cellsGrob <- function(nrows = 8, ncols = 8, # nolint
name = NULL, gp = gpar(), vp = NULL) {
x <- seq(0.5 / ncols, 1 - 0.5 / ncols, length.out = ncols)
y <- seq(0.5 / nrows, 1 - 0.5 / nrows, length.out = nrows)
gl <- gList()
fill <- c(gp$fill %||% NA_character_, NA_character_)
for (i in seq(nrows)) {
lwd <- 1
gp_cell <- gpar(fill = cycle_elements(fill, i-1))
gl[[i]] <- rectGrob(x, y[i], width = 1 / ncols, height = 1 / nrows, default.units = "npc",
name = paste("cell.", i), gp = gp_cell)
gp$col <- gp$col %||% NA_character_
gp$fill <- NULL
gp$lineend <- gp$lineend %||% "butt"
gTree(children=gl, name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp, cl = "cells")
checkeredBoardGrobFn <- function(nrows = 8, ncols = 8, margin = 0) { # nolint
function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)
gTree(opt=opt, border=TRUE, scale = 1,
nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, margin=margin,
cl = c("checkered_board", "basic_piece_side"))
#' @export
makeContent.checkered_board <- function(x) {
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
background_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$background_color), name = "background")
vp_cell <- viewport(width = x$ncols / (x$ncols + 2 * x$margin),
height = x$nrows / (x$nrows + 2 * x$margin))
cell_grob <- cellsGrob(x$nrows, x$ncols, gp=gpar(fill=opt$gridline_color),
name = "cells", vp = vp_cell)
if (x$border) {
gp_border <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex)
border_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gp_border, name = "border")
} else {
border_grob <- nullGrob(name = "border")
gl <- gList(background_grob, cell_grob, border_grob)
setChildren(x, gl)
linedBoardGrobFn <- function(nrows = 8, ncols = 8, margin = 0) { # nolint
function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)
gTree(opt=opt, border=TRUE, scale = 1,
nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, margin=margin,
cl = c("lined_board", "basic_piece_side"))
#' @export
makeContent.lined_board <- function(x) {
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
background_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$background_color), name = "background")
vp_cell <- viewport(width = x$ncols / (x$ncols + 2 * x$margin),
height = x$nrows / (x$nrows + 2 * x$margin))
gp_cell <- gpar(col=opt$gridline_color, lex=opt$gridline_lex)
cell_grob <- cellsGrob(x$nrows, x$ncols, gp=gp_cell, name = "cells", vp = vp_cell)
if (x$border) {
gp_border <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex)
border_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex), name = "border")
} else {
border_grob <- nullGrob(name = "border")
gl <- gList(background_grob, cell_grob, border_grob)
setChildren(x, gl)
cycle_elements <- function(x, n = 1) {
l <- length(x)
if (l < 2 || abs(n) == l || n == 0) {
} else if (n < -l) {
cycle_elements(cycle_elements(x, -l), n+l)
} else if (n < 0) {
n <- -n
c(x[(l-n+1):l], x[1:(l-n)])
} else if (n < l) {
c(x[(n+1):l], x[1:n])
} else {
cycle_elements(cycle_elements(x, l), n-l)
alquerqueBoardGrobFn <- function() {
function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)
gTree(opt = opt,
scale = 1, border = TRUE,
cl = c("alquerque_board", "basic_piece_side"))
#' @export
makeContent.alquerque_board <- function(x) {
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
background_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$background_color), name = "background")
gp_line <- gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$gridline_color)
inner_grob <- alquerqueInnerGrob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots")
if (x$border) {
gp_border <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex)
border_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex), name = "border")
} else {
border_grob <- nullGrob(name = "border")
gl <- gList(background_grob, inner_grob, border_grob)
setChildren(x, gl)
morrisBoardGrobFn <- function(n_pieces = 12) {
function(piece_side, suit, rank, cfg=pp_cfg()) {
cfg <- as_pp_cfg(cfg)
opt <- cfg$get_piece_opt(piece_side, suit, rank)
gTree(opt = opt, n_pieces = n_pieces,
scale = 1, border = TRUE,
cl = c("morris_board", "basic_piece_side"))
#' @export
makeContent.morris_board <- function(x) {
n_pieces <- x$n_pieces
opt <- x$opt
shape <- pp_shape(opt$shape, opt$shape_t, opt$shape_r, opt$back)
background_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$background_color), name = "background")
gp_line <- gpar(col=NA, fill=opt$gridline_color)
if (n_pieces < 3) {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard3Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots", diag = FALSE)
} else if (n_pieces < 5) {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard3Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots")
} else if (n_pieces < 7) {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard6Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots")
} else if (n_pieces == 7) {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard6Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots", cross = TRUE)
} else if (n_pieces < 11) {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard9Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots")
} else {
inner_grob <- morrisBoard9Grob(gp=gp_line, name = "lines_and_dots", diag = TRUE)
if (x$border) {
gp_border <- gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex)
border_grob <- shape$shape(gp=gpar(col=opt$border_color, fill=NA, lex=opt$border_lex), name = "border")
} else {
border_grob <- nullGrob(name = "border")
gl <- gList(background_grob, inner_grob, border_grob)
