
Defines functions playDevCur playDevList playDevSet playDevOff print.playState cleanupStateEnv playwith.history callArg mainCall recursiveIndex updateMainCall rawXLim rawYLim rawXYLim setRawXYLim makeScalesArgAList playSourceCode playPrompt playFreezeGUI playThawGUI playSetFreezeGUI blockRedraws hideWidgetNoRedraw isBasicDeviceMode

Documented in callArg mainCall playDevCur playDevList playDevOff playDevSet playFreezeGUI playPrompt playSourceCode playThawGUI playwith.history print.playState rawXLim rawYLim updateMainCall

# playwith: interactive plots in R using GTK+
## Copyright (c) 2007 Felix Andrews <felix@nfrac.org>
## GPL version 2 or newer

playDevCur <- function()
    StateEnv$.current ## may be NULL

playDevList <- function()
    foo <- as.list(StateEnv)
    names(foo) <- lapply(foo, function(x)

playDevSet <- function(playState = playDevCur())
    stopifnot(inherits(playState, "playState"))
    StateEnv$.current <- playState
    playState$tmp$old.dev <- dev.cur()

playDevOff <- function(playState = playDevCur())
    ## save local history to session history
    .PlaywithEnv$history <-
        c(.PlaywithEnv$history, playState$history)
    playState$history <- NULL
    ## TODO: should this run the close action?
    if (inherits(playState$win, "GtkWindow"))
        try(playState$win$destroy())#, silent=TRUE)
    ## it seems that memory is not freed! (R2.7.1)
    rm(list=ls(playState), envir=playState)

print.playState <- function(x, ...)
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "playState"))
    title <- "(invalid)"
    if (inherits(x$win, "GtkWindow"))
        title <- toString(x$win["title"])
    cat(paste("<playState: ", title, ">\n", sep=""))

cleanupStateEnv <- function()
    for (ID in ls(StateEnv)) {
        if (!inherits(StateEnv[[ID]], "playState")) next
        if (!inherits(StateEnv[[ID]]$win, "GtkWindow")) {
            ## window is defunct
            rm(list=ID, envir=StateEnv)
    ## select a new 'current' if it is invalid
    if (!inherits(StateEnv$.current$win, "GtkWindow")) {
        StateEnv$.current <- if (length(ls(StateEnv)))
            StateEnv[[ ls(StateEnv)[1] ]] else NULL

playwith.history <- function(max.show = 100, ...)
    txt <- 
          unlist(lapply(playDevList(), function(x) x$history)))
    if (length(txt) == 0) {
        message("No history to display.")
    file2 <- tempfile("Rplaywithhist")
    inds <- tail(seq_along(txt), max.show)
    writeLines(txt[inds], file2)
    file.show(file2, title = "playwith history", delete.file = TRUE)

callArg <- function(playState, arg, eval = TRUE, data = NULL)
    if (is.symbol(arg)) arg <- as.character(arg)
    getx <- if (is.numeric(arg)) paste('[[', arg+1, ']]', sep="")
    else if (is.character(arg)) paste('[["', arg, '", exact=TRUE]]', sep="")
    else paste("$", deparseOneLine(arg), sep="")
    mainCall <- mainCall(playState)
    zap <- eval(parse(text=paste("mainCall", getx, sep="")))
    if (eval == FALSE) return(zap)
    if (mode(zap) == "expression") return(zap)
    if (is.null(data))
        eval(zap, envir=playState$env, enclos=parent.frame())
        eval(zap, envir=data, enclos=playState$env)

"callArg<-" <- function(playState, arg, value)
    if (is.symbol(arg)) arg <- as.character(arg)
    if (is.null(arg)) return()
    getx <- if (is.numeric(arg)) paste('[[', arg+1, ']]', sep="")
    else if (is.character(arg)) paste("$", arg, sep="")
    else paste("$", deparseOneLine(arg), sep="")
    mainCall <- mainCall(playState)
    zap <- parse(text=paste("mainCall", getx, sep=""))[[1]]
    zap <- call("<-", zap, quote(value))
    eval(zap, enclos=parent.frame())
    ## instantiate implicit lists as language objects
    ## this is required for e.g. lattice's scales$x$at <- quote(qnorm(...))
    ## easiest way is just to deparse without showAttributes and then parse
    if (is.language(arg)) {
        tmp <- try( parse(text = deparse(mainCall,
                           control = playwith.getOption("deparse.options")
                           ))[[1]] )
        if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error"))
            mainCall <- tmp
    mainCall(playState) <- mainCall

mainCall <- function(playState = playDevCur()) {
    recursiveIndex(playState$call, playState$tmp$main.call.index)

