
Defines functions shade_band plot_BNPR plot_mrw plot_seasonality plot_MCMC plot_BNPR_old plot_INLA plot_INLA_inv plot_INLA_ii

Documented in plot_BNPR plot_mrw plot_seasonality

shade_band = function(x, ylo, yhi, xlim=NULL, col="gray")
  if (is.null(xlim))
    xlim = c(0, Inf)
  mask = x >= min(xlim) & x <= max(xlim)
  x = x[mask]
  ylo = ylo[mask]
  yhi = yhi[mask]
  graphics::polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(yhi, rev(ylo)), col=col, border=NA)

#' Plot a BNPR output
#' @param BNPR_out output of BNPR or BNPR_PS.
#' @param traj function summarizing the true effective population size 
#'   trajectory.
#' @param xlim numeric x-axis interval.
#' @param ylim numeric y-axis interval.
#' @param nbreaks integer number of bins for sampling heatmap.
#' @param lty line type for estimated trajectory.
#' @param lwd line width for estimated trajectory.
#' @param col color for estimated trajectory.
#' @param main character main plot title.
#' @param log character which axes to plot log-scale. Defaults to "y".
#' @param ylab character y-axis label.
#' @param xlab character x-axis label.
#' @param xmarline numeric if not using default x-axis labels, how far to put 
#'   the labels from the axis.
#' @param axlabs character vector x-axis labels.
#' @param traj_lty,traj_lwd,traj_col line type, line width, and line color for 
#'   the true trajectory.
#' @param newplot boolean whether to create a new plot or superimpose over a 
#'   previously open plot.
#' @param credible_region logical whether to display pointwise credible region.
#' @param heatmaps boolean whether to display sampling and coalescent heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels boolean whether to display labels on heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels_side string which side of plot to display heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_width numeric how wide heatmaps should be.
#' @param yscale numeric scaling applied to all effective population
#'   calculations.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed onto plot().
#' @export
plot_BNPR = function(BNPR_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, nbreaks=40,
                     lty=1, lwd=2, col="black", main="", log="y",
                     ylab="Effective Population Size",
                     xlab="Time", xmarline = 3, axlabs=NULL,
                     traj_lty=2, traj_lwd=2, traj_col=col,
                     newplot=TRUE, credible_region=TRUE,
                     heatmaps=TRUE, heatmap_labels=TRUE,
                     heatmap_labels_side="right", heatmap_width=7,
                     yscale = 1, ...)
  grid = BNPR_out$grid
  if (is.null(xlim))
    xlim=c(max(grid), min(grid))
  mask = BNPR_out$x >= min(xlim) & BNPR_out$x <= max(xlim)
  t = BNPR_out$x[mask]
  y = BNPR_out$effpop[mask] * yscale
  yhi = BNPR_out$effpop975[mask] * yscale
  ylo = BNPR_out$effpop025[mask] * yscale
  if (newplot)
    if (is.null(ylim))
    if (heatmaps)
      ylim=c(ymin/(yextra^1.35), ymax)
      ylim=c(ymin, ymax)
    if (is.null(axlabs))
                     xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
                     xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
                     xlab="", ylab=ylab, main=main,
                     xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xaxt = "n", ...)
      graphics::axis(1, at=axlabs$x, labels = axlabs$labs, las=2)
      graphics::mtext(text = xlab, side = 1, line = xmarline)
  if (credible_region)
    shade_band(x = t, ylo = ylo, yhi = yhi, col="lightgray")
  if (!is.null(traj))
    graphics::lines(t, traj(t), lwd=traj_lwd, lty=traj_lty, col=traj_col)
  if (newplot)
    if (heatmaps)
      samps = rep(BNPR_out$samp_times, BNPR_out$n_sampled)
      samps = samps[samps <= max(xlim) & samps >= min(xlim)]
      coals = BNPR_out$coal_times
      coals = coals[coals <= max(xlim) & coals >= min(xlim)]
      breaks = seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), length.out=nbreaks)
      h_samp = graphics::hist(samps, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
      h_coal = graphics::hist(coals, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
      hist2heat(h_samp, y=ymin/yextra^0.5, wd=heatmap_width)
      hist2heat(h_coal, y=ymin/yextra, wd=heatmap_width)
      #points(samps, rep(ymin/yextra^0.5, length(samps)), pch=3) 
      #points(coals, rep(ymin/yextra, length(coals)), pch=4)
      if (heatmap_labels)
        if (heatmap_labels_side == "left")
          lab_x = max(xlim)
          lab_adj = 0
        else if (heatmap_labels_side == "right")
          lab_x = min(xlim)
          lab_adj = 1
          warning('heatmap_labels_side not "left" or "right", defaulting to right')
          lab_x = min(xlim)
          lab_adj = 1
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^0.20), labels = "Sampling events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 0), cex = 0.7)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^1.25), labels = "Coalescent events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 1), cex = 0.7)
  graphics::lines(t, y, lwd=lwd, col=col, lty=lty)

