
Defines functions snip_highest snip_lowest snip_stats snip_list info_snippet info_section check_info_columns_tbl info_columns_from_tbl info_columns info_tabular

Documented in info_columns info_columns_from_tbl info_section info_snippet info_tabular snip_highest snip_list snip_lowest snip_stats

#                 _         _    _      _                _    
#                (_)       | |  | |    | |              | |   
#   _ __    ___   _  _ __  | |_ | |__  | |  __ _  _ __  | | __
#  | '_ \  / _ \ | || '_ \ | __|| '_ \ | | / _` || '_ \ | |/ /
#  | |_) || (_) || || | | || |_ | |_) || || (_| || | | ||   < 
#  | .__/  \___/ |_||_| |_| \__||_.__/ |_| \__,_||_| |_||_|\_\
#  | |                                                        
#  |_|                                                        
#  This file is part of the 'rstudio/pointblank' project.
#  Copyright (c) 2017-2024 pointblank authors
#  For full copyright and license information, please look at
#  https://rstudio.github.io/pointblank/LICENSE.html

#' Add information that focuses on aspects of the data table as a whole
#' @description
#' When an *informant* object is created with the [create_informant()] function,
#' it has two starter sections: (1) 'table' and (2) 'columns'. The 'table'
#' section should contain a few properties upon creation, such as the supplied
#' table name (`name`) and table dimensions (as `_columns` and `_rows`). We can
#' add more table-based properties with the `info_tabular()` function. By
#' providing a series of named arguments (in the form `entry_name = "The *info
#' text*."`), we can add more information that makes sense for describing the
#' table as a whole.
#' @param x *The pointblank informant object*
#'   `obj:<ptblank_informant>` // **required**
#'   A **pointblank** *informant* object that is commonly created through the
#'   use of the [create_informant()] function.
#' @param ... *Information entries*
#'   `<info-text expressions>` // **required**
#'   Information entries as a series of named arguments. The names refer to
#'   subsection titles within the `TABLE` section and the values are the *info
#'   text* (informational text that can be written as Markdown and further
#'   styled with *Text Tricks*).
#' @return A `ptblank_informant` object.
#' @section Info Text:
#' The *info text* that's used for any of the `info_*()` functions readily
#' accepts Markdown formatting, and, there are a few *Text Tricks* that can be
#' used to spice up the presentation. Markdown links written as `< link url >`
#' or `[ link text ]( link url )` will get nicely-styled links. Any dates
#' expressed in the ISO-8601 standard with parentheses, `"(2004-12-01)"`, will
#' be styled with a font variation (monospaced) and underlined in purple. Spans
#' of text can be converted to label-style text by using: (1) double parentheses
#' around text for a rectangular border as in `((label text))`, or (2) triple
#' parentheses around text for a rounded-rectangular border like `(((label
#' text)))`.
#' CSS style rules can be applied to spans of *info text* with the following
#' form:
#' `[[ info text ]]<< CSS style rules >>`
#' As an example of this in practice suppose you'd like to change the color of
#' some text to red and make the font appear somewhat thinner. A variation on
#' the following might be used:
#' `"This is a [[factor]]<<color: red; font-weight: 300;>> value."`
#' The are quite a few CSS style rules that can be used to great effect. Here
#' are a few you might like:
#' - `color: <a color value>;` (text color)
#' - `background-color: <a color value>;` (the text's background color)
#' - `text-decoration: (overline | line-through | underline);`
#' - `text-transform: (uppercase | lowercase | capitalize);`
#' - `letter-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `word-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `font-style: (normal | italic | oblique);`
#' - `font-weight: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `font-variant: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `border: <a color value> <a length value> (solid | dashed | dotted);`
#' In the above examples, 'length value' refers to a CSS length which can be
#' expressed in different units of measure (e.g., `12px`, `1em`, etc.). Some
#' lengths can be expressed as positive or negative values (e.g., for
#' `letter-spacing`). Color values can be expressed in a few ways, the most
#' common being in the form of hexadecimal color values or as CSS color names.
#' @section YAML:
#' A **pointblank** informant can be written to YAML with [yaml_write()] and the
#' resulting YAML can be used to regenerate an informant (with
#' [yaml_read_informant()]) or perform the 'incorporate' action using the target
#' table (via [yaml_informant_incorporate()]). When `info_tabular()` is
#' represented in YAML, *info text* goes into subsections of the top-level
#' `table` key. Here is an example of how a call of `info_tabular()` is
#' expressed in R code and in the corresponding YAML representation.
#' R statement:
#' ```r
#' informant %>% 
#'   info_tabular(
#'     section_1 = "*info text* 1.",
#'     `section 2` = "*info text* 2 and {snippet_1}"
#'   )
#' ```
#' YAML representation:
#' ```yaml
#' table:
#'   _columns: 23
#'   _rows: 205.0
#'   _type: tbl_df
#'   section_1: '*info text* 1.'
#'   section 2: '*info text* 2 and {snippet_1}'
#' ```
#' Subsection titles as defined in `info_tabular()` can be set in backticks if
#' they are not syntactically correct as an argument name without them (e.g.,
#' when using spaces, hyphens, etc.).
#' It's safest to use single quotation marks around any *info text* if directly
#' editing it in a YAML file. Note that Markdown formatting and *info snippet*
#' placeholders (shown here as `{snippet_1}`, see [info_snippet()] for more
#' information) are preserved in the YAML. The Markdown to HTML conversion is
#' done when printing an informant (or invoking [get_informant_report()] on an
#' *informant*) and the processing of snippets (generation and insertion) is
#' done when using the [incorporate()] function. Thus, the source text is always
#' maintained in the YAML representation and is never written in processed form.
#' @section Examples:
#' Create a pointblank `informant` object with [create_informant()]. We can
#' specify a `tbl` with the `~` followed by a statement that gets the
#' `small_table` dataset.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   )
#' ```
#' We can add *info text* to describe the table with the various `info_*()`
#' functions. In this example, we'll use [info_tabular()] to generally describe
#' the `small_table` dataset.
#' ```r
#' informant <-
#'   informant %>%
#'   info_tabular(
#'     `Row Definition` = "A row has randomized values.",
#'     Source = c(
#'       "- From the **pointblank** package.",
#'       "- [https://rstudio.github.io/pointblank/]()"
#'      )
#'    )
#' ```
#' Upon printing the `informant` object, we see the additions made to the
#' 'Table' section of the report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_tabular_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-1
#' @export
info_tabular <- function(
) {
  metadata_items <- list(...)
  metadata <- x
  metadata_list <- metadata$metadata
  metadata_table <- metadata_list$table
  for (i in seq_along(metadata_items)) {
    item_name <- names(metadata_items[i])
    item_value <- metadata_items[[i]]
    if (!(item_name %in% names(metadata_table))) {
      # Case where `item_name` doesn't exist for column
      metadata_table <- 
    } else {
      # Case where `item_name` exists for the column
      metadata_table[[item_name]] <- item_value
  metadata$metadata$table <- metadata_table

