#' A simple package cache
#' This is an R6 class that implements a concurrency safe package cache.
#' By default these fields are included for every package:
#' * `fullpath` Full package path.
#' * `path` Package path, within the repository.
#' * `package` Package name.
#' * `url` URL it was downloaded from.
#' * `etag` ETag for the last download, from the given URL.
#' * `sha256` SHA256 hash of the file.
#' Additional fields can be added as needed.
#' For a simple API to a session-wide instance of this class, see
#' [pkg_cache_summary()] and the other functions listed there.
#' @section Usage:
#' ```
#' pc <- package_cache$new(path = NULL)
#' pc$list()
#' pc$find(..., .list = NULL)
#' pc$copy_to(..., .list = NULL)
#' pc$add(file, path, sha256 = shasum256(file), ..., .list = NULL)
#' pc$add_url(url, path, ..., .list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
#' http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$async_add_url(url, path, ..., .list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
#' http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$copy_or_add(target, urls, path, sha256 = NULL, ..., .list = NULL,
#' on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$async_copy_or_add(target, urls, path, ..., sha256 = NULL, ...,
#' .list = NULL, on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$update_or_add(target, urls, path, ..., .list = NULL,
#' on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$async_update_or_add(target, urls, path, ..., .list = NULL,
#' on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL)
#' pc$delete(..., .list = NULL)
#' ```
#' @section Arguments:
#' * `path`: For `package_cache$new()` the location of the cache. For other
#' functions the location of the file inside the cache.
#' * `...`: Extra attributes to search for. They have to be named.
#' * `.list`: Extra attributes to search for, they have to in a named list.
#' * `file`: Path to the file to add.
#' * `url`: URL attribute. This is used to update the file, if requested.
#' * `sha256`: SHA256 hash of the file.
#' * `on_progress`: Callback to create progress bar. Passed to internal
#' function `http_get()`.
#' * `target`: Path to copy the (first) to hit to.
#' * `urls`: Character vector or URLs to try to download the file from.
#' * `http_headers`: HTTP headers to add to all HTTP queries.
#' @section Details:
#' `package_cache$new()` attaches to the cache at `path`. (By default
#' a platform dependent user level cache directory.) If the cache does
#' not exists, it creates it.
#' `pc$list()` lists all files in the cache, returns a data frame with all the
#' default columns, and potentially extra columns as well.
#' `pc$find()` list all files that match the specified criteria (`fullpath`,
#' `path`, `package`, etc.). Custom columns can be searched for as well.
#' `pc$copy_to()` will copy the first matching file from the cache to
#' `target`. It returns the data frame of _all_ matching records, invisibly.
#' If no file matches, it returns an empty (zero-row) data frame.
#' `pc$add()` adds a file to the cache.
#' `pc$add_url()` downloads a file and adds it to the cache.
#' `pc$async_add_url()` is the same, but it is asynchronous.
#' `pc$copy_or_add()` works like `pc$copy_to()`, but if the file is not in
#' the cache, it tries to download it from one of the specified URLs first.
#' `pc$async_copy_or_add()` is the same, but asynchronous.
#' `pc$update_or_add()` is like `pc$copy_to_add()`, but if the file is in
#' the cache it tries to update it from the urls, using the stored ETag to
#' avoid unnecessary downloads.
#' `pc$async_update_or_add()` is the same, but it is asynchronous.
