#' Create an async function
#' Create an async function, that returns a deferred value, from a
#' regular function. If `fun` is already an async function, then it does
#' nothing, just returns it.
#' The result function will have the same arguments, with the same default
#' values, and the same environment as the original input function.
#' @param fun Original function.
#' @return Async version of the original function.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' f <- function(x) 42
#' af <- async(f)
#' is_async(f)
#' is_async(af)
#' f()
#' synchronise(dx <- af())
#' dx
async <- function(fun) {
fun <- as.function(fun)
if (is_async(fun)) return(fun)
async_fun <- fun
body(async_fun) <- bquote({
mget(ls(environment(), all.names = TRUE), environment())
fun2 <- function() {
envir = parent.env(environment())
type = "async",
action = function(resolve) resolve(fun2())
# This is needed, otherwise async_fun might not find 'deferred'
async_env <- new.env(parent = environment(async_fun))
async_env$deferred <- deferred
environment(async_fun) <- async_env
mark_as_async <- function(fun) {
attr(body(fun), "async")$async <- TRUE
## These are not valid any more, anyway
attr(fun, "srcref") <- NULL
attr(body(fun), "srcref") <- NULL
#' Checks if a function is async
#' If `fun` is not a function, an error is thrown.
#' Currently, it checks for the `async` attribute, which is set by
#' [async()].
#' @param fun Function.
#' @return Logical scalar, whether `fun` is async.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' f <- function(x) 42
#' af <- async(f)
#' is_async(f)
#' is_async(af)
#' f()
#' synchronise(dx <- af())
#' dx
is_async <- function(fun) {
is.list(a <- attr(body(fun), "async")) && identical(a$async, TRUE)
is_string <- function(x) {
is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && !
on_failure(is_string) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a string (length 1 character)")
is_flag <- function(x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1 && !
on_failure(is_flag) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a flag (length 1 logical)")
is_action_function <- function(x) {
is.function(x) && length(formals(x)) %in% 1:2
on_failure(is_action_function) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a function with two arguments")
is_time_interval <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "difftime") ||
(is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && ! && x >= 0)
on_failure(is_time_interval) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a valid time interval")
is_count <- function(x) {
is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && ! && as.integer(x) == x
on_failure(is_count) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " is not a count (non-negative integer)")
is_flag <- function(x) {
is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1 && !
on_failure(is_flag) <- function(call, env) {
paste0(deparse(call$x), " must be a flag (length 1 logical)")
#' Retry an asynchronous function with exponential backoff
#' Keeps trying until the function's deferred value resolves without
#' error, or `times` tries have been performed, or `time_limit` seconds
#' have passed since the start of the first try.
#' Note that all unnamed arguments are passed to `task`.
#' @param task An asynchronous function.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to `task`.
#' @param .args More arguments to pass to `task`.
#' @param times Maximum number of tries.
#' @param time_limit Maximum number of seconds to try.
#' @param custom_backoff If not `NULL` then a callback function to
#' calculate waiting time, after the `i`the try. `i` is passed as an
#' argument. If `NULL`, then the default is used, which is a uniform
#' random number of seconds between 1 and 2^i.
#' @param on_progress Callback function for a progress bar. Retries are
#' announced here, if not `NULL`. `on_progress` is called with two
#' arguments. The first is a named list with entries:
#' * `event`: string that is either `"retry"` or `"givenup"`,
#' * `tries`: number of tried so far,
#' * `spent`: number of seconds spent trying so far,
#' * `error`: the error object for the last failure,
#' * `retry_in`: number of seconds before the next try.
#' The second argument is `progress_data`.
#' @param progress_data `async_backoff()` will pass this object to
#' `on_progress` as the second argument.
#' @return Deferred value for the operation with retries.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' afun <- function() {
#' wait_100_ms <- function(i) 0.1
#' async_backoff(
#' function() if (runif(1) < 0.8) stop("nope") else "yes!",
#' times = 5,
#' custom_backoff = wait_100_ms
#' )
#' }
#' # There is a slight chance that it fails
#' tryCatch(synchronise(afun()), error = function(e) e)
#' }
async_backoff <- function(task, ..., .args = list(), times = Inf,
time_limit = Inf, custom_backoff = NULL,
on_progress = NULL, progress_data = NULL) {
task <- async(task)
args <- c(list(...), .args)
times <- times
time_limit <- time_limit
custom_backoff <- custom_backoff %||% default_backoff
on_progress <- on_progress
progress_data <- progress_data
did <- 0L
started <- NULL
limit <- NULL
self <- deferred$new(
type = "backoff", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
started <<- Sys.time()
limit <<- started + time_limit, args)$then(self)
parent_reject = function(value, resolve) {
did <<- did + 1L
now <- Sys.time()
if (did < times && now < limit) {
wait <- custom_backoff(did)
if (!is.null(on_progress)) {
event = "retry",
tries = did,
spent = now - started,
error = value,
retry_in = wait
), progress_data)
then(function(), args))$
} else {
if (!is.null(on_progress)) {
event = "givenup",
tries = did,
spent = now - started,
error = value,
retry_in = NA_real_
), progress_data)
async_backoff <- mark_as_async(async_backoff)
default_backoff <- function(i) {
as.integer(stats::runif(1, min = 1, max = 2^i) * 1000) / 1000
#' Asynchronous function call, in a worker pool
#' The function will be called on another process, very much like
#' [callr::r()].
#' @param func Function to call. See also the notes at [callr::r()].
#' @param args Arguments to pass to the function. They will be copied
#' to the worker process.
#' @return Deferred object.
#' @noRd
call_function <- function(func, args = list()) {
func; args
id <- NULL
type = "pool-task", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
reject <- environment(resolve)$private$reject
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_pool_task(
function(err, res) if (is.null(err)) resolve(res) else reject(err),
list(func = func, args = args))
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) {
call_function <- mark_as_async(call_function)
#' Make a minimal deferred that resolves to the specified value
#' This is sometimes useful to start a deferred chain.
#' Note that the evaluation of `value` is forced when the deferred value
#' is created.
#' @param value The value to resolve to.
#' @return A deferred value.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' async_constant(1/100)$
#' then(function(x) delay(x))$
#' then(function(x) print(x))
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
async_constant <- function(value = NULL) {
type = "constant", call =,
function(resolve) resolve(value))
async_constant <- mark_as_async(async_constant)
async_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
async_env$loops <- list()
get_default_event_loop <- function() {
num_loops <- length(async_env$loops)
if (num_loops == 0) {
err <- make_error(
"You can only call async functions from an async context",
class = "async_synchronization_barrier_error"
push_event_loop <- function() {
num_loops <- length(async_env$loops)
if (num_loops > 0) async_env$loops[[num_loops]]$suspend()
new_el <- event_loop$new()
async_env$loops <- c(async_env$loops, list(new_el))
pop_event_loop <- function() {
num_loops <- length(async_env$loops)
async_env$loops[[num_loops]] <- NULL
if (num_loops > 1) async_env$loops[[num_loops - 1]]$wakeup()
#' Async debugging utilities
#' Helper function to help with the non-trivial debugging of async code.
#' Async debugging can be turned on by setting the `async_debug` global
#' option to `TRUE`:
#' ```
#' options(async_debug = TRUE)
#' ```
#' Setting this value to `FALSE` will turn off debugging.
#' If debugging is on, a [synchronise()] call will stop at the beginning
#' of the event loop. No deferred actions of other callbacks have run at
#' this point. [synchronise()] stops by calling [base::browser()]. All the
#' usual [browser()] commands (see its manual) can be used here, plus some
#' extra commands to help async debugging. The extra commands:
#' `async_debug_shortcuts()` adds handy shortcuts to most of the helper
#' functions. E.g. `async_next()` can be invoked as `.an` (without the
#' parens). You only need to run it once per R session. Note that it adds
#' the shortcuts to the global environment.
#' `async_debug_remove_shortcuts()` removes the shortcuts from the global
#' environment.
#' `.an` (or `async_next()`) runs the next iteration of the event loop.
#' Note that it does not return until _something_ happens in the event loop:
#' an action or a parent callback is executed, or HTTP or other I/O is
#' performed. Also note, that a single iteration of the event loop typically
#' runs multiple action, parent or other callbacks. Once the iteration is
#' done, the control is returned to the browser.
#' `.as` (or `async_step()`) is similar to `.an`, but it also starts the
#' debugging of the action or parent callbacks. I.e. another [browser()] is
#' called at the beginning of _all_ callbacks in the next iteration of the
#' event loop.
#' `.asb` (or `async_step_back()`) stops the debugging of the callbacks.
#' It does not actually exdecutes anything from the event loop, so to go
#' back to the main async browser, you also need to execute `c` (continue).
#' `.al` (or `async_list()`) lists all deferred values in the current async
#' phase. (Only the ones that already exist, some may be created in the
#' future.) It returns a data frame with columns:
#' * `id`: The integer id of the deferred value.
#' * `parents`: Integer vector, the parents of the deferred value.
#' * `label`: A character label, that is used by `async_tree()` to nicely
#' format information about a deferred value.
#' * `call`: The call (language object) that created the deferred value.
#' * `children`: The list of children, an integer vector. A deferred value
#' can only have one child, unless it is shared.
#' * `type`: The type of the deferred value. This is an arbitrary label,
#' specified when the deferred value was created.
#' * `running`: Whether the deferred value is already running.
#' * `state`: The state of the deferred value, `"pending"`, `"fulfilled"` or
#' `"rejected"`. This is typically pending, since resolved deferred
#' values are removed from the async DAG (in the next event loop
#' iteration.)
#' * `cancelled`: Whether the deferred value was cancelled.
#' * `shared`: Whether the deferred value is shared.
#' * `filename`: The file name for the source code that created the
#' deferred value. Only present if this code was parsed with source
#' references enabled.
#' * `position`: The start file position, in line:column format, as a
#' string. Only present if this code was parsed with source references
#' enabled.
#' `.at` (or `async_tree()`) prints the DAG of the deferred values.
#' `async_debug()` can be used to debug the action and/or parent callbacks
#' of the specified deferred value.
#' `async_wait_for()` runs the event loop until the specified deferred
#' value is resolved (i.e. fulfilled or rejected).
#' `.aw` (or `async_where()`) prints a call stack and marks the frame the
#' corresponds to an action or parent callback.
#' @param el Event loop, defaults to the current event loop.
#' @param def Deferred value that is used at the root of the DAG. Defaults
#' to the deferred value corresponding to the result of the async phase.
#' @param id Integer scalar, the if of the deferred to debug or to wait for.
#' @param action Whether to debug the action callback.
#' @param parent Whether to debug the parent callbacks.
#' @param calls The calls to print, result of `sys.calls()`. Defaults to
#' the current call stack.
#' @param parents The parent frames in the call stack, result of
#' `sys.parents()`. Defaults to the current parents.
#' @param frm The async frame to mark. Defaults to the most recent async
#' frame in the stack.
#' @name async_debug
#' @noRd
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .an
#' @rdname async_debug
async_next <- function(el = NULL) {
el <- el %||% find_sync_frame()$new_el
if (is.null(el)) stop("No async context")
## TODO: some visual indication that something has happened?
if (! el$run("once")) message("[ASYNC] async phase complete")
# nocov start
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .as
#' @rdname async_debug
async_step <- function() {
el <- find_sync_frame()$new_el
if (is.null(el)) stop("No async context")
## TODO: some visual indication that something has happened?
old <- options(async_debug_steps = TRUE)
if (! el$run("once")) {
message("[ASYNC] async phase complete")
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .asb
#' @rdname async_debug
async_step_back <- function() {
options(async_debug_steps = FALSE)
message("[ASYNC] step back, you still need to 'c'ontinue")
# nocov end
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .al
#' @rdname async_debug
async_list <- function(def = NULL) {
def <- def %||% find_sync_frame()$res
if (is.null(def)) stop("No async context")
info <- list()
find_parents <- function(def) {
info <<- c(info, list(get_private(def)$get_info()))
prn <- get_private(def)$parents
lapply(prn, find_parents)
find_parents(def), info)
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .at
#' @rdname async_debug
async_tree <- function(def = NULL) {
def <- def %||% find_sync_frame()$res
data <- async_list(def)
root <- as.character(get_private(def)$id)
cli::tree(data, root = root)
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_debug
async_debug <- function(id, action = TRUE, parent = TRUE) {
def <- find_deferred(id)
if (is.null(def)) stop("Cannot find deferred `", id, "`")
prv <- get_private(def)
if (prv$state != "pending") {
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " already resolved")
what <- character()
if (action) {
if (prv$running) {
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " action already running")
} else if (is.null(prv$action)) {
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " has no action")
} else {
## TODO: make a copy? Or should the deferred make a copy?
what <- "action"
if (parent) {
## TODO: make copies?
what <- c(what, "parent callbacks")
if (length(what) == 1) {
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " debugging ", what)
if (length(what) == 2) {
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " debugging ", what[1], " and ", what[2])
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_debug
async_wait_for <- function(id) {
el <- find_sync_frame()$new_el
if (is.null(el)) stop("No async context")
def <- find_deferred(id)
if (is.null(def)) stop("Cannot find deferred `", id, "`")
priv <- get_private(def)
while (priv$state == "pending") el$run("once")
message("[ASYNC] ", id, " resolved")
#' @noRd
#' @aliases .aw
#' @rdname async_debug
async_where <- function(calls = sys.calls(), parents = sys.parents(),
frm = get_async_frames()) {
afrm <- viapply(frm, "[[", "frame")
num <- seq_along(calls)
src <- lapply(calls, get_source_position)
res <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
call = I(calls),
parent = parents,
filename = vcapply(src, "[[", "filename"),
position = vcapply(src, "[[", "position"),
async = num %in% afrm
res$def_id <- NA_integer_
res$def_id[afrm] <- viapply(frm, function(x) x$deferred)
res$def_cb_type <- NA_character_
res$def_cb_type[afrm] <- vcapply(frm, function(x) x$type)
res$def_call <- I(list(NULL))
res$def_call[afrm] <- lapply(frm, "[[", "call")
def_src <- lapply(res$def_call[afrm], get_source_position)
res$def_filename <- NA_character_
res$def_filename[afrm] <- vcapply(def_src, "[[", "filename")
res$def_position <- NA_character_
res$def_position[afrm] <- vcapply(def_src, "[[", "position")
class(res) <- c("async_where", class(res))
# nocov start
#' @noRd
print.async_where <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...))
