
Defines functions acode2aid.list acode2aid.default acode2aid aid2acode.list aid2acode.default aid2acode cid2aid.list cid2aid.default cid2aid nid2cid.list nid2cid.default nid2cid nid2aid.list nid2aid.default nid2aid sid2nid nid2sid snp2code.list snp2code.default snp2code code2snp.list code2snp.default code2snp sid2snp.list sid2snp.default sid2snp snp2sid.list snp2sid.default snp2sid nid2code.list nid2code.default nid2code code2nid.list code2nid.default code2nid

Documented in acode2aid acode2aid.default acode2aid.list aid2acode aid2acode.default aid2acode.list cid2aid cid2aid.default cid2aid.list code2nid code2nid.default code2nid.list code2snp code2snp.default code2snp.list nid2aid nid2aid.default nid2aid.list nid2cid nid2cid.default nid2cid.list nid2code nid2code.default nid2code.list nid2sid sid2nid sid2snp sid2snp.default sid2snp.list snp2code snp2code.default snp2code.list snp2sid snp2sid.default snp2sid.list

### Object Name (Type): Definaiton (Examples)
###   codeseq (string): A nucleotide sequence. (ACGT...)
###   nidseq (vector[L]): A nucleotide id sequence. (1234....)
###                       The length should be L = 2 + 3 * n + 3 for n >= 1.

### Transfer an nucleotide sequence to a code id sequence.
### Eg. ACGT-... => 01234...
code2nid <- function(codeseq){
} # End of code2nid().

code2nid.default <- function(codeseq){
  code.char <- as.character(.nucleotide$code)
  code.l.char <- as.character(.nucleotide$code.l)
  code.nid <- .nucleotide$nid

  nidseq <- codeseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.nucleotide)){
    nidseq[codeseq %in% c(code.char[i], code.l.char[i])] <- code.nid[i]
  nidseq[! codeseq %in% c(code.char, code.l.char)] <- .missing.code$mid
  nidseq <- as.numeric(nidseq)

    dim(nidseq) <- dim(codeseq)
} # End of code2nid.default().

code2nid.list <- function(codeseq){
  lapply(codeseq, code2nid.default)
} # End of code2nid.list().

### Transfer a nucleotide id sequence to an nucleotide sequence.
### Eg. 01234... => ACGT-...
nid2code <- function(nidseq, lower.case = TRUE){
} # End of nid2code().

nid2code.default <- function(nidseq, lower.case = TRUE){
    code.char <- as.character(.nucleotide$code.l)
  } else{
    code.char <- as.character(.nucleotide$code)
  code.nid <- .nucleotide$nid

  codeseq <- nidseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.nucleotide)){
    codeseq[nidseq == code.nid[i]] <- code.char[i]
  codeseq[!nidseq %in% code.nid] <- .missing.code$code

    dim(codeseq) <- dim(nidseq)
} # End of nid2code.default().

nid2code.list <- function(nidseq, lower.case = TRUE){
  n.seq <- length(nidseq)
  n.lower.case <- length(lower.case)

  if(n.lower.case == 1){
    lower.case <- rep(lower.case, n.seq)
  } else if(n.lower.case != n.seq){
    stop("The length of lower.case is not correct.")

    function(i){ nid2code.default(nidseq[[i]], lower.case = lower.case[i]) })
} # End of nid2code.list().

### Transfer an SNP sequence to a SNP id sequence.
### Eg. 1212-... => 01012...
snp2sid <- function(snpseq){
} # End of snp2sid().

snp2sid.default <- function(snpseq){
  code.char <- as.character(.snp$code)
  code.sid <- .snp$sid

  sidseq <- snpseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.snp)){
    sidseq[snpseq == code.char[i]] <- code.sid[i]
  sidseq[! snpseq %in% code.char] <- .missing.code$mid
  sidseq <- as.numeric(sidseq)

    dim(sidseq) <- dim(snpseq)
} # End of snp2sid.default().

snp2sid.list <- function(snpseq){
  lapply(snpseq, snp2sid.default)
} # End of snp2sid.list().