#' `pc$delete()` deletes the file(s) from the cache.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Although package_cache usually stores packages, it may store
#' ## arbitrary files, that can be search by metadata
#' pc <- package_cache$new(path = tempfile())
#' pc$list()
#' cat("foo\n", file = f1 <- tempfile())
#' cat("bar\n", file = f2 <- tempfile())
#' pc$add(f1, "/f1")
#' pc$add(f2, "/f2")
#' pc$list()
#' pc$find(path = "/f1")
#' pc$copy_to(target = f3 <- tempfile(), path = "/f1")
#' readLines(f3)
package_cache <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(path = NULL) {
path <- path %||% get_user_cache_dir()$pkg
private$path <- path
list = function() {
l <- private$lock(exclusive = FALSE)
on.exit(filelock::unlock(l), add = TRUE)
dbfile <- get_db_file(private$path)
find = function(..., .list = NULL) {
self$copy_to(NULL, ..., .list = .list)
copy_to = function(target, ..., .list = NULL) {
l <- private$lock(exclusive = FALSE)
on.exit(filelock::unlock(l), add = TRUE)
res <- private$find_locked(..., .list = .list)
if (!is.null(target) && nrow(res) >= 1) {
file.copy(res$fullpath[1], target)
add = function(file, path, sha256 = shasum256(file), ..., .list = NULL,
.headers = NULL) {
l <- private$lock(exclusive = TRUE)
on.exit(filelock::unlock(l), add = TRUE)
dbfile <- get_db_file(private$path)
db <- readRDS(dbfile)
extra <- c(list(...), .list)
# updates for unexpected PPM binaries and sources
# need to update 'path', 'platform', 'sha256'
if (is.list(.headers)) .headers <- .headers[[1]]
.headers <- tolower(.headers)
if ("x-repository-type: rspm" %in% .headers) {
fields <- update_fields_for_ppm_download(path, extra, .headers)
path <- fields$path
extra <- fields$extra
idx <- find_in_data_frame(
db, path = path, sha256 = sha256, .list = extra)
target <- file.path(private$path, path)
file.copy(file, target, overwrite = TRUE)
db <- append_to_data_frame(
db, fullpath = target, path = path, sha256 = null2na(sha256),
.list = extra)
save_rds(db, dbfile)
db[nrow(db), ]
## Just download a file from an url and add it
## Returns a deferred value
async_add_url = function(url, path, ..., .list = NULL,
on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL) {
self; private; url; path; list(...); .list; on_progress; http_headers
target <- tempfile()
download_file(url, target, on_progress = on_progress,
headers = http_headers)$
then(function(res) {
headers <- curl::parse_headers(res$response$headers, multiple = TRUE)
self$add(target, path, url = url, etag = res$etag, ...,
sha256 = shasum256(target), .list = .list,
.headers = headers)
finally(function(x) unlink(target, recursive = TRUE))
add_url = function(url, path, ..., .list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
http_headers = NULL) {
synchronise(self$async_add_url(url, path, ..., .list = .list,
on_progress = on_progress, http_headers = http_headers))
## If the file is not in the cache, then download it and add it.
async_copy_or_add = function(target, urls, path, sha256 = NULL, ...,
.list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
http_headers = NULL) {
self; private; target; urls; path; sha256; list(...); .list
on_progress; http_headers
etag <- tempfile()
then(function() self$copy_to(target, url = urls[1], ..., .list = .list))$
then(function(res) {
if (! nrow(res)) {
download_one_of(urls, target, on_progress = on_progress,
headers = http_headers)$
then(function(d) {
headers <- curl::parse_headers(d$response$headers, multiple = TRUE)
sha256 <- shasum256(target)
self$add(target, path, url = d$url, etag = d$etag,
sha256 = null2na(sha256), ..., .list = .list,
.headers = headers)
then(function(x) add_attr(x, "action", "Got"))
} else {
add_attr(res, "action", "Had")
finally(function(x) unlink(etag, recursive = TRUE))
copy_or_add = function(target, urls, path, sha256 = NULL, ...,
.list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
http_headers = NULL) {
target, urls, path, sha256, ...,
.list = .list, on_progress = on_progress,
http_headers = http_headers))
## Like copy_to_add, but we always try to update the file, from
## the URL, and if the update was successful, we update the file
## in the cache as well
async_update_or_add = function(target, urls, path, sha256 = NULL, ...,
.list = NULL, on_progress = NULL,
http_headers = NULL) {
