#' Computing partial effects
#' Extracts partial residuals from a model or \code{psem} object for a given
#' \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' This function computes the partial residuals of \code{y ~ x + Z} in a
#' two-step procedure to remove the variation explained by \code{Z}: (1) remove
#' \code{x} from the equation and model \code{y ~ Z}, and (2) replace \code{y}
#' with \code{x} and model \code{x ~ Z}.
#' @param formula. A formula where the \code{lhs} is the response and the
#' \code{rhs} is the predictor whose partial effect is desired.
#' @param modelList A list of structural equations.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} used to fit the equations.
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} of residuals of \code{y ~ Z} called
#' \code{yresids}, of \code{x ~ Z} called \code{xresids}.
#' @author Jon Lefcheck <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{cerror}}
#' @examples
#' # Generate data
#' dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(100), x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100))
#' # Build model
#' model <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, dat)
#' # Compute partial residuals of y ~ x1
#' yresid <- resid(lm(y ~ x2, dat))
#' xresid <- resid(lm(x1 ~ x2, dat))
#' plot(xresid, yresid)
#' # Use partialResid
#' presid <- partialResid(y ~ x1, model)
#' with(presid, plot(xresid, yresid)) # identical plot!
#' @export
partialResid <- function(formula., modelList, data = NULL) {
if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("psem", "list"))) modelList <- list(modelList)
if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(modelList)
if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(modelList)
modelList <- removeData(modelList, formulas = 1)
vars <- all_vars_notrans(formula.)
vars <- gsub(".*\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", vars)
vars <- strsplit(vars, ":|\\*")
if(!all(unlist(vars) %in% colnames(data))) {
if(any(grepl("\\(", unlist(vars)))) {
data <- dataTrans(formula., data)
} else stop("Variables not found in the model list. Ensure spelling is correct")
vars <- gsub(".*\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", vars)
residModList <- getResidModels(vars, modelList, data)
if(all(class(residModList$ymod) == "numeric"))
yresid <- data.frame(.id = names(residModList$ymod), yresid = residModList$ymod) else
yresid <- data.frame(.id = rownames(GetData(residModList$ymod)), yresid = as.numeric(resid(residModList$ymod))) #resid.lme(ymod)
if(all(class(residModList$xmod) == "numeric"))
xresid <- data.frame(.id = names(residModList$xmod), xresid = residModList$xmod) else
xresid <- data.frame(.id = rownames(GetData(residModList$xmod)), xresid = as.numeric(resid(residModList$xmod))) #resid.lme(xmod)
rdata <- merge(yresid, xresid, by = ".id", all = TRUE)
rdata <- rdata[order(as.numeric(as.character(rdata$.id))), -1]
rownames(rdata) <- NULL
#' Calculate partial correlations from partial residuals
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
partialCorr <- function(formula., modelList, data = NULL) {
if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("psem", "list"))) modelList <- list(modelList)
if(is.null(data) & inherits(modelList, "psem")) data <- modelList$data
if(is.null(data)) data <- GetData(modelList)
modelList <- removeData(modelList, formulas = 1)
rdata <- partialResid(formula., modelList, data)
rcor <- cor(rdata[, 1], rdata[, 2], use = "complete.obs")
vars <- all_vars_notrans(formula.)
