# layer -> trace conversion
layers2traces <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, p) {
# Attach a "geom class" to each layer of data for method dispatch
data <- Map(function(x, y) prefix_class(x, class(y$geom)[1]), data, p$layers)
# Extract parameters (and "hovertext aesthetics") in each layer
params <- Map(function(x, y) {
param <- c(
y[["computed_geom_params"]] %||% y[["geom_params"]],
y[["computed_stat_params"]] %||% y[["stat_params"]],
position = ggtype(y, "position")
map <- getAesMap(p, y)
# consider "calculated" aesthetics (e.g., density, count, etc)
calc_aes <- y$stat$default_aes[ggfun("is_calculated_aes")(y$stat$default_aes)]
calc_aes <- calc_aes[!names(calc_aes) %in% names(map)]
map <- c(calc_aes, map)
# turn symbol (e.g., ..count..) & call (e.g. calc(count)) mappings into text labels
map <- ggfun("make_labels")(map)
# filter tooltip aesthetics down to those specified in `tooltip` arg
if (!identical(p$tooltip, "all")) {
# rectify tooltips, ggplot automatically convert `color` => `colour`
p$tooltip[p$tooltip == "color"] <- "colour"
map <- map[names(map) %in% p$tooltip | map %in% p$tooltip]
# throw out positional coordinates if we're hovering on fill
if (identical("fills", hover_on(x))) {
map <- map[!names(map) %in% c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "y", "ymin", "ymax")]
# disregard geometry mapping in hovertext for GeomSf
if ("GeomSf" %in% class(y$geom)) {
map <- map[!names(map) %in% "geometry"]
param[["hoverTextAes"]] <- map
}, data, p$layers)
hoverTextAes <- lapply(params, "[[", "hoverTextAes")
# attach a new column (hovertext) to each layer of data
# (mapped to the text trace property)
data <- Map(function(x, y) {
if (nrow(x) == 0) return(x)
# make sure the relevant aes exists in the data
for (i in seq_along(y)) {
aesName <- names(y)[[i]]
if (!aesName %in% names(x)) next
# TODO: should we be getting the name from scale_*(name) first?
varName <- y[[i]]
# "automatically" generated group aes is not informative
if (identical("group", unique(varName, aesName))) next
# add a line break if hovertext already exists
if ("hovertext" %in% names(x)) x$hovertext <- paste0(x$hovertext, br())
# text aestheic should be taken verbatim (for custom tooltips)
prefix <- if (identical(aesName, "text")) "" else paste0(varName, ": ")
# look for the domain, if that's not found, provide the range (useful for identity scales)
txt <- x[[paste0(aesName, "_plotlyDomain")]] %||% x[[aesName]]
suffix <- tryNULL(format(txt, justify = "none")) %||% ""
# put the height of the bar in the tooltip
if (inherits(x, "GeomBar") && identical(aesName, "y")) {
suffix <- format(x[["ymax"]] - x[["ymin"]], justify = "none")
x$hovertext <- paste0(x$hovertext, prefix, suffix)
x$hovertext <- x$hovertext %||% ""
}, data, hoverTextAes)
# draw legends only for discrete scales
discreteScales <- list()
for (sc in p$scales$non_position_scales()$scales) {
if (sc$is_discrete()) {
nm <- paste(sc$aesthetics, collapse = "_")
discreteScales[[nm]] <- sc
# Convert "high-level" geoms to their "low-level" counterpart
# This may involve preprocessing the data, for example:
# 1. geom_line() is really geom_path() with data sorted by x
# 2. geom_smooth() is really geom_path() + geom_ribbon()
datz <- list()
paramz <- list()
for (i in seq_along(data)) {
# This has to be done in a loop, since some layers are really two layers,
# (and we need to replicate the data/params in those cases)
set <- attr(data[[i]], "set")
d <- to_basic(data[[i]], prestats_data[[i]], layout, params[[i]], p)
d <- structure(d, set = set)
if ( d <- list(d)
for (j in seq_along(d)) {
datz <- c(datz, d[j])
paramz <- c(paramz, params[i])
# now to the actual layer -> trace conversion
trace.list <- list()
# ggplot2 >v3.4.2 (specifically #4879) moved the guides system to ggproto,
# which moved the location of the name->value fields
guides <- if (inherits(p$guides, "ggproto")) p$guides$guides else p$guides
aes_no_guide <- names(guides)[vapply(guides, identical, logical(1), "none")]
for (i in seq_along(datz)) {
d <- datz[[i]]
# variables that produce multiple traces and deserve their own legend entries
split_legend <- paste0(
setdiff(names(discreteScales), aes_no_guide),
# add variable that produce multiple traces, but do _not_ deserve entries
split_by <- c(split_legend, aes_no_guide, "PANEL", "frame", split_on(d))
# ensure the factor level orders (which determines traces order)
# matches the order of the domain values
split_vars <- intersect(split_by, names(d))
lvls <- unique(d[split_vars])
lvls <- lvls[, lvls), , drop = FALSE]
separator <- new_id()