self; private; target; urls; path; sha256; list(...); .list;
on_progress; http_headers
then(function() self$copy_to(target, url = urls[1], path = path, ...,
.list = .list))$
then(function(res) {
if (! nrow(res)) {
## Not in the cache, download and add it
download_one_of(urls, target, on_progress = on_progress,
headers = http_headers)$
then(function(d) {
headers <- curl::parse_headers(d$response$headers, multiple = TRUE)
sha256 <- shasum256(target)
self$add(target, path, url = d$url, etag = d$etag,
sha256 = null2na(sha256), ..., .list = .list,
.headers = headers)
then(function(x) add_attr(x, "action", "Got"))
} else {
## In the cache, check if it is current
cat(res$etag, file = etag <- tempfile())
download_one_of(urls, target, etag_file = etag,
on_progress = on_progress,
headers = http_headers)$
then(function(d) {
if (d$response$status_code != 304) {
## No current, update it
headers <- curl::parse_headers(d$response$headers, multiple = TRUE)
sha256 <- shasum256(target)
x <- self$add(target, path, url = d$url,
etag = d$etag, sha256 = null2na(sha256), ...,
.list = .list, .headers = headers)
add_attr(x, "action", "Got")
} else {
## Current, nothing to do
add_attr(res, "action", "Current")
finally(function(x) unlink(etag, recursive = TRUE))
update_or_add = function(target, urls, path, ..., .list = NULL,
on_progress = NULL, http_headers = NULL) {
target, urls, path, ...,
.list = .list, on_progress = on_progress,
http_headers = http_headers))
delete = function(..., .list = NULL) {
l <- private$lock(exclusive = TRUE)
on.exit(filelock::unlock(l), add = TRUE)
dbfile <- get_db_file(private$path)
ex <- private$find_locked(..., .list = .list)
if (nrow(ex) != 0) {
unlink(file.path(private$path, ex$path))
db <- delete_from_data_frame(readRDS(dbfile), ..., .list = .list)
save_rds(db, dbfile)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private = list(
path = NULL,
lock = function(exclusive = TRUE, ...) {
lockfile <- get_lock_file(private$path)
filelock::lock(lockfile, exclusive = exclusive, ...)
find_locked = function(..., .list = NULL) {
dbfile <- get_db_file(private$path)
db <- readRDS(dbfile)
idx <- find_in_data_frame(db, ..., .list = .list)
db[idx, ]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Internal functions
get_db_file <- function(path) {
file.path(path, ".db.rds")
get_lock_file <- function(path) {
file.path(path, ".db.lock")
create_empty_db_file_if_needed <- function(path) {
dbfile <- get_db_file(path)
if (file.exists(dbfile)) return()
lockfile <- get_lock_file(path)
df <- make_empty_db_data_frame()
l <- filelock::lock(lockfile)
save_rds(df, dbfile)
make_empty_db_data_frame <- function() {
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
fullpath = character(),
path = character(),
package = character(),
url = character(),
etag = character(),
sha256 = character()
update_fields_for_ppm_download <- function(path, extra, headers) {
res <- list(path = path, extra = extra)
pkg_type <- grep("^x-package-type:", headers, value = TRUE)[1]
if ( return(res)
pkg_type <- sub("^x-package-type: ?", "", pkg_type)
if (pkg_type == "binary") {
# Got a binary package, check what kind
bin_tag <- grep("x-package-binary-tag:", headers, value = TRUE)[1]
if ( return(res)
bin_tag <- sub("x-package-binary-tag: ?", "", bin_tag)
rver <- strsplit(bin_tag, "-")[[1]][[1]]
binurl <- strsplit(bin_tag, "-")[[1]][[2]]
if (!binurl %in% pkgenv$ppm_distros$binary_url) return(res)
# fix platform if neeeded
if (!is.null(extra$platform) && extra$platform == "source") {
current <- current_r_platform_data()
wdist <- match(binurl, pkgenv$ppm_distros$binary_url)
distro <- pkgenv$ppm_distros$distribution[wdist]
release <- pkgenv$ppm_distros$release[wdist]
res$extra$platform <- paste0(
current$cpu, "-", current$vendor, "-", current$os, "-",
distro, "-", release
# fix path if needed
if (dirname(path) == "src/contrib") {
res$path <- paste0(
"src/contrib/", res$extra$platform %||% current$platform, "/",
rver, "/", basename(path)
} else {
# Got a source package
# Fix platform if needed
if (!is.null(extra$platform) && extra$platform != "source") {
res$extra$platform <- "source"
# Fix path if needed
if (dirname(path) != "src/contrib") {
res$path <- paste0("src/contrib/", basename(path))
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