#' Discrete Gamma and Beta distribution
#' \code{discrete.gamma} internally used for the likelihood computations in
#' \code{pml} or \code{optim.pml}. It is useful to understand how it works
#' for simulation studies or in cases where .
#' These functions are exported to be used in different packages so far only in
#' the package coalescentMCMC, but are not intended for end user. Most of the
#' functions call C code and are far less forgiving if the import is not what
#' they expect than \code{pml}.
#' @param shape Shape parameter of the gamma distribution.
#' @param alpha Shape parameter of the gamma distribution.
#' @param shape1,shape2 non-negative parameters of the Beta distribution.
#' @param k Number of intervals of the discrete gamma distribution.
#' @param inv Proportion of invariable sites.
#' @param site.rate Indicates what type of gamma distribution to use. Options
#' are "gamma" (Yang 1994) and "gamma_quadrature" using Laguerre quadrature
#' approach of Felsenstein (2001)
## or "free_rate" "gamma_unbiased".
#' @param edge.length Total edge length (sum of all edges in a tree).
#' @param discrete logical whether to plot discrete (default) or continuous pdf
#' or cdf.
#' @param cdf logical whether to plot the cumulative distribution function
#' or density / probability function.
#' @param append logical; if TRUE only add to an existing plot.
#' @param xlab a label for the x axis, defaults to a description of x.
#' @param ylab a label for the y axis, defaults to a description of y.
#' @param xlim the x limits of the plot.
#' @param verticals logical; if TRUE, draw vertical lines at steps.
#' @param \dots Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return \code{discrete.gamma} returns a matrix.
#' @author Klaus Schliep \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{}, \link{stepfun}, \link{pgamma}, \link{pbeta}},
#' @examples
#' discrete.gamma(1, 4)
#' old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(2,1))
#' plot_gamma_plus_inv(shape=2, discrete = FALSE, cdf=FALSE)
#' plot_gamma_plus_inv(shape=2, append = TRUE, cdf=FALSE)
#' plot_gamma_plus_inv(shape=2, discrete = FALSE)
#' plot_gamma_plus_inv(shape=2, append = TRUE)
#' par(old.par)
#' @keywords cluster
#' @rdname discrete.gamma
#' @export
discrete.gamma <- function(alpha, k) {
if (k == 1) return(1)
quants <- qgamma( (1:(k - 1)) / k, shape = alpha, rate = alpha)
diff(c(0, pgamma(quants * alpha, alpha + 1), 1)) * k
#' @rdname discrete.gamma
#' @importFrom stats pbeta qbeta
#' @export
discrete.beta <- function(shape1, shape2, k) {
quants <- qbeta( (1:(k - 1)) / k, shape1, shape2)
diff(c(0, pbeta(quants, shape1 + 1, shape2), 1)) * k * shape1 /
(shape1 + shape2)
#' @rdname discrete.gamma
#' @importFrom stats dgamma qgamma stepfun
#' @importFrom graphics curve
#' @export
plot_gamma_plus_inv <- function(shape=1, inv=0, k=4, discrete=TRUE, cdf=TRUE,
append=FALSE, xlab = "x",
ylab=ifelse(cdf, "F(x)", "f(x)"), xlim=NULL,
verticals=FALSE, edge.length=NULL,
site.rate="gamma", ...){
l <- max(lengths(list(shape, k, inv)))
shape <- rep_len(shape, l)
k <- rep_len(k, l)
inv <- rep_len(inv, l)
verticals <- rep_len(verticals, l)
gw <- function(shape, k, inv, site.rate){
gw <- rates_n_weights(shape, k, site.rate)
g <- gw[, 1]
w <- gw[, 2]
if (inv > 0){
w <- c(inv, (1 - inv) * w)
g <- c(0, g/(1 - inv))
cbind(w=w, g=g)
g <- mapply(function(shape, k, inv) max(gw(shape, k, inv, site.rate)[,"g"]),
shape, k, inv) |> max()