fac <- factor(
apply(d[split_vars], 1, paste, collapse = separator),
levels = unique(apply(lvls, 1, paste, collapse = separator))
if (all( fac <- 1
dl <- split(d, fac, drop = TRUE)
# list of traces for this layer
trs <- Map(geom2trace, dl, paramz[i], list(p))
# attach the crosstalk group/set
trs <- Map(function(x, y) { x$set <- attr(y, "set"); x}, trs, dl)
# if we need a legend, set name/legendgroup/showlegend
# note: this allows us to control multiple traces from one legend entry
if (any(split_legend %in% names(d))) {
nms <- strsplit(names(trs), separator, fixed = TRUE)
nms <- vapply(nms, function(x) {
y <- unique(x[seq_along(split_legend)])
if (length(y) > 1) paste0("(", paste(y, collapse = ","), ")") else y
}, character(1))
trs <- Map(function(x, y) {
x$name <- y
x$legendgroup <- y
# depending on the geom (e.g. smooth) this may be FALSE already
x$showlegend <- x$showlegend %||% TRUE
}, trs, nms)
} else {
trs <- lapply(trs, function(x) { x$showlegend <- FALSE; x })
# each trace is with respect to which axis?
for (j in seq_along(trs)) {
panel <- unique(dl[[j]]$PANEL)
trs[[j]]$xaxis <- sub("axis", "", layout$layout[panel, "xaxis"])
trs[[j]]$yaxis <- sub("axis", "", layout$layout[panel, "yaxis"])
trace.list <- c(trace.list, trs)
#' Convert a geom to a "basic" geom.
#' This function makes it possible to convert ggplot2 geoms that
#' are not included with ggplot2 itself. Users shouldn't need to use
#' this function. It exists purely to allow other package authors to write
#' their own conversion method(s).
#' @param data the data returned by `ggplot2::ggplot_build()`.
#' @param prestats_data the data before statistics are computed.
#' @param layout the panel layout.
#' @param params parameters for the geom, statistic, and 'constant' aesthetics
#' @param p a ggplot2 object (the conversion may depend on scales, for instance).
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @export
to_basic <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
#' @export
to_basic.GeomFunction <- function (data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data$y <- params$fun(data$x)
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomCol <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
prefix_class(data, "GeomBar")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomViolin <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
n <- nrow(data)
revData <- data[order(data[["y"]], decreasing = TRUE), ]
idx <- !names(data) %in% c("x", "xmin", "xmax")
data <- rbind(
cbind(x = data[["x"]] - data$violinwidth / 2, data[, idx]),
cbind(x = revData[["x"]] + revData$violinwidth / 2, revData[, idx])
if (!is.null(data$hovertext)) data$hovertext <- paste0(data$hovertext, br())
data$hovertext <- paste0(
data$hovertext, "density: ", format(data$density, justify = "none")
prefix_class(data, c("GeomPolygon", "GeomViolin"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomBoxplot <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
aez <- names(GeomBoxplot$default_aes)
for (i in aez) {
prestats_data[[i]] <- NULL
vars <- c("PANEL", "group", "key", aez, grep("_plotlyDomain$", names(data), value = T))
merge(prestats_data, data[names(data) %in% vars], by = c("PANEL", "group"), sort = FALSE),
#' @export
to_basic.GeomSmooth <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
return(prefix_class(data, "GeomBlank"))
dat <- prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
# alpha for the path is always 1 (see GeomSmooth$draw_key)
dat$alpha <- 1
if (!identical(params$se, FALSE)) {
dat2 <- prefix_class(ribbon_dat(data), c("GeomPolygon", "GeomSmooth"))
dat2$colour <- NULL
dat <- list(dat, dat2)
#' @export
to_basic.GeomRibbon <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
prefix_class(ribbon_dat(data), "GeomPolygon")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomArea <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
prefix_class(ribbon_dat(data), "GeomPolygon")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomDensity <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
prefix_class(ribbon_dat(data), "GeomPolygon")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomLine <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data <- data[order(data[["x"]]), ]
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomStep <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data <- data[order(data[["x"]]), ]
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomSegment <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# Every row is one segment, we convert to a line with several
