Defines functions LTRE

Documented in LTRE

#' Life Table Response Experiment
#' Evaluate sensitivities in a fixed Life Table Response Experiment (LTRE)
#' Sensitivities are evaluated midway between the treatment and reference
#' matrices as described in section 10.1.1 in Caswell (2001).
#' @param trts A treatment matrix or a list of two or more treatment matrices
#' @param ref A reference matrix
#' @return A matrix of contributions (equation 10.4 in Caswell) or a list of
#' matrices with one matrix of contributions per treatment
#' @note The examples of a fixed LTRE are from
#' Horvitz, C. C., D. W. Schemske, and H. Caswell. 1997. The relative importance
#' of life-history stages to population growth: prospective and retrospective
#' analyses. Pages 247-271 in S. Tuljapurkar and H. Caswell, editors. Structured
#' population models in marine, terrestrial and freshwater systems. Chapman and
#' Hall, New York.
#' A.L. Angert. 2006. Demography of central and marginal populations of
#' monkeyflowers (Mimulus cardinalis and M. lewisii). Ecology 87:2014-2025.
#' @seealso Check the \code{demo(Caswell)} for variance decomposition in a
#' random design using killer whale.
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' #######  Calathea ovandensis
#' calathea_pool <- calathea[['pooled']]
#' ## Create plots like FIGURE 7 in Horvitz et al 1997
#' plots <- split(calathea[-17], rep(1:4,each=4))
#' ## use Mean matrix since pooled not available by plot
#' plots <- lapply(plots, mean)
#' Cm <- LTRE(plots, calathea_pool)
#' pe <- sapply(Cm, sum)
#' barplot(pe, xlab="Plot", ylab="Plot effect" , ylim=c(-.25, .25),
#' col="blue", las=1)
#' abline(h=0)
#' box()
#' title(expression(italic("Calathea ovandensis")))
#' ##YEARS -- split recycles vector
#' yrs <- split(calathea[-17], 1:4)
#' yrs <- lapply(yrs, mean)
#' names(yrs) <- 1982:1985
#' Cm <- LTRE(yrs, calathea_pool)
#' ye <- sapply(Cm, sum)
#' barplot(ye, xlab="Year", ylab="Year effect" , ylim=c(-.25, .25), col="blue", las=1)
#' abline(h=0)
#' box()
#' title(expression(italic("Calathea ovandensis")))

#' Cm <- LTRE(calathea[-17], calathea_pool)
#' ie <- sapply(Cm, sum)
#' ## minus plot, year effects
#' ie<- ie - rep(pe, each=4) - rep(ye, 4)
#' names(ie) <- NULL
#' names(ie)[seq(1,16,4)] <- 1:4
#' barplot(ie, xlab="Plot (years 82-83 to 85-86)", ylab="Interaction effect" ,
#'   ylim=c(-.25, .25), col="blue", las=1)
#' abline(h=0)
#' box()
#' title(expression(italic("Calathea ovandensis")))
#' #######  Mimulus
#' ## Pooled M. cardinalis reference matrix kindly provided by Amy Angert 1/2/2008.
#' m_card_pool <- matrix( c(
#' 1.99e-01, 8.02e+02, 5.82e+03, 3.05e+04,
#' 2.66e-05, 7.76e-02, 2.31e-02, 1.13e-03,
#' 7.94e-06, 8.07e-02, 3.22e-01, 2.16e-01,
#' 2.91e-07, 1.58e-02, 1.15e-01, 6.01e-01), byrow=TRUE, nrow=4)
#' ## Population effects using pooled population matrices
#' card <- subset(monkeyflower,  species=="cardinalis" & year=="pooled")
#' ## split rows into list of 4 matrices
#' Atrt <- lapply(split(as.matrix(card[,4:19]), 1:4),  matrix, nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)
#' names(Atrt) <- card$site
#' Cm <- LTRE(Atrt, m_card_pool)
#' x <- sapply(Cm, sum)
#' x
#' names(x) <- c("BU", "RP", "WA", "CA")
#' ## Plot like Figure 2A in Angert (2006)
#' op <- par(mar=c(5,5,4,1))
#' barplot(x, xlab="Population", ylab="", xlim=c(0,6.5), ylim=c(-.4, .4),
#'   las=1, space=.5, col="blue")
#' abline(h=0)
#' mtext(expression(paste(sum(a[ij]), " contributions")), 2, 3.5)
#' title(expression(paste(italic("M. cardinalis"), " Population effects")))
#' box()
#' ## and Plot like Figure 3A
#' x <- matrix(unlist(Cm), nrow=4, byrow=TRUE)
#' colnames(x) <- paste("a", rep(1:4, each=4), 1:4, sep="")
#' bp <- barplot(x[1:2,], beside=TRUE, ylim=c(-.2,.2), las=1,
#' xlab="Transition", ylab="", xaxt='n')
#' mtext(expression(paste("Contribution of ", a[ij], "to variation in ", lambda)), 2, 3.5)
#' ## rotate labels
#' text(bp[1,]-0.5, -.22, labels=colnames(x), srt=45, xpd=TRUE)
#' title(expression(paste(italic("M. cardinalis"), " Range center")))
#' box()
#' par(op)
#' @export

  function(trts, ref) {
    ## treatments can be a single matrix or a list of matrices
    if (is.list(trts)) {
      n <- length(trts)
      cont <- vector("list", n)
      if (!is.null(names(trts))) {
        names(cont) <- names(trts)
    else if (is.matrix(trts)) {
      n <- 1
      trts <- list(trts)
    else {
      stop("Treatments must be a matrix or list of matrices")

    ## loop through each treatment
    for (i in 1:n)
      A1 <- trts[[i]]
      ## matrix of differences (p 262)
      Dm <- A1 - ref
      ## matrix halfway between treatment and reference
      Ac <- (A1 + ref) / 2
      ## sensitivity of Ac
      SAc <- sensitivity(Ac)
      # matrix of contributions
      Cm <- Dm * SAc
      ## output matrix or list of matrices depending on number of trts
      if (n == 1) {
        cont <- Cm
      else {
        cont[[i]] <- Cm

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