#' Add information that focuses on aspects of a data table's columns
#' @description
#' Upon creation of an *informant* object (with the [create_informant()]
#' function), there are two sections containing properties: (1) 'table' and (2)
#' 'columns'. The 'columns' section is initialized with the table's column names
#' and their types (as `_type`). Beyond that, it is useful to provide details
#' about the nature of each column and we can do that with the `info_columns()`
#' function. A single column (or multiple columns) is targeted, and then a
#' series of named arguments (in the form `entry_name = "The *info text*."`)
#' serves as additional information for the column or columns.
#' @param x *The pointblank informant object*
#'   `obj:<ptblank_informant>` // **required**
#'   A **pointblank** *informant* object that is commonly created through the
#'   use of the [create_informant()] function.
#' @param columns *The target columns*
#'   `vector<character>|vars(<columns>)` // **required**
#'   The column or set of columns to focus on. Can be defined as a column name
#'   in quotes (e.g., `"<column_name>"`), one or more column names in `vars()`
#'   (e.g., `vars(<column_name>)`), or with a select helper (e.g.,
#'   `starts_with("date")`).
#' @param ... *Information entries*
#'   `<info-text expressions>` // **required**
#'   Information entries as a series of named arguments. The names refer to
#'   subsection titles within `COLUMN` -> `<COLUMN_NAME>` and the RHS contains
#'   the *info text* (informational text that can be written as Markdown and
#'   further styled with *Text Tricks*).
#' @param .add *Add to existing info text*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#'   Should new text be added to existing text? This is `TRUE` by default;
#'   setting to `FALSE` replaces any existing text for a property.
#' @return A `ptblank_informant` object.
#' @section Info Text:
#' The *info text* that's used for any of the `info_*()` functions readily
#' accepts Markdown formatting, and, there are a few *Text Tricks* that can be
#' used to spice up the presentation. Markdown links written as `< link url >`
#' or `[ link text ]( link url )` will get nicely-styled links. Any dates
#' expressed in the ISO-8601 standard with parentheses, `"(2004-12-01)"`, will
#' be styled with a font variation (monospaced) and underlined in purple. Spans
#' of text can be converted to label-style text by using: (1) double parentheses
#' around text for a rectangular border as in `((label text))`, or (2) triple
#' parentheses around text for a rounded-rectangular border like `(((label
#' text)))`.
#' CSS style rules can be applied to spans of *info text* with the following
#' form:
#' `[[ info text ]]<< CSS style rules >>`
#' As an example of this in practice suppose you'd like to change the color of
#' some text to red and make the font appear somewhat thinner. A variation on
#' the following might be used:
#' `"This is a [[factor]]<<color: red; font-weight: 300;>> value."`
#' The are quite a few CSS style rules that can be used to great effect. Here
#' are a few you might like:
#' - `color: <a color value>;` (text color)
#' - `background-color: <a color value>;` (the text's background color)
#' - `text-decoration: (overline | line-through | underline);`
#' - `text-transform: (uppercase | lowercase | capitalize);`
#' - `letter-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `word-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `font-style: (normal | italic | oblique);`
#' - `font-weight: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `font-variant: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `border: <a color value> <a length value> (solid | dashed | dotted);`
#' In the above examples, 'length value' refers to a CSS length which can be
#' expressed in different units of measure (e.g., `12px`, `1em`, etc.). Some
#' lengths can be expressed as positive or negative values (e.g., for
#' `letter-spacing`). Color values can be expressed in a few ways, the most
#' common being in the form of hexadecimal color values or as CSS color names.
#' @section YAML:
#' A **pointblank** informant can be written to YAML with [yaml_write()] and the
#' resulting YAML can be used to regenerate an informant (with
#' [yaml_read_informant()]) or perform the 'incorporate' action using the target
#' table (via [yaml_informant_incorporate()]). The way that information on table
#' columns is represented in YAML works like this: *info text* goes into
#' subsections of YAML keys named for the columns, which are themselves part of
#' the top-level `columns` key. Here is an example of how several calls of
