## =============================================================================
## 3-D histograms, x, y matrix or vector; z = matrix
## =============================================================================
hist3D <- function(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)),
y = seq(0, 1, length.out = ncol(z)),
z, ...,
colvar = z, phi = 40, theta = 40,
col = NULL, NAcol = "white", breaks = NULL,
border = NA, facets = TRUE, colkey = NULL,
image = FALSE, contour = FALSE, panel.first = NULL,
clim = NULL, clab = NULL, bty = "b",
lighting = FALSE, shade = NA, ltheta = -135, lphi = 0,
space = 0, = FALSE, zmin = NULL,
add = FALSE, plot = TRUE) {
if (! is.matrix(z))
stop("'z' should be a matrix")
if (! is.vector(x) & length(dim(x)) != 1)
stop("'x' should be a vector")
if (! is.vector(y) & length(dim(y)) != 1)
stop("'y' should be a vector")
if (length(x) != nrow(z))
stop("'x' should be of length = nrow(z)")
if (length(y) != ncol(z))
stop("'y' should be of length = ncol(z)")
if (any(space > 0.9))
stop(" 'space' too large, should be smaller or equal to 0.9")
else if (any(space < 0.0))
stop(" 'space' cannot be smaller than 0")
space <- rep(space, length.out = 2) / 2
plist <- initplist(add)
ll <- list(...)
dot <- splitdotpersp(ll, bty, lighting,
extendvec(x), extendvec(y), z, plist = plist, shade, lphi, ltheta,
breaks = breaks)
# swap if decreasing
if (length(x) > 0 & all(diff(x) < 0)) {
x <- rev(x)
if (is.null(dot$persp$xlim))
dot$persp$xlim <- range(x)
else if (diff(dot$persp$ylim) < 0)
stop("'persp' expects increasing ylim")
else if (diff(dot$persp$xlim) < 0)
stop("'persp' expects increasing xlim")
if (ispresent(colvar))
colvar <- colvar[nrow(colvar):1, ]
z <- z[nrow(z):1, ]
if (length(y) > 1 & all(diff(y) < 0)) {
y <- rev(y)
if (is.null(dot$persp$ylim))
dot$persp$ylim <- range(y)
else if (diff(dot$persp$ylim) < 0)
stop("'persp' expects increasing ylim")
if (ispresent(colvar))
colvar <- colvar[, (ncol(colvar):1)]
z <- z[, (ncol(z):1)]
image <- check.args(image)
contour <- check.args(contour)
if (contour$add)
cv <- colvar
if (is.null(col) & is.null(breaks))
col <- jet.col(100)
else if (is.null(col))
col <- jet.col(length(breaks)-1)
breaks <- check.breaks(breaks,col)
CC <- check.colvar.2(colvar, z, col, clim, dot$alpha)
topcol <- (! is.null(dot$alpha) &
if (topcol)
col2 <- check.colvar.2(colvar, z, col, clim, NULL)$col
colvar <- CC$colvar
col <- CC$col
if (ispresent(colvar)) {
if (is.null(clim))
clim <- range(colvar, na.rm = TRUE)
if (dot$clog) {
colvar <- log(colvar)
clim <- log(clim)
iscolkey <- is.colkey(colkey, col)
if (iscolkey)
colkey <- check.colkey(colkey)
# colors
crange <- diff(clim)
N <- length(col) - 1
cmin <- clim[1]
if (is.null(breaks))
Cols <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z),
col[1 + trunc((colvar - cmin)/crange*N)])
Cols <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z),
col[.bincode(colvar, breaks, TRUE, TRUE)])
Cols [] <- NAcol
if (topcol) {
if (is.null(breaks))
Col2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z),
col2[1 + trunc((colvar - cmin)/crange*N)])
Col2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(z),
col2[.bincode(colvar, breaks, TRUE, TRUE)])
Col2 [] <- NAcol
} else {
iscolkey <- FALSE
Cols <- rep(col , length.out = length(z))
if (topcol)
Col2 <- rep(col2, length.out = length(z))
# mapping from centre to interfaces
extend <- function(x) {
# This does exceed the x- y boundaries
N <- length(x)
x <- c(x[1] - (x[2]-x[1]), x, x[N] + (x[N]-x[(N-1)]))
ii <- 2:length(x)
0.5*(x[ii] + x[ii-1])
# expand x and y to grid
XYmesh <- mesh(x, y)
if (length (x) > 1)
xx <- extend(x)
xx <- dot$persp$xlim
if (length (y) > 1)
yy <- extend(y)
yy <- dot$persp$ylim
if (is.null(plist)) {"perspbox", c(alist(range(xx), range(yy), dot$persp$zlim,
phi = phi, theta = theta, plot = plot,
colkey = colkey, col = col), dot$persp))
plist <- getplist()
if (! is.null(panel.first))
# viewing order
ind <- expand.sort(1:length(XYmesh$x), dim(XYmesh$x))
ix <- ind$x; iy <- ind$y
# The colors
Col <- createcolors(facets, border, Cols)
if (topcol)
Col2 <- createcolors(facets, border, Col2)
