#' Add data to a plotly visualization
#' @param p a plotly visualization
#' @param data a data frame.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf interactive() || !identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")
#' plot_ly() %>% add_data(economics) %>% add_trace(x = ~date, y = ~pce)
add_data <- function(p, data = NULL) {
if (is.null(data)) return(p)
if (!is.plotly(p)) {
stop("Don't know how to add traces to an object of class: ",
class(p), call. = FALSE)
id <- new_id()
p$x$visdat[[id]] <- function() data
p$x$cur_data <- id
# TODO: should this also override the data used for the most recent trace?
#' Add trace(s) to a plotly visualization
#' @inheritParams plot_ly
#' @param p a plotly object
#' @param inherit inherit attributes from [plot_ly()]?
#' @param z a numeric matrix (unless [add_image()], which wants a raster object, see [as.raster()]).
#' @param x the x variable.
#' @param y the y variable.
#' @param text textual labels.
#' @param ymin a variable used to define the lower boundary of a polygon.
#' @param ymax a variable used to define the upper boundary of a polygon.
#' @param xend "final" x position (in this context, x represents "start")
#' @param yend "final" y position (in this context, y represents "start")
#' @seealso [plot_ly()]
#' @references \url{}
#' \url{}
#' \url{}
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @export
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @examplesIf interactive() || !identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")
#' # the `plot_ly()` function initiates an object, and if no trace type
#' # is specified, it sets a sensible default
#' p <- plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed)
#' p
#' # some `add_*()` functions are a specific case of a trace type
#' # for example, `add_markers()` is a scatter trace with mode of markers
#' add_markers(p)
#' # scatter trace with mode of text
#' add_text(p, text = "%")
#' # scatter trace with mode of lines
#' add_paths(p)
#' # like `add_paths()`, but ensures points are connected according to `x`
#' add_lines(p)
#' # if you prefer to work with plotly.js more directly, can always
#' # use `add_trace()` and specify the type yourself
#' add_trace(p, type = "scatter", mode = "markers+lines")
#' # mappings provided to `plot_ly()` are "global", but can be overwritten
#' plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed, color = I("red"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
#' add_lines() %>%
#' add_markers(color = ~pop)
#' # a number of `add_*()` functions are special cases of the scatter trace
#' plot_ly(economics, x = ~date) %>%
#' add_ribbons(ymin = ~pce - 1e3, ymax = ~pce + 1e3)
#' # use `group_by()` (or `group2NA()`) to apply visual mapping
#' # once per group (e.g. one line per group)
#' txhousing %>%
#' group_by(city) %>%
#' plot_ly(x = ~date, y = ~median) %>%
#' add_lines(color = I("black"))
#' \dontrun{
#' # use `add_sf()` or `add_polygons()` to create geo-spatial maps
#' #
#' if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
#' plot_ly() %>% add_sf(data = nc)
#' }
#' # univariate summary statistics
#' plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~factor(vs), y = ~mpg) %>%
#' add_boxplot()
#' plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~factor(vs), y = ~mpg) %>%
#' add_trace(type = "violin")
#' # `add_histogram()` does binning for you...
#' mtcars %>%
#' plot_ly(x = ~factor(vs)) %>%
#' add_histogram()
#' # ...but you can 'pre-compute' bar heights in R
#' mtcars %>%
#' dplyr::count(vs) %>%
#' plot_ly(x = ~vs, y = ~n) %>%
#' add_bars()
#' # the 2d analogy of add_histogram() is add_histogram2d()/add_histogram2dcontour()
#' library(MASS)
#' (p <- plot_ly(geyser, x = ~waiting, y = ~duration))
#' add_histogram2d(p)
#' add_histogram2dcontour(p)
#' # the 2d analogy of add_bars() is add_heatmap()/add_contour()
#' # (i.e., bin counts must be pre-specified)
#' den <- kde2d(geyser$waiting, geyser$duration)
#' p <- plot_ly(x = den$x, y = den$y, z = den$z)
#' add_heatmap(p)
#' add_contour(p)
#' # `add_table()` makes it easy to map a data frame to the table trace type
#' plot_ly(economics) %>%
#' add_table()
#' # pie charts!
