
Defines functions sim.phybreak .sim.outbreak.size .sim.outbreak .sim.additionalsamples nthsample

Documented in sim.phybreak

### simulation of outbreaks in obkData format, according to the phybreak-model ###

#' Outbreak simulation.
#' Simulate outbreaks of class \code{'phybreakdata'}, with the outbreak model of \pkg{phybreak}.
#' @param obsize The outbreak size (number of cases) to obtain. If \code{obsize = NA}, \code{popsize} should be provided.
#' @param popsize The population size in which to simulate. If it is not defined (default), 
#'   an optimal population size will be chosen based on R0 and obsize. Be aware that choosing a \code{popsize} and
#'   an \code{obsize} can severely increase the simulation time, depending on \code{R0}.
#' @param samplesperhost Number of samples to be taken per host, either a vector or a single number.
#' @param R0 The basic reproduction ratio used for simulation. The offspring distribution is Poisson.
#' @param shape.gen The shape parameter of the gamma-distributed generation interval.
#' @param mean.gen The mean generation interval.
#' @param shape.sample The shape parameter of the gamma-distributed sampling interval.
#' @param mean.sample The mean sampling interval (for the first sample of each host).
#' @param additionalsampledelay Sampling intervals since first sampling times of each host. Values in this vector will be 
#'   used first for all additional samples of host 1, then of host 2, etc.
#' @param wh.model The model for within-host pathogen dynamics (effective pathogen population size = 
#'   N*gE = actual population size * pathogen generation time), used to simulate coalescence events. Options are:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item Effective size = 0, so coalescence occurs 'just before' transmission, in the infector
#'     \item Effective size = Inf, so coalescence occurs 'just after' infection, in the infectee
#'     \item Effective size at time t after infection = wh.slope * t
#'   }
#' @param wh.slope Within-host increase of effective population size, used if \code{wh.model = 3}.
#' @param mu Expected number of mutations per nucleotide per unit of time along each lineage. 
#' @param sequence.length Number of available nucleotides for mutations.
#' @param output.class Class of the simulation output. If package \pkg{OutbreakTools} is available, it is possible to choose
#'  class \code{'obkData'}
#' @return The simulation output, either as an object of class \code{'phybreakdata'} with sequences (class \code{'phyDat'}) and 
#'   sampling times (which would be the observations), and infection times, infectors, and phylogenetic tree 
#'   of class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}; 
#'   or as an object of class \code{'obkData'} (package \pkg{OutbreakTools}), containing the outbreak data in the following slots:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{individuals}{a \code{data.frame} with individual labels as row names, a vector \code{infector},
#'       and a vector \code{date} containing the infection times (starting 01-01-2000)
#'     }
#'     \item{dna}{an object of class \code{'obkSequences'}, with SNP data in \code{dna} and sampling times
#'       in \code{meta$date}
#'     }
#'     \item{trees}{an object of class \code{\link[ape]{multiphylo}}, containing a single tree of class \code{\link[ape]{phylo}}}
#'   }
#' @author Don Klinkenberg \email{don@@xs4all.nl}
#' @references \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005495}{Klinkenberg et al. (2017)} Simultaneous 
#'   inference of phylogenetic and transmission trees in infectious disease outbreaks. 
#'   \emph{PLoS Comput Biol}, \strong{13}(5): e1005495.
#' @examples 
#' simulation <- sim.phybreak()
#' @export
sim.phybreak <- function(obsize = 50, popsize = NA, samplesperhost = 1,
                         R0 = 1.5, shape.gen = 10, mean.gen = 1, 
                         shape.sample = 10, mean.sample = 1,
                         additionalsampledelay = 0,
                         wh.model = 3, wh.slope = 1, 
                         mu = 0.0001, sequence.length = 10000, output.class = c("phybreakdata", "obkData")) {
  ### tests
  output.class <- match.arg(output.class)
  if(output.class == "obkData" && !("OutbreakTools" %in% .packages(TRUE))) {
    warning("package 'OutbreakTools' not installed: output.class is \"phybreakdata\"")
    output.class <- "phybreakdata"
  if(output.class == "obkData" && !("OutbreakTools" %in% .packages(FALSE))) {
#    warning("package 'OutbreakTools' is not attached")
  if(all(is.na(c(obsize, popsize)))) {
    stop("give an outbreak size (obsize) and/or a population size (popsize)")
  if(all(!is.na(c(obsize, popsize)))) {
    warning("giving both an outbreak size (obsize) and a population size (popsize) can take a very long simulation time",
            immediate. = TRUE)
  if(all(!is.na(c(obsize, popsize))) && obsize > popsize) {
    stop("outbreak size (obsize) cannot be larger than population size (popsize)")
  if(R0 <= 1) {
    stop("R0 should be larger than 1")
  if(any(c(shape.gen, mean.gen, shape.sample, mean.sample, wh.slope, mu) <= 0)) {
    stop("parameter values should be positive")
  ### simulate step by step
  if(is.na(obsize)) {
     res <- .sim.outbreak(popsize, R0, shape.gen, mean.gen,
                                      shape.sample, mean.sample)
     obsize <- res$obs
     if(obsize == 1) return(c("Outbreak size = 1"))
  } else {
    res <- .sim.outbreak.size(obsize, popsize, R0, shape.gen, mean.gen,
                              shape.sample, mean.sample)
  if(any(samplesperhost < 1)) stop("samplesperhost should be positive")
  if(any(additionalsampledelay < 0)) stop("additionalsampledelay cannot be negative")
  res <- .sim.additionalsamples(res, samplesperhost, additionalsampledelay)
  res <- .sim.phylotree(res, wh.model, wh.slope)
  res <- .sim.sequences(res, mu, sequence.length)
  hostnames <- paste0("host.", 1:obsize)
  samplenames <- paste0("sample.", res$nodehosts[1:res$Nsamples], ".", nthsample(res))
  names(res$sequences) <- samplenames
  ### make a phylo tree
  treesout <- vector('list',1)
  treesout[[1]] <- phybreak2phylo(vars = res, samplenames = samplenames, simmap = FALSE)
  class(treesout) <- "multiPhylo"