vars <- gsub(".*\\((.*)\\)", "\\1", vars)
vars <- strsplit(vars, ":|\\*")
flag <- unlist(vars) %in% unlist(sapply(listFormula(modelList), function(x) all_vars_merMod(x)[1]))
if(all(flag == FALSE)) {
ctest <- cor.test(rdata[, 1], rdata[, 2])
t. <- ctest$statistic
N <- ctest$parameter
P <- ctest$p.value
} else {
N <- nrow(rdata)
residModList <- getResidModels(vars, modelList, data)
k <- sum(sapply(residModList, function(x)
if(all(class(x) == "numeric")) 0 else
length(all_vars_merMod(formula(x))) - 2
) )
k <- k[!duplicated(k)]
k <- k[!k %in% vars]
k <- length(k)
n <- N - k - 2
t. <- rcor * sqrt(n/(1 - rcor^2))
P <- 1 - pt(abs(t.), n)
ret <- data.frame(
Response = paste0("~~", all_vars_trans(formula.)[[1]]),
Predictor = paste0("~~", paste(all_vars_trans(formula.)[[2]], collapse = ":")),
Estimate = rcor,
Std.Error = NA,
DF = N,
Crit.Value = t.,
P.Value = P
#' Identify models with correlated errors and return modified versions
#' @keywords internal
getResidModels <- function(vars, modelList, data) {
yvar <- sapply(listFormula(modelList), function(x) vars[[1]] %in% all_vars_merMod(x)[1])
if(all(yvar == FALSE)) {
vars <- rev(vars)
yvar <- sapply(listFormula(modelList), function(x) vars[[1]] %in% all_vars_merMod(x)[1])
xvar <- sapply(listFormula(modelList), function(x) all(vars[[2]] %in% all_vars_merMod(x)[1]))
if(all(yvar == FALSE) & all(xvar == FALSE)) {
rdata <- data[, colnames(data) %in% vars]
ymod <- as.numeric(data[, vars[[1]]])
names(ymod) <- rownames(data)
xmod <- as.numeric(data[, vars[[2]]])
names(xmod) <- rownames(data)
} else {
if(all(xvar == FALSE)) {
xvar <- sapply(listFormula(modelList), function(x) {
f <- all_vars_merMod(x)
any(f[1] == vars[[1]] & f[-1] %in% vars[[2]])
} )
ymod <- modelList[[which(yvar)]]
# if(length(all_vars_merMod) < 3) stop("Variables are part of a simple linear regression: partial residuals cannot be calculated!")
termlabels.y <- which(grepl(paste(vars[[2]], collapse = ":"), all_vars_notrans(ymod)[-1]))
if(length(termlabels.y) == 0) {
vars[[2]] <- rev(vars[[2]])
termlabels.y <- which(grepl(paste(vars[[2]], collapse = ":"), all_vars_notrans(ymod)[-1]))
if(length(termlabels.y) > 0) ymod <- update(ymod, drop.terms(terms(ymod), termlabels.y, keep.response = TRUE))
if(all(xvar == FALSE)) {
xmod <- as.numeric(data[, vars[[2]]])
names(xmod) <- rownames(data)
} else {
xmod <- modelList[[which(xvar)]]
newyvar <- all_vars_trans(xmod)[which(paste(vars[[2]], collapse = ":") == all_vars_notrans(xmod))]
if(length(vars[[2]]) > 1) {
splitxvar <- unlist(strsplit(newyvar, ":"))
newdata <- data
for(i in 1:length(splitxvar)) {
newdata[, vars[[2]][i]] <- sapply(newdata[, vars[[2]][i]], function(x) eval(parse(text = gsub(vars[[2]][i], x, splitxvar[i]))))
newdata <- data.frame(newdata, apply(newdata[, vars[[2]]], 1, prod, na.rm = TRUE))
data <- data.frame(data, newdata[, ncol(newdata)])
names(data)[ncol(data)] <- paste(vars[[2]], collapse = "......")
xmod <- update(xmod,
formula(paste(paste(vars[[2]], collapse = "......"), "~ ", paste(all_vars_trans(ymod)[-1], collapse = " + "))),
data = data)
} else {
if(length(termlabels.y) > 0) {
f <- paste(newyvar, " ~ ", paste(all_vars_trans(ymod)[-1], collapse = " + "))
xmod <- update(xmod, formula(f))
list(ymod = ymod, xmod = xmod)
#' Get residuals from innermost grouping of mixed models (replicate-level)
#' @keywords internal
resid.lme <- function(model) {
if(any(class(model) %in% c("lme", "glmmPQL"))) {
Q <- length(summary(model)$modelStruct$reStruct)
r <- resid(model, level = 0:Q)
r <- r[, 1]
} else r <- resid(model)
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