### Transfer a SNP id sequence to an SNP sequence.
### Eg. 01012... => 1212-..
sid2snp <- function(sidseq){
} # End of sid2snp().

sid2snp.default <- function(sidseq){
  code.char <- as.character(.snp$code)
  code.sid <- .snp$sid

  snpseq <- sidseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.snp)){
    snpseq[sidseq == code.sid[i]] <- code.char[i]
  snpseq[!sidseq %in% code.sid] <- .missing.code$code

    dim(snpseq) <- dim(sidseq)
} # End of sid2snp.default().

sid2snp.list <- function(sidseq){
  lapply(sidseq, sid2snp.default)
} # End of sid2snp.list().

### Transfer a nucleotide seqeunce to a SNP sequence.
### Eg. AGCT-... => 1122-...
code2snp <- function(codeseq){
} # End of code2snp().

code2snp.default <- function(codeseq){
  snpseq <- codeseq
  snpseq[codeseq %in% c("A", "a", "G", "g")] <- "1"
  snpseq[codeseq %in% c("C", "c", "T", "t")] <- "2"
  # snpseq[codeseq %in% c("-")] <- "-"
  snpseq[!(snpseq %in% c("1", "2", "-"))] <- "."

    dim(snpseq) <- dim(codeseq)
} # End of code2snp.default().

code2snp.list <- function(codeseq){
  lapply(codeseq, code2snp.default)
} # End of code2snp.list().

### Transfer a SNP seqeunce to a nucleotide sequence.
### Eg. 1122-... => AACC-...
snp2code <- function(snpseq, half = TRUE){
} # End of snp2code().

snp2code.default <- function(snpseq, half = TRUE){
  codeseq <- snpseq

    id <- snpseq == "1"
    tl <- sum(id)
    codeseq[id] <- rep(c("A", "G"), ceiling(tl / 2))[1:tl]
    id <- snpseq == "2"
    tl <- sum(id)
    codeseq[id] <- rep(c("C", "T"), ceiling(tl / 2))[1:tl]
  } else{
    codeseq[snpseq == "1"] <- "A"
    codeseq[snpseq == "2"] <- "C"

  # codeseq[codeseq == "-"] <- "-"
  codeseq[!(snpseq %in% c("1", "2", "-"))] <- "."

    dim(codeseq) <- dim(snpseq)
} # End of code2snp.default().

snp2code.list <- function(snpseq, half = TRUE){
  n.seq <- length(snpseq)
  n.half <- length(half)

  if(n.half == 1){
    half <- rep(half, n.seq)
  } else if(n.half != n.seq){
    stop("The length of half is not correct.")

  lapply(1:n.seq, function(i){ snp2code.default(snpseq[[i]], half = half[i]) })
} # End of code2snp.list().

### Transfer nid and sid.
nid2sid <- function(nidseq){
} # End of nid2sid()

sid2nid <- function(sidseq, half = TRUE){
  code2nid(snp2code(sid2snp(sidseq), half = half))
} # End of nid2sid()

### Transfer an nucleotide id sequence to an amino acid id sequence.
### Eg. 103223.. => 3, 14, ...
nid2aid <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
} # End of nid2aid().

nid2aid.default <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
  code.aid.gap <- .amino.acid$aid[.amino.acid$code == "-"]
  code.nid.gap <- .nucleotide$nid[.nucleotide$code == "-"]
  code.aid <- .genetic.code$aid
  code.nid <- .genetic.code$nid

  nid2aid.a.seq <- function(a.nidseq){
    an.aidseq <- rep(code.aid.gap, length(a.nidseq))
    for(i in 1:nrow(.genetic.code)){
      an.aidseq[a.nidseq == code.nid[i]] <- code.aid[i]

  if(is.matrix(nidseq) && !byrow){
    nidseq <- t(nidseq)
    nidseq <- matrix(nidseq, nrow = 1)

  n.seq <- nrow(nidseq)
    end <- ncol(nidseq)
  nidseq <- matrix(nidseq[, start:end], nrow = n.seq)
  end <- ncol(nidseq)