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(-0.25, 1.25 * g)
# pgamma_invariant
cdf_fun <- function(x, shape=1, inv=0){
if(inv > 0) x <- x * (1-inv)
y <- (1-inv) * pgamma(x, shape = shape, rate = shape) + inv
y[x<0] <- 0
# dgamma_invariant
density_fun <- function(x, shape, inv){
if(inv > 0) x <- x * (1-inv)
(1-inv) * dgamma(x, shape = shape, rate = shape)
step_GpI <- function(alpha=1, k=4, inv=0, edge.length=NULL,
rw <- rates_n_weights(alpha, k, site.rate)
g <- rw[, 1]
w <- rw[, 2]
if (inv > 0) w <- c(inv, (1 - inv) * w)
cw <- cumsum(w)
if (inv > 0) g <- c(0, g/(1 - inv))
if(!is.null(edge.length)) g <- g * edge.length
stepfun(g, c(0, cw))
plot_cdf_discrete <- function(shape=1, inv=0, k=4, verticals=FALSE,
append=FALSE, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim,
edge.length=edge.length, site.rate="gamma",
sf <- step_GpI(shape, inv, k=k, edge.length=edge.length,
site.rate = site.rate)
if(append) plot(sf, verticals=verticals, add=TRUE, xlim=xlim, ...)
else plot(sf, verticals=verticals, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ...)
plot_density_discrete <- function(shape=1, inv=0, k=4, append=FALSE,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim,
site.rate="gamma", ...){
g_w <- gw(shape, k, inv, site.rate)
g <- g_w[, "g"]
w <- g_w[, "w"]
if(!append) plot(g, w, xlim = xlim, ylim=c(0, 1), type="n",
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
segments(g, 0, g, w, ...)
points(g, w, ...)
plot_cdf_continuos <- function(shape=1, inv=0, k=4, verticals=FALSE,
append=FALSE, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim,
if(!append) plot(function(x)cdf_fun(x, shape, inv), xlim[1], xlim[2],
ylim=c(0, 1), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
else plot(function(x)cdf_fun(x, shape, inv), add=TRUE, ...)
g_w <- gw(shape, k, inv, site.rate)
g <- g_w[, "g"]
w <- g_w[, "w"]
if(!append) plot(g, w, xlim = xlim, #c(-.5, 1.25 * max(g)),
ylim=c(0, 1),
type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
plot(function(x)cdf_fun(x, shape, inv), xlim[1], -.001, add=TRUE, ...)
plot(function(x)cdf_fun(x, shape, inv), 0, xlim[2], add=TRUE, ...)
points(0, inv, ...)
if(verticals) segments(0, 0, 0, inv, ...)
plot_density_continuous <- function(shape=1, inv=0, k=4, append=FALSE,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ...){
if(!append) plot(function(x)density_fun(x, shape = shape, inv=inv),
xlim[1], xlim[2], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
plot(function(x)density_fun(x, shape = shape, inv=inv),
xlim[1], xlim[2], add=TRUE, ...)
segments(0, 0, 0, inv, ...)
points(0, inv, ...)
i <- 1L
while(l >= i ){
plot_cdf_discrete(shape[i], inv[i], k[i], verticals = verticals[i],
append = append, ylab = ylab, xlim=xlim,
edge.length=edge.length, site.rate=site.rate, ...)
plot_cdf_continuos(shape[i], inv[i], k[i], verticals = verticals[i],
append = append, ylab = ylab, xlim=xlim,
plot_density_discrete(shape[i], inv[i], k[i], append=append,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim,
site.rate=site.rate, ...)
plot_density_continuous(shape[i], inv[i], k[i], append=append,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ...)
append <- TRUE
i <- i+1L
#' @rdname discrete.gamma
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @importFrom graphics rug
## @importFrom statmod gauss.quad.prob
#' @param obj an object of class pml
#' @param main a main title for the plot.
#' @param cdf.color color of the cdf.