#' Plot Mean Relative Widths
#' @param BNPR_outs one or more outputs of BNPR or BNPR_PS.
#' @param traj function summarizing the true effective population size 
#'   trajectory.
#' @param xlim numeric x-axis interval.
#' @param ylim numeric y-axis interval.
#' @param nbreaks integer number of bins for sampling heatmap.
#' @param ltys line types for estimated trajectories.
#' @param lwds line widths for estimated trajectories.
#' @param cols colors for estimated trajectories.
#' @param xlab character x-axis label.
#' @param xmarline numeric if not using default x-axis labels, how far to put
#'   the labels from the axis.
#' @param axlabs character vector x-axis labels.
#' @param ymin_zero logical 
#' @param ylab character y-axis label.
#' @param main character main plot title.
#' @param heatmaps boolean whether to display sampling and coalescent heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels boolean whether to display labels on heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels_side string which side of plot to display heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_width numeric how wide heatmaps should be.
#' @param legends character legend texts.
#' @param legend_place character location of legend pane. See legend().
#' @param legend_cex numeric expansion factor for legend pane.
#' @param bty integer box type. See legend().
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed onto plot().
#' @export
plot_mrw = function(BNPR_outs, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, nbreaks=40,
                    ltys=1, lwds=2, cols="black", xlab="Time", xmarline = 3,
                    axlabs=NULL, ymin_zero=FALSE, ylab="Mean Relative Width",
                    main="", heatmaps=TRUE, heatmap_labels=FALSE,
                    heatmap_labels_side="right", heatmap_width = 7, 
                    legends=NULL, legend_place="topleft",
                    legend_cex=1.0, bty="n", ...)
  n = length(BNPR_outs)
  ltys <- rep_len(x = ltys, length.out = n)
  lwds <- rep_len(x = lwds, length.out = n)
  cols <- rep_len(x = cols, length.out = n)
  x = BNPR_outs[[1]]$x
  if (is.null(xlim))
  mask = (x > min(xlim) & x < max(xlim))
  los  = list()
  his  = list()
  mids = list()
  mres = list()
  for (i in 1:length(BNPR_outs))
    los[[i]]  = BNPR_outs[[i]]$effpop025[mask]
    his[[i]]  = BNPR_outs[[i]]$effpop975[mask]
    mids[[i]] = BNPR_outs[[i]]$effpop[mask]
    if (is.null(traj))
      mres[[i]] = (his[[i]] - los[[i]])/mids[[i]]
      mres[[i]] = (his[[i]] - los[[i]])/traj(x[mask])
  if (!is.null(ylim))
    ymax = max(ylim)
    ymin = min(ylim)
    if (ymin_zero)
  if (heatmaps)
    ylim=c(ymin-(yextra*1.35), ymax)
    ylim = c(ymin, ymax)
  if (is.null(axlabs))
    graphics::plot(1,1,type="n", xaxt="n",
                   xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim, ...)
    graphics::axis(1, at=axlabs$x, labels = axlabs$labs, las=2, cex.lab=0.6)
    graphics::mtext(text = xlab, side = 1, line = xmarline)
  for (i in 1:length(mres))
    graphics::lines(x[mask], mres[[i]], lwd=lwds[i], col=cols[i], lty = ltys[i])
  if (heatmaps)
    samps = rep(BNPR_outs[[1]]$samp_times, BNPR_outs[[1]]$n_sampled)
    samps = samps[samps <= max(xlim) & samps >= min(xlim)]
    coals = BNPR_outs[[1]]$coal_times
    coals = coals[coals <= max(xlim) & coals >= min(xlim)]
    breaks = seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), length.out=nbreaks)
    h_samp = graphics::hist(samps, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
    h_coal = graphics::hist(coals, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
    hist2heat(h_samp, y=ymin-yextra*0.5, wd=heatmap_width)
    hist2heat(h_coal, y=ymin-yextra, wd=heatmap_width)
    #points(samps, rep(ymin/yextra^0.5, length(samps)), pch=3) 
    #points(coals, rep(ymin/yextra, length(coals)), pch=4)
    if (heatmap_labels)
      if (heatmap_labels_side == "left")
        lab_x = max(xlim)
        lab_adj = 0
      else if (heatmap_labels_side == "right")
        lab_x = min(xlim)
        lab_adj = 1
        warning('heatmap_labels_side not "left" or "right", defaulting to right')
        lab_x = min(xlim)
        lab_adj = 1
      graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin-(yextra*0.20), labels = "Sampling events",
           adj = c(lab_adj, 0), cex = 0.7)
      graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin-(yextra*1.25), labels = "Coalescent events",
           adj = c(lab_adj, 1), cex = 0.7)
  if (!is.null(legends))
    graphics::legend(legend_place, legends, lty=ltys, lwd = lwds, bty = bty, col=cols, cex=legend_cex)