# groups which can be efficiently drawn by adding NA rows.
data$group <- seq_len(nrow(data))
others <- data[!names(data) %in% c("x", "y", "xend", "yend")]
data <- with(data, {
rbind(cbind(x, y, others),
cbind(x = xend, y = yend, others))
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomRect <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data$group <- seq_len(nrow(data))
others <- data[!names(data) %in% c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "y", "x")]
dat <- with(data, {
rbind(cbind(x = xmin, y = ymin, others),
cbind(x = xmin, y = ymax, others),
cbind(x = xmax, y = ymax, others),
cbind(x = xmax, y = ymin, others))
prefix_class(dat, c("GeomPolygon", "GeomRect"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomSf <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data <- sf::st_as_sf(data)
geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(data)
# st_cast should "expand" a collection into multiple rows (one per feature)
if ("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION" %in% geom_type) {
data <- sf::st_cast(data)
geom_type <- sf::st_geometry_type(data)
basic_type <- dplyr::recode(
TRIANGLE = "GeomPolygon",
TIN = "GeomPolygon",
SURFACE = "GeomPolygon",
CURVE = "GeomPath",
MULTISURFACE = "GeomPolygon",
MULTICURVE = "GeomPath",
CURVEPOLYGON = "GeomPolygon",
MULTIPOLYGON = "GeomPolygon",
MULTIPOINT = "GeomPoint",
POLYGON = "GeomPolygon",
LINESTRING = "GeomPath",
POINT = "GeomPoint"
# return a list of data for every geometry (a la, GeomSmooth)
d <- split(data, basic_type)
for (i in seq_along(d)) {
d[[i]] <- prefix_class(
fortify_sf(d[[i]]), c(names(d)[[i]], "GeomSf")
d[[i]] <- remove_class(d[[i]], "sf")
if (length(d) == 1) d[[1]] else d
#' @export
to_basic.GeomMap <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
common <- intersect(data$map_id, params$map$id)
data <- data[data$map_id %in% common, , drop = FALSE]
map <- params$map[params$map$id %in% common, , drop = FALSE]
# TODO: do we need coord_munch() as in GeomMap$draw_panel()
data$id <- data$map_id
data$map_id <- NULL
data$group <- NULL
data <- merge(data, map, by = "id", sort = FALSE)
data$group <- interaction(data[names(data) %in% c("PANEL", "group", "id")])
prefix_class(data, c("GeomPolygon", "GeomMap"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomAnnotationMap <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# TODO: we could/should? reduce this data down to the panel limits, but
# probably more effort than it's worth
d <- params$map
# add hovertext
hasRegion <- isTRUE(p$tooltip %in% c("all", "region"))
hasSubRegion <- isTRUE(p$tooltip %in% c("all", "subregion"))
d$hovertext <- d$hovertext %||% paste0(
if (hasRegion) d$region, if (hasSubRegion) paste0(br(), d$subregion)
prefix_class(d, c("GeomPolygon", "GeomAnnotationMap"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomRaster <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data <- prefix_class(data, "GeomTile")
to_basic(data, prestats_data, layout, params)
#' @export
to_basic.GeomRasterAnn <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# rasters are handled in ggplotly.R since they are layout specific
prefix_class(data, "GeomBlank")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomTile <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# geom2trace.GeomTile is a heatmap, which requires continuous fill
if (is.discrete(data$fill_plotlyDomain %||% NA_character_)) {
data <- prefix_class(data, "GeomRect")
to_basic(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p)
} else {
#' @export
to_basic.GeomHex <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# see ggplot2:::hexGrob
dx <- resolution(data[["x"]], FALSE)
dy <- resolution(data[["y"]], FALSE)/sqrt(3)/2 * 1.15
hexC <- hexbin::hexcoords(dx, dy, n = 1)
n <- nrow(data)
nm <- linewidth_or_size(GeomHex)
size <- data[[nm]]
data[[nm]] <- ifelse(size < 1, size ^ (1 / 6), size ^ 6)
x <-[["x"]], n) * rep(data[[nm]], each = 6) + rep(data[["x"]], each = 6)
y <-[["y"]], n) * rep(data[[nm]], each = 6) + rep(data[["y"]], each = 6)
data <- data[rep(seq_len(n), each = 6), ]
data[["x"]] <- x
data[["y"]] <- y
data$group <- rep(seq_len(n), each = 6)
prefix_class(data, c("GeomPolygon", "GeomHex"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomContour <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
if (!"fill" %in% names(data)) data$fill <- NA
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomDensity2d <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
if ("hovertext" %in% names(data)) {
