
# Copyright (c) 2015 Santiago Barreda
# All rights reserved.

Ffilter = function (sound, ffs, bwp = 0.06, minbw = 60, fs = 22050, verify = FALSE){
  if (missing(ffs)) 
    stop("At least one formant center frequency must be provided.")
  ffsspecified = FALSE
  if (is.numeric(nrow(ffs))) ffsspecified = TRUE  
  bwsspecified = FALSE
  if (is.numeric(nrow(bwp))) bwsspecified = TRUE
  soundout = 0; tsout = 0;  
  if (inherits(sound,"ts")){
    fs = frequency(sound)
    tsout = 1
  if (inherits(sound,"sound")) {
    fs = sound$fs
    oldsound = sound
    sound = sound$sound
    soundout = 1
  if (!ffsspecified){
    if (is.numeric(ffs)) ffs = list(ffs, ffs)
    nffs = length(ffs[[1]])
    if (length(ffs) != 2) 
      stop("Only initial and final formant values may be provided.")
    if (length(ffs[[1]]) != length(ffs[[2]])) 
      stop("Same number of formants must be provided for beginning and\n end points.")
    tmp = matrix(0, length(sound), nffs)
    for (i in 1:nffs) tmp[, i] = seq(ffs[[1]][i], ffs[[2]][i], length.out = length(sound))
    ffs = tmp
  if (ffsspecified) nffs = ncol (ffs)
  if (length(bwp) == 1) bwp = rep(bwp, nffs)
  percent = TRUE
  if (max(bwp) > 1) percent = FALSE
  output = sound * 0
  T = 1/fs
  old = sound
  new = old * 0
  for (j in nffs:1) {
    CF = ffs[, j]
    if (percent & !bwsspecified){ 
      BW = (CF * bwp[j])
      BW[BW<minbw] = minbw
    if (!percent & !bwsspecified) BW = rep(bwp[j], length(sound))
    if (bwsspecified) BW = bwp[,j]
    C = -exp(-2 * pi * BW * T)
    B = 2 * exp(-pi * BW * T) * cos(2 * pi * CF * T)
    A = 1 - B - C
    new[1] = old[1] * A[1]
    new[2] = old[2] * A[2] - B[2] * new[1]
    for (i in 3:length(old)) new[i] = old[i] * A[i] + 
      new[i-1] * B[i] * sqrt(A[i]/A[i - 1]) + 
      new[i - 2] * C[i] * sqrt(A[i]/A[i - 1])
    old = new
  if (verify == TRUE) {
    oldpar = par()
    par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
    spectralslice(sound, fs = fs, ylim = c(-75, 5))
    spectralslice(new, fs = fs, ylim = c(-75, 5))
    suppressWarnings (par (oldpar))
  if (soundout == 1){
    oldsound$sound = new 
    invisible (oldsound)
  else if (tsout == 1){
    out = ts (new, frequency = fs, start = 0)
    invisible (out)
  else invisible (new)

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phonTools documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.