#' Piece Grob Functions
#' \code{basicPieceGrob} is the most common
#' \dQuote{grob} function that \code{grid.piece} uses
#' to create \code{grid} graphical \code{grob} objects.
#' \code{picturePieceGrobFn} is a function that returns a \dQuote{grob} function
#' that imports graphics from files found in its \code{directory} argument.
#' @rdname basicPieceGrobs
#' @name basicPieceGrobs
#' @param cfg Piecepack configuration list or \code{pp_cfg} object.
#' @inheritParams grid.piece
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE) && piecepackr:::device_supports_unicode()) {
#' cfg <- pp_cfg(list(grob_fn.tile=basicPieceGrob, invert_colors=TRUE))
#' grid.piece("tile_face", suit=1, rank=3, cfg=cfg)
#' }
#' \donttest{# May take more than 5 seconds on CRAN servers
#' try({
#' if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE) && capabilities(c("cairo"))) {
#' cfg <- pp_cfg(list(grob_fn.tile=basicPieceGrob, invert_colors=TRUE))
#' directory <- tempdir()
#' save_piece_images(cfg, directory=directory, format="svg", angle=0)
#' cfg2 <- pp_cfg(list(grob_fn=picturePieceGrobFn(directory)))
#' grid::grid.newpage()
#' grid.piece("coin_back", suit=3, rank=5, cfg=cfg2)
#' }
#' })
#' }
#' @export
basicPieceGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)
gTree(opt=opt, border=TRUE, flip=FALSE, scale=1,
name=NULL, gp=gpar(), vp=NULL, cl="basic_piece_side")
#' @export
makeContext.basic_piece_side <- function(x) {
x <- update_gp(x, gp = gpar(cex = x$scale, lex = x$scale))
#' @export
grobCoords.basic_piece_side <- function(x, closed, ...) {
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
grobCoords(shape$shape(vp=x$vp), closed=closed, ...)
#' @export
makeContent.basic_piece_side <- function(x) {
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
# Possibly shrink background and gridlines to not overlap mat
# which sometimes prevents visual glitch if no border line
# but do not do this if mat color is transparent.
if (any(as.logical(grDevices::col2rgb(opt$mat_color, alpha = TRUE)[4, ] < 255)))
bg_mat_width <- 0
bg_mat_width <- opt$mat_width
# Background
background_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$background_color),
name = "background", mat_width = bg_mat_width)
gl_grob <- shape$gridlines(gp = gpar(col = opt$gridline_color, lex = opt$gridline_lex),
name = "gridlines", mat_width = bg_mat_width)
gp_mat <- gpar(col = NA, lwd = 0, fill = opt$mat_color)
mat_grob <- shape$mat(opt$mat_width, gp = gp_mat, name = "mat")
# Primary symbol
gp_ps <- gpar(col=opt$ps_color, fontsize=opt$ps_fontsize,
fontfamily=opt$ps_fontfamily, fontface=opt$ps_fontface)
ps_grob <- textGrob(opt$ps_text, x=opt$ps_x, y=opt$ps_y, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
gp = gp_ps, name = "primary_symbol")
# Directional mark
gp_dm <- gpar(col=opt$dm_color, fontsize=opt$dm_fontsize,
fontfamily=opt$dm_fontfamily, fontface=opt$ps_fontface)
dm_grob <- textGrob(opt$dm_text, x=opt$dm_x, y=opt$dm_y, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
gp = gp_dm, name = "directional_mark")
if (x$border) {
gp_border <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex)
border_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gp_border, name = "border")
} else {
border_grob <- nullGrob(name = "border")
if (x$flip)
gl <- gList(dm_grob, ps_grob, mat_grob, gl_grob, background_grob, border_grob)
gl <- gList(background_grob, gl_grob, mat_grob, ps_grob, dm_grob, border_grob)
setChildren(x, gl)
#' @rdname basicPieceGrobs
#' @param directory Directory that `picturePieceGrobFn` will look in for piece graphics.
#' @param filename_fn Function that takes arguments `directory`, `piece_side`, `suit`,
#' `rank`, and optionally `cfg` and returns the (full path) filename of the image that the
#' function returned by `picturePieceGrobFn` should import.