  if(! drop.gap){
    end.new <- end - end %% 3
    if(end.new < 3){
      stop("The sequence is too short.")
    nidseq <- matrix(t(nidseq[, 1:end.new]), nrow = 3)

    nidseq <- apply(nidseq, 2, paste, collapse = "")
    aidseq <- matrix(nid2aid.a.seq(nidseq), nrow = n.seq, byrow = TRUE)

    if(n.seq == 1){
      aidseq <- as.vector(aidseq)
    } else{
        aidseq <- t(aidseq)
  } else{
    aidseq <- list()
    for(i in 1:n.seq){
      a.nidseq <- nidseq[i,]
      a.nidseq <- a.nidseq[a.nidseq != code.nid.gap]
      end.new <- end - end %% 3
      if(end.new < 3){
        stop("The sequence is too short.")
      a.nidseq <- matrix(a.nidseq[1:end.new], nrow = 3)

      a.nidseq <- apply(a.nidseq, 2, paste, collapse = "")
      aidseq[[i]] <- nid2aid.a.seq(a.nidseq)

} # End of nid2aid.default().

nid2aid.list <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
  n.seq <- length(nidseq)
  n.start <- length(start)
  n.end <- length(end)
  n.drop.gap <- length(drop.gap)

  if(n.start == 1){
    start <- rep(start, n.seq)
  } else if(n.start != n.seq){
    stop("The length of start is not correct.")

  if(n.end == 0){
    end <- do.call("c", lapply(nidseq, length))
  } else if(n.end == 1){
    end <- rep(end, n.seq)
  } else if(n.end != n.seq){
    stop("The length of end is not correct.")

  if(n.drop.gap == 1){
    drop.gap <- rep(drop.gap, n.seq)
  } else if(length(drop.gap) != n.seq){
    stop("The length of drop.gap is not correct.")

    function(i){ nid2aid.default(nidseq[[i]], start = start[i], end = end[i],
                                 drop.gap = drop.gap[i]) })
} # End of nid2aid.list().

### Transfer an nucleotide id sequence to a codon id sequence.
### Eg. 103223.. => 19, 43, ...
nid2cid <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
} # End of nid2cid().

nid2cid.default <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
  code.nid.gap <- .nucleotide$nid[.nucleotide$code == "-"]
  code.cid.gap <- .codon$cid[.codon$code == "---"]
  code.nid <- .genetic.code$nid
  code.cid <- .genetic.code$cid

  nid2cid.a.seq <- function(a.nidseq){
    a.cidseq <- rep(code.cid.gap, length(a.nidseq))
    for(i in 1:nrow(.genetic.code)){
      a.cidseq[a.nidseq == code.nid[i]] <- code.cid[i]

  if(is.matrix(nidseq) && !byrow){
    nidseq <- t(nidseq)
    nidseq <- matrix(nidseq, nrow = 1)

  n.seq <- nrow(nidseq)
    end <- ncol(nidseq)
  nidseq <- matrix(nidseq[, start:end], nrow = n.seq)
  end <- ncol(nidseq)

  if(! drop.gap){
    end.new <- end - end %% 3
    if(end.new < 3){
      stop("The sequence is too short.")
    nidseq <- matrix(t(nidseq[, 1:end.new]), nrow = 3)

    nidseq <- apply(nidseq, 2, paste, collapse = "")
    cidseq <- matrix(nid2cid.a.seq(nidseq), nrow = n.seq, byrow = TRUE)

    if(n.seq == 1){
      cidseq <- as.vector(cidseq)
    } else{
        cidseq <- t(cidseq)
  } else{
    cidseq <- list()
    for(i in 1:n.seq){
      a.nidseq <- nidseq[i,]
      a.nidseq <- a.nidseq[a.nidseq != code.nid.gap]
      end.new <- end - end %% 3
      if(end.new < 3){
        stop("The sequence is too short.")
      a.nidseq <- matrix(a.nidseq[1:end.new], nrow = 3)

      a.nidseq <- apply(a.nidseq, 2, paste, collapse = "")
      cidseq[[i]] <- nid2cid.a.seq(a.nidseq)