  if(output.class == "obkData") {
    toreturn <- with(res, new("obkData",
                    individuals = data.frame(
                      infector = c("index", hostnames)[1 + infectors],
                      date = as.Date(infectiontimes, origin = "2000-01-01"),
                      row.names = hostnames),
                    dna = list(SNPs = ape::as.DNAbin(sequences)), 
                    dna.individualID = hostnames[c(1:obs, addsamplehosts)], 
                    dna.date = as.Date(c(sampletimes, addsampletimes), origin = "2000-01-01"),
                    sample = samplenames,
                    trees = treesout))
  } else {
    toreturn <- with(res,
      sequences = sequences,
      sample.times = c(sampletimes, addsampletimes),
      sample.names = samplenames,
      host.names = hostnames[c(1:obs, addsamplehosts)],
      sim.infection.times = infectiontimes,
      sim.infectors = infectors,
      sim.tree = treesout[[1]]

### simulate an outbreak of a particular size by repeating
### simulations until obsize is obtained
### called by:
# sim.phybreak
### calls:
# .sim.outbreak
.sim.outbreak.size <- function(obsize, Npop, R0, aG, mG, aS, mS) {
  if(is.na(Npop)) {
    Npop <- obsize
    while(1 - obsize/Npop < exp(-R0* obsize/Npop)) {Npop <- Npop + 1}
  sim <- .sim.outbreak(Npop, R0, aG, mG, aS, mS)
  while(sim$obs != obsize) {
    sim <- .sim.outbreak(Npop, R0, aG, mG, aS, mS)