#' @export
picturePieceGrobFn <- function(directory, filename_fn=find_pp_file) {
function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
if (hasName(formals(filename_fn), "cfg"))
f <- filename_fn(directory, piece_side, suit, rank, cfg)
f <- filename_fn(directory, piece_side, suit, rank)
find_pp_file <- function(directory, piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
for (format in c("svgz", "svg", "png", "jpg", "jpeg")) {
f <- piece_filename_helper(directory, piece_side, format, suit, rank, cfg)
if (file.exists(f)) {
abort(paste("Couldn't find suitable", piece_side, "image in", directory))
piece_filename_helper <- function(directory, piece_side, format, suit, rank, cfg) {
if (piece_side %in% intersect(cfg$lacks_rank, cfg$lacks_suit)) {
piece_filename(directory, piece_side, format, 0)
} else if (piece_side %in% cfg$lacks_rank) {
piece_filename(directory, piece_side, format, 0, suit=suit)
} else if (piece_side %in% cfg$lacks_suit) {
piece_filename(directory, piece_side, format, 0, rank=rank)
} else {
piece_filename(directory, piece_side, format, 0, suit=suit, rank=rank)
#' @rdname basicPieceGrobs
#' @export
pyramidTopGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
gTree(suit = suit, rank = rank, cfg = cfg,
scale = 1, cl="pyramid_top")
#' @export
makeContent.pyramid_top <- function(x) {
width <- convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
height <- convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "in", valueOnly = TRUE)
# face at top
xy_vp <- list(x = c(width, width, 0, 0), y = c(0.5 * height, height, height, 0.5 * height))
xy_polygon <- list(x = c(0.5 * height, width, 0), y = c(0.5 * height, height, height))
g1 <- at_ps_grob("pyramid_face", x$suit, x$rank, x$cfg, xy_vp, xy_polygon, "face")
g1$scale <- x$scale
# back at bottom
xy_vp <- list(x = width * rect_xy$x, y = 0.5 * height * rect_xy$y)
xy_polygon <- list(x = width * pyramid_xy$x, y = 0.5 * height * pyramid_xy$y)
g2 <- at_ps_grob("pyramid_back", x$suit, x$rank, x$cfg, xy_vp, xy_polygon, "back")
g2$scale <- x$scale
# left at left
xy_vp <- list(x = c(0.5 * width, 0, 0, 0.5 * width), y = c(height, height, 0, 0))
xy_polygon <- list(x = c(0.5 * width, 0, 0), y = c(0.5 * height, height, 0))
g3 <- at_ps_grob("pyramid_left", x$suit, x$rank, x$cfg, xy_vp, xy_polygon, "left")
g3$scale <- x$scale
# right at right
xy_vp <- list(x = c(0.5 * width, width, width, 0.5 * width), y = c(0, 0, height, height))
xy_polygon <- list(x = c(0.5 * width, width, width), y = c(0.5 * height, 0, height))
g4 <- at_ps_grob("pyramid_right", x$suit, x$rank, x$cfg, xy_vp, xy_polygon, "right")
g4$scale <- x$scale
gl <- gList(g1, g2, g3, g4)
setChildren(x, gl)
#' @export
grobCoords.pyramid_top <- function(x, closed, ...) {
grobCoords(rectGrob(vp=x$vp), closed=closed, ...)
#' @rdname basicPieceGrobs
#' @export
previewLayoutGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
t_width <- cfg$get_width("tile_face")
c_width <- cfg$get_width("coin_face")
d_width <- cfg$get_width("die_face")
s_width <- cfg$get_width("saucer_face")
p_height <- cfg$get_height("pawn_face")
preview_width <- 3*t_width
gl <- gList()
cs_tiles <- rep("tile_face", 6)
suit_tiles <- 1:6
rank_tiles <- rep(2, 6)
if (cfg$n_suits < 5) {
cs_tiles[5] <- "tile_back"
suit_tiles[5] <- NA
rank_tiles[5] <- NA
if (cfg$n_suits < 6) {
cs_tiles[6] <- "tile_back"
suit_tiles[6] <- NA
rank_tiles[6] <- NA
x_tiles <- c(1, 5, 5, 1, 3, 3)
y_tiles <- c(5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 3)
gl[["tiles"]] <- pieceGrob(cs_tiles, suit_tiles, rank_tiles, cfg, x_tiles, y_tiles,
default.units="in", name="tiles")
cs_coins <- rep(c("coin_face", "coin_back"), each=3)
suit_coins <- c(rep(NA, 3), 4:2)
rank_coins <- c(1:3, rep(NA, 3))
x_coins <- rep(1:3, 2)*c_width - 0.5*c_width
y_coins <- 0.5*t_width + rep(c(0.5, -0.5), each=3)*c_width
if (cfg$n_suits > 4) suit_coins[5] <- 5
if (cfg$n_suits > 5) suit_coins[6] <- 6
gl[["coins"]] <- pieceGrob(cs_coins, suit_coins, rank_coins, cfg, x_coins, y_coins,
default.units="in", name="coins")