#' `info_columns()` are expressed in R code and how the result corresponds to
#' the YAML representation.
#' ```
#' # R statement
#' informant %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = date_time,
#'     info = "*info text* 1."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = date,
#'     info = "*info text* 2."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = item_count,
#'     info = "*info text* 3. Statistics: {snippet_1}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = c(date, date_time),
#'     info = "UTC time."
#'   )
#' # YAML representation
#' columns:
#'   date_time:
#'     _type: POSIXct, POSIXt
#'     info: '*info text* 1. UTC time.'
#'   date:
#'     _type: Date
#'     info: '*info text* 2. UTC time.'
#'   item_count:
#'     _type: integer
#'     info: '*info text* 3. Statistics: {snippet_1}.'
#' ```
#' Subsections represented as column names are automatically generated when
#' creating an informant. Within these, there can be multiple subsections used
#' for holding *info text* on each column. The subsections used across the
#' different columns needn't be the same either, the only commonality that
#' should be enforced is the presence of the `_type` key (automatically updated
#' at every [incorporate()] invocation). 
#' It's safest to use single quotation marks around any *info text* if directly
#' editing it in a YAML file. Note that Markdown formatting and *info snippet*
#' placeholders (shown here as `{snippet_1}`, see [info_snippet()] for more
#' information) are preserved in the YAML. The Markdown to HTML conversion is
#' done when printing an informant (or invoking [get_informant_report()] on an
#' *informant*) and the processing of snippets (generation and insertion) is
#' done when using the [incorporate()] function. Thus, the source text is always
#' maintained in the YAML representation and is never written in processed form.
#' @section Examples:
#' Create a pointblank `informant` object with [create_informant()]. We can
#' specify a `tbl` with the `~` followed by a statement that gets the
#' `small_table` dataset.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   )
#' ```
#' We can add *info text* to describe the table with the various `info_*()`
#' functions. In this example, we'll use `info_columns()` multiple times to
#' describe some of the columns in the `small_table` dataset. Note here that
#' *info text* calls are additive to the existing content inside of the
#' various subsections (i.e., the text will be appended and won't overwrite
#' existing if it lands in the same area).
#' ```r
#' informant <-
#'   informant %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = a,
#'     info = "In the range of 1 to 10. ((SIMPLE))"
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = starts_with("date"),
#'     info = "Time-based values (e.g., `Sys.time()`)."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = date,
#'     info = "The date part of `date_time`. ((CALC))"
#'   )
#' ```
#' Upon printing the `informant` object, we see the additions made to the
#' 'Columns' section.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_columns_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-2
#' @export
info_columns <- function(
    .add = TRUE
) {
  # Capture the `columns` expression
  columns <- rlang::enquo(columns)
  metadata_items <- list(...)
  metadata <- x
  metadata_list <- metadata$metadata
  metadata_columns <- metadata_list$columns
  if (is.null(x$tbl)) {
    tbl <- metadata_list[["_private"]]$col_ptypes
  } else {
    tbl <- x$tbl
  # Resolve the columns based on the expression
  columns <- resolve_columns(x = tbl, var_expr = columns)
  if (length(columns) == 1 && is.na(columns)) {
      "No columns were matched with the expression used, so, no ",
      "info was added.",
      call. = FALSE
  for (column in columns) {
    for (i in seq_along(metadata_items)) {
      item_name <- names(metadata_items[i])
      item_value <- metadata_items[[i]]
      if (!(item_name %in% names(metadata_columns[[column]]))) {
        # Case where `item_name` doesn't exist for column
        metadata_columns[[column]] <- 
      } else {
        # Case where `item_name` exists for the column
        if (.add) {
        # Appending case: if `.add = TRUE` append `item_value`
        # to existing string
          metadata_columns[[column]][[item_name]] <- 
        } else {
          # Replacement case: if `.add = FALSE` replace
          # existing string with `item_value`
          metadata_columns[[column]][[item_name]] <- item_value
  metadata$metadata$columns <- metadata_columns