### simulate an outbreak
### called by:
# sim.phybreak
# .sim.outbreak.size
.sim.outbreak <- function(Npop, R0, aG, mG, aS, mS) {
  ### initialize
  inftimes <- c(0, rep(10000, Npop-1))
  sources <- rep(0,Npop)
  nrcontacts <- rpois(Npop, R0)
  nth.infection <- 1
  currentID <- 1
  ### by order of infection, sample secondary infections
  # currentID is the infected host under consideration
  while(nth.infection <= Npop & inftimes[currentID] != 10000) {
    #when does currentID make infectious contacts?
    #reverse sorting so that with double contacts, the earliest will be used last
    whencontacts <- sort(inftimes[currentID] + rgamma(nrcontacts[currentID], aG, aG/mG),decreasing = TRUE)
    #who are these contacts made with?
    whocontacted <- sample(Npop, nrcontacts[currentID], replace = TRUE)
    #are these contacts successful, i.e. earlier than the existing contacts with these hosts?
    successful <- whencontacts < inftimes[whocontacted]
    #change infectors and infection times of successful contactees
    sources[whocontacted[successful]] <- currentID
    inftimes[whocontacted[successful]] <- whencontacts[successful]
    #go to next infected host in line
    nth.infection <- nth.infection + 1
    currentID <- order(inftimes)[nth.infection]
  ### determine outbreaksize and sampling times
  obs <- sum(inftimes<10000)
  samptimes <- inftimes + rgamma(Npop, aS, aS/mS)
  ### order hosts by sampling times, and renumber hostIDs
  ### so that the uninfected hosts can be discarded
  orderbysamptimes <- order(samptimes)
  sources <- sources[orderbysamptimes]
  infectors <- match(sources,orderbysamptimes)[1:obs]
  infectors[is.na(infectors)] <- 0
  inftimes <- inftimes[orderbysamptimes]
  samptimes <- samptimes[orderbysamptimes]
  ### return the outbreak
      obs = obs,
      sampletimes = samptimes[1:obs],
      infectiontimes = inftimes[1:obs],
      infectors = infectors

### simulate additional samples in a transmission tree
.sim.additionalsamples <- function(sim.object, samperh, addsamdelay) {
  # recycle too short arguments
  addsamplesizes <- rep_len(samperh - 1, sim.object$obs)
  addsamplesizes[addsamplesizes < 0] <- 0
  alldelays <- rep_len(addsamdelay, sum(addsamplesizes))
  # vectors with additional samplehosts and sample times
  addsamplehosts <- rep(1:sim.object$obs, addsamplesizes)
  addsampletimes <- sim.object$sampletimes[addsamplehosts] + alldelays
  addsampletimes <- addsampletimes[order(addsamplehosts, addsampletimes)]

  return(within(sim.object, {
    Nsamples <- sim.object$obs + sum(addsamplesizes)
    addsamplehosts <- addsamplehosts
    addsampletimes <- addsampletimes

### simulate a phylogenetic tree given a transmission tree
### called by:
# sim.phybreak
### calls:
# .samplecoaltimes
# .sampletopology
.sim.phylotree <- function (sim.object, wh.model, wh.slope) {
      nodeparents <- rep(0,2*Nsamples - 1 + obs)  #initialize nodes: will containsparent node in phylotree
      nodetimes <- nodeparents   #initialize nodes: will contain time of node
      nodehosts <- nodeparents   #initialize nodes: will contain host carrying the node
      nodetypes <- c(rep("s", obs), rep("x", Nsamples - obs), rep("c", Nsamples - 1),
                     rep("t", obs))  #initialize nodes: will contain node type (sampling, coalescent, transmission)
      nodetimes[1:Nsamples] <- c(sampletimes, addsampletimes)   #sampling nodes at sample times
      nodetimes[1:obs + 2*Nsamples - 1] <- infectiontimes  #transmission nodes at infection times
      nextcoalnode <- Nsamples + 1  #needed in next loop: which is the next available coalescence node
      ## distribute nodes over the hosts
      nodehosts[1:Nsamples] <- c(1:obs, addsamplehosts)
      nodehosts[(Nsamples + 1):(2 * Nsamples - 1)] <- sort(c(infectors, addsamplehosts))[-1]
      nodehosts[(2 * Nsamples):(2 * Nsamples + obs - 1)] <- infectors