# nocov end
#' @noRd
format.async_where <- function(x, ...) {
formatC(seq_len(nrow(x)), width = 3),
vcapply(x$call, expr_name),
paste0(" ", x$filename, ":", x$position),
ifelse (! x$async, "",
paste0("\n ", x$def_id, " ", x$def_cb_type, " ",
x$def_call, " ", x$def_filename, ":", x$def_position)),
collapse = "\n"
), "\n")
get_async_frames <- function() {
drop_nulls(lapply(seq_along(sys.frames()), function(i) {
if (! is.null(data <- sys.frame(i)$`__async_data__`)) {
list(frame = i + data$skip %||% 1L, deferred = data[[1]], type = data[[2]],
call = get_private(data[[3]])$mycall)
find_sync_frame <- function() {
for (i in seq_along(sys.frames())) {
cand <- sys.frame(-i)
if (isTRUE(cand$`__async_synchronise_frame__`)) return(cand)
find_async_data_frame <- function() {
frames <- sys.frames()
for (i in seq_along(frames)) {
cand <- sys.frame(-i)
if (!is.null(data <- cand$`__async_data__`)) {
return(list(frame = length(frames) - i + 1L, data = data))
find_deferred <- function(id, def = NULL) {
def <- def %||% find_sync_frame()$res
if (is.null(def)) stop("No async context")
search_parents <- function(def) {
if (get_private(def)$id == id) return(def)
prn <- get_private(def)$parents
for (p in lapply(prn, search_parents)) {
if (!is.null(p)) return(p)
# nocov start
debug1 <- function(fun) {
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_debug
async_debug_shortcuts <- function() {
as <- function(name, fun) {
makeActiveBinding(name, fun, .GlobalEnv)
as(".an", async_next)
as(".as", async_step)
as(".asb", async_step_back)
as(".al", async_list)
as(".at", async_tree)
as(".aw", async_where)
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_debug
async_debug_remove_shortcuts <- function() {
rm(list = c(".an", ".as", ".asb", ".al", ".at", ".aw"),
envir = .GlobalEnv),
error = function(x) x)
# nocov end
debug_all <- function(fun) {
#' Deferred value
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' dx <- deferred$new(action = NULL, on_progress = NULL, on_cancel = NULL,
#' parents = NULL, parent_resolve = NULL, parent_reject = NULL,
#' type = NULL)
#' dx$then(on_fulfilled)
#' dx$catch(...)
#' dx$finally(on_finally)
#' dx$cancel(reason = "Cancelled")
#' dx$share()
#' ```
#' @section Arguments:
#' * `action`: Function to call when the deferred value starts running.
#' it needs to have at least two arguments: `resolve` and `reject`,
#' and the third `progress` argument is optional. See details below.
#' * `on_progress`: A function to call to report progress. See details
#' below.
#' * `on_cancel`: A function to call when the deferred is cancelled. See
#' details below.
#' * `parents`: A list of deferred values that will be the parents of the
#' deferred value being created. If some of them are already owned,
#' an error is thrown.
#' * `parent_resolve`: A function to call when a parent is resolved.
#' See details below.
#' * `parent_reject`: A function to call when a parent throws an error.
#' See details below.
#' * `type`: A label that can be used to indicate the type of the deferred
#' value to create. This might be useful for debugging, but otherwise
#' it is not used.
#' * `on_fulfilled`: Function to call when the parent deferred is resolved.
#' Essentially this is the `parent_resolve` function of the `then()`
#' deferred.
#' * `...` Error handlers, as in `tryCatch()`, see details below.
#' * `on_finally`: Function to call, after the deferred value is resolved
#' or after it has thrown an error. It will be called without arguments.
#' * `reason` Error message or error object that will be used to cancel the
#' deferred.
#' @section Deferred values:
#' Asynchronous computation is represented by deferred values.
#' A deferred value is an [R6]( object.
#' ```
#' deferred$new(action = NULL, on_progress = NULL, on_cancel = NULL,
#' parents = NULL, parent_resolve = NULL, parent_reject = NULL,
#' type = NULL)
#' ```
#' Creates a new deferred value. `action` is a function that is called
#' once the deferred value is _started_ (i.e. _not_ when `dx` is created).
#' It must have one or two arguments: `resolve`, or `resolve` and `progress`
#' It should call `resolve` when it is done, with the final value of the
#' deferred as the argument. (See examples below.) If it has two arguments,
#' then the second one is a callback function for creating progress bars.
#' The deferred value may report its progress through this function.
#' See details in the _Progress bars_ section below.
#' `action` is called when the evaluation of the deferred value is started.
#' Only deferred values that are needed to calculate the value of the
#' async phase, are evaluated. (See also _Lazy Evaluation_ below.)
#' Note that `action` is optional, for some deferred values, no action is
#' takes when they are started. (These typically depend on their parent
#' nodes.)
#' `on_cancel` is a function that is called without arguments when a
#' deferred value is cancelled. This includes explicit cancellation by
#' calling its `$cancel()` method, or auto-cancellation (see below).
#' `parents` is a list of deferred values that need to be computed before
#' the current deferred value. When a parent deferred is resolved, the
#' `parent_resolve` function is called. When a parent referred throws an
#' error, the parent_reject` function is called.
#' `parent_resolve` is a function with (up to) two arguments:
#' `value` and `resolve`. It will be called with the value of the
#' parent, the `resolve` callback of the deferred.
#' `parent_resolve` can resolve the deferred by calling the supplied `resolve`
#' callback, or it can keep waiting on other parents and/or external
#' computation. It may throw an error to fail the deferred.
#' `parent_resolve` allows some shorthands as well:
#' * `NULL`: the deferred is resolved with the value of the parent.
#' * A function with no arguments: this function is called, and the deferred
#' resolves to its return value.
#' * A function with one argument: this function is called with the value
#' of the parent as the argument, and the deferred is resolved to its
#' return value.
#' * A function with arguments `value` and `resolve`. This function is
#' called with the value of the parent, and the resolve callback of the
#' deferred.
#' `parent_reject` is a function with (up to) two arguments:
#' `value`, `resolve`. It will be called with the error object
#' thrown by the parent.
#' `parent_resolve` can resolve the deferred by calling the supplied
#' `resolve` callback, or it can keep waiting on other parents and/or
#' external computation. It may throw an error to fail the deferred. It may
#' also re-throw the error received from the parent, if it does not wish
#' to handle it.
#' `parent_reject` also accepts some shorthands as well:
#' * `NULL`: the deferred throws the same error as the parent.
#' * A function with no arguments: this function is called, and the deferred
#' resolves to its return value.
#' * A function with one argument: this function is called with the value
#' of the parent as the argument, and the deferred is resolved to its
#' return value.
#' * A function with arguments `value` and `resolve`. This function is
#' called with the value of the parent, and the resolve callback of the
#' deferred.
#' * A list of named error handlers, corresponding to the error handlers
#' of `$catch()` (and `tryCatch()`). If these error handlers handle the
#' parent's error, the deferred is resolved with the result of the
#' handlers. Otherwise the deferred will be failed with the parent's
#' error. The error handlers may also throw a new error.
#' @section Error handling:
#' The action function of the deferred, and also the `parent_resolve` and
#' `parent_reject` handlers may throw errors if the deferred cannot be
#' computed. Errors can be handled wit the `$catch()` member function:
#' ```
#' dx$catch(...)
#' ```
#' It takes the same named error handler arguments as `tryCatch()`.
#' Technically, `$catch()` creates a new deferred value, and this new
#' deferred value is resolved to the result of the error handlers. Of the
#' handlers do not handle the error, then the new deferred will fail
#' with the same error.
#' The `$finally()` method can be used to run create finalizer code that
#' runs when a deferred is resolved or when it fails. It can be used to
#' close database connections or other resources:
#' ```
#' dx$finally(on_finally)
#' ```
#' Technically, `$finally()` creates a new deferred, which will resolve
#' or fail the same way as the original one, but before doing that it will
#' call the `on_finally` function with no arguments.
#' @section Builtin async functions:
#' The async package comes with some basic async functions:
#' * [delay()] sets a timer and then resolves to `TRUE`.
#' * [async_constant()] resolves successfully to its argument.
#' * [http_get()] and [http_head()] make HTTP GET and HEAD requests.
#' @section Combining async values:
#' Async computation (just like ordinary sync computation) usually
#' consists of several steps that needs to be performed in the specified
#' order. The `$then()` method specifies that a step of computation needs
#' to be performed after the deferred value is known:
#' ```
#' dx$then(on_fulfilled)
#' ```
#' `on_fulfilled` is a function with zero or one formal arguments.
#' It will be called once the result of the deferred is known, with its
#' result. (The result is omitted if it has no arguments).
#' `$then()` creates another deferred value, that will resolve to the
#' result of the `on_fulfilled` callback. Should this callback return
#' with a deferred value, then `$then()` the deferred value will be a
#' child of this newly creted deferred, and only resolve after that.
#' See also [when_all()], [when_some()] and [when_any()], which can combine
#' multiple deferred values into one.
#' You cannot call `$then()` (or [when_any()], [when_all()], etc. on the
#' same deferred value multiple times, unless it is a shared deferred
#' value. See _Ownership_ below.
#' The [async_reflect()], [async_retry()], [async_sequence()],
#' [async_timeout()], [async_until()] and [async_whilst()] functions are
#' helpers for more complex async control flow.
#' @section Ownership:
#' async follows a strong ownership model. Each deferred value must be
#' owned by exactly one other deferred value (unless they are shared, see
#' below).
#' After a `dx2 <- dx$then()` call, the `dx` deferred is _owned_ by the
#' newly created deferred value. (The same applied to [when_any()], etc.)
#' This means that it is not possible to call `$then()` on the same
#' deferred value multiple times. The deferred value that is synchronized
#' by calling [synchronise()] on it, is owned by [synchronise()], see
#' _Synchronization_ below.
#' The deferred values of an async phase form a directed graph, which we
#' call the async DAG (directed, acyclic graph). Usually (when no deferred
#' is shared, see below), this DAG is a rooted tree, the root of the tree
#' is the synchronised deferred, the final result of the async phase.
#' @section Shared Deferred Values:
#' In the rare cases when the strong ownership model is too restrictive,
#' a deferred value can be marked as _shared_:
#' ```
#' dx$share()
#' ```
#' This has the following implications:
#' * A shared deferred value can have multiple children (owners) in the
#' async DAG.
#' * A shared deferred value is started after its first child is started.
#' * A shared deferred value is not auto-cancelled when all of its children
#' are finished. (Because it might have more children in the future.)
#' * A shared deferred value is still auto-cancelled at the end of the
#' event loop.
#' Use shared deferred values sparingly, only when they are really needed,
#' as they forbid auto-cancellation, so deferred values will hold on to
#' resources longer, until the async phase is finished.
#' @section Synchronization:
#' async allows embedding asynchronous computation in synchronous code.
#' The execution of such a program has a sync phase and async phases. When the
#' program starts, it is in the sync phase. In the sync phase you cannot
#' create deferred values. (But you can still define (async) functions, that
#' will create deferred values when called.)
#' To enter into an async phase, call [synchronise()] on an expression that
#' evaluates to a deferred value. The async phase will last until this
#' deferred value is computed or an error is thrown (and the error reaches
#' [synchronise()]).
#' [synchronise()] creates an event loop, which manages the computation of
#' the deferred values in this particular async phase.
#' Async phases can be embedded into each other. I.e. a program may call
#' [synchronise()] while in the async phase. The outer async phase's event
#' loop then stops until the inner async phase terminates. Deferred values
#' cannot be passed through a `synchronise()` barrier, to anoter (sync or
#' async phase). Should this happen, an error is reported on the first
#' operation on the leaked deferred value.
#' In a typical application, a function is implemented asynchronously, and
#' then used synchronously by the interactive user, or another piece of
#' synchronous code, via [synchronise()] calls. The following example makes
#' three HTTP requests in parallel:
#' ```
#' http_status3 <- function() {
#' http_status <- function(url) {
#' http_get(url)$then(function(response) response$status_code)
#' }
#' r1 <- http_status("")
#' r2 <- http_status("")
#' r3 <- http_status("")
#' when_all(r1, r2, r3)
#' }
#' synchronise(http_status3())
#' ```
#' This async function can also be used asychronously, as a parent of
#' another deferred value, in an async phase.
#' @section Lazy evaluation:
#' async does not evaluate deferred values that are not part of the async
#' DAG of the async phase. These are clearly not needed to compute the
#' result of the async phase, so it would be a waste of resources working on
#' them. (It is also unclear how their errors should be handled.)
#' In the following example, `d1` and `d2` are created, but they are not
#' part of the async DAG, so they are never evaluated.
#' ```
#' do <- function() {
#' d1 <- delay(1/100)$then(function() print("d1"))
#' d2 <- d1$then(function() print("d2"))
#' d3 <- delay(1/100)$then(function() print("d3"))
#' d4 <- d3$then(function() print("d4"))
#' d4
#' }
#' invisible(synchronise(do()))
#' ```
#' @section Cancellation:
#' The computation of a deferred can be cancelled when it is not needed
#' any more:
#' ```
#' dx$cancel(reason = "Cancelled")
#' ```
#' This will _fail_ the children of the deferred, unless they have been
#' completed already. It will also auto-cancel the parent DAG of the
#' deferred, unless they are shared deferreds, see the next Section.
#' @section Auto-cancellation:
#' In an async phase, it might happen that parts of the async DAG are not
#' needed for the final result any more. E.g. if a parent of a `when_all()`
#' node throws an error, then the other parents don't have to be computed.
#' In this case the event loop of the phase automatically cancels these
#' deferred values. Similarly, if a single parent of a [when_any()] node is
#' resolved, the other parents can be cancelled.
#' In general, if a node of the async DAG is resolved, the whole directed
#' DAG, rooted at that node, can be cancelled (except for nodes that were
#' already resolved and nodes that have already failed).
#' Auto-cancellation is very convenient, as you can be sure that resources
#' are free as soon as they are not needed. Some practical examples:
#' * Making HTTP requests to many mirror web sites, to check their response
#' time. As soon as the first reply is in, the rest of the HTTP requests
#' are cancelled.
#' * In multi-process computation, as soon as one process fails, the rest are
#' automatically cancelled. (Unless the failure is handled, of course.)
#' async also has another type of cancellation, when [synchronise()] is
#' interrupted externally, either by the user or some system error. In this
#' case all processes and resources that were created in the event loop,
#' are cancelled and freed.
#' Shared deferred values (see `$share()`) are not auto-cancelled when their
#' children are resolved or errored, but they are always cancelled at the
#' end of the async phase.
#' @section Progress bars:
#' A deferred value may report on its progress, if its action has a progress
#' callback. The progress callback is called with a list that describes
#' and event. We suggest that it always has an `event` entry, which is a
#' simple string. The rest of the list entries can be defined as needed,
#' but typically there will be a counter counting ticks, or a ratio
#' describing what part of the computation is already. See [http_get()]
#' for an async function that reports progress.
#' @section Collections helper functions:
#' async provides some utilities that make it easier to deal with
#' collections of deferred values:
#' The current iterators:
#' * [async_map()] applies an async function to all elements of a vector or
#' list (collection).
#' * [async_detect()] finds an element of a collection that passed an async
#' truth test.
#' * [async_every()] checks if every element of a collection satisfies an
#' async predicate. [async_some()] checks if any element does that.
#' * [async_filter()] keeps elements that pass an async truth test.
#' @section Control flow helper functions:
#' Control flow with deferred values can be challenging. Some helpers:
#' * [async_reflect()] creates an async function that always succeeds.