#' Add column information from another data table
#' @description
#' The `info_columns_from_tbl()` function is a wrapper around the
#' [info_columns()] function and is useful if you wish to apply *info text* to
#' columns where that information already exists in a data frame (or in some
#' form that can readily be coaxed into a data frame). The form of the input
#' `tbl` (the one that contains column metadata) has a few basic requirements:
#' - the data frame must have two columns
#' - both columns must be of class `character`
#' - the first column should contain column names and the second should contain
#' the *info text*
#' Each column that matches across tables (i.e., the `tbl` and the target table
#' of the informant) will have a new entry for the `"info"` property. Empty or
#' missing info text will be pruned from `tbl`.
#' @param x *The pointblank informant object*
#'   `obj:<ptblank_informant>` // **required**
#'   A **pointblank** *informant* object that is commonly created through the
#'   use of the [create_informant()] function.
#' @param tbl *Metadata table with column information*
#'   `obj:<tbl_*>` // **required**
#'   The two-column data frame which contains metadata about the target table in
#'   the informant object.
#' @param .add *Add to existing info text*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#'   Should new text be added to existing text? This is `TRUE` by default;
#'   setting to `FALSE` replaces any existing text for the `"info"` property.
#' @return A `ptblank_informant` object.
#' @section Examples:
#' Create a pointblank `informant` object with [create_informant()]. We can
#' specify a `tbl` with the `~` followed by a statement that gets the
#' `game_revenue` dataset.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ game_revenue,
#'     tbl_name = "game_revenue",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   )
#' ```
#' We can add *info text* to describe the data in the various columns of the
#' table by using [info_columns()] or information in another table (with
#' [info_columns_from_tbl()]). Here, we'll do the latter. The
#' `game_revenue_info` dataset is included in **pointblank** and it contains
#' metadata for `game_revenue`.
#' ```{r}
#' game_revenue_info
#' ```
#' The `info_columns_from_tbl()` function takes a table object where the first
#' column has the column names and the second contains the *info text*.
#' ```r
#' informant <-
#'   informant %>%
#'   info_columns_from_tbl(tbl = game_revenue_info)
#' ```
#' Upon printing the `informant` object, we see the additions made to the
#' 'Columns' section by the `info_columns_from_tbl(tbl = game_revenue_info)`
#' call.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_columns_from_tbl_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' We can continue to add more *info text* to describe the columns since the
#' process is additive. The `info_columns_from_tbl()` function populates the
#' `info` subsection and any calls of [info_columns()] that also target a `info`
#' subsection will append text. Here, we'll add content for the `item_revenue`
#' and `acquisition` columns and view the updated report.
#' ```r
#' informant <-
#'   informant %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = item_revenue,
#'     info = "Revenue reported in USD."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = acquisition,
#'     `top list` = "{top5_aq}"
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "top5_aq",
#'     fn = snip_list(column = "acquisition")
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_columns_from_tbl_2.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-3
#' @seealso The [info_columns()] function, which allows for manual entry of
#'   *info text*.
#' @export
info_columns_from_tbl <- function(
    .add = TRUE
) {