      ## sample the times of the coalescence nodes
      for(i in 1:obs) {
        nodetimes[nodehosts == i & nodetypes == "c"] <-   #change the times of the coalescence nodes in host i...
          nodetimes[i + 2*Nsamples - 1] +                      #...to the infection time +
          .samplecoaltimes(nodetimes[nodehosts == i & nodetypes != "c"] - nodetimes[i + 2*Nsamples - 1],
                           wh.model, wh.slope)  #...sampled coalescence times

      ## sample for each node its parent node
      for(i in 1:obs) {
        nodeparents[nodehosts == i] <-     #change the parent nodes of all nodes in host i...
          .sampletopology(which(nodehosts == i), nodetimes[nodehosts == i], nodetypes[nodehosts == i], i + 2*Nsamples - 1, wh.model)
        #...to a correct topology, randomized where possible
        within(sim.object, {
          nodetypes <- nodetypes
          nodeparents <- nodeparents
          nodehosts <- nodehosts
          nodetimes <- nodetimes

### simulate sequences given a phylogenetic tree
### called by:
# sim.phybreak
.sim.sequences <- function (sim.object, mu, sequence.length) {
    ### simulate the mutations on the phylotree
    #number of mutations
    edgelengths <- nodetimes - c(0, nodetimes)[1 + nodeparents]
    edgelengths[edgelengths < 0] <- 0  #rounding errors close to 0
    nmutations <- rpois(1, mu * sequence.length * sum(edgelengths))
    #place mutations on edges, order by time of edge (end)
    mutedges <- sample(2 * Nsamples + obs - 1, size = nmutations, replace = TRUE, prob = edgelengths)
    mutedges <- mutedges[order(nodetimes[mutedges])]
    #sample mutations: which locus, to which nucleotide
    mutsites <- sample(sequence.length, size = nmutations, replace = TRUE)
    mutsites <- match(mutsites, unique(mutsites))  #place mutations at front of sequence 
    mutnucl <- sample(4, size = nmutations, replace = TRUE)
    ### construct the strains from the simulation by going backwards
    ### through the phylotree from each tip and placing mutations
    nodestrains <- matrix(data = rep(sample(4, nmutations, replace = TRUE), each = Nsamples), nrow = Nsamples)
    for(i in 1:Nsamples) {
      currentedge <- i
      recentmutations <- rep(FALSE, nmutations) #keep more recent mutations on each locus
      while(nodeparents[currentedge] != 0) {
        nodestrains[i, mutsites[mutedges == currentedge & !recentmutations]] <-
          mutnucl[mutedges == currentedge & !recentmutations]
        recentmutations <- recentmutations | mutedges == currentedge
        currentedge <- nodeparents[currentedge]
    # place single unchanged acgt at front of sequence to force these at first positions in phyDat-object
    nodestrains <- cbind(matrix(data = rep(1:4, each = Nsamples), ncol = 4), nodestrains)
    nodestrains[nodestrains == 1] <- "a"
    nodestrains[nodestrains == 2] <- "c"
    nodestrains[nodestrains == 3] <- "g"
    nodestrains[nodestrains == 4] <- "t"
    rownames(nodestrains) <- 1:Nsamples
    # make phyDat-object and change attributes to get entire sequence, with single acgt at front removed
    nodestrains <- phangorn::as.phyDat(nodestrains)
    mutlocs <- sample(4, max(0, sequence.length - nmutations), replace = TRUE)
    attr(nodestrains, "index") <- c(attr(nodestrains, "index")[-(1:4)], mutlocs)
    attr(nodestrains, "weight")[1:4] <- attr(nodestrains, "weight")[1:4] + tabulate(mutlocs, 4) - 1
        sequences <- nodestrains

nthsample <- function(sim.object) {
  with(sim.object, {
    nth <- rep(0, Nsamples)
    sapply(1:obs, function(x) suppressWarnings(nth[which(nodehosts[nodetypes %in% c("s", "x")] == x)] <<- 0:Nsamples))

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phybreak documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:36 p.m.