#' This is useful if you want to apply it to a collection, and don't
#' want to stop at the first error.
#' * [async_retry()] tries an async function a number of times.
#' [async_retryable()] turns a regular function into a retryable one.
#' * [async_sequence()] chains two async functions. Calling their sequence
#' is equivalent calling '$then()` on them, but [async_sequence()] is
#' easier to use programmatically.
#' * [async_until()] and [async_whilst()] let you call an async function
#' repeatedly, until or while a (syncronous) condition holds.
#' * [async_timeout()] runs an async function with a timeout.
#' @section Examples:
#' Please see the README and the vignettes for examples.
#' @name deferred
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @noRd
deferred <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(action = NULL, on_progress = NULL, on_cancel = NULL,
parents = NULL, parent_resolve = NULL,
parent_reject = NULL, type = NULL,
call =, event_emitter = NULL)
async_def_init(self, private, action, on_progress, on_cancel,
parents, parent_resolve, parent_reject, type, call,
then = function(on_fulfilled)
def_then(self, private, on_fulfilled),
catch = function(...)
def_catch(self, private, ...),
finally = function(on_finally)
def_finally(self, private, on_finally),
cancel = function(reason = "Cancelled")
def_cancel(self, private, reason),
share = function() { private$shared <<- TRUE; invisible(self) },
event_emitter = NULL
private = list(
action = NULL,
running = FALSE,
id = NULL,
type = NULL,
state = c("pending", "fulfilled", "rejected")[1],
event_loop = NULL,
value = NULL,
children = list(),
progress_callback = NULL,
cancel_callback = NULL,
cancelled = FALSE,
dead_end = FALSE,
parents = NULL,
parent_resolve = NULL,
parent_reject = NULL,
shared = FALSE,
mycall = NULL,
run_action = function()
def__run_action(self, private),
null = function()
def__null(self, private),
resolve = function(value)
def__resolve(self, private, value),
reject = function(reason)
def__reject(self, private, reason),
progress = function(data)
def__progress(self, private, data),
make_error_object = function(err)
def__make_error_object(self, private, err),
maybe_cancel_parents = function(reason)
def__maybe_cancel_parents(self, private, reason),
add_as_parent = function(child)
def__add_as_parent(self, private, child),
update_parent = function(old, new)
def__update_parent(self, private, old, new),
get_info = function()
def__get_info(self, private)
async_def_init <- function(self, private, action, on_progress,
on_cancel, parents, parent_resolve,
parent_reject, type, call, event_emitter) {
private$type <- type
private$id <- get_id()
private$event_loop <- get_default_event_loop()
private$parents <- parents
private$action <- action
private$mycall <- call
self$event_emitter <- event_emitter
"!DEBUG NEW `private$id` (`type`)"
assert_that(is.null(on_progress) || is.function(on_progress))
private$progress_callback <- on_progress
assert_that(is.null(on_cancel) || is.function(on_cancel))
private$cancel_callback <- on_cancel
## Handle the parents
private$parent_resolve <- def__make_parent_resolve(parent_resolve)
private$parent_reject <- def__make_parent_reject(parent_reject)
for (prt in parents) {
prt_pvt <- get_private(prt)
def__run_action <- function(self, private) {
if (private$running) return()
action <- private$action
private$running <- TRUE
private$action <- NULL
"!DEBUG ACTION `private$type` `private$id`"
if (!is.null(action)) {
if (!is.function(action)) {
action <- as.function(action)
formals(action) <- alist(resolve = NULL, progress = NULL)
action_args <- names(formals(action))
args <- list(private$resolve)
if (! <- match("progress", action_args))) {
args$progress <- private$progress
function() {
if (isTRUE(getOption("async_debug_steps", FALSE))) debug1(action)
`__async_data__` <- list(private$id, "action", self, skip = 2L), args) },
function(err, res) if (!is.null(err)) private$reject(err))
## If some parents are done, we want them to notify us.
## We also start the ones that are not running yet
for (prt in private$parents) {
prt_priv <- get_private(prt)
if (prt_priv$state != "pending") {
if (prt_priv$state == "fulfilled") "parent_resolve" else "parent_reject",
self, prt_priv$value)
def_then <- function(self, private, on_fulfilled = NULL,
on_rejected = NULL) {
if (! identical(private$event_loop, get_default_event_loop())) {
err <- make_error(
"Cannot create deferred chain across synchronization barrier",
class = "async_synchronization_barrier_error")
if (!is_deferred(on_fulfilled)) {
parent_resolve <- def__make_parent_resolve(on_fulfilled)
parent_reject <- def__make_parent_reject(on_rejected)
deferred$new(parents = list(self),
type = paste0("then-", private$id),
parent_resolve = parent_resolve,
parent_reject = parent_reject,
call =
} else {
child_private <- get_private(on_fulfilled)
child_private$parents <- c(child_private$parents, self)
def_catch <- function(self, private, ...) {
def_then(self, private, on_rejected = list(...))
def_finally <- function(self, private, on_finally) {
on_fulfilled = function(value) {
on_rejected = function(reason) {
def_cancel <- function(self, private, reason) {
if (private$state != "pending") return()
cancel_cond <- structure(
list(message = reason %||% "Deferred computation cancelled", call = NULL),
class = c("async_cancelled", "error", "condition")
def__null <- function(self, private) {
self$.__enclos_env__$private$dead_end <- TRUE
def__resolve <- function(self, private, value) {
if (private$cancelled) return()
if (private$state != "pending") return()
if (is_deferred(value)) {
private$parent_resolve <- def__make_parent_resolve(NULL)
private$parent_reject <- def__make_parent_reject(NULL)
# we need this in case self was shared and had multiple children
val_pvt <- get_private(value)
val_pvt$id <- private$id
val_pvt$shared <- private$shared
val_pvt$dead_end <- private$dead_end # This should not happen, though
for (child in private$children) {
ch_pvt <- get_private(child)
ch_pvt$update_parent(self, value)
} else {
if (!private$dead_end && !length(private$children) &&
!private$shared) {
## This cannot happen currently
"!DEBUG ??? DEAD END `private$id`" # nocov
warning("Computation going nowhere...") # nocov
"!DEBUG +++ RESOLVE `private$id`"
private$state <- "fulfilled"
private$value <- value
for (child in private$children) {
def__call_then("parent_resolve", child, value)
private$parents <- NULL
#' Create an error object for a rejected deferred computation
#' * Make sure that the error is an error object.
#' * Make sure that the error has the correct classes.
#' @param self self
#' @param private private self
#' @return error object
#' @keywords internal
def__make_error_object <- function(self, private, err) {
class(err) <- unique(c("async_rejected", class(err)))
def__make_parent_resolve <- function(fun) {
if (is.null(fun)) {
function(value, resolve) resolve(value)
} else if (!is.function(fun)) {
fun <- as.function(fun)
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun(value))
} else if (num_args(fun) == 0) {
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun())
} else if (num_args(fun) == 1) {
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun(value))
} else if (identical(names(formals(fun)),
c("value", "resolve"))) {
} else {
stop("Invalid parent_resolve callback")
def__make_parent_reject <- function(fun) {
if (is.null(fun)) {
function(value, resolve) stop(value)
} else if (is.list(fun)) {
} else if (!is.function(fun)) {
fun <- as.function(fun)
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun(value))
} else if (num_args(fun) == 0) {
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun())
} else if (num_args(fun) == 1) {
function(value, resolve) resolve(fun(value))
} else if (identical(names(formals(fun)),
c("value", "resolve"))) {
} else {
stop("Invalid parent_reject callback")
def__make_parent_reject_catch <- function(handlers) {
handlers <- lapply(handlers, as.function)
function(value, resolve) {
ok <- FALSE
ret <- tryCatch({
quo <-, quote(stop(value))), handlers))
ret <- eval(quo)
ok <- TRUE
}, error = function(x) x)
if (ok) resolve(ret) else stop(ret)
def__reject <- function(self, private, reason) {
if (private$cancelled) return()
if (private$state != "pending") return()
## 'reason' cannot be a deferred here
"!DEBUG !!! REJECT `private$id`"
private$state <- "rejected"
private$value <- private$make_error_object(reason)
if (inherits(private$value, "async_cancelled")) {
private$cancelled <- TRUE
if (!is.null(private$cancel_callback)) {
for (child in private$children) {
def__call_then("parent_reject", child, private$value)
private$parents <- NULL
def__maybe_cancel_parents <- function(self, private, reason) {
for (parent in private$parents) {
if (is.null(parent)) next
parent_priv <- get_private(parent)
if (parent_priv$state != "pending") next
if (parent_priv$shared) next
def__call_then <- function(which, x, value) {
private <- get_private(x)
if (!private$running) return()
if (private$state != "pending") return()
cb <- private[[which]]
function() {
if (isTRUE(getOption("async_debug_steps", FALSE))) {
debug1(private[[which]]) # nocov
`__async_data__` <- list(private$id, "parent", x)
private[[which]](value, private$resolve)
function(err, res) if (!is.null(err)) private$reject(err))
def__add_as_parent <- function(self, private, child) {
"!DEBUG EDGE [`private$id` -> `get_private(child)$id`]"
if (! identical(private$event_loop, get_private(child)$event_loop)) {
err <- make_error(
"Cannot create deferred chain across synchronization barrier",
class = "async_synchronization_barrier_error")
if (length(private$children) && !private$shared) {
stop("Deferred value is already owned")
private$children <- c(private$children, child)
if (get_private(child)$running) private$run_action()
if (private$state == "pending") {
## Nothing to do
} else if (private$state == "fulfilled") {
def__call_then("parent_resolve", child, private$value)
} else {
def__call_then("parent_reject", child, private$value)
def__update_parent <- function(self, private, old, new) {
for (i in seq_along(private$parents)) {
if (identical(private$parents[[i]], old)) {
private$parents[[i]] <- new
new_pvt <- get_private(new)
def__progress <- function(self, private, data) {
if (private$state != "pending") return()
if (is.null(private$progress_callback)) return()
def__get_info <- function(self, private) {
res <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
id = private$id,
parents = I(list(viapply(private$parents, function(x) get_private(x)$id))),
label = as.character(private$id),
call = I(list(private$mycall)),
children = I(list(viapply(private$children, function(x) get_private(x)$id))),
type = private$type %||% "unknown",
running = private$running,
state = private$state,
cancelled = private$cancelled,
shared = private$shared
src <- get_source_position(private$mycall)
res$filename <- src$filename
res$position <- src$position
res$label <- paste0(
res$id, " ",
if (private$state == "fulfilled") paste0(cli::symbol$tick, " "),
if (private$state == "rejected") paste0(cli::symbol$cross, " "),
deparse(private$mycall)[1], " @ ",
res$filename, ":", res$position)
#' Is object a deferred value?
#' @param x object
#' @return Whether it is a deferred value.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' is_deferred(1:10)
#' afun <- function() {
#' print(is_deferred(dx <- delay(1/100)))
#' dx
#' }
#' synchronise(afun())
is_deferred <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "deferred")
#' Delay async computation for the specified time
#' Since R is single-threaded, the deferred value might be resolved (much)
#' later than the specified time period.
#' @param delay Time interval in seconds, the amount of time to delay
#' to delay the execution. It can be a fraction of a second.
#' @return A deferred object.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Two HEAD requests with 1/2 sec delay between them
#' resp <- list()
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' http_head("")$
#' then(function(value) resp[[1]] <<- value$status_code)$
#' then(function(...) delay(1/2))$
#' then(function(...) http_head(""))$
#' then(function(value) resp[[2]] <<- value$status_code)
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
#' resp
#' }
delay <- function(delay) {
id <- NULL
type = "delay", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_delayed(
function() TRUE,
function(err, res) resolve(TRUE)
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) get_default_event_loop()$cancel(id)
delay <- mark_as_async(delay)
#' Find the value of a match, asynchronously
#' All predicates are running in parallel, and the returned match
#' is not guaranteed to be the first one.
#' @param .x A list or atomic vector.
#' @param .p An asynchronous predicate function.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to the predicate function.
#' @param .limit Number of elements to process simulateneously.
#' If it is 1, then the predicate is applied sequentially.
#' @return A deferred value for the result.
#' @family async iterators
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' synchronise(async_detect(
#' c("", "",
#' ""),
#' async_sequence(http_head, function(x) x$status_code == 200)
#' ))
#' }
async_detect <- function(.x, .p, ..., .limit = Inf) {
if (.limit < length(.x)) {
async_detect_limit(.x, .p, ..., .limit = .limit)
} else {
async_detect_nolimit(.x, .p, ...)
async_detect <- mark_as_async(async_detect)
async_detect_nolimit <- function(.x, .p, ...) {
defs <- lapply(.x, async(.p), ...)
nx <- length(defs)
done <- FALSE
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_detect", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
lapply(seq_along(defs), function(idx) {
defs[[idx]]$then(function(val) if (isTRUE(val)) idx)$then(self)
if (nx == 0) resolve(NULL)
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!done && !is.null(value)) {
done <<- TRUE
} else if (!done) {
nx <<- nx - 1L
if (nx == 0) resolve(NULL)
async_detect_limit <- function(.x, .p, ..., .limit = .limit) {
len <- length(.x)
nx <- len
.p <- async(.p)
args <- list(...)
done <- FALSE
nextone <- .limit + 1L
firsts <- lapply(.x[seq_len(.limit)], .p, ...)
