
Defines functions a5_title_grob tg htg gappend is_odd draw_a5_page a5_vp

## Shared "paper" utilities

A5W <- 5 # 5.83"
A5H <- 7.5 # 8.27"
a5_vp <- function() viewport(width=unit(A5W, "in"), height=unit(A5H, "in"))

draw_a5_page <- function(grob, vp) {

blank_grob <- textGrob("Intentionally left blank")

is_odd <- function(x) as.logical(x %% 2)

gappend <- function(ll, g) {
    ll[[length(ll)+1]] <- g

gp_title <- gpar(fontsize=15, fontfamily="sans", fontface="bold")
gp_header <- gpar(fontsize=12, fontfamily="sans", fontface="bold")
gp_text <- gpar(fontsize=9, fontfamily="sans")

htg <- function(label, x, y, just="center", ...) {
    textGrob(label, x=inch(x), y=inch(y), just=just,
             gp=gp_header, ...)
tg <- function(label, x, y, just="center",...) {
    textGrob(label, x=inch(x), y=inch(y), just=just,
             gp=gp_text, ...)

a5_title_grob <- function(cfg, pieces, quietly, extra_credit=TRUE, bleed=FALSE) {

    # Title
    y_title <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(0.2, "in")
    if (is.null(cfg$title)) {
        if (!quietly) inform("`cfg$title` is `NULL`, omitting title",
                             class = "piecepackr_missing_metadata")
        grob_title <- nullGrob()
    } else {
        grob_title <- textGrob(cfg$title, y=y_title, just="center", gp=gp_title, name="title")

    # Description
    y_description <- y_title - grobHeight(grob_title) - unit(0.2, "in")
    if (is.null(cfg$description)) {
        if (!quietly) inform("`cfg$description` is `NULL`, omitting description",
                             class = "piecepackr_missing_metadata")
        grob_description <- nullGrob()
    } else {
        dtext <- paste(strwrap(cfg$description, 72), collapse="\n")
        grob_description <- textGrob(dtext, x=0.1, y=y_description, just=c(0,1),
                                      gp=gp_text, name="description")

    # License
    y_license <- y_description - grobHeight(grob_description) - unit(0.2, "in")
    if (is.null(cfg$spdx_id)) {
        if (!quietly) inform("`cfg$spdx_id` is `NULL`, omitting license",
                             class = "piecepackr_missing_metadata")
        grob_license <- grob_lh <- grob_l <- nullGrob()
    } else {
        stopifnot(cfg$spdx_id %in% piecepackr::spdx_license_list$id)
        url <- piecepackr::spdx_license_list[cfg$spdx_id, "url_alt"]
        if (is.na(url)) url <- piecepackr::spdx_license_list[cfg$spdx_id, "url"]
        full_name <- piecepackr::spdx_license_list[cfg$spdx_id, "name"]
        license <- paste(c(paste("\u25cf", full_name),
                           paste("\t", url)),
        grob_lh <- textGrob("License", x=0.1, y=y_license, just="left", gp=gp_header)
        badge <- piecepackr::spdx_license_list[cfg$spdx_id, "badge"]
        if (is.na(badge)) {
            grob_cc <- nullGrob()
        } else {
            cc_file <- system.file(paste0("extdata/badges/", badge),
            current_dev <- grDevices::dev.cur() # Workaround for {grImport2} v0.2-0 bug
            cc_picture <- grImport2::readPicture(cc_file)
            if (current_dev > 1) grDevices::dev.set(current_dev)
            grob_cc <- grImport2::symbolsGrob(cc_picture, x=0.50, y=0.05, size=inch(0.9))
        grob_l <- textGrob(license, x=0.1, y=y_license-unit(0.2, "in"), just=c(0,1), gp=gp_text)

        grob_license <- grobTree(grob_lh, grob_l, grob_cc, name="license")

    # Copyright
    y_copyright <- y_license - grobHeight(grob_lh) - grobHeight(grob_l) - unit(0.3, "in")
    if (is.null(cfg$copyright) && !quietly)
        if (!quietly) inform("`cfg$copyright` is `NULL`, omitting copyright",
                             class = "piecepackr_missing_metadata")
    if (is.null(cfg$copyright) || cfg$copyright == "") {
        grob_copyright <- grob_ch <- grob_c <- nullGrob()
    } else {
        copyright <- paste(cfg$copyright, collapse="\n")
        grob_ch <- textGrob("Copyright", x=0.1, y=y_copyright, just="left", gp=gp_header)
        grob_c <-  textGrob(copyright, x=0.1, y=y_copyright-unit(0.2, "in"), just=c(0,1), gp=gp_text)
        grob_copyright <- grobTree(grob_ch, grob_c, name="copyright")

    # Credits
    y_credits <- y_copyright - grobHeight(grob_ch) - grobHeight(grob_c) - unit(0.3, "in")
    if (is.null(cfg$credit) && !quietly)
        inform("`cfg$credit` is `NULL`, omitting custom credits",
               class = "piecepackr_missing_metadata")
    credits <- c("\u25cf This print-and-play layout was generated by piecepackr.",
    if (extra_credit) {
        if ("piecepack" %in% pieces)
            credits <- c(credits,
                         '\u25cf The piecepack was invented by James "Kyle" Droscha. Public Domain.',
        if (!bleed && "piecepack" %in% pieces)
            credits <- c(credits,
                         "\u25cf Pawn saucers were invented by Karol M. Boyle. Public Domain.",
        if ("pyramids" %in% pieces)
            credits <- c(credits,
                         "\u25cf Piecepack pyramids were invented by Tim Schutz. Public Domain.",
        if ("matchsticks" %in% pieces)
            credits <- c(credits,
                         "\u25cf Piecepack matchsticks were invented by Dan Burkey. Public Domain.",
    } else {
        credits <- c(credits,
                     '\u25cf The piecepack was invented by James "Kyle" Droscha. Public Domain.',
    credits <- paste(c(credits, cfg$credit), collapse="\n")
    grob_credits <- gTree(name="credits", children=gList(
        textGrob("Credits", x=0.1, y=y_credits, just="left", gp=gp_header),
        textGrob(credits, x=0.1, y=y_credits-unit(0.2, "in"), just=c(0,1), gp=gp_text)

    grobTree(grob_title, grob_description, grob_license, grob_copyright,
             grob_credits, name="title_page", vp=a5_vp())

Try the piecepackr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

piecepackr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:09 p.m.