data$hovertext <- paste0(data$hovertext, br())
data$hovertext <- paste0(
data$hovertext, "Level: ", format(data$level, justify = "none")
if (!"fill" %in% names(data)) data$fill <- NA
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomAbline <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# ugh, we can't trust the group here
data$group <- interaction(
data[!grepl("group", names(data)) & !vapply(data, anyNA, logical(1))]
lay <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = layout$layout, cols = c("x_min", "x_max"), values_to = "x", names_to = "variable"
lay <-
data <- merge(lay[c("PANEL", "x")], data, by = "PANEL")
data[["y"]] <- with(data, intercept + slope * x)
prefix_class(data, c("GeomHline", "GeomPath"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomHline <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# ugh, we can't trust the group here
data$group <-,
data[!grepl("group", names(data)) & !vapply(data, anyNA, logical(1))]
x <- if (inherits(p$coordinates, "CoordFlip")) "y" else "x"
lay <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = layout$layout, cols = paste0(x, c("_min", "_max")), values_to = x, names_to = "variable"
lay <-
if (nrow(data) > 0) {
data <- merge(lay[c("PANEL", x)], data, by = "PANEL")
data[["x"]] <- data[[x]]
data[["y"]] <- data$yintercept
prefix_class(data, c("GeomHline", "GeomPath"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomVline <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# ugh, we can't trust the group here
data$group <-,
data[!grepl("group", names(data)) & !vapply(data, anyNA, logical(1))]
y <- if (inherits(p$coordinates, "CoordFlip")) "x" else "y"
lay <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = layout$layout, cols = paste0(y, c("_min", "_max")), values_to = y, names_to = "variable"
lay <-
if (nrow(data) > 0) {
data <- merge(lay[c("PANEL", y)], data, by = "PANEL")
data[["y"]] <- data[[y]]
data[["x"]] <- data$xintercept
prefix_class(data, c("GeomVline", "GeomPath"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomJitter <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
prefix_class(data, "GeomPoint")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomErrorbar <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# width for ggplot2 means size of the entire bar, on the data scale
# (plotly.js wants half, in pixels)
data <- merge(data, layout$layout, by = "PANEL", sort = FALSE)
data$width <- if (params[["flipped_aes"]]) {
(data[["ymax"]] - data[["y"]]) /(data[["y_max"]] - data[["y_min"]])
} else {
(data[["xmax"]] - data[["x"]]) /(data[["x_max"]] - data[["x_min"]])
data$fill <- NULL
prefix_class(data, "GeomErrorbar")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomErrorbarh <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# height for ggplot2 means size of the entire bar, on the data scale
# (plotly.js wants half, in pixels)
data <- merge(data, layout$layout, by = "PANEL", sort = FALSE)
data$width <- (data[["ymax"]] - data[["y"]]) / (data[["y_max"]] - data[["y_min"]])
data$fill <- NULL
prefix_class(data, "GeomErrorbarh")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomLinerange <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
if (!is.null(data[["y"]])) {
data$width <- 0
return(prefix_class(data, "GeomErrorbar"))
# reshape data so that x/y reflect path data
data$group <- seq_len(nrow(data))
data <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = data, cols = c("ymin", "ymax"), values_to = "y", names_to = "recodeVariable"
data <-
data <- data[order(data$group), ]
# fix the hovertext (by removing the "irrelevant" aesthetic)
recodeMap <- p$mapping[dplyr::recode(data[["recodeVariable"]], "ymax" = "ymin", "ymin" = "ymax")]
data$hovertext <- Map(function(x, y) {
paste(x[!grepl(y, x)], collapse = br())
}, strsplit(data$hovertext, br()), paste0("^", recodeMap, ":"))
prefix_class(data, "GeomPath")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomPointrange <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
data$width <- 0
prefix_class(data, "GeomErrorbar"),
prefix_class(data, "GeomPoint")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomDotplot <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
if (identical(params$binaxis, "y")) {
dotdia <- params$dotsize * data$binwidth[1]/(layout$layout$y_max - layout$layout$y_min)
data$size <- as.numeric(grid::convertHeight(grid::unit(dotdia, "npc"), "mm")) / 2
data$x <- (data$countidx - 0.5) * (as.numeric(dotdia) * 6)
} else {
dotdia <- params$dotsize * data$binwidth[1]/(layout$layout$x_max - layout$layout$x_min)