"mainCall<-" <- function(playState = playDevCur(), value) {
    recursiveIndex(playState$call, playState$tmp$main.call.index) <- value

## used only by mainCall
recursiveIndex <- function(call, index) {
    ## if index is simple...
    if (length(index) == 1) {
        ## if index is NA, use original call object
        if (is.na(index)) return(call)
    getx <- paste("[[", index, "]]", sep="", collapse="")
    eval(parse(text=paste("call", getx, sep="")))

## used only by "mainCall<-"
"recursiveIndex<-" <- function(call, index, value) {
    ## if index is simple...
    if (length(index) == 1) {
        ## if index is NA, use original call object
        if (is.na(index)) return(value)
        call[[index]] <- value
    getx <- paste("[[", index, "]]", sep="", collapse="")
    eval(parse(text=paste("call", getx, " <- value", sep="")))

updateMainCall <- function(playState = playDevCur()) {
    ## sets tmp$main.call.index, accepts.arguments, callName
    ## find which component of the call takes arguments (xlim etc)
    main.function <- playState$main.function
    tmpCall <- playState$call
    okCallPath <- function(tmpCall, main.function) {
        name <- toString(tmpCall[[1]])
        ## ignore expression() constructs (typically plotmath)
        #if (identical(name, quote(expression)))
        if (name %in% c("expression", "quote", "bquote", "substitute", "alist"))
        if (!is.null(main.function)) {
            ok <- identical(name, main.function)
        } else {
            if (is.symbol(tmpCall[[1]])) {
                tmpFun <- get(as.character(tmpCall[[1]]), mode = "function")
            } else {
                tmpFun <- eval(tmpCall[[1]])
            ok <- any(c("xlim", "...") %in% names(formals(tmpFun)))
            ok <- ok && !(name == "with") ## skip `with` function
        if (ok) return(TRUE)
        if (length(tmpCall) > 1)
            for (i in seq(2, length(tmpCall)))
                if (is.call(tmpCall[[i]])) {
                    tmpPath <- okCallPath(tmpCall[[i]], main.function)
                    if (isTRUE(tmpPath)) return(i)
                    if (!is.null(tmpPath)) return(c(i, tmpPath))
    main.call.index <-
        okCallPath(tmpCall, main.function)
    if (is.null(main.function)) {
        ## look for a call to "plot" ## TODO -- can drop this?
        main.call.index.plot <- okCallPath(tmpCall, "plot")
        if (!is.null(main.call.index.plot)) {
            ## found "plot" call
            main.call.index <- main.call.index.plot
    if (isTRUE(main.call.index)) main.call.index <- NA ## top-level
    ## check whether the called function accepts arguments
    playState$accepts.arguments <- !is.null(main.call.index)
    ## set index to top-level even if looks invalid, so callArg() works
    if (is.null(main.call.index)) main.call.index <- NA ## top-level
    playState$tmp$main.call.index <- main.call.index
    mainCall <- mainCall(playState)
    playState$callName <- toString(deparse(mainCall[[1]]))
    ## put call into canonical form, but with first argument un-named
    if (playState$accepts.arguments) {
        ## apply match.call()
        callFun <- eval(mainCall[[1]])
        firstArgName <- names(mainCall)[2]
        mainCall <- match.call(callFun, mainCall)
        if (is.null(firstArgName) || (firstArgName == ""))
            if (!is.null(names(mainCall))) names(mainCall)[2] <- ""
        mainCall(playState) <- mainCall

rawXLim <- function(playState = playDevCur(), space="plot")
    rawXYLim(playState, space=space)$x

rawYLim <- function(playState = playDevCur(), space="plot")
    rawXYLim(playState, space=space)$y

rawXYLim <- function(playState, space="plot")
    if (playState$is.lattice && (space == "plot")) {
        ## if space does not specify a panel, just pick one
        space <- packet.number()
        if (length(space) == 0) {
            packets <- playState$tmp$currentLayout
            space <- packets[packets > 0][1]
        space <- paste("packet", space)
           list(x=convertX(unit(0:1, "npc"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE),
                y=convertY(unit(0:1, "npc"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE)),