#' Plot Seasonality
#' @param BNPR_out output of BNPR or BNPR_PS.
#' @param zero_date numeric which time to present as 0 on graph.
#' @param start numeric when to start displaying data.
#' @param years numeric how many years to count back in time.
#' @param period numeric how long of a period is a "year".
#' @param ylim numeric y-axis interval.
#' @param nbreaks integer number of bins for sampling heatmap.
#' @param lty numeric line type for the estimated trajectory paths.
#' @param lwd numeric line width for the estimated trajectory paths.
#' @param col_years color of year paths.
#' @param col_mean color of mean path.
#' @param main character main plot title.
#' @param axlabs character vector x-axis labels.
#' @param xlab character x-axis label.
#' @param xmarline numeric if not using default x-axis labels, how far to put
#'   the labels from the axis.
#' @param ylab character y-axis label.
#' @param log_y logical whether to log-scale the y-axis.
#' @param heatmaps boolean whether to display sampling and coalescent heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels boolean whether to display labels on heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_labels_side string which side of plot to display heatmaps.
#' @param heatmap_width numeric how wide heatmaps should be.
#' @param legend character legend text. The defauly, NULL, disables.
#' @param yscale numeric scaling applied to all effective population
#'   calculations.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed onto plot().
#' @export
plot_seasonality = function(BNPR_out, zero_date, start = 0.0, years = NULL, 
                            period = 1.0, ylim = NULL, nbreaks = 40,
                            lty=1, lwd=2, col_years="gray", col_mean="black",
                            main="", axlabs = NULL, xlab = "Time", xmarline = 3,
                            ylab="Effective Population Size", log_y=TRUE,
                            heatmaps=TRUE, heatmap_labels=TRUE,
                            heatmap_labels_side="right", heatmap_width = 7,
                            legend = NULL, yscale = 1.0, ...)
  offset <- zero_date %% period - start
  if (log_y)
    log = "y"
    log = ""
  t <- BNPR_out$x - offset
  y <- BNPR_out$effpop * yscale
  fun = stats::approxfun(x = t, y = y, method = "linear")
  #yhi <- BNPR_out$effpop975[mask] * yscale
  #ylo <- BNPR_out$effpop025[mask] * yscale
  if (is.null(ylim))
    ymax <- max(y)
    ymin <- min(y)
    ymin <- min(ylim)
    ymax <- max(ylim)
  if (heatmaps)
    if (log_y)
      yspan <- ymax/ymin
      yextra <- yspan^(1/10)
      ylim <- c(ymin/(yextra^1.35), ymax)
      yspan <- ymax - ymin
      yextra <- yspan/10
      ylim <- c(ymin - yextra * 1.35, ymax)
    ylim=c(ymin, ymax)
  if (is.null(axlabs))
    graphics::plot(1, 1, type="n", log = log,
                   xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = c(period, 0), ylim = ylim, ...)
    graphics::plot(1, 1, type="n", xaxt = "n", log = log,
                   xlab = "", ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = c(period, 0), ylim = ylim, ...)
    graphics::axis(1, at=axlabs$x, labels = axlabs$labs, las=2, cex.lab=1.0)
    graphics::mtext(text = xlab, side = 1, line = xmarline)
  if (is.null(years))
    years <- max(t)
  current_t <- 0
  fun_sum <- rep(0, 101)
  fun_num <- 0
  while (current_t < years)
    #period_mask <- (t >= current_t) & (t <= current_t + period)
    ts = seq(from = current_t, to = current_t + period, length.out = 101)
    graphics::lines(x = ts - current_t, y = fun(ts),
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col_years)
    if (fun_num > 0)
      fun_sum <- fun_sum + fun(ts)
    fun_num <- fun_num + 1
    current_t <- current_t + period
  fun_mean <- fun_sum / fun_num
  graphics::lines(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 101), y = fun_mean,
        lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col_mean)
  if (heatmaps)
    samps = rep(BNPR_out$samp_times, BNPR_out$n_sampled) - offset
    samps = samps[samps <= years & samps >= 0]
    coals = BNPR_out$coal_times - offset
    coals = coals[coals <= years & coals >= 0]
    breaks = seq(0, period, length.out=nbreaks)
    h_samp = graphics::hist(samps %% period, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
    h_coal = graphics::hist(coals %% period, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
    if (log_y)
      hist2heat(h_samp, y=ymin/yextra^0.5, wd=heatmap_width)
      hist2heat(h_coal, y=ymin/yextra, wd=heatmap_width)
      hist2heat(h_samp, y=ymin - yextra * 0.5, wd=heatmap_width)
      hist2heat(h_coal, y=ymin - yextra, wd=heatmap_width)
    #points(samps, rep(ymin/yextra^0.5, length(samps)), pch=3) 
    #points(coals, rep(ymin/yextra, length(coals)), pch=4)
    if (heatmap_labels)
      if (heatmap_labels_side == "left")
        lab_x = period
        lab_adj = 0
      else if (heatmap_labels_side == "right")
        lab_x = 0
        lab_adj = 1
        warning('heatmap_labels_side not "left" or "right", defaulting to right')
        lab_x = 0
        lab_adj = 1
      if (log_y)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^0.20), labels = "Sampling events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 0), cex = 0.7)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^1.25), labels = "Coalescent events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 1), cex = 0.7)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin - yextra * 0.20, labels = "Sampling events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 0), cex = 0.7)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin - yextra * 1.25, labels = "Coalescent events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 1), cex = 0.7)
  if (!is.null(legend))
    graphics::legend("topright", legend = legend, lty=1, lwd = 2, bty = "n", col=col_mean)
    #graphics::text(x=max(xlim), y=max(ylim), label=legend1, adj=c(0,1), cex=1.5)