data$size <- as.numeric(grid::convertWidth(grid::unit(dotdia, "npc"), "mm")) / 2
# TODO: why times 6?!?!
data$y <- (data$countidx - 0.5) * (as.numeric(dotdia) * 6)
prefix_class(data, "GeomPoint")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomSpoke <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# if radius/angle are a constant, still add them to the hovertext
# NOTE: it'd be more accurate, but more complicated, to use the aes mapping
for (var in c("radius", "angle")) {
if (length(unique(data[[var]])) != 1) next
data[["hovertext"]] <- paste0(
data[["hovertext"]], br(), var, ": ", format(data[[var]], justify = "none")
prefix_class(to_basic.GeomSegment(data), "GeomSpoke")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomCrossbar <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# from GeomCrossbar$draw_panel()
middle <- base::transform(data, x = xmin, xend = xmax, yend = y, alpha = NA)
nm <- linewidth_or_size(GeomCrossbar)
data[[nm]] <- data[[nm]] * (params$fatten %||% formals(geom_crossbar)$fatten)
prefix_class(to_basic.GeomRect(data), "GeomCrossbar"),
prefix_class(to_basic.GeomSegment(middle), "GeomCrossbar")
utils::globalVariables(c("xmin", "xmax", "y", "size", "linewidth", "COL", "PANEL", "ROW", "yaxis"))
#' @export
to_basic.GeomRug <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
# allow the tick length to vary across panels
layout <- layout$layout
layout$tickval_y <- 0.03 * abs(layout$y_max - layout$y_min)
layout$tickval_x <- 0.03 * abs(layout$x_max - layout$x_min)
data <- merge(data, layout[c("PANEL", "x_min", "x_max", "y_min", "y_max", "tickval_y", "tickval_x")])
# see GeomRug$draw_panel()
rugs <- list()
sides <- params$sides
others <- data[!names(data) %in% c("x", "y")]
if (!is.null(data[["x"]])) {
if (grepl("b", sides)) {
rugs$b <- with(
data, data.frame(
x = x,
xend = x,
y = y_min,
yend = y_min + tickval_y,
if (grepl("t", sides)) {
rugs$t <- with(
data, data.frame(
x = x,
xend = x,
y = y_max - tickval_y,
yend = y_max,
if (!is.null(data[["y"]])) {
if (grepl("l", sides)) {
rugs$l <- with(
data, data.frame(
x = x_min,
xend = x_min + tickval_x,
y = y,
yend = y,
if (grepl("r", sides)) {
rugs$r <- with(
data, data.frame(
x = x_max - tickval_x,
xend = x_max,
y = y,
yend = y,
lapply(rugs, function(d) {
prefix_class(to_basic.GeomSegment(d), "GeomRug")
#' @export
to_basic.GeomQuantile <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...){
dat <- split(data, data$quantile)
dat <- lapply(dat, prefix_class, y = "GeomPath")
# ggalluvial::GeomStratum
#' @export
to_basic.GeomStratum <- function(data, ...) {
to_basic.GeomRect(data, ...)
# ggalluvial::GeomAlluvium
#' @export
to_basic.GeomAlluvium <- function(data, ...) {
# geom_alluvium by default generates a data.frame with a colour column and sets it to 0, which leads to an error when trying to get the colour from the number and grid::col2rgb complains that colors must be positive integers.
cols <- unique(data$colour)
if (length(cols) == 1 && cols[1] == 0) {
data$colour <- NULL
data <- data[order(data$x), ]
row_number <- nrow(data)
data_rev <- data[rev(seq_len(row_number)), ]
unused_aes <- setdiff(names(data), c("x", "y", "ymin", "ymax"))
d <- structure(rbind(
cbind(x = data$x, y = data$ymin, data[unused_aes]),
cbind(x = data$x[row_number], y = data$ymin[row_number], data[row_number, unused_aes]),
cbind(x = data_rev$x, y = data_rev$ymax, data_rev[unused_aes])
), class = class(data))
prefix_class(d, "GeomPolygon")
#' @export
to_basic.default <- function(data, prestats_data, layout, params, p, ...) {
#' Convert a "basic" geoms to a plotly.js trace.
#' This function makes it possible to convert ggplot2 geoms that
#' are not included with ggplot2 itself. Users shouldn't need to use
#' this function. It exists purely to allow other package authors to write
#' their own conversion method(s).
#' @param data the data returned by `plotly::to_basic`.
#' @param params parameters for the geom, statistic, and 'constant' aesthetics
#' @param p a ggplot2 object (the conversion may depend on scales, for instance).
