibble::tibble(features, mirrorLogic, logLikelihood, bic, aic, aicc, rmse,
w.shapiro, p.shapiro, d.kolmogorow, p.kolmogorow, a.anderson, p.anderson)
}, #function
#' @description
#' Initializes the instance variable optTypes.
resetOptTypes = function(){
features <- self$features
mirrorLogic <- c(rep(FALSE, length(features)))
features <- append(features, features)
mirrorLogic <- append(mirrorLogic, c(rep(TRUE, length(self$features))))
logLikelihood <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
bic <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
aic <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
aicc <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
rmse <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
w.shapiro <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
p.shapiro <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
d.kolmogorow <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
p.kolmogorow <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
a.anderson <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
p.anderson <- c(rep("none", length(features)))
private$.optTypes <- tibble::tibble(features, mirrorLogic, logLikelihood, bic, aic, aicc, rmse,
w.shapiro, p.shapiro, d.kolmogorow, p.kolmogorow, a.anderson, p.anderson)
}, #function
#' @description
#' Initializes the optimizer instance variables.
#' Here, initialization defines a consecutive sequence of the class' functions:
#' resetFeatures, setTrafoAlphabet, setMirror, resetOptParameter and resetOptTypes.
#' @param data
#' The data to be analyzed.
#' (tibble::tibble)
resetOptimizer = function(data = "tbl_df"){
self$setTrafoAlphabet <- c("none", "log2", "logNorm", "log10", "squareRoot", "cubeRoot", "arcsine", "inverse")
self$setMirror <- FALSE
}, #function
# helper functions #
#' @description
#' Determines the numerical index of the column of an attribute based on the attribute name.
#' @param feature
#' The attribute's name.
#' (character)
#' @return
#' The attributes column index.
#' (numeric)
featureIdx = function(feature = "character"){
idx <- match(feature, self$features)
rString <- sprintf("\nWarning in pgu.optimizer: feature %s is not known\n",
}, #function
#' @description
#' Compares a model parameter to a reference parameter and tests, if the model parameter is bigger.
#' @param modelParameter
#' The model parameter
#' (numeric)
#' @param referenceParameter
#' The reference parameter
#' (numeric)
#' @return
#' Test Result
#' (logical)
modelParameterIsBigger = function(modelParameter = "numeric", referenceParameter = "numeric"){
result <- FALSE
if ((! &&
((referenceParameter < modelParameter) ||
result <- TRUE
}, #function
#' @description
#' Compares a model parameter to a reference parameter and tests, if the model parameter is smaller.
#' @param modelParameter
#' The model parameter
#' (numeric)
#' @param referenceParameter
#' The reference parameter
#' (numeric)
#' @return
#' Test Result
#' (logical)
modelParameterIsSmaller = function(modelParameter = "numeric", referenceParameter = "numeric"){
result <- FALSE
if ((! &&
((referenceParameter > modelParameter) ||
result <- TRUE
}, #function
# iteration functions #
#' @description
#' Takes an instance of the pgu.transfromator class and
#' sets the transformation type to a user defined value.
#' @param transformator
#' An instance of the pgu.transformator class
#' (pguIMP::pgu.transformator)
#' @param type
#' A transfromation type
#' (character)
#' @return
#' An updated instance of the pgu.transformator class
#' (pguIMP::pgu.transformator)
updateTrafoType = function(transformator = "pgu.transformator", type = "character"){
for (feature in self$features){
transformator$setTrafoType(feature, type)
}, #function
#' @description
#' Takes an instance of the pgu.transfromator class and
#' sets the mirrorLogic parameter to a user defined value.
#' @param transformator
#' An instance of the pgu.transformator class
#' (pguIMP::pgu.transformator)
#' @param logic
#' The mirrorLogic parameter
#' (logic)
#' @return
#' An updated instance of the pgu.transformator class
#' (pguIMP::pgu.transformator)
updateMirrorLogic = function(transformator = "pgu.transformator", logic = "logical"){
for (feature in self$features){
transformator$setMirrorLogic(feature, logic)
}# for
}, #function
# update Functions #
#' @description
#' Takes an instance of the pgu.model class and analyzes it.