# the polygons:
# 2
# 3 4
# 1
# 5 = top polygon
# shading?
isshade <- dot$shade$type != "none"
islight <- FALSE
if (isshade) {
to5facets <- function(val)
as.vector(matrix(ncol = 5,
data = rep(val, length(ix)), byrow = TRUE))
light <- setuplight(dot$shade$lphi, dot$shade$ltheta)
# the normals are known for rectangles:
norms <- matrix(nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE, data =
c(0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) )
if (dot$shade$type == "shade") {
shade <- abs(dot$shade$shade)
Sum <- 0.5*(norms[,1]*light[1] + norms[,2]*light[2] + norms[,3]*light[3] +1)
Shade <- to5facets (Sum^shade)
} else {
isshade <- FALSE
islight <- TRUE
Normals <- list(u = to5facets(norms[, 1]),
v = to5facets(norms[, 2]),
w = to5facets(norms[, 3]))
PolyX <- NULL
PolyY <- NULL
PolyZ <- NULL
dx <- diff(xx)*space[1]
dy <- diff(yy)*space[2]
# basal and top points of the column; x and y positions
if (is.null(zmin))
zmin <- min(dot$persp$zlim)
z.k <- rep(zmin, length(z))
z.kp1 <- as.vector(z)
x.i <- xx[ix ]+dx[ix]
x.ip1 <- xx[ix+1]-dx[ix]
y.j <- yy[iy ]+dy[iy]
y.jp1 <- yy[iy+1]-dy[iy]
# the facet coordinates
PolyX <- cbind(rbind(x.i , x.ip1, x.ip1, x.i ),
rbind(x.ip1, x.i , x.i , x.ip1),
rbind(x.i , x.i , x.i , x.i ),
rbind(x.ip1, x.ip1, x.ip1, x.ip1),
rbind(x.i , x.ip1, x.ip1, x.i ))
PolyY <- cbind(rbind(y.j , y.j , y.j , y.j ),
rbind(y.jp1, y.jp1, y.jp1, y.jp1),
rbind(y.j , y.jp1, y.jp1, y.j ),
rbind(y.j , y.jp1, y.jp1, y.j ),
rbind(y.j , y.j , y.jp1, y.jp1))
PolyZ <- cbind(rbind(z.k , z.k , z.kp1, z.kp1),
rbind(z.k , z.k , z.kp1, z.kp1),
rbind(z.k , z.k , z.kp1, z.kp1),
rbind(z.k , z.k , z.kp1, z.kp1),
rbind(z.kp1, z.kp1, z.kp1, z.kp1))
# facet colors
if (!topcol)
COL <- rep(Col$facet , 5)#[i,j]
COL <- c(rep(Col$facet , 4), Col2$facet)#[i,j]
if (!topcol)
BORD <- rep(Col$border, 5)#[i,j]
BORD <- c(rep(Col$border, 4), Col2$border)#[i,j]
if (isshade) {
if (facets) {
RGB <- t(col2rgb(COL)) * Shade / 255
COL <- rgb(RGB)
if (! is.null(dot$alpha)) {
if (!topcol)
COL <- setalpha(COL, dot$alpha)
else {
ialph <- 1:(4*length(Col$facet))
COL[ialph] <- setalpha(COL[ialph], dot$alpha)
if (!{
RGB <- t(col2rgb(BORD)) * Shade / 255
BORD <- rgb(RGB)
if (! is.null(dot$alpha)) BORD <- setalpha(BORD, dot$alpha)
} else if (islight) {
if (facets)
COL <- facetcols.shadelight (light, Normals, COL, dot$shade)
if (!
BORD <- facetcols.shadelight (light, Normals, BORD, dot$shade)
if (any( { # Karline added this 27-01-2016
ii <- 1:ncol(PolyZ)
i1 <- apply(PolyZ[1:4,], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) any(
ii <- ii[!i1]
PolyX <- PolyX[,ii]
PolyY <- PolyY[,ii]
PolyZ <- PolyZ[,ii]
BORD <- BORD[ii]
COL <- COL[ii]
PolyX <- rbind(PolyX, NA)
PolyY <- rbind(PolyY, NA)
PolyZ <- rbind(PolyZ, NA)
Proj <- project(colMeans(PolyX, na.rm = TRUE),
colMeans(PolyY, na.rm = TRUE),
colMeans(PolyZ, na.rm = TRUE), plist, TRUE)
lwd <- dot$points$lwd
if (is.null(lwd))
lwd <- 1
lty <- dot$points$lty
if (is.null(lty))
lty <- 1
alpha <- dot$alpha; if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- NA
alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = ncol(PolyX))
Poly <- list(x = PolyX,
y = PolyY,
z = PolyZ,
col = COL,
border = BORD,
lwd = rep(lwd , length.out = ncol(PolyX)),
lty = rep(lty , length.out = ncol(PolyX)),
isimg = rep(0, length.out = ncol(PolyX)),
alpha = alpha,
proj = Proj)
class(Poly) <- "poly"
if (image$add)
Poly <- XYimage (Poly, image, x, y, z, plist, col, breaks = breaks)
if (contour$add)
segm <- contourfunc(contour, x, y, z, plist, cv, clim)
segm <- NULL
if (iscolkey)
plist <- plistcolkey(plist, colkey, col, clim, clab,
dot$clog, type = "hist3D", breaks = breaks)
plist <- plot_struct_3D(plist, poly = Poly, segm = segm, plot = plot)
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