#' @export
geom2trace <- function(data, params, p) {
if (nrow(data) == 0) return(geom2trace.GeomBlank(data, params, p))
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomBlank <- function(data, params, p) {
list(visible = FALSE)
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomPath <- function(data, params, p) {
data <- group2NA(data)
L <- list(
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
text = uniq(data[["hovertext"]]),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "scatter",
mode = "lines",
name = if (inherits(data, "GeomSmooth")) "fitted values",
line = list(
# TODO: line width array? --
width = aes2plotly(data, params, linewidth_or_size(GeomPath))[1],
color = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "colour"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
dash = aes2plotly(data, params, "linetype")
hoveron = hover_on(data)
if (inherits(data, "GeomStep")) L$line$shape <- params$direction %||% "hv"
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomPoint <- function(data, params, p) {
shape <- aes2plotly(data, params, "shape")
color <- aes2plotly(data, params, "colour")
isDotPlot <- inherits(data, "GeomDotplot")
L <- list(
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
text = if (isDotPlot) data[["key"]] else uniq(data[["hovertext"]]),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "scatter",
mode = "markers",
marker = list(
autocolorscale = FALSE,
color = color,
opacity = aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha"),
size = aes2plotly(data, params, "size"),
symbol = shape,
line = list(
width = aes2plotly(data, params, "stroke"),
color = color
hoveron = hover_on(data)
# fill is only relevant for pch %in% 21:25
pch <- uniq(data$shape) %||% params$shape %||% GeomPoint$default_aes$shape
if (any(idx <- pch %in% 21:25) || any(idx <- !is.null(data[["fill_plotlyDomain"]]))) {
fill_value <- aes2plotly(data, params, "fill")
if (length(idx) == 1) {
L$marker$color <- fill_value
} else {
L$marker$color[idx] <- fill_value[idx]
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomBar <- function(data, params, p) {
# TODO: does position play a role here?
#pos <- params$position %||% "stack"
flip <- inherits(p$coordinates, "CoordFlip")
if (!flip) {
width <- with(data, xmax - xmin)
# TODO: does this cause rounding issues when inverse transforming for dynamicTicks?
x <- with(data, (xmax + xmin) / 2)
base <- data[["ymin"]]
y <- with(data, ymax - ymin)
} else {
width <- with(data, xmax - xmin)
# TODO: does this cause rounding issues when inverse transforming for dynamicTicks?
y <- with(data, (xmax + xmin) / 2)
base <- data[["ymin"]]
x <- with(data, ymax - ymin)
orientation = if (flip) "h" else "v",
width = width,
base = base,
x = x,
y = y,
text = uniq(data[["hovertext"]]),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "bar",
# plotly.js v2.0 changed default to textposition='auto', meaning
# text will display by default, which makes sense for plot_ly() maybe,
# but not ggplotly()
textposition = "none",
marker = list(
autocolorscale = FALSE,
color = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "fill"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
line = list(
width = aes2plotly(data, params, linewidth_or_size(GeomBar)),
color = aes2plotly(data, params, "colour")
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomPolygon <- function(data, params, p) {
data <- group2NA(data)
L <- list(
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
text = uniq(data[["hovertext"]]),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "scatter",
mode = "lines",
line = list(
width = aes2plotly(data, params, linewidth_or_size(GeomPolygon)),
color = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "colour"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
dash = aes2plotly(data, params, "linetype")
fill = "toself",
fillcolor = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "fill"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
hoveron = hover_on(data)
if (inherits(data, "GeomSmooth")) L$hoverinfo <- "x+y"
if (inherits(data, "GeomCrossbar")) L$hoverinfo <- "none"
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomBoxplot <- function(data, params, p) {
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
hoverinfo = "y",
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "box",
fillcolor = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "fill"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
# marker styling must inherit from GeomPoint$default_aes
marker = list(
opacity = GeomPoint$default_aes$alpha,
outliercolor = toRGB(GeomPoint$default_aes$colour),
line = list(
width = mm2pixels(GeomPoint$default_aes$stroke),
color = toRGB(GeomPoint$default_aes$colour)
size = mm2pixels(GeomPoint$default_aes$size)
line = list(
color = aes2plotly(data, params, "colour"),
width = aes2plotly(data, params, linewidth_or_size(GeomBoxplot))
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomText <- function(data, params, p) {