  # Ensure that `tbl` passes a validation check 
  tbl <- check_info_columns_tbl(tbl = tbl)
  # Call `info_columns()` for every row in `tbl`
  for (i in seq_along(tbl$column)) {

    x <- 
        x = x,
        columns = tbl$column[i],
        info = tbl$info[i],
        .add = .add

check_info_columns_tbl <- function(tbl) {
  if (
    !inherits(tbl, "data.frame") &&
    !ncol(tbl) == 2 &&
    !inherits(dplyr::pull(tbl, 1), "character") &&
    !inherits(dplyr::pull(tbl, 2), "character")
  ) {
      "The input `tbl` must fulfill the following conditions:\n",
      "* inherits from data.frame\n",
      "* has two columns\n",
      "* both columns must be of type `character`",
      call. = FALSE
  # Standardize the column names in `tbl`
  colnames(tbl) <- c("column", "info")
  # Filter out any missing or NA values in the `info` column
  tbl <- 
    tbl %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(info) & !grepl("^\\s*$", info))
  colnames_in_tbl <- dplyr::pull(tbl, column)
  if (anyDuplicated(colnames_in_tbl) != 0) {
      "The input `tbl` contains duplicate column names in the first column.",
      call. = FALSE

#' Add information that focuses on some key aspect of the data table
#' @description
#' While the [info_tabular()] and [info_columns()] functions allow us to
#' add/modify info text for specific sections, the `info_section()` makes it
#' possible to add sections of our own choosing and the information that make
#' sense for those sections. Define a `section_name` and provide a series of
#' named arguments (in the form `entry_name = "The *info text*."`) to build the
#' informational content for that section.
#' @param x *The pointblank informant object*
#'   `obj:<ptblank_informant>` // **required**
#'   A **pointblank** *informant* object that is commonly created through the
#'   use of the [create_informant()] function.
#' @param section_name *The section name*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name of the section for which this information pertains.
#' @param ... *Information entries*
#'   `<info-text expressions>` // **required**
#'   Information entries as a series of named arguments. The names refer to
#'   subsection titles within the section defined as `section_name` and the RHS
#'   is the *info text* (informational text that can be written as Markdown and
#'   further styled with *Text Tricks*).
#' @return A `ptblank_informant` object.
#' @section Info Text:
#' The *info text* that's used for any of the `info_*()` functions readily
#' accepts Markdown formatting, and, there are a few *Text Tricks* that can be
#' used to spice up the presentation. Markdown links written as `< link url >`
#' or `[ link text ]( link url )` will get nicely-styled links. Any dates
#' expressed in the ISO-8601 standard with parentheses, `"(2004-12-01)"`, will
#' be styled with a font variation (monospaced) and underlined in purple. Spans
#' of text can be converted to label-style text by using: (1) double parentheses
#' around text for a rectangular border as in `((label text))`, or (2) triple
#' parentheses around text for a rounded-rectangular border like `(((label
#' text)))`.
#' CSS style rules can be applied to spans of *info text* with the following
#' form:
#' `[[ info text ]]<< CSS style rules >>`
#' As an example of this in practice suppose you'd like to change the color of
#' some text to red and make the font appear somewhat thinner. A variation on
#' the following might be used:
#' `"This is a [[factor]]<<color: red; font-weight: 300;>> value."`
#' The are quite a few CSS style rules that can be used to great effect. Here
#' are a few you might like:
#' - `color: <a color value>;` (text color)
#' - `background-color: <a color value>;` (the text's background color)
#' - `text-decoration: (overline | line-through | underline);`
#' - `text-transform: (uppercase | lowercase | capitalize);`
#' - `letter-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `word-spacing: <a +/- length value>;`
#' - `font-style: (normal | italic | oblique);`
#' - `font-weight: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `font-variant: (normal | bold | 100-900);`
#' - `border: <a color value> <a length value> (solid | dashed | dotted);`
#' In the above examples, 'length value' refers to a CSS length which can be
#' expressed in different units of measure (e.g., `12px`, `1em`, etc.). Some
#' lengths can be expressed as positive or negative values (e.g., for
#' `letter-spacing`). Color values can be expressed in a few ways, the most
#' common being in the form of hexadecimal color values or as CSS color names.
#' @section YAML:
#' A **pointblank** informant can be written to YAML with [yaml_write()] and the
#' resulting YAML can be used to regenerate an informant (with
#' [yaml_read_informant()]) or perform the 'incorporate' action using the target
#' table (via [yaml_informant_incorporate()]). Extra sections (i.e., neither the
#' `table` nor the `columns` sections) can be generated and filled with *info
#' text* by using one or more calls of `info_section()`. This is how it is
#' expressed in both R code and in the YAML representation.
#' ```
#' # R statement
#' informant %>% 
#'   info_section(
#'     section_name = "History",
#'     Changes = "
#' - Change 1
#' - Change 2
#' - Change 3",
#'     `Last Update` = "(2020-10-23) at 3:28 PM."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_section(
#'     section_name = "Additional Notes",
#'     `Notes 1` = "Notes with a {snippet}.",
#'     `Notes 2` = "**Bold notes**."
#'   )
#' # YAML representation
#' History:
#'   Changes: |2-
#'     - Change 1
#'     - Change 2
#'     - Change 3
#'   Last Update: (2020-10-23) at 3:28 PM.
#' Additional Notes:
#'   Notes 1: Notes with a {snippet}.
#'   Notes 2: '**Bold notes**.'
#' ```
#' Subsections represented as column names are automatically generated when
#' creating an informant. Within each of the top-level sections (i.e., `History`
#' and `Additional Notes`) there can be multiple subsections used for holding
#' *info text*.
#' It's safest to use single quotation marks around any *info text* if directly
#' editing it in a YAML file. Note that Markdown formatting and *info snippet*
#' placeholders (shown here as `{snippet}`, see [info_snippet()] for more
#' information) are preserved in the YAML. The Markdown to HTML conversion is
#' done when printing an informant (or invoking [get_informant_report()] on an
#' *informant*) and the processing of snippets (generation and insertion) is
#' done when using the [incorporate()] function. Thus, the source text is always
#' maintained in the YAML representation and is never written in processed form.
#' @section Examples:
#' Create a pointblank `informant` object with [create_informant()]. We can
#' specify a `tbl` with the `~` followed by a statement that gets the
#' `small_table` dataset.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   )
#' ```
#' An `informant` typically has the 'Table' and 'Columns' sections. We can also
#' create entirely different sections (that follow these) with their
#' own properties using the `info_section()` function. Let's create a subsection
#' in the report called `"Notes"` and add text to two parts of that:
#' `"creation"` and `"usage"`.
#' ```r
#' informant <-
#'   informant %>%
#'   info_section(
#'     section_name = "Notes",
#'     creation = "Dataset generated on (2020-01-15).",
#'     usage = "`small_table %>% dplyr::glimpse()`"
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' Upon printing the `informant` object, we see the addition of the 'Notes'
#' section and its own information.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_section_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-4
#' @export
info_section <- function(
) {
  metadata_items <- list(...)
  metadata <- x
  metadata_list <- metadata$metadata
  if (is.null(metadata_list[[section_name]])) {
    metadata_section <- list()
    section_new <- TRUE
  } else {
    metadata_section <- metadata_list[[section_name]]
    section_new <- FALSE
  for (i in seq_along(metadata_items)) {
    item_name <- names(metadata_items[i])
    item_value <- metadata_items[[i]]
    if (!(item_name %in% names(metadata_section))) {
      # Case where `item_name` doesn't exist for the section
      metadata_section <- 
    } else {
      # Case where `item_name` exists for the section
      metadata_section[[item_name]] <- item_value
  section_list <- list(a = metadata_section)
  names(section_list) <- section_name
  if (section_new) {
    metadata$metadata <- c(metadata$metadata, section_list)
  if (!section_new) {
    metadata$metadata[section_name] <- section_list