plot_MCMC = function(MCMC_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, nbreaks=40,
                     lty=1, lwd=2, col="black", main="", log="y",
                     ylab="Effective Population Size",
                     xlab="Time", xmarline = 3, axlabs=NULL,
                     traj_lty=2, traj_lwd=2, traj_col=col,
                     newplot=TRUE, credible_region=TRUE,
                     heatmaps=TRUE, heatmap_labels=TRUE,
                     heatmap_labels_side="right", heatmap_width=7,
                     yscale = 1, ...)
  grid = MCMC_out$grid
  if (is.null(xlim))
    xlim=c(max(grid), min(grid))
  mask = MCMC_out$x >= min(xlim) & MCMC_out$x <= max(xlim)
  t = MCMC_out$x[mask]
  y = MCMC_out$med_fun(t) * yscale
  yhi = MCMC_out$hi_fun(t) * yscale
  ylo = MCMC_out$low_fun(t) * yscale
  if (newplot)
    if (is.null(ylim))
    if (heatmaps)
      ylim=c(ymin/(yextra^1.35), ymax)
      ylim=c(ymin, ymax)
    if (is.null(axlabs))
                     xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
                     xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
                     xlab="", ylab=ylab, main=main,
                     xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xaxt = "n", ...)
      graphics::axis(1, at=axlabs$x, labels = axlabs$labs, las=2)
      graphics::mtext(text = xlab, side = 1, line = xmarline)
  if (credible_region)
    shade_band(x = t, ylo = ylo, yhi = yhi, col="lightgray")
  if (!is.null(traj))
    graphics::lines(t, traj(t), lwd=traj_lwd, lty=traj_lty, col=traj_col)
  if (newplot)
    if (heatmaps)
      samps = rep(MCMC_out$samp_times, MCMC_out$n_sampled)
      samps = samps[samps <= max(xlim) & samps >= min(xlim)]
      coals = MCMC_out$coal_times
      coals = coals[coals <= max(xlim) & coals >= min(xlim)]
      breaks = seq(min(xlim), max(xlim), length.out=nbreaks)
      h_samp = graphics::hist(samps, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
      h_coal = graphics::hist(coals, breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)
      hist2heat(h_samp, y=ymin/yextra^0.5, wd=heatmap_width)
      hist2heat(h_coal, y=ymin/yextra, wd=heatmap_width)
      #points(samps, rep(ymin/yextra^0.5, length(samps)), pch=3) 
      #points(coals, rep(ymin/yextra, length(coals)), pch=4)
      if (heatmap_labels)
        if (heatmap_labels_side == "left")
          lab_x = max(xlim)
          lab_adj = 0
        else if (heatmap_labels_side == "right")
          lab_x = min(xlim)
          lab_adj = 1
          warning('heatmap_labels_side not "left" or "right", defaulting to right')
          lab_x = min(xlim)
          lab_adj = 1
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^0.20), labels = "Sampling events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 0), cex = 0.7)
        graphics::text(x = lab_x, y = ymin/(yextra^1.25), labels = "Coalescent events",
             adj = c(lab_adj, 1), cex = 0.7)
  graphics::lines(t, y, lwd=lwd, col=col, lty=lty)