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_detect (limit)", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
lapply(seq_along(firsts), function(idx) {
firsts[[idx]]$then(function(val) if (isTRUE(val)) idx)$then(self)
if (nx == 0) resolve(NULL)
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!done && !is.null(value)) {
done <<- TRUE
} else if (!done) {
nx <<- nx - 1L
if (nx == 0) {
} else if (nextone <= len) {
idx <- nextone
dx <- .p(.x[[nextone]], ...)
dx$then(function(val) if (isTRUE(val)) idx)$then(self)
nextone <<- nextone + 1L
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
event_loop <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function()
el_init(self, private),
add_http = function(handle, callback, file = NULL, progress = NULL,
data = NULL)
el_add_http(self, private, handle, callback, file, progress, data),
http_setopt = function(total_con = NULL, host_con = NULL, multiplex = NULL)
el_http_setopt(self, private, total_con, host_con, multiplex),
add_process = function(conns, callback, data)
el_add_process(self, private, conns, callback, data),
add_r_process = function(conns, callback, data)
el_add_r_process(self, private, conns, callback, data),
add_pool_task = function(callback, data)
el_add_pool_task(self, private, callback, data),
add_delayed = function(delay, func, callback, rep = FALSE)
el_add_delayed(self, private, delay, func, callback, rep),
add_next_tick = function(func, callback, data = NULL)
el_add_next_tick(self, private, func, callback, data),
cancel = function(id)
el_cancel(self, private, id),
cancel_all = function()
el_cancel_all(self, private),
run = function(mode = c("default", "nowait", "once"))
el_run(self, private, mode = match.arg(mode)),
suspend = function()
el_suspend(self, private),
wakeup = function()
el_wakeup(self, private)
private = list(
create_task = function(callback, ..., id = NULL, type = "foobar")
el__create_task(self, private, callback, ..., id = id, type = type),
ensure_pool = function()
el__ensure_pool(self, private),
get_poll_timeout = function()
el__get_poll_timeout(self, private),
run_pending = function()
el__run_pending(self, private),
run_timers = function()
el__run_timers(self, private),
is_alive = function()
el__is_alive(self, private),
update_time = function()
el__update_time(self, private),
io_poll = function(timeout)
el__io_poll(self, private, timeout),
update_curl_data = function()
el__update_curl_data(self, private),
id = NULL,
time = Sys.time(),
stop_flag = FALSE,
tasks = list(),
timers = Sys.time()[numeric()],
pool = NULL,
curl_fdset = NULL, # return value of multi_fdset()
curl_poll = TRUE, # should we poll for curl sockets?
curl_timer = NULL, # call multi_run() before this
next_ticks = character(),
worker_pool = NULL,
http_opts = NULL
el_init <- function(self, private) {
private$id <- new_event_loop_id()
el_add_http <- function(self, private, handle, callback, progress, file,
data) {
self; private; handle; callback; progress; outfile <- file; data
id <- private$create_task(callback, list(handle = handle, data = data),
type = "http")
if (!is.null(outfile)) cat("", file = outfile)
content <- NULL
handle = handle,
pool = private$pool,
done = function(response) {
task <- private$tasks[[id]]
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
response$content <-, as.list(content))
response$file <- outfile
task$callback(NULL, response)
data = function(bytes, ...) {
task <- private$tasks[[id]]
task$data$data$event_emitter$emit("data", bytes)
if (!is.null(outfile)) {
## R runs out of connections very quickly, especially because they
## are not removed until a gc(). However, calling gc() is
## expensive, so we only do it if we have to. This is a temporary
## solution until we can use our own connections, that are not
## so limited in their numbers.
con <- tryCatch(
file(outfile, open = "ab"),
error = function(e) { gc(); file(outfile, open = "ab") } # nocov
writeBin(bytes, con)
} else {
content <<- c(content, list(bytes))
fail = function(error) {
task <- private$tasks[[id]]
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
error <- make_error(message = error)
class(error) <- unique(c("async_rejected", "async_http_error",
task$callback(error, NULL)
el_add_process <- function(self, private, conns, callback, data) {
self; private; conns; callback; data
data$conns <- conns
private$create_task(callback, data, type = "process")
el_add_r_process <- function(self, private, conns, callback, data) {
self; private; conns; callback; data
data$conns <- conns
private$create_task(callback, data, type = "r-process")
el_add_pool_task <- function(self, private, callback, data) {
self; private; callback; data
id <- private$create_task(callback, data, type = "pool-task")
if (is.null(async_env$worker_pool)) {
async_env$worker_pool <- worker_pool$new()
async_env$worker_pool$add_task(data$func, data$args, id, private$id)
el_add_delayed <- function(self, private, delay, func, callback, rep) {
force(self); force(private); force(delay); force(func); force(callback)
id <- private$create_task(
data = list(delay = delay, func = func, rep = rep),
type = "delayed"
# This has to be real time, because our event loop time might
# be very much in the past when his is called.
private$timers[id] <- Sys.time() + as.difftime(delay, units = "secs")
el_add_next_tick <- function(self, private, func, callback, data) {
force(self) ; force(private) ; force(callback); force(data)
data$func <- func
id <- private$create_task(callback, data = data, type = "nexttick")
private$next_ticks <- c(private$next_ticks, id)
el_cancel <- function(self, private, id) {
private$next_ticks <- setdiff(private$next_ticks, id)
private$timers <- private$timers[setdiff(names(private$timers), id)]
if (id %in% names(private$tasks) && private$tasks[[id]]$type == "http") {
} else if (id %in% names(private$tasks) &&
private$tasks[[id]]$type %in% c("process", "r-process")) {
} else if (id %in% names(private$tasks) &&
private$tasks[[id]]$type == "pool-task") {
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
el_cancel_all <- function(self, private) {
http <- curl::multi_list(pool = private$pool)
lapply(http, curl::multi_cancel)
private$next_ticks <- character()
private$timers <- Sys.time()[numeric()]
## Need to cancel pool tasks, these are interrupts for the workers
types <- vcapply(private$tasks, "[[", "type")
ids <- vcapply(private$tasks, "[[", "id")
for (id in ids[types == "pool-task"]) {
private$tasks <- list()
el_run <- function(self, private, mode) {
## This is closely modeled after the libuv event loop, on purpose,
## because some time we might switch to that.
alive <- private$is_alive()
if (! alive) private$update_time()
while (alive && !private$stop_flag) {
ran_pending <- private$run_pending()
## private$run_idle()
## private$run_prepare()
timeout <- 0
if ((mode == "once" && !ran_pending) || mode == "default") {
timeout <- private$get_poll_timeout()
## private$run_check()
## private$run_closing_handles()
if (mode == "once") {
## If io_poll returned without doing anything, that means that
## we have some timers that are due, so run those.
## At this point we have surely made progress
alive <- private$is_alive()
if (mode == "once" || mode == "nowait") break
private$stop_flag <- FALSE
el_suspend <- function(self, private) {
el_wakeup <- function(self, private) {
el__run_pending <- function(self, private) {
next_ticks <- private$next_ticks
private$next_ticks <- character()
for (id in next_ticks) {
task <- private$tasks[[id]]
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
call_with_callback(task$data$func, task$callback,
info = task$data$error_info)
## Check for workers from the pool finished before, while another
## event loop was active
finished_pool <- FALSE
pool <- async_env$worker_pool
if (!is.null(pool)) {
done_pool <- pool$list_tasks(event_loop = private$id, status = "done")
finished_pool <- nrow(done_pool) > 0
for (tid in done_pool$id) {
task <- private$tasks[[tid]]
private$tasks[[tid]] <- NULL
res <- pool$get_result(tid)
err <- res$error
res <- res[c("result", "stdout", "stderr")]
task$callback(err, res)
length(next_ticks) > 0 || finished_pool
el__io_poll <- function(self, private, timeout) {
types <- vcapply(private$tasks, "[[", "type")
## The things we need to poll, and their types
## We put the result here as well
pollables <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
id = character(),
pollable = I(list()),
type = character(),
ready = character()
## HTTP.
if (private$curl_poll) {
curl_pollables <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
id = "curl",
pollable = I(list(processx::curl_fds(private$curl_fdset))),
type = "curl",
ready = "silent")
pollables <- rbind(pollables, curl_pollables)
## Processes
proc <- types %in% c("process", "r-process")
if (sum(proc)) {
conns <- unlist(lapply(
private$tasks[proc], function(t) t$data$conns),
recursive = FALSE)
proc_pollables <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
id = names(private$tasks)[proc],
pollable = I(conns),
type = types[proc],
ready = rep("silent", sum(proc)))
pollables <- rbind(pollables, proc_pollables)
## Pool
px_pool <- if (!is.null(async_env$worker_pool)) {
if (length(px_pool)) {
pool_pollables <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
id = names(px_pool),
pollable = I(px_pool),
type = rep("pool", length(px_pool)),
ready = rep("silent", length(px_pool)))
pollables <- rbind(pollables, pool_pollables)
if (!is.null(private$curl_timer) && private$curl_timer <= private$time) {
curl::multi_run(timeout = 0L, poll = TRUE, pool = private$pool)
private$curl_timer <- NULL
if (nrow(pollables)) {
## OK, ready to poll
pollables$ready <- unlist(processx::poll(pollables$pollable, timeout))
## Any HTTP?
if (private$curl_poll &&
pollables$ready[match("curl", pollables$type)] == "event") {
curl::multi_run(timeout = 0L, poll = TRUE, pool = private$pool)
## Any processes
proc_ready <- pollables$type %in% c("process", "r-process") &
pollables$ready == "ready"
for (id in pollables$id[proc_ready]) {
p <- private$tasks[[id]]
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
## TODO: this should be async
res <- list(
status = p$data$process$get_exit_status(),
stdout = read_all(p$data$stdout, p$data$encoding),
stderr = read_all(p$data$stderr, p$data$encoding),
timeout = FALSE
error <- FALSE
if (p$type == "r-process") {
res$result <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) { error <<- TRUE; e })
unlink(c(p$data$stdout, p$data$stderr))
if (p$data$error_on_status && (error || res$status != 0)) {
err <- make_error("process exited with non-zero status")
err$data <- res
res <- NULL
} else {
err <- NULL
p$callback(err, res)
## Worker pool
pool_ready <- pollables$type == "pool" & pollables$ready == "ready"
if (sum(pool_ready)) {
pool <- async_env$worker_pool
done <- pool$notify_event(as.integer(pollables$id[pool_ready]),
event_loop = private$id)
mine <- intersect(done, names(private$tasks))
for (tid in mine) {
task <- private$tasks[[tid]]
private$tasks[[tid]] <- NULL
res <- pool$get_result(tid)
err <- res$error
res <- res[c("result", "stdout", "stderr")]
task$callback(err, res)
} else if (length(private$timers) || !is.null(private$curl_timer)) {
Sys.sleep(timeout / 1000)
el__create_task <- function(self, private, callback, data, ..., id, type) {
id <- id %||% get_uuid()
private$tasks[[id]] <- list(
type = type,
id = id,
callback = callback,
data = data,
error = NULL,
result = NULL
el__ensure_pool <- function(self, private) {
getopt <- function(nm) {
anm <- paste0("async_http_", nm)
if (!is.null(v <- getOption(anm))) return(v)
if (! <- Sys.getenv(toupper(anm), NA_character_))) return(v)
if (is.null(private$pool)) {
private$http_opts <- list(
total_con = getopt("total_con") %||% 100,
host_con = getopt("host_con") %||% 6,
multiplex = getopt("multiplex") %||% TRUE
private$pool <- curl::new_pool(
total_con = private$http_opts$total_con,
host_con = private$http_opts$host_con,
multiplex = private$http_opts$multiplex
el_http_setopt <- function(self, private, total_con, host_con, multiplex) {
if (!is.null(total_con)) private$http_opts$total_con <- total_con
if (!is.null(host_con)) private$http_opts$host_con <- host_con
if (!is.null(multiplex)) private$http_opts$multiplex <- multiplex
pool = private$pool,
total_con = private$http_opts$total_con,
host_con = private$http_opts$host_con,
multiplex = private$http_opts$multiplex
el__get_poll_timeout <- function(self, private) {
t <- if (length(private$next_ticks)) {
## TODO: can this happen at all? Probably not, but it does not hurt...
0 # nocov
} else {
max(0, min(Inf, private$timers - private$time))
if (!is.null(private$curl_timer)) {
t <- min(t, private$curl_timer - private$time)
t <- max(t, 0)
if (is.finite(t)) as.integer(t * 1000) else -1L
el__run_timers <- function(self, private) {
expired <- names(private$timers)[private$timers <= private$time]
expired <- expired[order(private$timers[expired])]
for (id in expired) {
task <- private$tasks[[id]]
if (private$tasks[[id]]$data$rep) {
## If it is repeated, then re-init
private$timers[id] <-
private$time + as.difftime(task$data$delay, units = "secs")
} else {
## Otherwise remove
private$tasks[[id]] <- NULL
private$timers <- private$timers[setdiff(names(private$timers), id)]
call_with_callback(task$data$func, task$callback)
el__is_alive <- function(self, private) {
length(private$tasks) > 0 ||
length(private$timers) > 0 ||
length(private$next_ticks) > 0
el__update_time <- function(self, private) {
private$time <- Sys.time()
el__update_curl_data <- function(self, private) {
private$curl_fdset <- curl::multi_fdset(private$pool)
num_fds <- length(unique(unlist(private$curl_fdset[1:3])))
private$curl_poll <- num_fds > 0
private$curl_timer <- if ((t <- private$curl_fdset$timeout) != -1) {
private$time + as.difftime(t / 1000.0, units = "secs")
#' Generic Event Emitter
#' This is a generic class that can be used to create event emitters.
#' It is mostly modelled after the 'node.js' `EventEmitter` class
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' ee <- event_emitter$new(async = TRUE)
#' ee$listen_on(event, callback)
#' ee$listen_off(event, callback)
#' ee$listen_once(event, callback)
#' ee$emit(event, ...)
#' ee$get_event_names()
#' ee$get_listener_count(event)
#' ee$remove_all_listeners(event)
#' ```
#' @section Arguments:
#' * `async`: Whether to call listeners asynchronously, i.e. in the next
#' tick of the event loop.
#' * `event`: String, name of the event.
#' * `callback`: Function, listener to call when the event is emitted.
#' Its arguments must match the arguments passed to the `$emit()`
#' method. It is possible to add the same callback function multiple
#' times as a listener. It will be called as many times, as many times
#' it was added.
#' * `...`: Arguments to pass to the listeners. They can be named or
#' unnnamed.
#' @section Details:
#' `ee$listen_on()` adds `callback` as a new listener for `event`. It is
#' always added to the end of the listener list. Listeners will be called in
#' the order they were added. It returns a reference to the `event_emitter`
#' object, so calls can be chained.
#' `ee$listen_off()` removes the first instance of `callback` from the
#' listener list of `event`. It uses [base::identical()] to find the
#' listener to remove. If `callback` is not among the listeners, nothing
#' happens. Note that if you call this method from an event handler, that
#' does not affect the already emitted events. It returns a reference to
#' the `event_emitter` object, so calls can be chained.
#' `ee$listen_once` is similar to `ee$listen_on()`, but the callback will
#' be only called for a single event, and then it will be removed.
#' (Technically, the listener is removed before the callback is called.)
#' It returns a reference to the `event_emitter` object, so calls can be
#' chained.
#' `ee$emit()` emits an event. All listeners in its listener list will be
#' called, in the order they were added. The arguments are passed to the
#' listeners, so they have to be compatible with them.
#' `ee$get_event_names()` returns the names of the active events,
#' in a character vector. An event is active if it has at least one
#' listener.
#' `ee$get_listener_count()` returns the number of listeners for an event.
#' `ee$remove_all_listener()` removes all listeners for an an event.
#' @section Error handling:
#' Errors are handled by special `error` events. If a listener errors,
#' and the event emitter has an active `error` event (i.e. some listeners
#' exist for `error`, then _all_ listeners are called, in the order they
#' were specified. They receive the originally thrown error object as the
#' single argument. The error object has an `event` entry, which contains
#' the event name the failed listener was called on.
#' If the event emitter does not have any listeners for the `error` event,
#' then it throws an error. This error propagates to the next
#' synchronization barrier, i.e. the last `synchronise()` or
#' `run_event_loop()` call, which fails.