"rawXLim<-" <- function(playState = playDevCur(), value)
    setRawXYLim(playState, value, "x")

"rawYLim<-" <- function(playState = playDevCur(), value)
    setRawXYLim(playState, value, "y")

setRawXYLim <- function(playState, x, x.or.y=c("x", "y"))
    x.or.y <- match.arg(x.or.y)
     if (playState$is.lattice) {
        ## TODO: packet 1 may not exist?
        x.panel <- xyData(playState, space="packet 1")[[x.or.y]]
        ## set factor labels explicitly, otherwise they are coerced to numeric
        if (is.factor(x.panel)) {
            scales.labels <- substitute(scales$w$labels,
                                        list(w = as.symbol(x.or.y)))
            scales.at <- substitute(scales$w$at,
                                        list(w = as.symbol(x.or.y)))
            if (is.null(callArg(playState, scales.labels))) {
                callArg(playState, scales.labels) <- levels(x.panel)
                callArg(playState, scales.at) <- 1:nlevels(x.panel)
        else if (is.somesortoftime(x.panel)) {
          class(x) <- class(x.panel)
          if (inherits(x.panel, "Date"))
            x <- call("as.Date", format(x))
          if (inherits(x.panel, "POSIXct"))
            x <- call("as.POSIXct", format(x))
          if (inherits(x.panel, "yearmon"))
            x <- call("as.yearmon", format(as.Date(x)))
          if (inherits(x.panel, "yearqtr"))
            x <- call("as.yearqtr", format(as.Date(x)))
        else {
          ## numeric
          ## it seems now (lattice 0.17-12) that xlim/ylim are used directly
          ## so we don't need this:
          #isExtended <- switch(x.or.y,
          #                     x = playState$trellis$x.scales$axs == "r",
          #                     y = playState$trellis$y.scales$axs == "r")
          #f <- lattice.getOption("axis.padding")$numeric
          #if (isExtended) x <- shrinkrange(x, f=f)
    else if (!is.null(playState$viewport)) {
      ## non-lattice grid plot
      ## (do not know if the range is extended or not).
    else {
      ## base graphics plot
      isExtended <- switch(x.or.y,
                           x = (par("xaxs") == "r"),
                           y = (par("yaxs") == "r"))
      if (isExtended) x <- shrinkrange(x, f=0.04)
    ## convert back from log scale if required
    x <- spaceCoordsToDataCoordsXY(playState, x, x.or.y=x.or.y)
    ## round such that approximation error is within 1/1000 of x/y range
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
        digits <- max(3 - floor(log10(abs(diff(x)))), 0)
        x <- round(x, digits = digits)
    if (x.or.y == "x") callArg(playState, "xlim") <- x
    if (x.or.y == "y") callArg(playState, "ylim") <- x

makeScalesArgAList <- function(playState)
    if (!isTRUE(playState$is.lattice)) return()
    scales <- callArg(playState, "scales")
    if (is.null(scales)) return()
    if (is.character(scales)) {
        callArg(playState, "scales") <-
            list(relation = scales)
    if (is.character(scales$x)) {
        callArg(playState, quote(scales$x)) <-
            list(relation = scales$x)
    if (is.character(scales$y)) {
        callArg(playState, quote(scales$y)) <-
            list(relation = scales$y)

playSourceCode <- function(playState = playDevCur())
    theHeader <-
              "library(playwith) ## (for panel.usertext, etc)",
              "## + might need others, often library(latticeExtra).",
              "## Assuming that the data are attached and any",
              "## customised style settings are in place; save with",
              "## myStyle <- trellis.par.get(); then restore with",
              "## trellis.par.set(myStyle)",
              sep = "\n")
    code <- list()
    comm <- list()
    code$plot <- playState$call
    if (playState$is.lattice) {
        code$plot <- call("print", playState$call)
        if (playState$pages > 1) {
            code$plot <- call("plotOnePage", playState$call,
                            page = playState$page)
        ## use trellis$par.settings (if any) for annotations
        pars <- playState$trellis$par.settings
        if (length(pars) > 0) {
            code$plot <- c(code$plot,
                           call("<-", quote(opar),
                                call("trellis.par.set", pars)),