#' Keeps track of the optimal model parameters during optimization
#' and stores them in the instance variables optTypes and optParameter.
#' @param model
#' An instance of the pgu.model class
#' (pguIMP::pgu.model)
#' @param type
#' A transfromation type
#' (character)
#' @param logic
#' The mirrorLogic parameter
#' (logic)
updateOptParameter = function(model = "pgu.model", type = "character", logic = "character"){
modelParameter <- model$modelParameter
referenceParameter <- self$optParameter %>%
tidyr::unite(features, features, mirrorLogic, sep="//")
referenceTypes <- self$optTypes %>%
tidyr::unite(features, features, mirrorLogic, sep="//")
for(feature in model$modelParameter[["features"]]){
referenceFeature <- paste(feature, as.character(logic), sep = "//")
referenceIdx <- match(referenceFeature, referenceTypes[["features"]])
modelIdx = match(feature, modelParameter[["features"]])
for (test in c("logLikelihood", "p.shapiro", "p.kolmogorow", "p.anderson", "w.shapiro")){
if (self$modelParameterIsBigger(modelParameter[modelIdx, test],
referenceParameter[referenceIdx, test])){
referenceTypes[referenceIdx, test] <- type
referenceParameter[referenceIdx, test] <- modelParameter[modelIdx, test]
for (test in c("bic", "aic", "aicc", "rmse", "d.kolmogorow", "a.anderson")){
if (self$modelParameterIsSmaller(modelParameter[modelIdx, test],
referenceParameter[referenceIdx, test])){
referenceTypes[referenceIdx, test] <- type
referenceParameter[referenceIdx, test] <- modelParameter[modelIdx, test]
private$.optParameter <- referenceParameter %>%
tidyr::separate(features, into = c("features", "mirrorLogic"), sep="//") %>%
dplyr::mutate(mirrorLogic = as.logical(mirrorLogic))
private$.optTypes <- referenceTypes %>%
tidyr::separate(features, into = c("features", "mirrorLogic"), sep="//")
}, #function
# optimization functions #
#' @description
#' Permutates all possible variations of data transfromations and iterates through them.
#' Analysis the optimal transformation parameters for each attribute in the data frame and stores them
#' in the instance variables optParameter, optTypes.
#' @param data
#' The data frame to be analyzed.
#' (tibble::tibble)
#' @param progress
#' If shiny is loaded, the analysis' progress is stored within this instance of the shiny Progress class.
#' (shiny::Progress)
optimize = function(data = "tbl_df", progress = "Progress"){
transformator <- pgu.transformator$new(data)
mirrorLogic <- c(FALSE)
if (self$mirror){
mirrorLogic <- c(mirrorLogic, TRUE)
for (logic in mirrorLogic){
transformator <- self$updateMirrorLogic(transformator, logic)
for (type in self$trafoAlphabet){
if(("shiny" %in% (.packages())) & (class(progress)[1] == "Progress")){
transformator <- self$updateTrafoType(transformator, type)
model <- pgu.model$new(data %>%
self$updateOptParameter(model, type, logic)
}, #function
#' @description
#' Returns information on the optimization progress
#' @return
#' The data frame comprizing analysis information.
#' (tibble::tibble)
trafoAlpahbetTblDf = function(){
trafos <- c("none", "log2", "logNorm", "log10", "squareRoot", "cubeRoot", "arcsine", "inverse", "tuckeyLOP", "boxCox")
optimized <- is.element(trafos, self$trafoAlphabet)
mirrored <- c(rep(self$mirror, length(trafos)))
trafoAlphabetTbl <- tibble::tibble(trafos,
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