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
text = data[["label"]],
hovertext = data[["hovertext"]],
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
textfont = list(
# TODO: how to translate fontface/family?
size = aes2plotly(data, params, "size"),
color = toRGB(
aes2plotly(data, params, "colour"),
aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha")
type = "scatter",
mode = "text",
hoveron = hover_on(data)
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomTile <- function(data, params, p) {
x <- sort(unique(data[["x"]]))
y <- sort(unique(data[["y"]]))
# make sure we're dealing with a complete grid
g <- expand.grid(x = x, y = y)
g$order <- seq_len(nrow(g))
g <- merge(g, data, by = c("x", "y"), all.x = TRUE)
g <- g[order(g$order), ]
# put fill domain on 0-1 scale for colorscale purposes
g$fill_plotlyDomain <- scales::rescale(g$fill_plotlyDomain)
# create the colorscale
colScale <- unique(g[, c("fill_plotlyDomain", "fill")])
# colorscale goes crazy if there are NAs
colScale <- colScale[stats::complete.cases(colScale), ]
colScale <- colScale[order(colScale$fill_plotlyDomain), ]
x = x,
y = y,
z = matrix(g$fill_plotlyDomain, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(x), byrow = TRUE),
text = matrix(g$hovertext, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(x), byrow = TRUE),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
colorscale = setNames(colScale, NULL),
type = "heatmap",
showscale = FALSE,
autocolorscale = FALSE
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomErrorbar <- function(data, params, p) {
# Support of bi-directional GeomErrorbar introduced with ggplot2 3.3.0
# g <- ggplot() + geom_errorbar(aes(y = "A", xmin = 1, xmax = 2))
# ggplotly(g)
# Support of bi-directional GeomErrorbar introduced with ggplot2 3.3.0:
# g <- ggplot() + geom_errorbar(aes(y = "A", xmin = 1, xmax = 2))
# ggplotly(g)
if (params[["flipped_aes"]]) {
make_error(data, params, "x")
} else {
make_error(data, params, "y")
#' @export
geom2trace.GeomErrorbarh <- function(data, params, p) {
make_error(data, params, "x")
#' @export
geom2trace.default <- function(data, params, p) {
"geom_", class(data)[1], "() has yet to be implemented in plotly.\n",
" If you'd like to see this geom implemented,\n",
" Please open an issue with your example code at\n",
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# given a geom, should we split on any continuous variables?
# this is necessary for some geoms, for example, polygons
# since plotly.js can't draw two polygons with different fill in a single trace
split_on <- function(dat) {
lookup <- list(
GeomHline = c("linetype", "colour", "size", "linewidth"),
GeomVline = c("linetype", "colour", "size", "linewidth"),
GeomAbline = c("linetype", "colour", "size", "linewidth"),
GeomPath = c("fill", "colour", "size", "linewidth"),
GeomPolygon = c("fill", "colour", "size", "linewidth"),
GeomBar = "fill",
GeomBoxplot = c("colour", "fill", "size"),
GeomErrorbar = "colour",
GeomErrorbarh = "colour",
GeomText = "colour"
# try to split on the domain (for sensible trace ordering)
for (i in names(lookup)) {
domainName <- paste0(lookup[[i]], "_plotlyDomain")
idx <- domainName %in% names(dat)
lookup[[i]][idx] <- domainName[idx]
# search all the classes for relevant splits (moving from specific->generic)
splits <- NULL
for (i in class(dat)) {
splits <- splits %||% lookup[[i]]
# if hovering on fill, we need to split on hovertext
if (identical(hover_on(dat), "fills")) {
splits <- c(splits, "hovertext")
# make sure the variable is in the data, and is non-constant
splits <- splits[splits %in% names(dat)]
# is there more than one unique value for this aes split in the data?
for (i in splits) {
if (length(unique(dat[, i])) < 2) {
splits <- setdiff(splits, i)
# given a geom, are we hovering over points or fill?
hover_on <- function(data) {
if (inherits(data, c("GeomHex", "GeomRect", "GeomMap", "GeomMosaic", "GeomAnnotationMap")) ||
# is this a "basic" polygon?
identical("GeomPolygon", grep("^Geom", class(data), value = T))) {
} else {
# make trace with errorbars
make_error <- function(data, params, xy = "x") {
# if xy is NULL: set xy to mean of xy_min and xy_max
data[[xy]] <- data[[xy]] %||% ((data[[paste0(xy, "min")]] + data[[paste0(xy, "max")]]) / 2)
color <- aes2plotly(data, params, "colour")
e <- list(
x = data[["x"]],
y = data[["y"]],
text = uniq(data[["hovertext"]]),
key = data[["key"]],
customdata = data[["customdata"]],
frame = data[["frame"]],
