
Defines functions playAnnotate playDo drawAnnotations playPointInput playLineInput playRectInput playClickOrDrag handleClickOrDrag whichSpace

Documented in playAnnotate playDo playLineInput playPointInput playRectInput

# playwith: interactive plots in R using GTK+
## Copyright (c) 2007 Felix Andrews <felix@nfrac.org>
## GPL version 2 or newer

playAnnotate <-
    function(playState, annot, space = "plot",
             add = TRUE, redraw = NA)
    if (add == FALSE) { ## replace
        if (length(playState$annotations)) ## exists
            if (is.na(redraw)) redraw <- TRUE
        playState$annotations <- list()
    i <- length(playState$annotations) + 1
    playState$annotations[[i]] <- as.expression(annot)
    names(playState$annotations)[i] <- space
    if (is.na(redraw)) {
        ## draw without a full redraw
        playDo(playState, annot, space = space)
        ## update other tool states
    if (isTRUE(redraw)) {
        ## full redraw

playDo <- function(playState, expr, space = "plot",
                   clip.off = !isTRUE(playState$clip.annotations),
                   return.code = FALSE)
    vpName <- NULL
    if (space == "page") {
        ## normalised device coordinates
        vpName <- "pageAnnotationVp"
    } else {
        ## user / plot coordinates
        if (!is.null(playState$viewport)) {
            ## grid graphics plot
            vpName <- playState$viewport[[space]]
            if (inherits(vpName, "viewport") || inherits(vpName, "vpPath"))
                vpName <- vpName$name
        else if (playState$is.lattice) {
            ## lattice plot
            packets <- playState$tmp$currentLayout
            if (space == "plot") {
                space <- packet.number()
                if (length(space) == 0) {
                    if (sum(packets > 0) > 1)
                        stop("space not well specified")
                    space <- packets[packets > 0][1]
                space <- paste("packet", space)
            packet <- as.numeric(sub("packet ", "", space))
            whichOne <- which(packets == packet)
            if (length(whichOne) == 0) return()
            myCol <- col(packets)[whichOne]
            myRow <- row(packets)[whichOne]
            vpName <- trellis.vpname("panel", myCol, myRow, clip.off=clip.off)
            ## NOTE: a panel is not in focus here (as in trellis.focus)
            ## because that would destroy any previous focus state
            ## -- if focus is required, do that before calling playDo.
        else if (playState$is.base) {
            ## base graphics
            space <- "plot"
            if (clip.off) space <- "plot.clip.off"
            vpName <- playState$tmp$baseVps[[space]]$name
    if (return.code) {
        return(c(as.expression(call("seekViewport", vpName)),
    ## un-supported plot type (grid plot without specified viewport)
    if (is.null(vpName)) return(NULL)
    ## store current viewport and restore it when finished
    cur.vp <- current.vpPath()
        if (!is.null(cur.vp)) downViewport(cur.vp)
    ## do the stuff and return the result

drawAnnotations <- function(playState, return.code = FALSE)
    theCode <- expression()
    ## group by space
    spaces <- names(playState$annotations)
    for (space in unique(spaces)) {
        items <- playState$annotations[spaces == space]
        annots <- do.call("c", items)
        expr <- playDo(playState,
                       space = space,
                       return.code = return.code)
        if (return.code)
            theCode <- c(theCode, expr)

playPointInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click on the plot;",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."))
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    cur.vp <- current.vpPath()
    if (!is.null(cur.vp)) on.exit(downViewport(cur.vp), add=TRUE)
    dc <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(dc)) return(NULL)
    ## check for modifier keys
    ptrInfo <- playState$widgets$drawingArea$window$getPointer()
    modifiers <- as.flag(0)
    if (!is.null(ptrInfo$mask))
        modifiers <- as.flag(ptrInfo$mask)
    ## convert coordinates
    ndc <- list(x=convertX(dc$x, "npc"), y=convertY(dc$y, "npc"))
    dc <- lapply(dc, as.numeric)
    ndc <- lapply(ndc, as.numeric)
    coords <- NULL
    space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x, dc$y)
    if (space != "page") {
        coords <-
                   quote(convertFromDevicePixels(dc$x, dc$y, valueOnly = TRUE)),
                   space = space)
    list(coords=coords, space=space, dc=dc, ndc=ndc, modifiers=modifiers)

playLineInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click and drag to define a line",
             "(hold Shift to constrain to x or y scales);",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."),
             scales = "dynamic")
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    vp <- current.vpPath()
    on.exit(if (!is.null(vp)) downViewport(vp), add=TRUE)
    ## wait for click
    xy0 <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(xy0)) return(NULL)
    xy0 <- lapply(xy0, as.numeric)
    playClickOrDrag(playState, x0 = xy0$x, y0 = xy0$y,
                    shape="line", scales = scales)

playRectInput <-
    function(playState = playDevCur(),
             prompt = paste(
             "Click and drag to define a rectangular region",
             "(hold Shift to constrain to x or y scales);",
             "Right-click or Esc to cancel."),
             scales = "dynamic")
    playPrompt(playState, prompt)
    on.exit(playPrompt(playState, NULL))
    vp <- current.vpPath()
    on.exit(if (!is.null(vp)) downViewport(vp), add=TRUE)
    ## wait for click
    xy0 <- grid.locator()
    if (is.null(xy0)) return(NULL)
    xy0 <- lapply(xy0, as.numeric)
    playClickOrDrag(playState, x0 = xy0$x, y0 = xy0$y,
                    shape="rect", scales = scales)

## assumes that the mouse button has already been pressed
## converts into user coordinates
playClickOrDrag <-
    function(playState, x0, y0,
             shape=c("rect", "line"),
    foo <- handleClickOrDrag(playState$widgets$drawingArea,
                             x0=x0, y0=y0, shape=shape, ...)
    if (is.null(foo)) return(NULL)
    dc <- foo$dc
    coords <- NULL
    ## work out which space the drag was in: try the mid-point first
    space <- whichSpace(playState, mean(dc$x), mean(dc$y))
    ## otherwise, try start of drag
    if (space == "page") space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x[1], dc$y[1])
    ## otherwise, try end of drag
    if (space == "page") space <- whichSpace(playState, dc$x[2], dc$y[2])
    if (space != "page") {
        coords <-
                   quote(convertFromDevicePixels(dc$x, dc$y, valueOnly = TRUE)),
                   space = space)
    foo$coords <- coords
    foo$space <- space

