default_http_version <- function() {
os <-["sysname"]
if (! && os %in% c("Darwin", "Linux")) {
# FIXME: when is it safe to remove this? Does it depend on the OS
# version? The libcurl version?
# UPDATE: HTTP/2 now also causes issues on Linux:
# So this will be here for now. :(
2 # HTTP 1.1
} else {
0 # whatever curl chooses
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
update_async_timeouts <- function(options) {
getopt <- function(nm) {
if (!is.null(v <- options[[nm]])) return(v)
anm <- paste0("pkgcache_", nm)
if (!is.null(v <- getOption(anm))) return(v)
if (! <- Sys.getenv(toupper(anm), NA_character_))) return (v)
timeout = as.integer(getopt("timeout") %||% 0),
connecttimeout = as.integer(getopt("connecttimeout") %||% 300),
low_speed_time = as.integer(getopt("low_speed_time") %||% 0),
low_speed_limit = as.integer(getopt("low_speed_limit") %||% 0),
http_version = as.integer(getopt("http_version") %||% default_http_version())
#' Download a file, asynchronously
#' This is the asynchronous version of [utils::download.file()].
#' `download_file` also has some nice improvements:
#' * It uses a temporary file, so never leaves a partial file at `destfile`.
#' * It can write the HTTP ETag from the response to a file, which can
#' be used in [download_if_newer()], etc.
#' * It returns the HTTP response as part of the error message if the
#' response status code indicates a client or server error.
#' * Well, it is asynchronous.
#' @param url URL to download.
#' @param destfile Destination file.
#' @param etag_file If not `NULL`, and the response is successful and
#' includes an `ETag` header, then this header is stored in this file.
#' It can be used to cache the file, with the [download_if_newer()] or
#' the [download_one_of()] functions.
#' @param tmp_destfile Where to store the temporary destination file.
#' @param error_on_status Whether to error for an HTTP status larger
#' than or equal to 400. If this is `FALSE`, then an error object is
#' returned for these status codes.
#' @param options Curl options.
#' @param ... Additional arguments are passed to [http_get()].
#' @return A [deferred] object. It resolves to a list with entries:
#' * `url`: The URL in the request.
#' * `destfile`: The destination file.
#' * `response`: The response object from the curl package.
#' * `etag`: The ETag of the response, of `NULL` if missing.
#' * `etag_file`: The file the ETag was written to, or `NULL` otherwise
#' @family async HTTP tools
#' @noRd
#' @section Examples:
#' ```
#' dest1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".jpeg")
#' dest2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
#' dl <- function() {
#' when_all(
#' download_file("", dest1),
#' download_file("", dest2)
#' )
#' }
#' resps <- synchronise(dl())
#' lapply(resps, function(x) x$response$status_code)
#' resps[[1]]$url
#' resps[[1]]$destfile
#' resps[[1]]$response$times
#' file.exists(dest1)
#' file.exists(dest2)
#' ## HTTP errors contain the response
#' dest <- tempfile()
#' err <- tryCatch(
#' synchronise(download_file("", dest)),
#' error = function(e) e
#' )
#' err
#' names(err)
#' cat(rawToChar(err$response$content))
#' ```
download_file <- function(url, destfile, etag_file = NULL,
tmp_destfile = paste0(destfile, ".tmp"),
error_on_status = TRUE,
options = list(), ...) {
"!DEBUG downloading `url`"
options <- update_async_timeouts(options)
destfile <- normalizePath(destfile, mustWork = FALSE)
tmp_destfile <- normalizePath(tmp_destfile, mustWork = FALSE)
http_get(url, file = tmp_destfile, options = options, ...)$
then(function(resp) {
"!DEBUG downloaded `url`"
file.rename(tmp_destfile, destfile)
etag <- curl::parse_headers_list(resp$headers)[["etag"]] %||% NA_character_
if (!is.null(etag_file) && ![1])) {
writeLines(etag, etag_file)
list(url = url, destfile = destfile, response = resp, etag = etag,
etag_file = etag_file)
catch(error = function(err) {
"!DEBUG downloading `url` failed"
err$destfile <- destfile
err$url <- url
if (error_on_status) stop(err) else err
read_etag <- function(etag_file) {
suppressWarnings(read_lines(etag_file, n = 1, warn = FALSE)[1]),
error = function(e) NA
get_etag_header_from_file <- function(destfile, etag_file) {
if (!is.null(etag_file)) {
etag_old <- read_etag(etag_file)
if (file.exists(destfile) && ! {
c("If-None-Match" = etag_old)
#' Download a file, if it is newer than a local file
#' A version of [download_file()] that only downloads if the file at the
#' specified URL is different from the local one.
#' @inheritParams download_file
#' @param etag_file If not `NULL` then the path to a file that may contain
#' the ETag of a previous request to this URL. If `destfile` exists, and
#' `etag_file` exists and it is not empty, then the `If-None-Match` HTTP
#' header is used with this ETag to avoid downloading the file if it has
#' not changed. If the file at `url` has changed, then it is downloaded,
#' and the the new ETag is stored in `etag_file`.
#' @param headers HTTP headers to add to the request, a named character
#' vector.