gl[["saucers"]] <- pieceGrob(c("saucer_face", "saucer_back"), c(1, NA), NA, cfg,
t_width+1.5*d_width, 0.5*t_width + c(0.5, -0.5)*s_width,
default.units="in", name="saucers")
gl[["pawns"]] <- pieceGrob(c("pawn_face", "pawn_back"), 2, NA, cfg,
t_width+3*d_width, 0.5*t_width + c(0.5, -0.5)*p_height,
angle=c(0, 180), default.units="in", name="pawns")
gl[["suitrankdie"]] <- pieceGrob("suitrankdie_layoutRF", NA, NA, cfg,
preview_width-2*d_width, 0.5*t_width,
default.units="in", name="suitrankdie")
gTree(children=gl, cl="preview_layout")
dieLayoutGrobRF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
piecepackDieGrob(suit, cfg)
dieLayoutGrobLF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
piecepackDieGrob(suit, cfg, flip=TRUE)
suitdieLayoutGrobRF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
suitdieLayouGrobtLF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
suitdieGrob(cfg, flip=TRUE)
suitrankdieLayoutGrobRF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
suit <- get_suit_die_suits(cfg)
piecepackDieGrob(suit, cfg)
suitrankdieLayoutGrobLF <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
suit <- get_suit_die_suits(cfg)
piecepackDieGrob(suit, cfg, flip=TRUE)
## Layout functions
x_die_layoutRF <- c(1/4, 2/4, 2/4, 3/4, 3/4, 4/4) - 1/8
x_die_layoutLF <- c(4/4, 3/4, 3/4, 2/4, 2/4, 1/4) - 1/8
y_die_layout <- c(1/3, 1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 3/3, 3/3) - 1/6
piecepackDieGrob <- function(suit, cfg, flip=FALSE,
arrangement=cfg$die_arrangement) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
rs <- get_die_face_info(suit, arrangement)
angle <- rep(c(0, -90), 3)
if (flip) {
x <- x_die_layoutLF
angle <- -angle
} else {
x <- x_die_layoutRF
angle <- angle + rs$angle
gl <- gList()
for (ii in 1:6) {
gl[[ii]] <- pieceGrob("die_face", rs$suit[ii], rs$rank[ii], cfg,
x=x[ii], y=y_die_layout[ii],
default.units = "npc",
width=1/4, height=1/3, angle=angle[ii])
gTree(children=gl, name="die_layout")
suitdieGrob <- function(cfg, flip=FALSE) {
angle <- rep(c(-90, 0), 3)
if (flip) {
x <- x_die_layoutLF
angle <- -angle
} else {
x <- x_die_layoutRF
suit <- get_suit_die_suits(cfg)
gl <- gList()
for (ii in 1:6) {
vp <- viewport(x=x[ii], y=y_die_layout[ii], angle=angle[ii])
gl[[ii]] <- pieceGrob("suitdie_face", suit[ii], NA, cfg,
default.units = "npc", vp=vp)
gTree(children=gl, name="suitdie_layout")
get_suit_die_suits <- function(cfg) {
n_suits <- cfg$n_suits
if (n_suits < 4) {
rep(n_suits:1, length.out=6)
} else if (n_suits == 4) {
} else if (n_suits > 4) {
pawnLayoutGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
gl <- gList()
ph <- cfg$get_height("pawn_face")
pb <- 3/7 * ph
denominator <- 2 * (ph + pb)
yf <- 0.5*ph / denominator
height <- ph / denominator
gl[[1]] <- pieceGrob("pawn_face", suit, NA, cfg,
y=1/2-yf, height=height,
default.units = "npc", name="pawn_face")
gl[[2]] <- pieceGrob("pawn_back", suit, NA, cfg,
y=1/2+yf, height=height, angle=180,
default.units = "npc", name="pawn_back")
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt("pawn_face", suit, 0)
gp <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA)
gl[[3]] <- linesGrob(y=0.5, gp=gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lty="dashed"))
gl[[4]] <- rectGrob(gp=gp)
ll <- 0.07
gl[[5]] <- segmentsGrob(0.5, 0, 0.5, ll, gp=gp)
gl[[6]] <- segmentsGrob(0.5, 1, 0.5, 1-ll, gp=gp)
gTree(children=gl, name="pawn_layout")
pyramidLayoutGrob <- function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg) {
w <- cfg$get_width("pyramid_face", rank=rank)
h <- cfg$get_height("pyramid_face", rank=rank)
d <- sqrt(h^2 + (0.5*w)^2)
t <- c(72, 36, 0, -36, -72)
r <- h
x <- 0.5 * to_x(t, r)
y <- d + 0.5 * to_y(t, r)
pieces <- c("pyramid_face", "pyramid_right", "pyramid_back", "pyramid_left", "pyramid_face")
angles <- c(90+72, 90+36, 90, 90-36, 90-72)
df <- tibble(piece_side=pieces, x=x, y=y, suit=suit, rank=rank, angle=angles)
g <- pmap_piece(df, cfg=cfg, default.units="inches", draw=FALSE)
grobTree(g, name="pyramid_layout")
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