#' @export
plotRates <- function(obj, cdf.color="blue", main="cdf", ...){
pscores <- parsimony(obj$tree, obj$data, site="site")[attr(obj$data, "index")]
ecdf_pscores <- ecdf(pscores)
plot(ecdf_pscores, verticals = TRUE, do.points=FALSE, main=main, ...)
rug(jitter(pscores)) # rug(sort(unique(pscores)))
el <- obj$tree$edge.length
xlim <- c(-.25, 1.1 * max(pscores))
plot_gamma_plus_inv(k=obj$k, shape=obj$shape, inv=obj$inv, append=TRUE,
xlim = xlim,
edge.length=sum(el), verticals=TRUE, col=cdf.color,
site.rate=obj$site.rate, ...)
# from selac
LaguerreQuad <- function(shape=1, ncats=4) {
# Determine rates based on alpha and the number of bins
# bins roots normalized to 1 of the General Laguerre Quadrature
# first ncats elements are rates with mean 1
# second ncats elements are probabilities with sum 1
roots <- findRoots(shape - 1, ncats)
weights <- numeric(ncats)
f <- prod(1 + (shape - 1)/(1:ncats))
for (i in 1:ncats) {
weights[i] <- f * roots[i] / ((ncats + 1)^2 *
Laguerre(roots[i], shape - 1, ncats + 1)^2)
roots <- roots/shape
return(matrix(c(roots, weights), ncol=2L,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("rate", "weight"))))
findRoots <- function(shape, ncats) {
# Determine rates based on Gamma's alpha and the number of bins
# bins roots normalized to 1 of the General Laguerre Polynomial (GLP)
coeff <- integer(ncats + 1)
for (i in 0:ncats) {
coeff[i + 1] <- (-1)^i * exp(lchoose(ncats + shape, ncats - i) -
Laguerre <- function(x, shape, degree) {
y <- 0
for (i in 0:degree) {
y <- y + (-1)^i * x^i *
exp(lchoose(degree + shape, degree - i) - lfactorial(i))
rates_n_weights <- function(shape, k, site.rate = "gamma"){
site.rate <- match.arg(site.rate, c("gamma", "gamma_unbiased",
"gamma_quadrature", "free_rate"))
if(k==1) rates.and.weights <- matrix(c(1,1), ncol=2L,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("rate", "weight")))
if(site.rate == "gamma"){
g <- discrete.gamma(shape, k=k)
w <- rep(1 / k, k)
rates.and.weights <- matrix( c(g, w), ncol=2L,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("rate", "weight")))
if(site.rate == "gamma_unbiased"){
rates.and.weights <- discrete.gamma.2(alpha=shape, k=k)
if(site.rate == "gamma_quadrature")
rates.and.weights <- LaguerreQuad(shape=shape, k)
if(site.rate == "free_rate"){
g <- rep(1, k)
w <- rep(1 / k, k)
rates.and.weights <- matrix( c(g, w), ncol=2L,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("rate", "weight")))
discrete.gamma.2 <- function(alpha, k){
if (k == 1) return(list(w=1, g=1))
bin <- c(rep(0, k), 1)
quants <- rep(0, k+1)
quants[k+1] <- 1
for(i in 2:k){
old_bin <- bin[i-1]
fun <- function(x, k, alpha, old_bin){
quants <- qgamma(c(old_bin, x), shape = alpha, rate = alpha)
tmp <- diff(pgamma(quants * alpha, alpha + 1)) * (1 / (x-old_bin))
abs( (x - old_bin) * tmp - 1/k )
res <- optimize(fun, k=k, alpha=alpha, old_bin=old_bin,
interval=c(old_bin, 1), tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
bin[i] <- res$minimum
w <- diff(bin)
quants <- qgamma( bin[seq_len(k)], shape = alpha, rate = alpha)
g <- diff(c(pgamma(quants * alpha, alpha + 1), 1)) * (1/w)
matrix(c(g, w), ncol=2L, dimnames = list(NULL, c("rate", "weight")))
# free_rate <- function(k) nur optimisieren
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