#' Generate a useful text 'snippet' from the target table
#' @description
#' Getting little snippets of information from a table goes hand-in-hand with
#' mixing those bits of info with your table info. Call `info_snippet()` to
#' define a snippet and how you'll get that from the target table. The snippet
#' definition is supplied either with a formula, or, with a
#' **pointblank**-supplied `snip_*()` function. So long as you know how to
#' interact with a table and extract information, you can easily define snippets
#' for a *informant* object. And once those snippets are defined, you can insert
#' them into the *info text* as defined through the other `info_*()` functions
#' ([info_tabular()], [info_columns()], and [info_section()]). Use curly braces
#' with just the `snippet_name` inside (e.g., `"This column has {n_cat}
#' categories."`).
#' @param x *The pointblank informant object*
#'   `obj:<ptblank_informant>` // **required**
#'   A **pointblank** *informant* object that is commonly created through the
#'   use of the [create_informant()] function.
#' @param snippet_name *The snippet name*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name for snippet, which is used for interpolating the result of the
#'   snippet formula into *info text* defined by an `info_*()` function.
#' @param fn *Function for snippet text generation*
#'   `<function>` // **required**
#'   A formula that obtains a snippet of data from the target table. It's best
#'   to use a leading dot (`.`) that stands for the table itself and use pipes
#'   to construct a series of operations to be performed on the table (e.g.,
#'   `~ . %>% dplyr::pull(column_2) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE)`). So long as the
#'   result is a length-1 vector, it'll likely be valid for insertion into some
#'   info text. Alternatively, a `snip_*()` function can be used here (these
#'   functions always return a formula that's suitable for all types of data
#'   sources).
#' @return A `ptblank_informant` object.
#' @section Snip functions provided in **pointblank**:
#' For convenience, there are several `snip_*()` functions provided in the
#' package that work on column data from the *informant*'s target table. These
#' are:
#' - [snip_list()]: get a list of column categories
#' - [snip_stats()]: get an inline statistical summary
#' - [snip_lowest()]: get the lowest value from a column
#' - [snip_highest()] : get the highest value from a column
#' As it's understood what the target table is, only the `column` in each of
#' these functions is necessary for obtaining the resultant text.
#' @section YAML:
#' A **pointblank** informant can be written to YAML with [yaml_write()] and the
#' resulting YAML can be used to regenerate an informant (with
#' [yaml_read_informant()]) or perform the 'incorporate' action using the target
#' table (via [yaml_informant_incorporate()]). Snippets are stored in the YAML
#' representation and here is is how they are expressed in both R code and in
#' the YAML output (showing both the `meta_snippets` and `columns` keys to
#' demonstrate their relationship here).
#' ```
#' # R statement
#' informant %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = date_time,
#'     `Latest Date` = "The latest date is {latest_date}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "latest_date",
#'     fn = ~ . %>% dplyr::pull(date) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE)
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' # YAML representation
#' meta_snippets:
#'   latest_date: ~. %>% dplyr::pull(date) %>% max(na.rm = TRUE)
#' ...
#' columns:
#'   date_time:
#'     _type: POSIXct, POSIXt
#'     Latest Date: The latest date is {latest_date}.
#'   date:
#'     _type: Date
#'   item_count:
#'     _type: integer
#' ```
#' @section Examples:
#' Take the `small_table` dataset included in **pointblank** and assign it to
#' `test_table`. We'll modify it later.
#' ```r
#' test_table <- small_table
#' ```
#' Generate an informant object, add two snippets with `info_snippet()`,
#' add information with some other `info_*()` functions and then [incorporate()]
#' the snippets into the info text. The first snippet will be made with the
#' expression `~ . %>% nrow()` (giving us the number of rows in the dataset) and
#' the second uses the [snip_highest()] function with column `a` (giving us
#' the highest value in that column).
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ test_table,
#'     tbl_name = "test_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "row_count",
#'     fn = ~ . %>% nrow()
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "max_a",
#'     fn = snip_highest(column = "a")
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = a,
#'     info = "In the range of 1 to {max_a}. ((SIMPLE))"
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = starts_with("date"),
#'     info = "Time-based values (e.g., `Sys.time()`)."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = date,
#'     info = "The date part of `date_time`. ((CALC))"
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_section(
#'     section_name = "rows",
#'     row_count = "There are {row_count} rows available."
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' We can print the `informant` object to see the information report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_snippet_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' Let's modify `test_table` with some **dplyr** to give it more rows and an
#' extra column.
#' ```r
#' test_table <- 
#'   dplyr::bind_rows(test_table, test_table) %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(h = a + c)
#' ```
#' Using [incorporate()] on the `informant` object will cause the snippets to be
#' reprocessed, and, the info text to be updated.
#' ```r
#' informant <- informant %>% incorporate()
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_info_snippet_2.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-5
#' @export
info_snippet <- function(
) {
  metadata <- x

  if (!(snippet_name %in% names(metadata$meta_snippets))) {
    # Case where `snippet_name` doesn't exist in `meta_snippets`

    meta_snippet <- list(a = fn)
    names(meta_snippet) <- snippet_name
    metadata$meta_snippets <- c(metadata$meta_snippets, meta_snippet)
  } else {
    # Case where `snippet_name` exists in `meta_snippets`
    metadata$meta_snippets[[snippet_name]] <- fn