    code$plot <- as.expression(code$plot)
    ## set up viewports
    comm$vps <- "set up viewports"
    code$vps <- expression()
    if (playState$is.lattice)
        code$vps <-
    code$vps <-
              pushViewport(viewport(name = "pageAnnotationVp",
                                    yscale = c(1, 0))),
    if (playState$is.base) {
        code$vps <- c(code$vps, expression(
            vps <- baseViewports()
            vps$plot$name <- "plot"
            vps$plot$clip <- TRUE
            vps$plot.clip.off <-
                         clip="off", name = "plot.clip.off")
            pushViewport(do.call("vpStack", vps))
    ## annotations etc
    comm$linked <- "draw brushed (highlighted) points"
    code$linked <- drawLinkedLocal(playState, return.code = TRUE)
    comm$labels <- "add labels to data points"
    code$labels <- drawLabels(playState, return.code = TRUE)
    comm$annots <- "draw custom annotations"
    code$annots <- drawAnnotations(playState, return.code = TRUE)
    hasExtras <- with(code, (length(linked) || length(labels) ||
    ## viewports are not needed unless drawing extras
    if (hasExtras == FALSE)
        code$vps <- NULL
    ## convert to text with interspersed comments
    theSource <- theHeader
    opts <- playwith.getOption("deparse.options")
    for (x in names(code)) {
        if (length(code[[x]]) > 0) {
            if (!is.null(comm[[x]]))
                theSource <- c(theSource,
                               paste("##", comm[[x]]))
            theSource <- c(theSource,
                           unlist(lapply(code[[x]], deparse, width = 42,
                                         control = opts)))
    ## clean up
    if (hasExtras)
        theSource <- c(theSource, "upViewport(0)")
    theSource <- paste(theSource, sep = "\n", collapse = "\n")

playPrompt <- function(playState, text = NULL)
    if (is.null(text)) {
    } else {
        playState$widgets$statusbar$push(0, toString(text))

playFreezeGUI <- function(playState = playDevCur())
    playSetFreezeGUI(playState, TRUE)

playThawGUI <- function(playState = playDevCur())
    playSetFreezeGUI(playState, FALSE)

playSetFreezeGUI <- function(playState, frozen)
    playState$tmp$now.interacting <- frozen
    with(playState$widgets, {
        ## TODO: freeze GlobalActions etc?
        #topToolbar["sensitive"] <- !frozen
        #leftToolbar["sensitive"] <- !frozen
        #rightToolbar["sensitive"] <- !frozen
        ## leave bottom toolbar alone as this is where parameter
        ## control tools go (otherwise long slider drags interrupted).
        ## these tools check plot.ready before redrawing (threads...).
        ## similarly, leave page and time scrollbars as sensitive.
        if (!is.null(playState$widgets$latticist))
            latticist["sensitive"] <- !frozen
      if (frozen) gdkCursorNew(GdkCursorType["watch"]) else NULL)

blockRedraws <- function(expr, playState = playDevCur())
    oval <- playState$tmp$skip.redraws
    playState$tmp$skip.redraws <- TRUE
    da <- playState$widgets$drawingArea
    daAlloc <- da$getAllocation()$allocation
    da$setSizeRequest(daAlloc$width, daAlloc$height)
                                        #playState$win$setGeometryHints(da, list(max.width=myW, min.width=myW,
                                        #	max.height=myH, min.height=myH))
                                        #da$window$freezeUpdates() # hmm
    foo <- try(eval.parent(substitute(expr)))
    ## try to force redraw
    while (gtkEventsPending()) gtkMainIterationDo(blocking=FALSE)

                                        #playState$win$setGeometryHints(da, list())
    da$setSizeRequest(-1, -1)
    playState$tmp$skip.redraws <- oval

hideWidgetNoRedraw <- function(playState, widget, horiz)
    whichDim <- if (horiz) "height" else "width"
    if (widget["visible"]) blockRedraws({
        widgSize <- widget$getAllocation()$allocation
        winSize <- playState$win$getSize()
        widget["visible"] <- FALSE
        winSize[[whichDim]] <- winSize[[whichDim]] - widgSize[[whichDim]]
        playState$win$resize(winSize$width, winSize$height)

## TODO: store value in playState
isBasicDeviceMode <- function(playState)
    if ((length(playState$call) == 1) &&
        identical(playState$call[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
        ## basic device mode
        ## (do not know the call)

Try the playwith package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

playwith documentation built on May 29, 2017, 12:28 p.m.