#' ds <- data.frame(labels = c("A", "B", "C"), values = c(10, 40, 60))
#' plot_ly(ds, labels = ~labels, values = ~values) %>%
#' add_pie() %>%
#' layout(title = "Basic Pie Chart using Plotly")
#' data(wind)
#' plot_ly(wind, r = ~r, theta = ~t) %>%
#' add_area(color = ~nms) %>%
#' layout(
#' polar = list(
#' radialaxis = list(ticksuffix = "%"),
#' angularaxis = list(rotation = 90)
#' )
#' )
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 3D chart types
#' # ------------------------------------------------------------
#' plot_ly(z = ~volcano) %>%
#' add_surface()
#' plot_ly(x = c(0, 0, 1), y = c(0, 1, 0), z = c(0, 0, 0)) %>%
#' add_mesh()
#' }
add_trace <- function(p, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
# "native" plotly arguments
attrs <- list(...)
attrs$inherit <- inherit
if (!is.null(attrs[["group"]])) {
warning("The group argument has been deprecated. Use group_by() or split instead.")
p <- add_data(p, data)
# inherit attributes from the "first layer" (except the plotly_eval class)
if (inherit) {
attrs <- modify_list(unclass(p$x$attrs[[1]]), attrs)
p$x$attrs <- c(
p$x$attrs %||% list(),
setNames(list(attrs), p$x$cur_data)
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_markers <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x` and `y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
type <- if (!is.null(z)) "scatter3d" else "scatter"
p, x = x, y = y, z = z, type = type, mode = "markers", ...,
data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_text <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, text = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
text <- text %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["text"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y) || is.null(text)) {
stop("Must supply `x`, `y` and `text` attributes", call. = FALSE)
type <- if (!is.null(z)) "scatter3d" else "scatter"
add_trace(p, x = x, y = y, z = z, text = text, type = type, mode = "text",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit)
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_paths <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x` and `y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
type <- if (!is.null(z)) "scatter3d" else "scatter"
p, x = x, y = y, z = z, class = "plotly_path", type = type, mode = "lines",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_lines <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x` and `y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
type <- if (!is.null(z)) "scatter3d" else "scatter"
p, x = x, y = y, class = "plotly_line", type = type, mode = "lines",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_segments <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, xend = NULL, yend = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
xend <- xend %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["xend"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
yend <- yend %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["yend"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y) || is.null(xend) || is.null(yend)) {
stop("Must supply `x`/`y`/`xend`/`yend` attributes", call. = FALSE)
p, x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend,
class = "plotly_segment", type = "scatter", mode = "lines",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_polygons <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x`/`y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_polygon", x = x, y = y,
type = "scatter", fill = "toself", mode = "lines",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_sf <- function(p, ..., x = ~x, y = ~y, data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
try_library("sf", "add_sf")
dat <- plotly_data(add_data(p, data))
if (!is_sf(dat)) {
"The `data` for an `add_sf()` layer must be an sf object, ",
"not an object of class: ", class(dat)[1],
call. = FALSE
if (is_mapbox(p) || is_geo(p)) dat <- st_cast_crs(dat)
bbox <- sf::st_bbox(dat)
set <- attr(dat, "set")
d <- to_basic.GeomSf(dat)
# to_basic() returns either a single data frame or a list of data frames
# (each data frame should be a a collection of the same feature type)
d <- if ( list(d)
# inherit attributes from the "first layer" (except the plotly_eval class)
attrz <- if (inherit) modify_list(unclass(p$x$attrs[[1]]), list(...)) else list(...)
for (i in seq_along(d)) {
# sensible mode/style defaults based on the feature type (e.g. polygon, path, point)
attrs <- modify_list(sf_default_attrs(d[[i]]), attrz)
# scatter3d doesn't currently support fill
if ("z" %in% names(attrs)) attrs$fill <- NULL
args <- list(
p = p,
class = "plotly_sf",
x = x,
y = y,
`_bbox` = bbox,
set = set,
data = if ("group" %in% names(d[[i]])) group_by_add(d[[i]], !!rlang::sym("group")) else d[[i]],
inherit = inherit
args <- modify_list(args, attrs)
p <-, args)
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @param rownames whether or not to display the rownames of `data`.