#' In an error happen within an `error` listener, then the same happens,
#' the last `synchronise()` or `run_event_loop()` call fails. You can
#' wrap the body of the error listeners in a `tryCatch()` call,
#' if you want to avoid this.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
event_emitter <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(async = TRUE)
ee_init(self, private, async),
listen_on = function(event, callback)
ee_listen_on(self, private, event, callback),
listen_off = function(event, callback)
ee_listen_off(self, private, event, callback),
listen_once = function(event, callback)
ee_listen_once(self, private, event, callback),
emit = function(event, ...)
ee_emit(self, private, event, ...),
get_event_names = function()
ee_get_event_names(self, private),
get_listener_count = function(event)
ee_get_listener_count(self, private, event),
remove_all_listeners = function(event)
ee_remove_all_listeners(self, private, event)
private = list(
lsts = NULL,
async = NULL,
cleanup_events = function()
ee__cleanup_events(self, private),
error_callback = function(err, res)
ee__error_callback(self, private, err, res)
ee_init <- function(self, private, async) {
private$lsts <- structure(list(), names = character())
private$async <- async
ee_listen_on <- function(self, private, event, callback) {
assert_that(is_string(event), is.function(callback))
private$lsts[[event]] <-
c(private$lsts[[event]], list(list(cb = callback, once = FALSE)))
ee_listen_off <- function(self, private, event, callback) {
assert_that(is_string(event), is.function(callback))
for (idx in seq_along(private$lsts[[event]])) {
if (identical(private$lsts[[event]][[idx]]$cb, callback)) {
private$lsts[[event]] <- private$lsts[[event]][-idx]
ee_listen_once <- function(self, private, event, callback) {
assert_that(is_string(event), is.function(callback))
private$lsts[[event]] <-
c(private$lsts[[event]], list(list(cb = callback, once = TRUE)))
ee_emit <- function(self, private, event, ...) {
tocall <- private$lsts[[event]]
once <- vlapply(tocall, "[[", "once")
if (any(once)) private$lsts[[event]] <- tocall[!once]
## a for loop is not good here, because it does not create
## a closure for lst
lapply(tocall, function(lst) {
if (private$async) {
function() lst$cb(...),
data = list(error_info = list(event = event)))
} else {
function() lst$cb(...),
info = list(event = event))
ee_get_event_names <- function(self, private) {
ee_get_listener_count <- function(self, private, event) {
ee_remove_all_listeners <- function(self, private, event) {
private$lsts[[event]] <- NULL
ee__cleanup_events <- function(self, private) {
len <- viapply(private$lsts, length)
private$lsts <- private$lsts[len > 0]
ee__error_callback <- function(self, private, err, res) {
if (is.null(err)) return()
tocall <- private$lsts[["error"]]
once <- vlapply(tocall, "[[", "once")
if (any(once)) private$lsts[["error"]] <- tocall[!once]
if (length(tocall)) {
for (lst in tocall) lst$cb(err)
} else {
#' Do every or some elements of a list satisfy an asynchronous predicate?
#' @param .x A list or atomic vector.
#' @param .p An asynchronous predicate function.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to the predicate function.
#' @return A deferred value for the result.
#' @family async iterators
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' # Check if all numbers are odd
#' # Note the use of force() here. Otherwise x will be evaluated later,
#' # and by then its value might change.
#' is_odd <- async(function(x) {
#' force(x)
#' delay(1/1000)$then(function() as.logical(x %% 2))
#' })
#' synchronise(async_every(c(1,3,5,7,10,11), is_odd))
#' synchronise(async_every(c(1,3,5,7,11), is_odd))
async_every <- function(.x, .p, ...) {
defs <- lapply(.x, async(.p), ...)
nx <- length(defs)
done <- FALSE
type = "async_every", call =,
parents = defs,
action = function(resolve) if (nx == 0) resolve(TRUE),
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!done && !isTRUE(value)) {
done <<- TRUE
} else if (!done) {
nx <<- nx - 1L
if (nx == 0) resolve(TRUE)
async_every <- mark_as_async(async_every)
#' Keep or drop elements using an asyncronous predicate function
#' `async_filter` keep the elements for which `.p` is true. (Tested
#' via `isTRUE()`. `async_reject` is the opposite, it drops them.
#' @param .x A list or atomic vector.
#' @param .p An asynchronous predicate function.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to the predicate function.
#' @return A deferred value for the result.
#' @family async iterators
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Filter out non-working URLs
#' afun <- async(function(urls) {
#' test_url <- async_sequence(
#' http_head, function(x) identical(x$status_code, 200L))
#' async_filter(urls, test_url)
#' })
#' urls <- c("",
#' "")
#' synchronise(afun(urls))
#' }
async_filter <- function(.x, .p, ...) {
when_all(.list = lapply(.x, async(.p), ...))$
then(function(res) .x[vlapply(res, isTRUE)])
async_filter <- mark_as_async(async_filter)
#' @rdname async_filter
#' @noRd
async_reject <- function(.x, .p, ...) {
when_all(.list = lapply(.x, async(.p), ...))$
then(function(res) .x[! vlapply(res, isTRUE)])
async_reject <- mark_as_async(async_reject)
#' HTTP event emitter for server-sent events
#' Server-sent events are a technique to stream events from a web server
#' to a client, through an open HTTP connection.
#' This class implements an event emitter on an async HTTP query created
#' with [http_get()] and friends, that fires an `"event"` event when the
#' server sends an event. An `"end"` event is emitted when the server
#' closes the connection.
#' An event is a named character vector, the names are the keys of the
#' events.
#' Example using our built-in toy web app:
#' ```r
#' http <- webfakes::new_app_process(async:::sseapp())
#' stream_events <- function() {
#' query <- http_get(http$url("/sse"))
#' sse <- sse_events$new(query)
#' sse$
#' listen_on("event", function(event) {
#' writeLines("Got an event:")
#' print(event)
#' })$
#' listen_on("end", function() {
#' writeLines("Done.")
#' })
#' query
#' }
#' response <- synchronise(stream_events())
#' ```
#' @noRd
sse_events <- R6Class(
inherit = event_emitter,
public = list(
initialize = function(http_handle) {
super$initialize(async = FALSE)
http_handle$event_emitter$listen_on("data", function(bytes) {
private$data <- c(private$data, bytes)
http_handle$event_emitter$listen_on("end", function() {
private = list(
data = NULL,
sep = as.raw(c(0xaL, 0xaL)),
emit_events = function() {
evs <- chunk_sse_events(private$data, private$sep)
private$data <- evs$rest
for (ev in evs$events) {
self$emit("event", ev)
chunk_sse_events <- function(data, sep = NULL) {
# skip leading \n
no <- 0L
while (no <= length(data) && data[no + 1] == 0x0a) {
no <- no + 1L
if (no > 0) {
data <- data[(no + 1L):length(data)]
sep <- sep %||% as.raw(c(0xaL, 0xaL))
mtch <- grepRaw(sep, data, fixed = TRUE, all = TRUE)
# shortcut for no events
if (length(mtch) == 0) {
return(list(events = list(), rest = data))
events <- vector("list", length(mtch))
for (p in seq_along(mtch)) {
from <- if (p == 1) 1L else mtch[p - 1] + 2L
to <- mtch[p] - 1L
events[[p]] <- parse_sse_event(data[from:to])
events <- drop_nulls(events)
restfrom <- mtch[length(mtch)] + 2L
rest <- if (restfrom <= length(data)) {
} else {
list(events = events, rest = rest)
parse_sse_event <- function(data) {
txt <- rawToChar(data)
Encoding(txt) <- "UTF-8"
lines <- strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
lines <- lines[lines != ""]
if (length(lines) == 0) {
keys <- sub(":.*$", "", lines)
vals <- sub("^[^:]*:[ ]*", "", lines)
structure(vals, names = keys)
drop_nulls <- function(x) {
x[!vapply(x, is.null, logical(1))]
sseapp <- function() {
app <- webfakes::new_app()
app$get("/sse", function(req, res) {
`%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l
if (is.null(res$locals$sse)) {
duration <- as.double(req$query$duration %||% 2)
delay <- as.double(req$query$delay %||% 0)
numevents <- as.integer(req$query$numevents %||% 5)
pause <- max(duration / numevents, 0.01)
res$locals$sse <- list(
sent = 0,
numevents = numevents,
pause = pause
set_header("cache-control", "no-cache")$
set_header("content-type", "text/event-stream")$
set_header("access-control-allow-origin", "*")$
set_header("connection", "keep-alive")$
if (delay > 0) {
msg <- paste0(
"event: ", res$locals$sse$sent + 1L, "\n",
"message: live long and prosper\n\n"
res$locals$sse$sent <- res$locals$sse$sent + 1L
if (res$locals$sse$sent == res$locals$sse$numevents) {
} else {
#' Asynchronous HTTP GET request
#' Start an HTTP GET request in the background, and report its completion
#' via a deferred.
#' @section HTTP event emitters:
#' An async HTTP deferred object is also an event emitter, see
#' [event_emitter]. Use `$event_emitter` to access the event emitter API,
#' and call `$event_emitter$listen_on()` etc. to listen on HTTP events,
#' etc.
#' * `"data"` is emitted when we receive data from the server, the data is
#' passed on to the listeners as a raw vector. Note that zero-length
#' raw vectors might also happen.
#' * `"end"` is emitted at the end of the HTTP data stream, without
#' additional arguments (Also on error.)
#' Here is an example, that uses the web server from the webfakes
#' package:
#' ```r
#' http <- webfakes::new_app_process(webfakes::httpbin_app())
#' stream_http <- function() {
#' query <- http_get(http$url("/drip?duration=3&numbytes=10"))
#' query$event_emitter$
#' listen_on("data", function(bytes) {
#' writeLines(paste("Got", length(bytes), "byte(s):"))
#' print(bytes)
#' })$
#' listen_on("end", function() {
#' writeLines("Done.")
#' })
#' query
#' }
#' response <- synchronise(stream_http())
#' ```
#' @param url URL to connect to.
#' @param headers HTTP headers to send.
#' @param file If not `NULL`, it must be a string, specifying a file.
#' The body of the response is written to this file.
#' @param options Options to set on the handle. Passed to
#' [curl::handle_setopt()].
#' @param on_progress Progress handler function. It is only used if the
#' response body is written to a file. See details below.
#' @return Deferred object.
#' @section Progress bars:
#' `http_get` can report on the progress of the download, via the
#' `on_progress` argument. This is called with a list, with entries:
#' * `url`: the specified url to download
#' * `handle`: the curl handle of the request. This can be queried using
#' [curl::handle_data()] to get the response status_code, the final
#' URL (after redirections), timings, etc.
#' * `file`: the `file` argument.
#' * `total`: total bytes of the response. If this is unknown, it is set
#' to zero.
#' * `current`: already received bytes of the response.
#' @family asyncronous HTTP calls
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' http_get("")$
#' then(function(x) x$status_code)
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
http_get <- function(url, headers = character(), file = NULL,
options = list(), on_progress = NULL) {
url; headers; file; options; on_progress
options <- get_default_curl_options(options)
function() {
handle <- curl::new_handle(url = url)
curl::handle_setheaders(handle, .list = headers)
if (!is.null(on_progress)) {
options$noprogress <- FALSE
fun <- options$progressfunction <- function(down, up) {
url = url,
handle = handle,
file = file,
total = down[[1]],
current = down[[2]]
## This is a workaround for curl not PROTECT-ing the progress
## callback function
reg.finalizer(handle, function(...) fun, onexit = TRUE)
curl::handle_setopt(handle, .list = options)
list(handle = handle, options = options)
http_get <- mark_as_async(http_get)
#' Asynchronous HTTP HEAD request
#' An async HTTP deferred object is also an event emitter, see
#' [http_get()] for details, and also [event_emitter].
#' @inheritParams http_get
#' @return Deferred object.
#' @family asyncronous HTTP calls
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' dx <- http_head("")$
#' then(function(x) x$status_code)
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
#' # Check a list of URLs in parallel
#' afun <- function(urls) {
#' when_all(.list = lapply(urls, http_head))$
#' then(function(x) lapply(x, "[[", "status_code"))
#' }
#' urls <- c("", "")
#' synchronise(afun(urls))
#' }
http_head <- function(url, headers = character(), file = NULL,
options = list(), on_progress = NULL) {
url; headers; file; options; on_progress
options <- get_default_curl_options(options)
function() {
handle <- curl::new_handle(url = url)
curl::handle_setheaders(handle, .list = headers)
curl::handle_setopt(handle, customrequest = "HEAD", nobody = TRUE,
.list = options)
list(handle = handle, options = options)
http_head <- mark_as_async(http_head)
#' Asynchronous HTTP POST request
#' Start an HTTP POST request in the background, and report its completion
#' via a deferred value.
#' An async HTTP deferred object is also an event emitter, see
#' [http_get()] for details, and also [event_emitter].
#' @inheritParams http_get
#' @param data Data to send. Either a raw vector, or a character string
#' that will be converted to raw with [base::charToRaw]. At most one of
#' `data`, `data_file` and `data_form` can be non `NULL`.
#' @param data_file Data file to send. At most one of `data`, `data_file`
#' and `data_form` can be non `NULL`.
#' @param data_form Form data to send. A name list, where each element
#' is created with either [curl::form_data()] or [curl::form_file()].
#' At most one of `data`, `data_file` and `data_form` can be non `NULL`.
#' @param on_progress Progress handler function. It is only used if the
#' response body is written to a file. See details at [http_get()].
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' json <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(baz = 100, foo = "bar"))
#' do <- function() {
#' headers <- c("content-type" = "application/json")
#' http_post("", data = json, headers = headers)$
#' then(http_stop_for_status)$
#' then(function(x) {
#' jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(x$content))$json
#' })
#' }
#' synchronise(do())
http_post <- function(url, data = NULL, data_file = NULL,
data_form = NULL, headers = character(), file = NULL,
options = list(), on_progress = NULL) {
url; data; data_file; data_form; headers; file; options; on_progress
if ((!is.null(data) + !is.null(data_file) + !is.null(data_form)) > 1) {
"At most one of `data`, `data_file` and `data_form` ",
"can be non `NULL`."
if (!is.null(data_file)) {
data <- readBin(data_file, "raw", file.size(data_file))
if (!is.null(data) && !is.raw(data)) data <- charToRaw(data)
options <- get_default_curl_options(options)
function() {
handle <- curl::new_handle(url = url)
curl::handle_setheaders(handle, .list = headers)
curl::handle_setopt(handle, customrequest = "POST",
postfieldsize = length(data), postfields = data,
.list = options)
if (!is.null(data_form)) {
curl::handle_setform(handle, .list = data_form)
list(handle = handle, options = options)
http_post <- mark_as_async(http_post)
http_delete <- function(url, headers = character(), file = NULL,
options = list()) {
url; headers; options;
function() {
handle <- curl::new_handle(url = url)
curl::handle_setheaders(handle, .list = headers)
curl::handle_setopt(handle, customrequest = "DELETE", .list = options)
list(handle = handle, options = options)
http_delete <- mark_as_async(http_delete)
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
get_default_curl_options <- function(options) {
getopt <- function(nm) {
if (!is.null(v <- options[[nm]])) return(v)
anm <- paste0("async_http_", nm)
if (!is.null(v <- getOption(anm))) return(v)
if (! <- Sys.getenv(toupper(anm), NA_character_))) return (v)
timeout = as.integer(getopt("timeout") %||% 0),
connecttimeout = as.integer(getopt("connecttimeout") %||% 300),
low_speed_time = as.integer(getopt("low_speed_time") %||% 0),
low_speed_limit = as.integer(getopt("low_speed_limit") %||% 0),
cainfo = getopt("cainfo")
http_events <- R6Class(
inherit = event_emitter,
public = list(
listen_on = function(event, callback) {
super$listen_on(event, callback)
listen_off = function(event, callback) {
super$listen_off(event, callback)
private = list(
check = function(event) {
stopifnot(event %in% c("data", "end"))
make_deferred_http <- function(cb, file) {
cb; file
id <- NULL
ee <- http_events$new()
type = "http", call =,
action = function(resolve, progress) {
resolve; progress
## This is a temporary hack until we have proper pollables
## Then the deferred will have a "work" callback, which will
## be able to throw.
reject <- environment(resolve)$private$reject
ho <- cb()
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_http(
function(err, res) if (is.null(err)) resolve(res) else reject(err),
data = c(ho$options, list(event_emitter = ee))
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) get_default_event_loop()$cancel(id)
event_emitter = ee
#' Throw R errors for HTTP errors
#' Status codes below 400 are considered successful, others will trigger
#' errors. Note that this is different from the `httr` package, which
#' considers the 3xx status code errors as well.