plot_BNPR_old = function(BNPR_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ...)
  mod = BNPR_out$result$summary.random$time
  grid = mod$"ID"
  if (is.null(xlim))
                 xlab="Time (past to present)",ylab="Scaled Effective Pop. Size",
                 xlim=xlim,ylim=c(min(exp(-mod$"0.975quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)])),
                                  max(exp(-mod$"0.025quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)]))), ...)
  if (!is.null(traj))
    graphics::lines(grid, traj(grid))

plot_INLA = function(INLA_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ...)
  plot_BNPR(BNPR_out=INLA_out, traj, xlim, ...)

plot_INLA_inv = function(BNPR_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ...)
  mod = BNPR_out$result$summary.random$time
  grid = mod$"ID"
  if (is.null(xlim))
                 xlab="Time (past to present)",ylab="Scaled Effective Pop. Size",
                 xlim=xlim,ylim=c(min(exp(mod$"0.025quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)])),
                                  max(exp(mod$"0.975quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)]))), ...)
  if (!is.null(traj))
    graphics::lines(grid, traj(grid))

plot_INLA_ii = function(BNPR_out, traj=NULL, xlim=NULL, ...)
  mod = BNPR_out$result$summary.random$ii
  grid = mod$"ID"
  if (is.null(xlim))
                 xlab="Time (past to present)",ylab="Scaled Effective Pop. Size",
                 xlim=xlim,ylim=c(min(exp(-mod$"0.975quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)])),
                                  max(exp(-mod$"0.025quant"[grid > min(xlim) & grid < max(xlim)]))), ...)
  if (!is.null(traj))
    graphics::lines(grid, traj(grid))

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