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_table <- function(p, ..., rownames = TRUE, data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
attrs <- list(...)
dat <- plotly_data(add_data(p, data))
if ( {
vals <- lapply(names(dat), function(x) list(x))
if (isTRUE(rownames)) vals <- c(list(""), vals)
header_defaults <- list(
values = vals,
align = "right"
vals <- setNames(as.list(dat), NULL)
if (isTRUE(rownames)) vals <- c(list(row.names(dat)), vals)
cell_defaults <- list(
values = vals,
align = "right"
attrs$header <- modify_list(header_defaults, attrs$header)
attrs$cells <- modify_list(cell_defaults, attrs$cells)
}, c(list(p = p, class = "plotly_table", type = "table"), attrs))
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_ribbons <- function(p, x = NULL, ymin = NULL, ymax = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
ymin <- ymin %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["ymin"]]
ymax <- ymax %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["ymax"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(ymin) || is.null(ymax)) {
stop("Must supply `x`/`ymin`/`ymax` attributes", call. = FALSE)
p, class = c("plotly_ribbon", "plotly_polygon"),
x = x, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, type = "scatter", mode = "lines",
hoveron = "points", fill = "toself", ..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @param colormodel Sets the colormodel for image traces if `z` is not a raster object.
#' If `z` is a raster object (see [as.raster()]), the `'rgba'` colormodel is always used.
#' @export
add_image <- function(p, z = NULL, colormodel = NULL, ..., data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
colormodel <- colormodel %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["colormodel"]]
if (inherits(z, "raster")) {
cols <- col2rgb(z, alpha = TRUE)
dims <- c(dim(z), 4)
z <- array(numeric(prod(dims)), dims)
matrix_ <- function(x) {
matrix(x, byrow = TRUE, nrow = dims[1], ncol = dims[2])
z[,,1] <- matrix_(cols["red",])
z[,,2] <- matrix_(cols["green",])
z[,,3] <- matrix_(cols["blue",])
z[,,4] <- matrix_(cols["alpha",])
# Throw if we detect another colormodel
if (!identical(colormodel %||% "rgba", "rgba")) {
warning("Passing a raster object to z requires rgba colormodel")
colormodel <- "rgba"
p, z = z, colormodel = colormodel, ...,
data = data, type = "image"
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @param r Sets the radial coordinates.
#' @param theta Sets the angular coordinates.
#' @param t Deprecated. Use `theta` instead.
#' @export
add_area <- function(p, r = NULL, theta = NULL, t = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(t)) {
"Since `add_area()` now uses the barpolar instead of the area trace, ",
"the `t` argument is now deprecated. Use the `theta` argument instead."
theta <- theta %||% t
if (inherit) {
attrs <- p$x$attrs[[1]]
r <- r %||% attrs[["r"]]
theta <- theta %||% (attrs[["theta"]] %||% attrs[["t"]])
if (is.null(r) || is.null(theta)) {
stop("Must supply `r`/`theta` attributes", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_area", r = r, theta = theta, type = "barpolar",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @param values the value to associated with each slice of the pie.
#' @param labels the labels (categories) corresponding to `values`.
