Man pages for plsRglm
Partial Least Squares Regression for Generalized Linear Models

aic.dofAkaike and Bayesian Information Criteria and Generalized...
AICplsAIC function for plsR models
azeMicrosatellites Dataset
aze_complAs aze without missing values
bootplsNon-parametric Bootstrap for PLS models
bootplsglmNon-parametric Bootstrap for PLS generalized linear models
bordeauxQuality of wine dataset
bordeauxNAQuality of wine dataset
boxplots.bootplsBoxplot bootstrap distributions
coef.plsRglmmodelcoef method for plsR models
coef.plsRmodelcoef method for plsR models
coefs.plsRCoefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
coefs.plsRglmCoefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRglmnpCoefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRglm.rawRaw coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRnpCoefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
coefs.plsR.rawRaw coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
confints.bootplsBootstrap confidence intervals
CorMatCorrelation matrix for simulating plsR datasets
CornellCornell dataset
cv.plsRPartial least squares regression models with k-fold...
cv.plsRglmPartial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross...
cvtableTable method for summary of cross validated PLSR and PLSGLR...
fowlkesFowlkes dataset
infcrit.dofInformation criteria
kfolds2ChisqComputes Predicted Chisquare for k-fold cross-validated...
kfolds2ChisqindComputes individual Predicted Chisquare for k-fold cross...
kfolds2coeffExtracts coefficients from k-fold cross validated partial...
kfolds2CVinfos_glmExtracts and computes information criteria and fits...
kfolds2CVinfos_lmExtracts and computes information criteria and fits...
kfolds2MclassedNumber of missclassified individuals for k-fold cross...
kfolds2MclassedindNumber of missclassified individuals per group for k-fold...
kfolds2PressComputes PRESS for k-fold cross validated partial least...
kfolds2PressindComputes individual PRESS for k-fold cross validated partial...
loglikplsloglikelihood function for plsR models
permcoefs.plsRCoefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSR...
permcoefs.plsRglmCoefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSGLR...
permcoefs.plsRglmnpCoefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSGLR...
permcoefs.plsRglm.rawRaw coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of...
permcoefs.plsRnpCoefficients computation for permutation bootstrap
permcoefs.plsR.rawRaw coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of...
pinePine dataset
pine_fullComplete Pine dataset
pineNAX21Incomplete dataset from the pine caterpillars example
pine_supComplete Pine dataset
plots.confints.bootplsPlot bootstrap confidence intervals method for table of summary of cross validated plsRglm... method for table of summary of cross validated plsR...
PLS_glm_wvcLight version of PLS_glm for cross validation purposes
PLS_lm_wvcLight version of PLS_lm for cross validation purposes
plsRPartial least squares Regression models with leave one out...
plsR.dofComputation of the Degrees of Freedom
plsRglmPartial least squares Regression generalized linear models
predict.plsRglmmodelPrint method for plsRglm models
predict.plsRmodelPrint method for plsR models
print.coef.plsRglmmodelPrint method for plsRglm models
print.coef.plsRmodelPrint method for plsR models method for plsRglm models method for plsR models
print.plsRglmmodelPrint method for plsRglm models
print.plsRmodelPrint method for plsR models
print.summary.plsRglmmodelPrint method for summaries of plsRglm models
print.summary.plsRmodelPrint method for summaries of plsR models
signpredGraphical assessment of the stability of selected variables
simul_data_completeData generating detailed process for multivariate plsR models
simul_data_UniYXData generating function for univariate plsR models
simul_data_UniYX_binomData generating function for univariate binomial plsR models
simul_data_YXData generating function for multivariate plsR models method for plsRglm models method for plsR models
summary.plsRglmmodelSummary method for plsRglm models
summary.plsRmodelSummary method for plsR models
tilt.bootplsNon-parametric tilted bootstrap for PLS regression models
tilt.bootplsglmNon-parametric tilted bootstrap for PLS generalized linear...
XbordeauxNAIncomplete dataset for the quality of wine dataset
XpineNAX21Incomplete dataset from the pine caterpillars example
plsRglm documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:10 p.m.