#' @param resp HTTP response from [http_get()], [http_head()], etc.
#' @return The HTTP response invisibly, if it is considered successful.
#' Otherwise an error is thrown.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' http_get("")$
#' then(http_stop_for_status)
#' })
#' tryCatch(synchronise(afun()), error = function(e) e)
#' }
http_stop_for_status <- function(resp) {
if (!is.integer(resp$status_code)) stop("Not an HTTP response")
if (resp$status_code < 400) return(invisible(resp))
http_error <- function(resp, call = {
status <- resp$status_code
reason <- http_status(status)$reason
message <- sprintf("%s (HTTP %d).", reason, status)
status_type <- (status %/% 100) * 100
if (length(resp[["content"]]) == 0 && !is.null(resp$file) &&
file.exists(resp$file)) {
n <-$file, extra_cols = FALSE)$size
resp$content <- readBin(resp$file, what = raw(), n = n)
}, error = identity)
http_class <- paste0("async_http_", unique(c(status, status_type, "error")))
list(message = message, call = call, response = resp),
class = c(http_class, "error", "condition")
http_status <- function(status) {
status_desc <- http_statuses[as.character(status)]
if ( {
stop("Unknown http status code: ", status, call. = FALSE)
status_types <- c("Information", "Success", "Redirection", "Client error",
"Server error")
status_type <- status_types[[status %/% 100]]
# create the final information message
message <- paste(status_type, ": (", status, ") ", status_desc, sep = "")
category = status_type,
reason = status_desc,
message = message
http_statuses <- c(
"100" = "Continue",
"101" = "Switching Protocols",
"102" = "Processing (WebDAV; RFC 2518)",
"200" = "OK",
"201" = "Created",
"202" = "Accepted",
"203" = "Non-Authoritative Information",
"204" = "No Content",
"205" = "Reset Content",
"206" = "Partial Content",
"207" = "Multi-Status (WebDAV; RFC 4918)",
"208" = "Already Reported (WebDAV; RFC 5842)",
"226" = "IM Used (RFC 3229)",
"300" = "Multiple Choices",
"301" = "Moved Permanently",
"302" = "Found",
"303" = "See Other",
"304" = "Not Modified",
"305" = "Use Proxy",
"306" = "Switch Proxy",
"307" = "Temporary Redirect",
"308" = "Permanent Redirect (experimental Internet-Draft)",
"400" = "Bad Request",
"401" = "Unauthorized",
"402" = "Payment Required",
"403" = "Forbidden",
"404" = "Not Found",
"405" = "Method Not Allowed",
"406" = "Not Acceptable",
"407" = "Proxy Authentication Required",
"408" = "Request Timeout",
"409" = "Conflict",
"410" = "Gone",
"411" = "Length Required",
"412" = "Precondition Failed",
"413" = "Request Entity Too Large",
"414" = "Request-URI Too Long",
"415" = "Unsupported Media Type",
"416" = "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
"417" = "Expectation Failed",
"418" = "I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)",
"420" = "Enhance Your Calm (Twitter)",
"422" = "Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV; RFC 4918)",
"423" = "Locked (WebDAV; RFC 4918)",
"424" = "Failed Dependency (WebDAV; RFC 4918)",
"424" = "Method Failure (WebDAV)",
"425" = "Unordered Collection (Internet draft)",
"426" = "Upgrade Required (RFC 2817)",
"428" = "Precondition Required (RFC 6585)",
"429" = "Too Many Requests (RFC 6585)",
"431" = "Request Header Fields Too Large (RFC 6585)",
"444" = "No Response (Nginx)",
"449" = "Retry With (Microsoft)",
"450" = "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft)",
"451" = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons (Internet draft)",
"499" = "Client Closed Request (Nginx)",
"500" = "Internal Server Error",
"501" = "Not Implemented",
"502" = "Bad Gateway",
"503" = "Service Unavailable",
"504" = "Gateway Timeout",
"505" = "HTTP Version Not Supported",
"506" = "Variant Also Negotiates (RFC 2295)",
"507" = "Insufficient Storage (WebDAV; RFC 4918)",
"508" = "Loop Detected (WebDAV; RFC 5842)",
"509" = "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Apache bw/limited extension)",
"510" = "Not Extended (RFC 2774)",
"511" = "Network Authentication Required (RFC 6585)",
"598" = "Network read timeout error (Unknown)",
"599" = "Network connect timeout error (Unknown)"
#' Set curl HTTP options in an event loop
#' The event loop must be already running. In other words, you can only
#' call this function from async functions.
#' The default values are set when the first deferred HTTP operation of the
#' event loop is created, and they are taken from the `async_http_total_con`,
#' `async_http_host_con` and `async_http_multiplex` options.
#' @param total_con,host_con,multiplex They are passed to
#' [curl::multi_set()]. If an argument is `NULL` (the default) then it is
#' ignored.
#' @noRd
#' @family asyncronous HTTP calls
http_setopt <- function(total_con = NULL, host_con = NULL, multiplex = NULL) {
get_default_event_loop()$http_setopt(total_con, host_con, multiplex)
#' Apply an asynchronous function to each element of a vector
#' @param .x A list or atomic vector.
#' @param .f Asynchronous function to apply.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to `.f`.
#' @param .args More additional arguments to `.f`.
#' @param .limit Number of elements to process simulateneously.
#' @return Deferred value that is resolved after all deferred values
#' from the application of `.f` are resolved.
#' @family async iterators
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' synchronise(async_map(
#' seq(10, 100, by = 10) / 100,
#' function(wait) delay(wait)$then(function() "OK")
#' ))
async_map <- function(.x, .f, ..., .args = list(), .limit = Inf) {
if (.limit < length(.x)) {
async_map_limit(.x, .f, ..., .args = .args, .limit = .limit)
} else {
defs <-, c(list(.x, async(.f), ...), .args))
when_all(.list = defs)
async_map <- mark_as_async(async_map)
async_map_limit <- function(.x, .f, ..., .args = list(), .limit = Inf) {
len <- length(.x)
nx <- len
.f <- async(.f)
args <- c(list(...), .args)
nextone <- .limit + 1L
firsts <- lapply_args(.x[seq_len(.limit)], .f, .args = args)
result <- structure(
vector(mode = "list", length = len),
names = names(.x)
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_map (limit)", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
self; nx; firsts
lapply(seq_along(firsts), function(idx) {
firsts[[idx]]$then(function(val) list(idx, val))$then(self)
if (nx == 0) resolve(result)
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
self; nx; nextone; result; .f
nx <<- nx - 1L
result[ value[[1]] ] <<- value[2]
if (nx == 0) {
} else if (nextone <= len) {
idx <- nextone
dx <-".f", c(list(.x[[nextone]]), args))
dx$then(function(val) list(idx, val))$then(self)
nextone <<- nextone + 1L
## nocov start
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
if (Sys.getenv("DEBUGME") != "" &&
requireNamespace("debugme", quietly = TRUE)) {
## nocov end
#' Asynchronous external process execution
#' Start an external process in the background, and report its completion
#' via a deferred.
#' @inheritParams processx::run
#' @param error_on_status Whether to reject the referred value if the
#' program exits with a non-zero status.
#' @return Deferred object.
#' @family asynchronous external processes
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' afun <- function() {
#' run_process("ls", "-l")$
#' then(function(x) strsplit(x$stdout, "\r?\n")[[1]])
#' }
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
run_process <- function(command = NULL, args = character(),
error_on_status = TRUE, wd = NULL, env = NULL,
windows_verbatim_args = FALSE, windows_hide_window = FALSE,
encoding = "", ...) {
command; args; error_on_status; wd; env; windows_verbatim_args;
windows_hide_window; encoding; list(...)
id <- NULL
type = "process", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
reject <- environment(resolve)$private$reject
stdout <- tempfile()
stderr <- tempfile()
px <- processx::process$new(command, args = args,
stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, poll_connection = TRUE,
env = env, cleanup = TRUE, cleanup_tree = TRUE, wd = wd,
encoding = encoding, ...)
pipe <- px$get_poll_connection()
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_process(
function(err, res) if (is.null(err)) resolve(res) else reject(err),
list(process = px, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr,
error_on_status = error_on_status, encoding = encoding))
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) get_default_event_loop()$cancel(id)
run_process <- mark_as_async(run_process)
#' Asynchronous call to an R function, in a background R process
#' Start a background R process and evaluate a function call in it.
#' It uses [callr::r_process] internally.
#' @inheritParams callr::r_bg
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' afun <- function() {
#' run_r_process(function() Sys.getpid())
#' }
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
run_r_process <- function(func, args = list(), libpath = .libPaths(),
repos = c(getOption("repos"), c(CRAN = "")),
cmdargs = c("--no-site-file", "--slave", "--no-save", "--no-restore"),
system_profile = FALSE, user_profile = FALSE, env = callr::rcmd_safe_env()) {
func; args; libpath; repos; cmdargs; system_profile; user_profile; env
id <- NULL
type = "r-process", call = sys.calls(),
action = function(resolve) {
reject <- environment(resolve)$private$reject
stdout <- tempfile()
stderr <- tempfile()
opts <- callr::r_process_options(
func = func, args = args, libpath = libpath, repos = repos,
cmdargs = cmdargs, system_profile = system_profile,
user_profile = user_profile, env = env, stdout = stdout,
stderr = stderr, extra = list(cleanup_tree = TRUE))
rx <- callr::r_process$new(opts)
pipe <- rx$get_poll_connection()
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_r_process(
function(err, res) if (is.null(err)) resolve(res) else reject(err),
list(process = rx, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr,
error_on_status = TRUE, encoding = ""))
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) get_default_event_loop()$cancel(id)
run_r_process <- mark_as_async(run_r_process)
#' A deferred value that resolves when the specified number of deferred
#' values resolve, or is rejected when one of them is rejected
#' These functions are similar to [when_some()] and [when_any()], but they
#' do not ignore errors. If a deferred is rejected, then `async_race_some()` and
#' `async_race()` are rejected as well.
#' `async_race()` is a special case of `count = `: it resolves or is rejected
#' as soon as one deferred resolves or is rejected.
#' async has auto-cancellation, so if the required number of deferred values
#' are resolved, or any deferred value is rejected, the rest are cancelled.
#' @param count Number of deferred values that need to resolve.
#' @param ... Deferred values.
#' @param .list More deferred values.
#' @return A deferred value, that is conditioned on all deferred values
#' in `...` and `.list`.
#' @noRd
async_race_some <- function(count, ..., .list = list()) {
when_some_internal(count, ..., .list = .list, .race = TRUE)
async_race_some <- mark_as_async(async_race_some)
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_race_some
async_race <- function(..., .list = list()) {
when_some_internal(1L, ..., .list = .list, .race = TRUE)$
then(function(x) x[[1]])
async_race <- mark_as_async(async_race)
#' Make an asynchronous function that always succeeds
#' This is sometimes useful, if the function is applied to entries in
#' a vector or list.
#' @param task Function to transform.
#' @return Async function returning a deferred value that is never
#' rejected. Instead its value is a list with entries `error` and
#' `result`. If the original deferred was resolved, then `error` is
#' `NULL`. If the original deferred was rejected, then `result` is
#' `NULL`.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' badfun <- async(function() stop("oh no!"))
#' safefun <- async_reflect(badfun)
#' synchronise(when_all(safefun(), "good"))
async_reflect <- function(task) {
task <- async(task)
function(...) {
then(function(value) list(error = NULL, result = value))$
catch(error = function(reason) list(error = reason, result = NULL))
async_reflect <- mark_as_async(async_reflect)
#' Replicate an async function a number of times
#' Similar to [base::replicate()], with some differences:
#' * it takes an async function, instead of an expression, and
#' * it always returns a list.
#' @param n Number of replications.
#' @param task Async function to call.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to `task`.
#' @param .limit Number of concurrent async processes to create.
#' @return Resolves to a list of the results of the `n` `task` calls.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## perform an HTTP request three times, and list the reponse times
#' do <- function() {
#' async_replicate(3,
#' function() http_get("")$then(function(x) x$times))
#' }
#' synchronise(do())
#' }
async_replicate <- function(n, task, ..., .limit = Inf) {
.limit == Inf || is_count(.limit), .limit >= 1L)
task <- async(task)
if (n == 0) {
} else if (n <= .limit) {
async_replicate_nolimit(n, task, ...)
} else {
async_replicate_limit(n, task, ..., .limit = .limit)
async_replicate_nolimit <- function(n, task, ...) {
defs <- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) task(...))
when_all(.list = defs)
async_replicate_limit <- function(n, task, ..., .limit = .limit) {
n; .limit
defs <- nextone <- result <- NULL
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_replicate", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
defs <<- lapply(seq_len(n), function(i) task(...))
result <<- vector(n, mode = "list")
lapply(seq_len(.limit), function(idx) {
defs[[idx]]$then(function(val) list(idx, val))$then(self)
nextone <<- .limit + 1L
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
result[ value[[1]] ] <<- value[2]
if (nextone > n) {
} else {
idx <- nextone
defs[[nextone]]$then(function(val) list(idx, val))$then(self)
nextone <<- nextone + 1L
#' Retry an asynchronous function a number of times
#' Keeps trying until the function's deferred value resolves without
#' error, or `times` tries have been performed.
#' @param task An asynchronous function.
#' @param times Number of tries.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to `task`.
#' @return Deferred value for the operation with retries.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Try a download at most 5 times
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' async_retry(
#' function() http_get(""),
#' times = 5
#' )$then(function(x) x$status_code)
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
async_retry <- function(task, times, ...) {
task <- async(task)
times <- times
self <- deferred$new(
type = "retry", call =,
parents = list(task(...)),
parent_reject = function(value, resolve) {
times <<- times - 1L
if (times > 0) {
} else {
async_retry <- mark_as_async(async_retry)
#' Make an asynchronous funcion retryable
#' @param task An asynchronous function.