#' @export
add_pie <- function(p, values = NULL, labels = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
values <- values %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["values"]]
labels <- labels %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["labels"]]
if (is.null(values)) {
stop("Must supply `values`", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_pie", values = values, labels = labels, type = "pie",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_bars <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x`/`y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
# TODO: provide type checking in plotly_build for this trace type
p, class = "plotly_bar", x = x, y = y, type = "bar",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_histogram <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
if (is.null(x) && is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply `x` and/or `y` attributes", call. = FALSE)
# TODO: provide type checking in plotly_build for this trace type
p, class = "plotly_histogram", x = x, y = y, type = "histogram",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_histogram2d <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(z)) {
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply both `x` and `y` attributes if `z` is NULL", call. = FALSE)
# TODO: provide type checking in plotly_build for this trace type
p, class = "plotly_histogram2d", x = x, y = y, z = z,
type = "histogram2d", ..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_histogram2dcontour <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(z)) {
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply both `x` and `y` attributes if `z` is NULL", call. = FALSE)
# TODO: provide type checking in plotly_build for this trace type
p, class = "plotly_histogram2dcontour", x = x, y = y, z = z,
type = "histogram2dcontour", ..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_heatmap <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(z)) {
stop("Must supply `z` attribute", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_heatmap", z = z, x = x, y = y,
type = "heatmap", ..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_contour <- function(p, z = NULL, ..., data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(z)) {
stop("Must supply `z` attribute", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_contour", z = z, type = "contour", ...,
data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_boxplot <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, ..., data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
if (is.null(x) && is.null(y)) {
stop("Must supply either `x` or `y` attribute", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_boxplot", x = x, y = y, type = "box",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_surface <- function(p, z = NULL, ..., data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(z)) {
stop("Must supply `z` attribute", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_surface", z = z, type = "surface",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_mesh <- function(p, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
if (inherit) {
x <- x %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["x"]]
y <- y %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["y"]]
z <- z %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][["z"]]
if (is.null(x) || is.null(y) || is.null(z)) {
stop("Must supply `x`/`y`/`z` attributes", call. = FALSE)
p, class = "plotly_mesh", x = x, y = y, z = z, type = "mesh3d",
..., data = data, inherit = inherit
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_scattergeo <- function(p, ...) {
#' @inheritParams add_trace
#' @rdname add_trace
#' @export
add_choropleth <- function(p, z = NULL, ...,
data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
# attach a class to a trace which informs data processing in plotly_build
add_trace_classed <- function(p, class = "plotly_polygon", ...) {
p <- add_trace(p, ...)
nAttrs <- length(p$x$attrs)
p$x$attrs[[nAttrs]] <- prefix_class(p$x$attrs[[nAttrs]], class)
# retrieve the non-plotly.js attributes for a given trace
special_attrs <- function(trace) {
attrs <- switch(
plotly_segment = c("xend", "yend"),
plotly_ribbon = c("ymin", "ymax")
# for data training, we temporarily rename lat/lon as x/y
if (isTRUE(trace[["type"]] %in% c("scattermapbox", "scattergeo"))) {
attrs <- c(attrs, c("x", "y"))
# #'
# #'
# #' @export
# #' @examplesIf interactive() || !identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")
# #'
# #' x <- rnorm(10)
# #' plot_ly(x = ~x) %>%
# #' add_chull()
# add_chull <- function(p, ...) {
# stop("not yet implemented")
# ch <- chull(x, y = NULL)
# # TODO: Should mode='markers+lines'? If so, retrace first points?
# add_polygons(...)
# }
#' Apply function to plot, without modifying data
#' Useful when you need two or more layers that apply a summary statistic
#' to the original data.
#' @param p a plotly object.
#' @param fun a function. Should take a plotly object as input and return a
#' modified plotly object.
#' @param ... arguments passed to `fun`.
#' @export
add_fun <- function(p, fun, ...) {
oldDat <- p$x$cur_data
p <- fun(p, ...)
p$x$cur_data <- oldDat
p$x$attrs[length(p$x$attrs)] <- setNames(
list(p$x$attrs[[length(p$x$attrs)]]), oldDat
#' Add an annotation(s) to a plot
#' @param p a plotly object
#' @param text annotation text (required).
#' @param ... these arguments are documented at
#' \url{}
#' @param data a data frame.
#' @param inherit inherit attributes from [plot_ly()]?
#' @author Carson Sievert
#' @export
add_annotations <- function(p, text = NULL, ..., data = NULL, inherit = TRUE) {
p <- add_data(p, data)
attrs <- list(text = text, ...)
# x/y/text inherit from plot_ly()
for (i in c("x", "y", "text")) {
attrs[[i]] <- attrs[[i]] %||% p$x$attrs[[1]][[i]]
if (is.null(attrs[["text"]])) {
stop("Must supply text to annotation", call. = FALSE)
attrs <- list(annotations = attrs)
# similar to layout()
p$x$layoutAttrs <- c(
p$x$layoutAttrs %||% list(),
setNames(list(attrs), p$x$cur_data)
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