#' A `fn` for `info_snippet()`: get a list of column categories
#' @description
#' The `snip_list()` function can be used as an [info_snippet()] function (i.e.,
#' provided to `fn`) to get a catalog list from a table column. You can limit
#' the of items in that list with the `limit` value.
#' @param column *The target column*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name of the column that contains the target values.
#' @param limit *Limit for list length*
#'   `scalar<integer>` // *default:* `5`
#'   A limit of items put into the generated list. The returned text will state
#'   the remaining number of items beyond the `limit`.
#' @param sorting *Type of sorting within list*
#'   `singl-kw:[inorder|infreq|inseq]` // *default:* `"inorder"`
#'   A keyword used to designate the type of sorting to use for the list. The
#'   three options are `"inorder"` (the default), `"infreq"`, and `"inseq"`.
#'   With `"inorder"`, distinct items are listed in the order in which they
#'   first appear. Using `"infreq"` orders the items by the decreasing frequency
#'   of each item. The `"inseq"` option applies an alphanumeric sorting to the
#'   distinct list items.
#' @param reverse *Reversal of list order*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#'   An option to reverse the ordering of list items. By default, this is
#'   `FALSE` but using `TRUE` will reverse the items before applying the
#'   `limit`.
#' @param sep *Separator text for list*
#'   `scalar<character>` // *default:* `","`
#'   The separator to use between list items. By default, this is a comma.
#' @param and_or *Use of 'and' or 'or' within list*
#'   `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#'   The type of conjunction to use between the final and penultimate list items
#'   (should the item length be below the `limit` value). If `NULL` (the
#'   default) is used, then the 'and' conjunction will be used. Alternatively,
#'   the following keywords can be used: `"and"`, `"or"`, or an empty string
#'   (for no conjunction at all).
#' @param oxford *Usage of oxford comma*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#'   Whether to use an Oxford comma under certain conditions.
#' @param as_code *Treat items as code*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#'   Should each list item appear in a 'code font' (i.e., as monospaced text)?
#'   By default this is `TRUE`. Using `FALSE` keeps all list items in the same
#'   font as the rest of the information report.
#' @param quot_str *Set items in double quotes*
#'   `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#'   An option for whether list items should be set in double quotes. If `NULL`
#'   (the default), the quotation marks are mainly associated with list items
#'   derived from `character` or `factor` values; numbers, dates, and logical
#'   values won't have quotation marks. We can explicitly use quotations (or
#'   not) with either `TRUE` or `FALSE` here.
#' @param lang *Reporting language*
#'   `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#'   The language to use for any joining words (from the `and_or` option) or
#'   additional words in the generated list string. By default, `NULL` will use
#'   whichever `lang` setting is available in the parent
#'   *informant* object (this is settable in the [create_informant()] `lang`
#'   argument). If specified here as an override, the language options are
#'   English (`"en"`), French (`"fr"`), German (`"de"`), Italian (`"it"`),
#'   Spanish (`"es"`), Portuguese (`"pt"`), Turkish (`"tr"`), Chinese (`"zh"`),
#'   Russian (`"ru"`), Polish (`"pl"`), Danish (`"da"`), Swedish (`"sv"`), and
#'   Dutch (`"nl"`).
#' @return A formula needed for [info_snippet()]'s `fn` argument.
#' @section Examples:
#' Generate an informant object, add a snippet with [info_snippet()] and
#' `snip_list()` (giving us a method to get a distinct list of column values for
#' column `f`). Define a location for the snippet result in `{ }` and then
#' [incorporate()] the snippet into the info text. Note here that the order of
#' the [info_columns()] and [info_snippet()] calls doesn't matter.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   ) %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = f,
#'     `Items` = "This column contains {values_f}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "values_f",
#'     fn = snip_list(column = "f")
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' We can print the `informant` object to see the information report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_snip_list_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-6
#' @export
snip_list <- function(
    limit = 5,
    sorting = c("inorder", "infreq", "inseq"),
    reverse = FALSE,
    sep = ",",
    and_or = NULL,
    oxford = TRUE,
    as_code = TRUE,
    quot_str = NULL,
    lang = NULL
) {

  sorting <- match.arg(sorting)
  if (is.character(and_or)) {
    and_or <- paste0("'", and_or[1], "'")
  } else if (is.null(and_or)) {
    and_or <- "NULL"
  if (is.character(lang)) {
    # Normalize the reporting language identifier and stop if necessary
    if (!(tolower(lang) %in% reporting_languages)) {
        "The text ", lang, " doesn't correspond to a pointblank ",
        "reporting language.",
        call. = FALSE
    lang <- paste0("'", tolower(lang[1]), "'")
  } else if (is.null(lang)) {
    lang <- "NULL"

  if (is.null(quot_str)) {
    quot_str <- "NULL"
  } else {
    if (!is.logical(quot_str)) {
        "The value given to `quot_str` must be one of three things:\n",
        "* `NULL`: automatically sets quotes depending on the column values\n",
        "* `TRUE`: uses double quotes for every value.\n",
        "* `FALSE`: suppresses use of quotes for values.",
        call. = FALSE
  if (!is.character(sep)) {
      "A character value must be given for `sep` in `snip_list()`",
      call. = FALSE
  sep <- paste0("'", sep[1], "'")
  if (sorting == "inorder") {
    formula <- 
            "~ . %>% dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>%",
            "dplyr::distinct() %>%",
            "dplyr::pull(<<column>>) %>%",
            ifelse(reverse, "rev() %>%", ""),
            limit = <<limit[1]>>,
            sep = <<sep>>,
            and_or = <<and_or>>,
            oxford = <<oxford>>,
            as_code = <<as_code>>,
            quot_str = <<quot_str>>,
            lang = <<lang>>
          .open = "<<", .close = ">>"   
  } else if (sorting == "infreq") {
    formula <-
            "~ . %>% dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>%",
            "dplyr::group_by(<<column>>) %>%",
            "dplyr::summarize(`_count_` = dplyr::n(), .groups = 'keep') %>%",
              "dplyr::arrange(`_count_`) %>%",
              "dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(`_count_`)) %>%"
            "dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>%",
            "dplyr::pull(<<column>>) %>%",
            limit = <<limit[1]>>,
            sep = <<sep>>,
            and_or = <<and_or>>,
            oxford = <<oxford>>,
            as_code = <<as_code>>,
            quot_str = <<quot_str>>,
            lang = <<lang>>
          .open = "<<", .close = ">>"   
  } else {