} # End of nid2cid.default().

nid2cid.list <- function(nidseq, start = 1, end = NULL, drop.gap = FALSE,
    byrow = TRUE){
  n.start <- length(start)
  n.end <- length(end)
  n.seq <- length(nidseq)

  if(n.start == 1){
    start <- rep(start, n.seq)
  } else if(n.start != n.seq){
    stop("The length of start is not correct.")

  if(n.end == 0){
    end <- do.call("c", lapply(nidseq, length))
  } else if(n.end == 1){
    end <- rep(end, n.seq)
  } else if(n.end != n.seq){
    stop("The length of end is not correct.")

  if(length(drop.gap) == 1){
    drop.gap <- rep(drop.gap, n.seq)
  } else if(length(drop.gap) != n.seq){
    stop("The length of drop.gap is not correct.")

    function(i){ nid2cid.default(nidseq[[i]], start = start[i], end = end[i],
                                 drop.gap = drop.gap[i]) }) 
} # End of nid2cid.list().

### Transfer an codon id sequence to an amino acid id sequence.
### Eg. 19, 43, ... => 3, 14, ...
cid2aid <- function(cidseq){
} # End of cid2aid().

cid2aid.default <- function(cidseq){
  code.cid <- .genetic.code$cid
  code.aid <- .genetic.code$aid
  code.aid.gap <- .amino.acid$aid[.amino.acid$code == "-"]

  aidseq <- cidseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.genetic.code)){
    aidseq[cidseq == code.cid[i]] <- code.aid[i]
  aidseq[!cidseq %in% code.cid] <- code.aid.gap

    dim(aidseq) <- dim(cidseq)
} # End of cid2aid.default().

cid2aid.list <- function(cidseq){
  lapply(cidseq, cid2aid.default)
} # End of cid2aid.list().

### Transfer an amino acid id sequence to an amino acid code sequence.
### Eg. 3, 14, ... => DP...
aid2acode <- function(aidseq, lower.case = FALSE){
} # End of aid2acode().

aid2acode.default <- function(aidseq, lower.case = FALSE){
    code.char <- as.character(.amino.acid$code.l)
  } else{
    code.char <- as.character(.amino.acid$code)
  code.aid <- .amino.acid$aid

  acodeseq <- aidseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.amino.acid)){
    acodeseq[aidseq == code.aid[i]] <- code.char[i]
  acodeseq[!aidseq %in% code.aid] <- "-"

    dim(acodeseq) <- dim(aidseq)
} # End of aid2acode.default().

aid2acode.list <- function(aidseq, lower.case = FALSE){
  n.seq <- length(aidseq)
  n.lower.case <- length(lower.case)

  if(n.lower.case == 1){
    lower.case <- rep(lower.case, n.seq)
  } else if(n.lower.case != n.seq){
    stop("The length of lower.case is not correct.")

  lapply(aidseq, aid2acode.default)
} # End of aid2acode.list().

### Transfer an amino acid code sequence to an amino acid id sequence.
### EG. DP... => 3, 14, ...
acode2aid <- function(acodeseq){
} # End of acode2aid().

acode2aid.default <- function(acodeseq){
  code.char <- as.character(.amino.acid$code)
  code.l.char <- as.character(.amino.acid$code.l)
  code.aid <- .amino.acid$aid

  aidseq <- acodeseq
  for(i in 1:nrow(.amino.acid)){
    aidseq[acodeseq %in% c(code.char[i], code.l.char[i])] <- code.aid[i]
  aidseq[! acodeseq %in% c(code.char, code.l.char)] <-
    code.aid[code.char == "-"]
  aidseq <- as.numeric(aidseq)

    dim(aidseq) <- dim(acodeseq)
} # End of acode2aid.default().

acode2aid.list <- function(acodeseq){
  lapply(acodeseq, acode2aid.default)
} # End of acode2aid.list().

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