setChildren(x, gl)
alquerqueInnerGrob <- function(gp = gpar(), name = NULL, diag = TRUE) {
w <- 1/64
wd <- w / sqrt(2) / 2
vlines <- rectGrob(x = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) / 4, y = 0.5, width = w, height = 1 + w)
hlines <- rectGrob(x = 0.5, y = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) / 4, height = w, width = 1 + w)
tl_br1 <- polygonGrob(x = c(1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1 - wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 0 - wd))
tl_br2 <- polygonGrob(x = c(1/2 - wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1/2 - wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 - wd, 0 - wd))
tl_br3 <- polygonGrob(x = c(1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 - wd, 1/2 - wd, 1 - wd),
y = c(1/2 - wd, 1/2 - wd, 1/2 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 1/2 - wd))
tr_bl1 <- polygonGrob(x = c(0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 0 + wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 0 - wd))
tr_bl2 <- polygonGrob(x = c(0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1/2 - wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 0 + wd),
y = c(1/2 - wd, 1/2 - wd, 1/2 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 1/2 - wd))
tr_bl3 <- polygonGrob(x = c(1/2 + wd, 1/2 - wd, 1/2 - wd, 1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1/2 + wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 + wd, 1/2 - wd, 0 - wd))
dots <- circleGrob(x = rep(0:4, 5) / 4, y = rep(0:4, each = 5) / 4, r = 1.5 * w)
grobTree(vlines, hlines, tl_br1, tl_br2, tl_br3, tr_bl1, tr_bl2, tr_bl3, dots,
name = name, cl = "alquerque_board_inner", gp = gp,
vp = viewport(width = 4/5, height = 4/5))
morrisBoard3Grob <- function(gp = gpar(), name = NULL, diag = TRUE) {
w <- 1/64
wd <- w / sqrt(2) / 2
vlines <- rectGrob(x = c(0, 1, 2) / 2, y = 0.5, width = w, height = 1 + w)
hlines <- rectGrob(x = 0.5, y = c(0, 1, 2) / 2, height = w, width = 1 + w)
if (diag) {
tl_br <- polygonGrob(x = c(1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1 - wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 0 - wd))
tr_bl <- polygonGrob(x = c(0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 1 - wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 0 + wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 + wd, 1 - wd, 0 - wd))
} else {
tl_br <- NULL
tr_bl <- NULL
dots <- circleGrob(x = rep(c(0, 1/2, 1), 3), y = rep(c(0, 1/2, 1), each = 3), r = 1.5 * w)
grobTree(vlines, hlines, tl_br, tr_bl, dots,
name = name, cl = "morris_board_inner", gp = gp,
vp = viewport(width = 2/3, height = 2/3))
morrisBoard6Grob <- function(gp = gpar(), name = NULL, cross = FALSE) {
w <- 1/64
wd <- w / sqrt(2) / 2
dots <- circleGrob(x =, 1, 2, 3, 4), c(3, 3, 4, 3, 3)) / 4,
y = c(0, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4) / 4,
r = 1.5 * w)
if (cross) {
vlines <- rectGrob(x = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) / 4,
y = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2) / 4,
width = w,
height = c(4, 2, 4, 2, 4) / 4 + w)
hlines <- rectGrob(x = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2) / 4,
y = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) / 4,
height = w,
width = c(4, 2, 4, 2, 4) / 4 + w)
} else {
vlines <- rectGrob(x = c(0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4) / 4,
y = c(2, 2, 0.5, 3.5, 2, 2) / 4,
width = w,
height = c(4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4) / 4 + w)
hlines <- rectGrob(x = c(2, 2, 0.5, 3.5, 2, 2) / 4,
y = c(0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4) / 4,
height = w,
width = c(4, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4) / 4 + w)
grobTree(vlines, hlines, dots,
name = name, cl = "morris_board_inner", gp = gp,
vp = viewport(width = 4/5, height = 4/5))
morrisBoard9Grob <- function(gp = gpar(), name = NULL, diag = FALSE) {
w <- 1/64
wd <- w / sqrt(2) / 2
vlines <- rectGrob(x = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6) / 6,
y = c(3, 3, 3, 1, 5, 3, 3, 3) / 6,
width = w,
height = c(6, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6) / 6 + w)
hlines <- rectGrob(x = c(3, 3, 3, 1, 5, 3, 3, 3) / 6,
y = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6) / 6,
height = w,
width = c(6, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6) / 6 + w)
dots <- circleGrob(x =, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), c(3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3)) / 6,
y = c(0, 3, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 0, 3, 6) / 6,
r = 1.5 * w)
if (diag) {
ul <- polygonGrob(x = c(2/6 - wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 2/6 - wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 - wd, 0 - wd) + 4/6)
br <- polygonGrob(x = c(2/6 - wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 2/6 - wd) + 4/6,
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 - wd, 0 - wd))
ur <- polygonGrob(x = c(0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 2/6 - wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 0 + wd) + 4/6,
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 - wd, 0 - wd) + 4/6)
bl <- polygonGrob(x = c(0 + wd, 0 - wd, 0 - wd, 2/6 - wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 0 + wd),
y = c(0 - wd, 0 - wd, 0 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 + wd, 2/6 - wd, 0 - wd))
} else {
ul <- NULL
ur <- NULL
br <- NULL
bl <- NULL
grobTree(vlines, hlines, dots, ul, ur, br, bl,
name = name, cl = "morris_board_inner", gp = gp,
vp = viewport(width=6/7, height=6/7))
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