ids = data[["ids"]],
type = "scatter",
mode = "lines",
opacity = aes2plotly(data, params, "alpha"),
line = list(color = "transparent")
e[[paste0("error_", xy)]] <- list(
array = data[[paste0(xy, "max")]] - data[[xy]],
arrayminus = data[[xy]] - data[[paste0(xy, "min")]],
type = "data",
width = data$width[1] / 2,
symmetric = FALSE,
color = color
# function to transform geom_ribbon data into format plotly likes
# (note this function is also used for geom_smooth)
ribbon_dat <- function(dat) {
n <- nrow(dat)
if (n == 0) return(dat)
o <- order(dat[["x"]])
o2 <- order(dat[["x"]], decreasing = TRUE)
used <- c("x", "ymin", "ymax", "y")
not_used <- setdiff(names(dat), used)
# top-half of ribbon
tmp <- dat[o, ]
others <- tmp[not_used]
dat1 <- cbind(x = tmp[["x"]], y = tmp[["ymin"]], others)
dat1[n+1, ] <- data.frame(x = tmp[["x"]][n], y = tmp[["ymin"]][n], others[n, ])
# bottom-half of ribbon
tmp2 <- dat[o2, ]
others2 <- tmp2[not_used]
dat2 <- cbind(x = tmp2[["x"]], y = tmp2[["ymax"]], others2)
structure(rbind(dat1, dat2), class = oldClass(dat))
aes2plotly <- function(data, params, aes = "size") {
geom <- class(data)[1]
# Hack to support this geom_sf hack
defaults <- if (inherits(data, "GeomSf")) {
type <- if (any(grepl("[P-p]oint", class(data)))) "point" else if (any(grepl("[L-l]ine", class(data)))) "line" else ""
} else {
geom_obj <- ggfun(geom)
# If the first class of `data` is a data.frame,
# ggfun() returns a function because ggplot2 now
# defines data.frame in it's namespace
if ("default_aes" %in% names(geom_obj)) geom_obj$default_aes else NULL
vals <- uniq(data[[aes]]) %||% params[[aes]] %||% defaults[[aes]] %||% NA
converter <- switch(
size = mm2pixels,
linewidth = mm2pixels,
stroke = mm2pixels,
colour = toRGB,
fill = toRGB,
linetype = lty2dash,
shape = pch2symbol,
alpha = function(x) { x[] <- 1; x },
width = function(x) { x / 2},
height = function(x) { x / 2}
if (is.null(converter)) {
warning("A converter for ", aes, " wasn't found. \n",
"Please report this issue to: \n",
"", call. = FALSE)
converter <- identity
# ggplot2 3.4.0 deprecated size in favor of linewidth in line-based geoms (e.g.,
# GeomLine, GeomRect, etc) and elements (e.g., element_line(), element_rect(),
# etc). Note that, some geoms (e.g., GeomBoxplot, GeomSf) can have both
# linewidth and size
linewidth_or_size <- function(x) {
#' @export
linewidth_or_size.Geom <- function(x) {
if ("linewidth" %in% x$aesthetics()) "linewidth" else "size"
#' @export
linewidth_or_size.element <- function(x) {
if ("linewidth" %in% names(x)) "linewidth" else "size"
#' @export
linewidth_or_size.default <- function(x) {
if (get_package_version("ggplot2") >= "3.4") "linewidth" else "size"
# Convert R pch point codes to plotly "symbol" codes.
pch2symbol <- function(x) {
lookup <- list(
"0" = "square-open",
"1" = "circle-open",
"2" = "triangle-up-open",
"3" = "cross-thin-open",
"4" = "x-thin-open",
"5" = "diamond-open",
"6" = "triangle-down-open",
"7" = "square-x-open",
"8" = "asterisk-open",
"9" = "diamond-x-open",
"10" = "circle-cross-open",
"11" = "hexagram-open",
"12" = "square-cross-open",
"13" = "circle-x-open",
"14" = "square-open-dot",
"15" = "square",
"16" = "circle",
"17" = "triangle-up",
"18" = "diamond",
"19" = "circle",
"20" = "circle",
"21" = "circle",
"22" = "square",
"23" = "diamond",
"24" = "triangle-up",
"25" = "triangle-down",
"32" = "circle",
"35" = "hash-open",
"42" = "asterisk-open",
"43" = "cross-thin-open",
"45" = "line-ew-open",
"47" = "line-ne-open",
"48" = "circle-open",
"79" = "circle-open",
"88" = "x-thin-open",
"92" = "line-nw-open",
"95" = "line-ew-open",
"111" = "circle-open",
"o" = "circle-open",
"O" = "circle-open",
"+" = "cross-thin-open"
x <- as.character(x)
idx <- x %in% names(lookup)
if (any(idx)) {
x[idx] <- lookup[x[idx]]
# Convert R lty line type codes to plotly "dash" codes.
lty2dash <- function(x) {
lookup <- list(
"0" = "none",
"1" = "solid",
"2" = "dash",
"3" = "dot",
"4" = "dashdot",
"5" = "longdash",
"6" = "longdashdot",
"blank" = "none",
"solid" = "solid",
"dashed" = "dash",
"dotted" = "dot",
"dotdash" = "dashdot",
"longdash" = "longdash",
"twodash" = "longdashdot",
"22" = "dash",
"42" = "dot",
"44" = "dashdot",
"13" = "longdash",
"1343" = "longdashdot",
"73" = "dash",
"2262" = "dashdot" ,
"12223242" = "dashdot" ,
"F282" = "dash",
"F4448444" = "dash",
"224282F2" = "dash",
"F1" = "dash"
x <- as.character(x)
idx <- x %in% names(lookup)
if (any(idx)) {
x[idx] <- lookup[x[idx]]
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