#' @inherit download_file return
#' @family async HTTP tools
#' @noRd
#' @section Examples:
#' ```
#' dest <- tempfile(fileext = ".jpeg")
#' etag <- tempfile()
#' dl <- function() {
#' ## This URL will repond with an ETag
#' download_if_newer("", dest,
#' etag_file = etag)
#' }
#' file.exists(dest)
#' file.exists(etag)
#' res1 <- synchronise(dl())
#' ## Downloaded the file, and also created the etag file
#' file.exists(dest)
#' file.exists(etag)
#' readLines(etag)
#' res1$response$status_code
#' ## This will not download the file again, as the ETag matches
#' ## The status code is 304 Not Modified
#' res2 <- synchronise(dl())
#' res2$response$status_code
#' ## HTTP errors contain the response
#' dest <- tempfile()
#' etag <- tempfile()
#' err <- tryCatch(
#' synchronise(download_if_newer("",
#' dest, etag)),
#' error = function(e) e
#' )
#' err
#' names(err)
#' cat(rawToChar(err$response$content))
#' ```
download_if_newer <- function(url, destfile, etag_file = NULL,
headers = NULL,
tmp_destfile = paste0(destfile, ".tmp"),
error_on_status = TRUE,
options = list(), ...) {
"!DEBUG download if newer `url`"
headers <- headers %||% structure(character(), names = character())
is.character(headers), all_named(headers),
options <- update_async_timeouts(options)
etag_old <- get_etag_header_from_file(destfile, etag_file)
headers <- c(headers, etag_old)
destfile <- normalizePath(destfile, mustWork = FALSE)
tmp_destfile <- normalizePath(tmp_destfile, mustWork = FALSE)
http_get(url, file = tmp_destfile, headers = headers,
options = options, ...)$
then(function(resp) {
if (resp$status_code == 304) {
"!DEBUG download not needed, `url` current"
etag <- unname(etag_old)
} else if (resp$status_code == 200 || resp$status_code == 0) {
"!DEBUG downloaded `url`"
file.rename(tmp_destfile, destfile)
etag <- curl::parse_headers_list(resp$headers)[["etag"]] %||% NA_character_
if (!is.null(etag_file) && ![1])) {
writeLines(etag, etag_file)
} else {
err <- structure(
list(response = resp, message = "Unknown HTTP response"),
class = c("error", "condition"))
list(url = url, destfile = destfile, response = resp, etag = etag,
etag_file = etag_file)
catch(error = function(err) {
"!DEBUG downloading `url` failed"
err$destfile <- destfile
err$url <- url
if (error_on_status) stop(err) else err
#' Download a files from multiple candidate URLs
#' Uses [download_if_newer()] to starts downloads in parallel, and the
#' download that completes first is kept. (The others will be cancelled.)
#' Download errors are ignored, as long as at least one download completes
#' successfully.
#' It also uses ETags, so if the destination file already exists, and one
#' of the URLs contain the same file (and this request completes first),
#' the file is not downloaded again.
#' If all URLs fail, then `download_one_of` throws an error of class
#' `download_one_of_error`. The error object contains all errors from
#' the underlying [download_if_newer()] calls, in a list, in the
#' `errors` member.
#' @inheritParams download_if_newer
#' @param urls A non-empty character vector of alternative URLs to try.
#' @inherit download_if_newer return
#' @family async HTTP tools
#' @noRd
#' @section Examples:
#' ```
#' dest <- tempfile()
#' ## The first URL answers after a 1s delay,
#' ## the second after a 10s delay,
#' ## the third throws an error immediately, so it will be ignored.
#' ## Once the first URL responds, the second is cancelled, so the call
#' ## will finish well before the 10s are over.
#' dl <- function() {
#' download_one_of(
#' c("",
#' "",
#' ""),
#' dest)
#' }
#' system.time(res <- synchronise(dl()))
#' file.exists(dest)
#' readLines(dest)
#' ## Which URL responded
#' res$response$url
#' ## If all URLs fail
#' dl2 <- function() {
#' download_one_of(
#' c("",
#' ""),
#' tempfile()
#' )
#' }
#' res <- tryCatch(synchronise(dl2()), error = function(e) e)
#' res
#' res$errors
#' cat(rawToChar(res$errors[[1]]$response$content))
#' ```
download_one_of <- function(urls, destfile, etag_file = NULL,
headers = NULL, error_on_status = TRUE,
options = list(), ...) {
"!DEBUG trying multiple URLs"
headers <- headers %||% structure(character(), names = character())
is_character(urls), length(urls) >= 1,
is.character(headers), all_named(headers),
options <- update_async_timeouts(options)
tmps <- paste0(destfile, ".tmp.", seq_along(urls))
dls <- mapply(
download_if_newer, url = urls, tmp_destfile = tmps,
MoreArgs = list(destfile = destfile, etag_file = etag_file,
headers = headers, options = options, ...),
when_any(.list = dls)$
catch(error = function(err) {
err$message <- "All URLs failed"
class(err) <- c("download_one_of_error", class(err))
if (error_on_status) stop(err) else err
download_files <- function(data, error_on_status = TRUE,
options = list(), ...) {
if (any(dup <- duplicated(data$path))) {
stop("Duplicate target paths in download_files: ",
paste0("`", unique(data$path[dup]), "`", collapse = ", "), ".")
options <- update_async_timeouts(options)
bar <- create_progress_bar(data)
prog_cb <- function(upd) update_progress_bar_progress(bar, upd)
dls <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(idx) {
row <- data[idx, ]
dx <- download_if_newer(
row$url, row$path, row$etag,
on_progress = prog_cb,
error_on_status = error_on_status,
options = options, ...
if ("fallback_url" %in% names(row) && !$fallback_url)) {
dx <- dx$catch(error = function(err) {
row$fallback_url, row$path, row$etag,
error_on_status = error_on_status,
options = options, ...
dx <- dx$
then(function(result) {
status_code <- result$response$status_code
if (status_code == 304) {
update_progress_bar_uptodate(bar, row$url)
} else {
update_progress_bar_done(bar, row$url)
if (isTRUE(row$mayfail)) {
dx$catch(error = function(err) {
cat("", file = row$path, append = TRUE)
} else {
ok <- FALSE
when_all(.list = dls)$
then(function(result) { ok <<- TRUE; result })$
finally(function() finish_progress_bar(ok, bar))
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