#' @param times Number of tries.
#' @return Asynchronous retryable function.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Create a downloader that retries five times
#' http_get_5 <- async_retryable(http_get, times = 5)
#' ret <- synchronise(
#' http_get_5("")$
#' then(function(x) rawToChar(x$content))
#' )
#' cat(ret)
#' }
async_retryable <- function(task, times) {
task <- async(task)
function(...) {
async_retry(task, times, ...)
#' Compose asynchronous functions
#' This is equivalent to using the `$then()` method of a deferred, but
#' it is easier to use programmatically.
#' @param ... Asynchronous functions to compose.
#' @param .list Mose asynchronous functions to compose.
#' @return Asynchronous function, the composition of all input functions.
#' They are performed left to right, the ones in `.list` are the last
#' ones.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' check_url <- async_sequence(
#' http_head, function(x) identical(x$status_code, 200L))
#' synchronise(check_url(""))
#' synchronise(check_url(""))
#' }
async_sequence <- function(..., .list = NULL) {
funcs <- c(list(...), .list)
if (length(funcs) == 0) stop("Function list empty in `async_sequence`")
function(...) {
dx <- async(funcs[[1]])(...)
for (i in seq_along(funcs)[-1]) dx <- dx$then(funcs[[i]])
async_sequence <- mark_as_async(async_sequence)
#' @noRd
#' @rdname async_every
async_some <- function(.x, .p, ...) {
defs <- lapply(.x, async(.p), ...)
nx <- length(defs)
done <- FALSE
type = "async_some", call =,
parents = defs,
action = function(resolve) if (nx == 0) resolve(FALSE),
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!done && isTRUE(value)) {
done <<- TRUE
} else if (!done) {
nx <<- nx - 1L
if (nx == 0) resolve(FALSE)
async_some <- mark_as_async(async_some)
#' Synchronously wrap asynchronous code
#' Evaluate an expression in an async phase. It creates an event loop,
#' then evaluates the supplied expression. If its result is a deferred
#' value, it keeps running the event loop, until the deferred value is
#' resolved, and returns its resolved value.
#' If an error is not handled in the async phase, `synchronise()` will
#' re-throw that error.
#' `synchronise()` cancels all async processes on interrupt or external
#' error.
#' @param expr Async function call expression. If it does not evaluate
#' to a deferred value, then it is just returned.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' http_status <- function(url, ...) {
#' http_get(url, ...)$
#' then(function(x) x$status_code)
#' }
#' synchronise(http_status(""))
#' }
synchronise <- function(expr) {
new_el <- push_event_loop()
on.exit({ new_el$cancel_all(); pop_event_loop() }, add = TRUE)
## Mark this frame as a synchronization point, for debugging
`__async_synchronise_frame__` <- TRUE
## This is to allow `expr` to contain `async_list()` etc
## calls that look for the top promise. Without this there
## is no top promise. This is a temporary top promise that
## is never started.
res <- async_constant(NULL)
res <- expr
if (!is_deferred(res)) return(res)
## We need an extra final promise that cannot be replaced,
## so priv stays the same.
res <- res$then(function(x) x)
priv <- get_private(res)
if (! identical(priv$event_loop, new_el)) {
err <- make_error(
"Cannot create deferred chain across synchronization barrier",
class = "async_synchronization_barrier_error")
if (isTRUE(getOption("async_debug"))) start_browser()
while (priv$state == "pending") new_el$run("once")
if (priv$state == "fulfilled") priv$value else stop(priv$value)
start_browser <- function() {
on.exit(async_debug_remove_shortcuts(), add = TRUE)
cat("This is a standard `browser()` call, but you can also use the\n")
cat("following extra commands:\n")
cat("- .an / async_next(): next event loop iteration.\n")
cat("- .as / async_step(): next event loop, debug next action or parent callback.\n")
cat("- .asb / async_step_back(): stop debugging of callbacks.\n")
cat("- .al / async_list(): deferred values in the current async phase.\n")
cat("- .at / async_tree(): DAG of the deferred values.\n")
cat("- .aw / async_where(): print call stack, mark async callback.\n")
cat("- async_wait_for(): run until deferred is resolved.\n")
cat("- async_debug(): debug action and/or parent callbacks of deferred.\n")
browser(skipCalls = 1)
#' Run event loop to completion
#' Creates a new event loop, evaluates `expr` in it, and then runs the
#' event loop to completion. It stops when the event loop does not have
#' any tasks.
#' The expression typically creates event loop tasks. It should not create
#' deferred values, though, because those will never be evaluated.
#' Unhandled errors propagate to the `run_event_loop()` call, which fails.
#' In case of an (unhandled) error, all event loop tasks will be cancelled.
#' @param expr Expression to run after creating a new event loop.
#' @return `NULL`, always. If the event loop is to return some value,
#' you can use lexical scoping, see the example below.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' counter <- 0L
#' do <- function() {
#' callback <- function() {
#' counter <<- counter + 1L
#' if (runif(1) < 1/10) t$cancel()
#' }
#' t <- async_timer$new(1/1000, callback)
#' }
#' run_event_loop(do())
#' counter
run_event_loop <- function(expr) {
new_el <- push_event_loop()
on.exit({ new_el$cancel_all(); pop_event_loop() }, add = TRUE)
## Mark this frame as a synchronization point, for debugging
`__async_synchronise_frame__` <- TRUE
distill_error <- function(err) {
if (is.null(err$aframe)) return(err)
err$aframe <- list(
frame = err$aframe$frame,
deferred = err$aframe$data[[1]],
type = err$aframe$data[[2]],
call = get_private(err$aframe$data[[3]])$mycall
# nocov start
#' @noRd
print.async_rejected <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...))
# nocov end
#' @noRd
format.async_rejected <- function(x, ...) {
x <- distill_error(x)
src <- get_source_position(x$aframe$call)
"<async error: ", x$message, "\n",
" in *", x$aframe$type, "* callback of `",
expr_name(x$aframe$call %||% ""),
"` at ", src$filename, ":", src$position, ">"
#' @noRd
summary.async_rejected <- function(object, ...) {
x <- distill_error(object)
fmt_out <- format(object, ...)
stack <- async_where(calls = x$calls, parents = x$parents,
frm = list(x$aframe))
stack_out <- format(stack)
paste0(fmt_out, "\n\n", stack_out),
class = "async_rejected_summary")
# nocov start
#' @noRd
print.async_rejected_summary <- function(x, ...) {
# nocov end
#' Asynchronous function call with a timeout
#' If the deferred value is not resolved before the timeout expires,
#' `async_timeout()` throws an `async_timeout` error.
#' @param task Asynchronous function.
#' @param timeout Timeout as a `difftime` object, or number of seconds.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to `task`.
#' @return A deferred value. An `async_timeout` error is thrown if it is
#' not resolved within the specified timeout.
#' @family async utilities
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## You can catch the error, asynchronously
#' synchronise(
#' async_timeout(function() delay(1/10)$then(function() "OK"), 1/1000)$
#' catch(async_timeout = function(e) "Timed out",
#' error = function(e) "Other error")
#' )
#' ## Or synchronously
#' tryCatch(
#' synchronise(
#' async_timeout(function() delay(1/10)$then(function() "OK"), 1/1000)
#' ),
#' async_timeout = function(e) "Timed out. :(",
#' error = function(e) paste("Other error:", e$message)
#' )
async_timeout <- function(task, timeout, ...) {
task <- async(task)
done <- FALSE
self <- deferred$new(
type = "timeout", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
task(...)$then(function(x) list("ok", x))$then(self)
delay(timeout)$then(function() list("timeout"))$then(self)
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!done) {
done <<- TRUE
if (value[[1]] == "ok") {
} else {
cnd <- structure(
list(message = "Aync operation timed out"),
class = c("async_timeout", "error", "condition")
async_timeout <- mark_as_async(async_timeout)
#' Repeated timer
#' The supplied callback function will be called by the event loop
#' every `delay` seconds.
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' t <- async_timer$new(delay, callback)
#' t$cancel()
#' ```
#' @section Arguments:
#' * `delay`: Time interval in seconds, the amount of time to delay
#' to delay the execution. It can be a fraction of a second.
#' * `callback`: Callback function without arguments. It will be called
#' from the event loop every `delay` seconds.
#' @section Details:
#' An `async_timer` is an `[event_emitter]` object with a `timeout` event.
#' It is possible to add multiple listeners to this event, once the timer
#' is created. Note, however, that removing all listeners does not cancel
#' the timer, `timeout` events will be still emitted as usual.
#' For proper cancellation you'll need to call the `cancel()` method.
#' It is only possible to create `async_timer` objects in an asynchronous
#' context, i.e. within a `synchronise()` or `run_event_loop()` call.
#' A `synchronise()` call finishes as soon as its returned deferred value
#' is resolved (or rejected), even if some timers are still active. The
#' active timers will be automatically cancelled in this case.
#' @section Errors:
#' Errors are handled the same way as for generic event emitters. I.e. to
#' catch errors thrown in the `callback` function, you need to add a
#' listener to the `error` event, see the example below.
#' @section Congestion:
#' `async_timer` is _not_ a real-time timer. In particular, if `callback`
#' does not return in time, before the next timer event, then all future
#' timer events will be delayed. Even if `callback` returns promptly, the
#' event loop might be busy with other events, and then the next timer
#' event is not emitted in time. In general there is no guarantee about
#' the timing of the timer events.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## Call 10 times a second, cancel with 1/10 probability
#' counter <- 0L
#' do <- function() {
#' cb <- function() {
#' cat("called\n")
#' counter <<- counter + 1L
#' if (runif(1) < 0.1) t$cancel()
#' }
#' t <- async_timer$new(1/10, cb)
#' }
#' run_event_loop(do())
#' counter
#' ## Error handling
#' counter <- 0L
#' do <- function() {
#' cb <- function() {
#' cat("called\n")
#' counter <<- counter + 1L
#' if (counter == 2L) stop("foobar")
#' if (counter == 3L) t$cancel()
#' }
#' t <- async_timer$new(1/10, cb)
#' handler <- function(err) {
#' cat("Got error:", sQuote(conditionMessage(err)), ", handled\n")
#' }
#' t$listen_on("error", handler)
#' }
#' run_event_loop(do())
#' counter
#' ## Error handling at the synchonization point
#' counter <- 0L
#' do <- function() {
#' cb <- function() {
#' cat("called\n")
#' counter <<- counter + 1L
#' if (counter == 2L) stop("foobar")
#' if (counter == 3L) t$cancel()
#' }
#' t <- async_timer$new(1/10, cb)
#' }
#' tryCatch(run_event_loop(do()), error = function(x) x)
#' counter
async_timer <- R6Class(
inherit = event_emitter,
public = list(
initialize = function(delay, callback)
async_timer_init(self, private, super, delay, callback),
cancel = function()
async_timer_cancel(self, private)
private = list(
id = NULL
async_timer_init <- function(self, private, super, delay, callback) {
is.function(callback) && length(formals(callback)) == 0)
## event emitter
private$id <- get_default_event_loop()$add_delayed(
function() self$emit("timeout"),
function(err, res) {
if (!is.null(err)) self$emit("error", err) # nocov
rep = TRUE)
self$listen_on("timeout", callback)
async_timer_cancel <- function(self, private) {
self; private
#' It runs each task in series but stops whenever any of the functions were
#' successful. If one of the tasks were successful, the callback will be
#' passed the result of the successful task. If all tasks fail, the
#' callback will be passed the error and result (if any) of the final
#' attempt.
#' @param ... Deferred values to run in series.
#' @param .list More deferred values to run, `.list` is easier to use
#' programmatically.
#' @return Resolves to the result of the first successful deferred.
#' Otherwise throws an error. The error objects of all failed deferreds
#' will be in the `errors` member of the error object.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' do <- function() {
#' async_try_each(
#' async(function() stop("doh"))(),
#' async(function() "cool")(),
#' async(function() stop("doh2"))(),
#' async(function() "cool2")()
#' )
#' }
#' synchronise(do())
async_try_each <- function(..., .list = list()) {
defs <- c(list(...), .list)
wh <- nx <- NULL
errors <- list()
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_try_each", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
nx <<- length(defs)
if (nx == 0) resolve(NULL)
wh <<- 1L
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
parent_reject = function(value, resolve) {
errors <<- c(errors, list(value))
if (wh == nx) {
err <- structure(
list(errors = errors, message = "async_try_each failed"),
class = c("async_rejected", "error", "condition"))
} else {
wh <<- wh + 1
async_try_each <- mark_as_async(async_try_each)
#' Repeatedly call task until it its test function returns `TRUE`
#' @param test Synchronous test function.
#' @param task Asynchronous function to call repeatedly.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to `task`.
#' @return Deferred value, that is resolved when the iteration is done.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## Keep calling until it "returns" a number less than < 0.1
#' calls <- 0
#' number <- Inf
#' synchronise(async_until(
#' function() number < 0.1,
#' function() {
#' calls <<- calls + 1
#' number <<- runif(1)
#' }
#' ))
#' calls
async_until <- function(test, task, ...) {
task <- async(task)
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_until", call =,
parents = list(task(...)),
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (test()) {
} else {
async_until <- mark_as_async(async_until)
`%||%` <- function(l, r) if (is.null(l)) r else l
vlapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) {
vapply(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE = FUN.VALUE, ...)
viapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) {
vapply(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE = FUN.VALUE, ...)
vcapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., FUN.VALUE = character(1)) {
vapply(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE = FUN.VALUE, ...)
make_error <- function(message, class = "simpleError", call = NULL) {
class <- c(class, "error", "condition")
list(message = as.character(message), call = call),
class = class
num_args <- function(fun) {
get_private <- function(x) {
#' Call `func` and then call `callback` with the result
#' `callback` will be called with two arguments, the first one will the
#' error object if `func()` threw an error, or `NULL` otherwise. The second
#' argument is `NULL` on error, and the result of `func()` otherwise.
#' @param func Function to call.
#' @param callback Callback to call with the result of `func()`,
#' or the error thrown.
#' @param info Extra info to add to the error object. Must be a named list.