    # Arranging with "inseq" option
    formula <- 
            "~ . %>% dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>%",
            "dplyr::distinct() %>%",
            "dplyr::pull(<<column>>) %>%",
              "sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%",
              "sort() %>%"
            limit = <<limit[1]>>,
            sep = <<sep>>,
            and_or = <<and_or>>,
            oxford = <<oxford>>,
            as_code = <<as_code>>,
            quot_str = <<quot_str>>,
            lang = <<lang>>
          .open = "<<", .close = ">>"   

#' A `fn` for `info_snippet()`: get an inline statistical summary
#' @description
#' The `snip_stats()` function can be used as an [info_snippet()] function
#' (i.e., provided to `fn`) to produce a five- or seven-number statistical
#' summary. This inline summary works well within a paragraph of text and can
#' help in describing the distribution of numerical values in a column.
#' For a given column, three different types of inline statistical summaries can
#' be provided:
#' 1. a five-number summary (`"5num"`): minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum
#' 2. a seven-number summary (`"7num"`): P2, P9, Q1, median, Q3, P91, P98
#' 3. Bowley's seven-figure summary (`"bowley"`): minimum, P10, Q1, median, Q3,
#' P90, maximum
#' @param column *The target column*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name of the column that contains the target values.
#' @param type *Type of statistical summary*
#'   `singl-kw:[5num|7num|bowley]` // *default:* `"5num"`
#'   The type of summary. By default, the `"5num"` keyword is used to generate a
#'   five-number summary. Two other options provide seven-number summaries:
#'   `"7num"` and `"bowley"`.
#' @return A formula needed for [info_snippet()]'s `fn` argument.
#' @section Examples:
#' Generate an informant object, add a snippet with [info_snippet()] and
#' `snip_stats()` (giving us a method to get some summary stats for column `d`).
#' Define a location for the snippet result in `{ }` and then [incorporate()]
#' the snippet into the info text. Note here that the order of the
#' [info_columns()] and [info_snippet()] calls doesn't matter.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   ) %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = d,
#'     `Stats` = "Stats (fivenum): {stats_d}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "stats_d",
#'     fn = snip_stats(column = "d")
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' We can print the `informant` object to see the information report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_snip_stats_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-7
#' @export
snip_stats <- function(
    type = c("5num", "7num", "bowley")
) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
        "~ . %>%
    dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>%
    pb_str_summary(type = '<<type>>')",
    .open = "<<", .close = ">>"

#' A `fn` for `info_snippet()`: get the lowest value from a column
#' @description
#' The `snip_lowest()` function can be used as an [info_snippet()] function
#' (i.e., provided to `fn`) to get the lowest numerical, time value, or
#' alphabetical value from a column in the target table.
#' @param column *The target column*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name of the column that contains the target values.
#' @return A formula needed for [info_snippet()]'s `fn` argument.
#' @section Examples:
#' Generate an informant object, add a snippet with [info_snippet()] and
#' `snip_lowest()` (giving us a method to get the lowest value in column `a`).
#' Define a location for the snippet result in `{ }` and then [incorporate()]
#' the snippet into the info text. Note here that the order of the
#' [info_columns()] and [info_snippet()] calls doesn't matter.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   ) %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = a,
#'     `Lowest Value` = "Lowest value is {lowest_a}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "lowest_a",
#'     fn = snip_lowest(column = "a")
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' We can print the `informant` object to see the information report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_snip_lowest_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-8
#' @export
snip_lowest <- function(column) {
        "~ . %>%
    dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::summarize(`pb_summary` = min(<<column>>, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    dplyr::pull(`pb_summary`) %>% as.character()",
    .open = "<<", .close = ">>"

#' A `fn` for `info_snippet()`: get the highest value from a column
#' @description
#' The `snip_highest()` function can be used as an [info_snippet()] function
#' (i.e., provided to `fn`) to get the highest numerical, time value, or
#' alphabetical value from a column in the target table.
#' @param column *The target column*
#'   `scalar<character>` // **required**
#'   The name of the column that contains the target values.
#' @return A formula needed for [info_snippet()]'s `fn` argument.
#' @section Examples:
#' Generate an informant object, add a snippet with [info_snippet()] and
#' `snip_highest()` (giving us a method to get the highest value in column `a`);
#' define a location for the snippet result in `{ }` and then [incorporate()]
#' the snippet into the info text. Note here that the order of the
#' [info_columns()] and [info_snippet()] calls doesn't matter.
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ small_table,
#'     tbl_name = "small_table",
#'     label = "An example."
#'   ) %>% 
#'   info_columns(
#'     columns = a,
#'     `Highest Value` = "Highest value is {highest_a}."
#'   ) %>%
#'   info_snippet(
#'     snippet_name = "highest_a",
#'     fn = snip_highest(column = "a")
#'   ) %>%
#'   incorporate()
#' ```
#' We can print the `informant` object to see the information report.
#' ```r
#' informant
#' ```
#' \if{html}{
#' \out{
#' `r pb_get_image_tag(file = "man_snip_highest_1.png")`
#' }
#' }
#' @family Information Functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 3-9
#' @export
snip_highest <- function(column) {
        "~ . %>%
    dplyr::select(<<column>>) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::summarize(`pb_summary` = max(<<column>>, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    dplyr::pull(`pb_summary`) %>% as.character()",
    .open = "<<", .close = ">>"

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pointblank documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:46 a.m.