## assumes that the mouse button has already been pressed
handleClickOrDrag <-
    function(da, x0, y0,
             shape = c("rect", "line"),
             scales = "dynamic")
    CLICKDUR <- 0.25 ## seconds
    shape <- match.arg(shape)
    dynScales <- ("dynamic" %in% scales)
    if (dynScales) scales <- c("x", "y")
    ## xyInit is the original click location
    xyInit <- list(x=x0, y=y0)
    daAlloc <- da$getAllocation()$allocation
    da.w <- daAlloc$width
    da.h <- daAlloc$height
    buf <- gdkPixbufGetFromDrawable(src=da$window, src.x=0, src.y=0,
                                    dest.x=0, dest.y=0, width=da.w, height=da.h)
    if (is.null(buf)) stop("Could not make pixbuf")
    ## background style
    gcb <- gdkGCNew(da$window)
    gcb$setLineAttributes(line.width=1, line.style=GdkLineStyle["solid"],
                          cap.style=GdkCapStyle["butt"], join.style=GdkJoinStyle["miter"])
    ## foreground style
    gc <- gdkGCNew(da$window)
    gc$setLineAttributes(line.width=1, line.style=GdkLineStyle["double-dash"],
                         cap.style=GdkCapStyle["butt"], join.style=GdkJoinStyle["miter"])
    gc$setDashes(c(8, 4))
    ## xyDrag is the drag-to location while dragging
    xyDrag <- xyInit
    ## these are used to constrain the drag to x or y scales
    xOnly <- !("y" %in% scales)
    yOnly <- !("x" %in% scales)
    ## xyEnd is the final drag-to location
    release_handler <- function(widget, event, env) {
        ## mouse button was released
        env$xyEnd <- list(x=event$x, y=event$y)
    expose_handler <- function(widget, event) {
        area <- event$area
        gdkDrawPixbuf(event$window, pixbuf=buf,
                      src.x=area$x, src.y=area$y, dest.x=area$x, dest.y=area$y,
                      width=area$width, height=area$height)
        xx <- c(xyInit$x, xyDrag$x)
        yy <- c(xyInit$y, xyDrag$y)
        ## constrain drag along x or y scales
        if (shape == "rect") {
            if (xOnly) yy <- c(-1, da.h)
            if (yOnly) xx <- c(-1, da.w)
        if (shape == "line") {
            if (xOnly) yy[2] <- yy[1]
            if (yOnly) xx[2] <- xx[1]
        for (i in 1:2) {
            ## draw in background color first
            tmp.gc <- if (i == 1) gcb else gc
               line = gdkDrawLine(event$window, gc=tmp.gc,
               x1=xx[1], y1=yy[1],
                   x2=xx[2], y2=yy[2]),
               rect = gdkDrawRectangle(event$window, gc=tmp.gc,
                   filled=FALSE, x=min(xx), min(yy),
                   width=abs(diff(xx)), height=abs(diff(yy)))
        return(TRUE) ## stop event here
    tmpSigE <- gSignalConnect(da, "expose-event", expose_handler)
    tmpSigR <- gSignalConnect(da, "button-release-event", release_handler,
    rectx <- xyInit$x
    recty <- xyInit$y
    init_time <- proc.time()[3]
    repeat {
        ## xyEnd is the final drag location, set by event handler
        if (exists("xyEnd", inherits=FALSE)) break
        xyDrag <- da$window$getPointer()
        ## check that pointer is inside the window? -- fails on linux
        #if (is.null(xyDrag$retval)) break
        if ((as.flag(xyDrag$mask) & GdkModifierType["button1-mask"]) == 0) {
            ## mouse button was released
            xyEnd <- xyDrag
        ## dynScales: choose scales dynamically
        ## (if it is a drag, not a click)
        if (dynScales &&
            ((proc.time()[3] - init_time) > CLICKDUR)) {
            ## constrain to x or y scales if holding Shift
            if ((as.flag(xyDrag$mask) & GdkModifierType["shift-mask"])) {
                ## decide which scale to constrain by direction of drag
                dragHoriz <- (abs(xyInit$x - xyDrag$x) >
                              abs(xyInit$y - xyDrag$y))
                xOnly <- dragHoriz
                yOnly <- !dragHoriz
            } else {
                xOnly <- yOnly <- FALSE
        ## work out the region that needs to be redrawn
        rectx <- range(c(xyInit$x, xyDrag$x, rectx))
        recty <- range(c(xyInit$y, xyDrag$y, recty))
        ## constrain rectangle along x or y scales
        if (shape == "rect") {
            if (xOnly) recty <- c(-1, da.h)
            if (yOnly) rectx <- c(-1, da.w)
        wd <- rectx[2] - rectx[1] + 2
        ht <- recty[2] - recty[1] + 2
        da$window$invalidateRect(list(x=rectx[1], y=recty[1],
                                      width=wd, height=ht),
        ## try to force redraw
        while (gtkEventsPending()) gtkMainIterationDo(blocking=FALSE)
    end_time <- proc.time()[3]
    gSignalHandlerDisconnect(da, tmpSigR)
    gSignalHandlerDisconnect(da, tmpSigE)
    ## check for modifier keys
    ptrInfo <- da$window$getPointer()
    modifiers <- as.flag(0)
    if (!is.null(ptrInfo$mask))
        modifiers <- as.flag(ptrInfo$mask)
    ## clean up
    if (!exists("xyEnd", inherits=FALSE)) return(NULL)
    ## device coordinates
    ## note origin is at top-left (same as ROOT viewport)
    dc <- list(x = c(xyInit$x, xyEnd$x),
               y = c(xyInit$y, xyEnd$y))
    if (shape == "line") {
        if (xOnly) dc$y[2] <- dc$y[1]
        if (yOnly) dc$x[2] <- dc$x[1]
    ## normalised device coordinates
    ndc <- list(x = dc$x / da.w, y = dc$y / da.h)
    ## was it a click or drag? (click = no slower than 1/4 second)
    is.click <- (end_time - init_time) <= CLICKDUR
    ## alternative criteria for click: moved less than 10 pixels
    is.click <- is.click ||
                ((abs(diff(dc$x)) < 10) && (abs(diff(dc$y)) < 10))
    list(dc = dc, ndc = ndc, xOnly = xOnly, yOnly = yOnly,
         is.click = is.click, modifiers = modifiers)

whichSpace <- function(playState, x.px, y.px)
    ## assumes spaces do not overlap
    for (space in names(playState$tmp$spaceLimDevice)) {
        lims <- playState$tmp$spaceLimDevice[[space]]
        ## test for point inside bounds
        x <- lims$x
        y <- lims$y
        if ((min(x) <= x.px) && (x.px <= max(x)) &&
            (min(y) <= y.px) && (y.px <= max(y)))
    ## return "page" if not inside any of the viewports

Try the playwith package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

playwith documentation built on May 29, 2017, 12:28 p.m.