#' @keywords internal
call_with_callback <- function(func, callback, info = NULL) {
recerror <- NULL
result <- NULL
result <- func(),
error = function(e) {
recerror <<- e
recerror$aframe <<- recerror$aframe %||% find_async_data_frame()
recerror$calls <<- recerror$calls %||% sys.calls()
if (is.null(recerror[["call"]])) recerror[["call"]] <<-
recerror$parents <<- recerror$parents %||% sys.parents()
recerror[names(info)] <<- info
handler <- getOption("async.error")
if (is.function(handler)) handler()
error = identity
callback(recerror, result)
get_id <- local({
id <- 0L
function() {
id <<- id + 1L
new_event_loop_id <- local({
id <- 0L
function() {
id <<- id + 1L
lapply_args <- function(X, FUN, ..., .args = list()) {"lapply", c(list(X = X, FUN = FUN), list(...), .args))
drop_nulls <- function(x) {
x[!vlapply(x, is.null)]
#' @importFrom utils getSrcDirectory getSrcFilename getSrcLocation
get_source_position <- function(call) {
filename = file.path(
c(getSrcDirectory(call), "?")[1],
c(getSrcFilename(call), "?")[1]),
position = paste0(
getSrcLocation(call, "line", TRUE) %||% "?", ":",
getSrcLocation(call, "column", TRUE) %||% "?")
file_size <- function(...) {, extra_cols = FALSE)$size
read_all <- function(filename, encoding) {
if (is.null(filename)) return(NULL)
r <- readBin(filename, what = raw(0), n = file_size(filename))
s <- rawToChar(r)
Encoding(s) <- encoding
crash <- function () {
get("attach")(structure(list(), class = "UserDefinedDatabase"))
str_trim <- function(x) {
sub("\\s+$", "", sub("^\\s+", "", x))
expr_name <- function(expr) {
if (is.null(expr)) {
if (is.symbol(expr)) {
if ( {
cl <- as.list(expr)[[1]]
if (is.symbol(cl)) {
} else {
return(paste0(format(cl), collapse = ""))
if (is.atomic(expr) && length(expr) == 1) {
gsub("\n.*$", "...", as.character(expr))
get_uuid <- function() {
async_env$pid <- async_env$pid %||% Sys.getpid()
async_env$counter <- async_env$counter %||% 0
async_env$counter <- async_env$counter + 1L
paste0(async_env$pid, "-", async_env$counter)
#' Deferred value for a set of deferred values
#' Create a deferred value that is resolved when all listed deferred values
#' are resolved. Note that the error of an input deferred value
#' triggers the error `when_all` as well.
#' async has auto-cancellation, so if one deferred value errors, the rest
#' of them will be automatically cancelled.
#' @param ... Deferred values.
#' @param .list More deferred values.
#' @return A deferred value, that is conditioned on all deferred values
#' in `...` and `.list`.
#' @seealso [when_any()], [when_some()]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Check that the contents of two URLs are the same
#' afun <- async(function() {
#' u1 <- http_get("")
#' u2 <- http_get("")
#' when_all(u1, u2)$
#' then(function(x) identical(x[[1]]$content, x[[2]]$content))
#' })
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
when_all <- function(..., .list = list()) {
defs <- c(list(...), .list)
nx <- 0L
self <- deferred$new(
type = "when_all",
call =,
action = function(resolve) {
self; nx; defs
lapply(seq_along(defs), function(idx) {
if (is_deferred(defs[[idx]])) {
nx <<- nx + 1L
defs[[idx]]$then(function(val) list(idx, val))$then(self)
if (nx == 0) resolve(defs)
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
defs[ value[[1]] ] <<- value[2]
nx <<- nx - 1L
if (nx == 0L) resolve(defs)
when_all <- mark_as_async(when_all)
#' Resolve a deferred as soon as some deferred from a list resolve
#' `when_some` creates a deferred value that is resolved as soon as the
#' specified number of deferred values resolve.
#' `when_any` is a special case for a single.
#' If the specified number of deferred values cannot be resolved, then
#' `when_any` throws an error.
#' async has auto-cancellation, so if the required number of deferred values
#' are resolved, or too many of them throw error, the rest of the are
#' cancelled.
#' If `when_any` throws an error, then all the underlying error objects
#' are returned in the `errors` member of the error object thrown by
#' `when_any`.
#' @param count Number of deferred values that need to resolve.
#' @param ... Deferred values.
#' @param .list More deferred values.
#' @return A deferred value, that is conditioned on all deferred values
#' in `...` and `.list`.
#' @seealso [when_all()]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use the URL that returns first
#' afun <- function() {
#' u1 <- http_get("")
#' u2 <- http_get("")
#' when_any(u1, u2)$then(function(x) x$url)
#' }
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
when_some <- function(count, ..., .list = list()) {
when_some_internal(count, ..., .list = .list, .race = FALSE)
when_some <- mark_as_async(when_some)
when_some_internal <- function(count, ..., .list, .race) {
defs <- c(list(...), .list)
num_defs <- length(defs)
num_failed <- 0L
ifdef <- vlapply(defs, is_deferred)
resolved <- defs[!ifdef]
errors <- list()
cancel_all <- function() lapply(defs[ifdef], function(x) x$cancel())
type = "when_some", call =,
parents = defs[ifdef],
action = function(resolve) {
if (num_defs < count) {
stop("Cannot resolve enough deferred values")
} else if (length(resolved) >= count) {
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
resolved <<- c(resolved, list(value))
if (length(resolved) == count) {
parent_reject = function(value, resolve) {
if (.race) {
num_failed <<- num_failed + 1L
errors <<- c(errors, list(value))
if (num_failed + count == num_defs + 1L) {
err <- structure(
list(errors = errors, message = "when_some / when_any failed"),
class = c("async_rejected", "error", "condition"))
#' @noRd
#' @rdname when_some
when_any <- function(..., .list = list()) {
when_some(1, ..., .list = .list)$then(function(x) x[[1]])
when_any <- mark_as_async(when_any)
#' Repeatedly call task, while test returns true
#' @param test Synchronous test function.
#' @param task Asynchronous function to call repeatedly.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to `task`.
#' @return Deferred value, that is resolved when the iteration is done.
#' @family async control flow
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## Keep calling while result is bigger than 0.1
#' calls <- 0
#' number <- Inf
#' synchronise(async_whilst(
#' function() number >= 0.1,
#' function() {
#' calls <<- calls + 1
#' number <<- runif(1)
#' }
#' ))
#' calls
async_whilst <- function(test, task, ...) {
task <- async(task)
self <- deferred$new(
type = "async_whilst", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
if (!test()) {
} else {
parent_resolve = function(value, resolve) {
if (!test()) {
} else {
async_whilst <- mark_as_async(async_whilst)
#' Worker pool
#' The worker pool functions are independent of the event loop, to allow
#' independent testing.
#' @family worker pool functions
#' @name worker_pool
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
worker_pool <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function()
wp_init(self, private),
add_task = function(func, args, id, event_loop)
wp_add_task(self, private, func, args, id, event_loop),
get_fds = function()
wp_get_fds(self, private),
get_pids = function()
wp_get_pids(self, private),
get_poll_connections = function()
wp_get_poll_connections(self, private),
notify_event = function(pids, event_loop)
wp_notify_event(self, private, pids, event_loop),
start_workers = function()
wp_start_workers(self, private),
kill_workers = function()
wp_kill_workers(self, private),
cancel_task = function(id)
wp_cancel_task(self, private, id),
cancel_all_tasks = function()
wp_cancel_all_tasks(self, private),
get_result = function(id)
wp_get_result(self, private, id),
list_workers = function()
wp_list_workers(self, private),
list_tasks = function(event_loop = NULL, status = NULL)
wp_list_tasks(self, private, event_loop, status),
finalize = function() self$kill_workers()
private = list(
workers = list(),
tasks = list(),
try_start = function()
wp__try_start(self, private),
interrupt_worker = function(pid)
wp__interrupt_worker(self, private, pid)
wp_init <- function(self, private) {
wp_start_workers <- function(self, private) {
num <- worker_pool_size()
## See if we need to start more
if (NROW(private$workers) >= num) return(invisible())
## Yeah, start some more
to_start <- num - NROW(private$workers)
sess <- lapply(1:to_start, function(x) callr::r_session$new(wait = FALSE))
fd <- viapply(sess, function(x) processx::conn_get_fileno(x$get_poll_connection()))
new_workers <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
session = I(sess),
task = NA_character_,
pid = viapply(sess, function(x) x$get_pid()),
fd = fd,
event_loop = NA_integer_
private$workers <- rbind(private$workers, new_workers)
wp_add_task <- function(self, private, func, args, id, event_loop) {
private$tasks <- rbind(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
event_loop = event_loop, id = id, func = I(list(func)),
args = I(list(args)), status = "waiting", result = I(list(NULL)))
## We only need to poll the sessions that actually do something...
wp_get_fds <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
private$workers$fd[sts %in% c("starting", "busy")]
wp_get_pids <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
private$workers$pid[sts %in% c("starting", "busy")]
wp_get_poll_connections <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
busy <- sts %in% c("starting", "busy")
function(x) x$get_poll_connection()),
names = private$workers$pid[busy])
wp_notify_event <- function(self, private, pids, event_loop) {
done <- NULL
dead <- integer()
which <- match(pids, private$workers$pid)
for (w in which) {
msg <- private$workers$session[[w]]$read()
if (is.null(msg)) next
if (msg$code == 200 || (msg$code >= 500 && msg$code < 600)) {
if (msg$code >= 500 && msg$code < 600) dead <- c(dead, w)
wt <- match(private$workers$task[[w]], private$tasks$id)
if ( stop("Internal error, no such task")
private$tasks$result[[wt]] <- msg
private$tasks$status[[wt]] <- "done"
private$workers$task[[w]] <- NA_character_
done <- c(done, private$tasks$id[[wt]])
if (length(dead)) {
private$workers <- private$workers[-dead,]
worker_pool_size <- function() {
getOption("async.worker_pool_size") %||%
as.integer(Sys.getenv("ASYNC_WORKER_POOL_SIZE", 4))
wp_kill_workers <- function(self, private) {
lapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$kill())
private$workers <- NULL
wp_cancel_task <- function(self, private, id) {
wt <- match(id, private$tasks$id)
if ( stop("Unknown task")
if (private$tasks$status[[wt]] == "running") {
wk <- match(id, private$workers$task)
if (! private$interrupt_worker(private$workers$pid[wk])
private$tasks <- private$tasks[-wt, ]
wp_cancel_all_tasks <- function(self, private) {
stop("`cancel_all_tasks` method is not implemented yet")
wp_get_result <- function(self, private, id) {
wt <- match(id, private$tasks$id)
if ( stop("Unknown task")
if (private$tasks$status[[wt]] != "done") stop("Task not done yet")
result <- private$tasks$result[[wt]]
private$tasks <- private$tasks[-wt, ]
wp_list_workers <- function(self, private) {
private$workers[, setdiff(colnames(private$workers), "session")]
wp_list_tasks <- function(self, private, event_loop, status) {
dont_show <- c("func", "args", "result")
ret <- private$tasks
if (!is.null(event_loop)) ret <- ret[ret$event_loop %in% event_loop, ]
if (!is.null(status)) ret <- ret[ret$status %in% status, ]
ret[, setdiff(colnames(private$tasks), dont_show)]
## Internals -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom utils head
wp__try_start <- function(self, private) {
sts <- vcapply(private$workers$session, function(x) x$get_state())
if (all(sts != "idle")) return()
can_work <- sts == "idle"
can_run <- private$tasks$status == "waiting"
num_start <- min(sum(can_work), sum(can_run))
will_run <- head(which(can_run), num_start)
will_work <- head(which(can_work), num_start)
for (i in seq_along(will_run)) {
wt <- will_run[[i]]
ww <- will_work[[i]]
func <- private$tasks$func[[wt]]
args <- private$tasks$args[[wt]]
private$workers$session[[ww]]$call(func, args)
private$tasks$status[[wt]] <- "running"
private$workers$task[[ww]] <- private$tasks$id[[wt]]
#' Interrupt a worker process
#' We need to make sure that the worker is in a usable state after this.
#' For speed, we try to interrupt with a SIGINT first, and if that does
#' not work, then we kill the worker and start a new one.
#' When we interrupt with a SIGINT a number of things can happen:
#' 1. we successfully interrupted a computation, then
#' we'll just poll_io(), and read() and we'll get back an
#' interrupt error.
#' 2. The computation has finished, so we did not interrupt it.
#' In this case the background R process will apply the interrupt
#' to the next computation (at least on Unix) so the bg process
#' needs to run a quick harmless call to absorb the interrupt.
#' We can use `Sys.sleep()` for this, and `write_input()` directly
#' for speed and simplicity.
#' 3. The process has crashed already, in this case `interrupt()` will
#' return `FALSE`. `poll_io()` will return with "ready" immediately,
#' `read()` will return with an error, and `write_input()` throws
#' an error.
#' 4. We could not interrupt the process, because it was in a
#' non-interruptable state. In this case we kill it, and start a
#' new process. `poll_io()` will not return with "ready" in this case.
#' @param self self
#' @param private private self
#' @param pid pid of process
#' @noRd
wp__interrupt_worker <- function(self, private, pid) {
ww <- match(pid, private$workers$pid)
if ( stop("Unknown task in interrupt_worker() method")
kill <- FALSE
sess <- private$workers$session[[ww]]
int <- sess$interrupt()
pr <- sess$poll_io(100)["process"]
if (pr == "ready") {
msg <- sess$read()
if (! inherits(msg, "interrupt")) {
}, error = function(e) kill <<- TRUE)
private$workers$task[[ww]] <- NA_character_
} else {
kill <- TRUE
if (kill) {
private$workers <- private$workers[-ww, ]
## Make sure that we have enough workers running
#' External process via a process generator
#' Wrap any [processx::process] object into a deferred value. The
#' process is created by a generator function.
#' @param process_generator Function that returns a [processx::process]
#' object. See details below about the current requirements for the
#' returned process.
#' @param error_on_status Whether to fail if the process terminates
#' with a non-zero exit status.
#' @param ... Extra arguments, passed to `process_generator`.
#' @return Deferred object.
#' Current requirements for `process_generator`:
#' * It must take a `...` argument, and pass it to
#' `processx::process$new()`.
#' * It must use the `poll_connection = TRUE` argument.
#' These requirements might be relaxed in the future.
#' If you want to obtain the standard output and/or error of the
#' process, then `process_generator` must redirect them to files.
#' If you want to discard them, `process_generator` can set them to
#' `NULL`.
#' `process_generator` should not use pipes (`"|"`) for the standard
#' output or error, because the process will stop running if the
#' pipe buffer gets full. We currently never read out the pipe buffer.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lsgen <- function(dir = ".", ...) {
#' processx::process$new(
#' "ls",
#' dir,
#' poll_connection = TRUE,
#' stdout = tempfile(),
#' stderr = tempfile(),
#' ...
#' )
#' }
#' afun <- function() {
#' external_process(lsgen)
#' }
#' synchronise(afun())
#' }
external_process <- function(process_generator, error_on_status = TRUE,
...) {
process_generator; error_on_status; args <- list(...)
args$encoding <- args$encoding %||% ""
args$cleanup_tree <- args$cleanup_tree %||% TRUE
id <- NULL
type = "external_process", call =,
action = function(resolve) {
reject <- environment(resolve)$private$reject
px <-, args)
stdout <- px$get_output_file()
stderr <- px$get_error_file()
pipe <- px$get_poll_connection()
id <<- get_default_event_loop()$add_process(
function(err, res) if (is.null(err)) resolve(res) else reject(err),
list(process = px, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr,
error_on_status = error_on_status, encoding = args$encoding)
on_cancel = function(reason) {
if (!is.null(id)) get_default_event_loop()$cancel(id)
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