
Defines functions logi.hist.plot

Documented in logi.hist.plot

#' Plot logistic regression
#' Plot combined graphs for logistic regressions
#' @param independ explanatory variable
#' @param depend dependent variable, typically a logical vector
#' @param logi.mod type of fitting, 1 = logistic; 2 = "gaussian" logistic
#' @param type type of representation, "dit" = dit plot; "hist" = histogram
#' @param boxp TRUE = with box plots, FALSE = without
#' @param rug TRUE = with rug plots, FALSE = without
#' @param ylabel y-axis label
#' @param ylabel2 2nd y-axis label
#' @param xlabel x-axix label
#' @param mainlabel overall title for plot
#' @param las.h orientation of axes labels (0 = vertical, 1 = horizontal
#' @param counts add counts above histogram bars
#' @param \dots additional options passed to logi.hist
#' @return A logistic regression plot
#' @references de la Cruz Rot, M. 2005. Improving the Presentation of Results of
#' Logistic Regression with R.  ESA Bulletin 86:41-48.
#' \url{https://esapubs.org/bulletin/backissues/086-1/bulletinjan2005.htm}
#' @author M. de la Cruz Rot
#' @examples
#' aq.trans$survived <- aq.trans$fate!="dead"
#' a <- subset(aq.trans, leaf<50 & stage!="recruit", c(leaf,survived))
#' logi.hist.plot(a$leaf,  a$survived,
#'   type="hist", boxp=FALSE, counts=TRUE, int=10,
#'   ylabel="Survival probability", ylabel2="Number of plants",
#'   xlab="Number of leaves")
#' b <- glm(survived ~ leaf, binomial, data=a)
#' summary(b)
#' @export

logi.hist.plot <- function(independ, depend, logi.mod = 1,
                           type = "dit", boxp = TRUE, rug = FALSE,
                           ylabel = "Probability", ylabel2 = "Frequency", xlabel = "", mainlabel = "",
                           las.h = 1, counts = FALSE, ...) {
  # get the label for the x-axis
  # xlabel <- paste(deparse(substitute(independ)))
  # define functions:
  # set the draw area if no box plots are to be drawn
  logi.scater <- function(independ, depend, scater = "n",
                            x.lab = xlabel, las = las.h) {
    plot(independ, depend,
      cex = 1, type = scater,
      ylab = ylabel, xlab = x.lab, main = mainlabel,
      cex.lab = 1.2, las = las
  # add rug plot if desired; you could change pch.rug
  # (symbol type) or cex.rug (symbol size)
  logi.rug <- function(independ, depend, pch.rug = 16,
                         cex.rug = 1) {
    points(independ, depend, pch = pch.rug, cex = cex.rug)
  # set the draw area and add box plots; you could change
  # cold.box (color of the boxes)
  logi.box <- function(independ, depend, col.box = "gray",
                         x.lab = xlabel, las = las.h) {
    plot(independ, depend,
      cex = 1, type = "n",
      ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ylab = ylabel, # change ylabel2 to ylabel Nov 2, 2015
      xlab = x.lab, cex.lab = 1.2, las = las
    indep.1 <- independ[depend == 1]
    indep.0 <- independ[depend == 0]
      horizontal = TRUE, add = TRUE,
      at = 1.05, boxwex = 0.1, col = col.box, notch = TRUE
      horizontal = TRUE, add = TRUE,
      at = -0.05, boxwex = 0.1, col = col.box, notch = TRUE
  # fit binomial glm and add predicted curve; you could
  # change col.cur (color of the curve) or lwd.cur(width
  # of the curve)
  logi.curve <- function(independ, depend, mod = logi.mod,
                           col.cur = "red", lwd.cur = 4) {
    if (mod == 1) {
      mod3 <- glm(depend ~ independ,
        family = binomial
    if (mod == 2) {
      mod3 <- glm(depend ~ independ +
        I(independ^2), family = binomial)
    x.new <- seq(min(independ), max(independ), len = 100)
    y.new <- predict(mod3, data.frame(independ = x.new),
      type = "response"
    lines(x.new, y.new, lwd = lwd.cur, col = col.cur)
  # add dit plot; you may want to change pch.dit (type of
  # points), cex.p (size of points), and incre (space
  # between points)
  logi.dit <- function(independ, depend, cex.p = 1,
                         pch.dit = 1, incre = 0.02) {
    indep.0 <- independ[depend == 0]
    indep.1 <- independ[depend == 1]
    uni.plot.0 <- function(x) length(which(indep.0 == x))
    uni.plot.1 <- function(x) length(which(indep.1 == x))
    # get the number of repeated values of "independ":
    cosa.0 <- apply(as.matrix(unique(indep.0)), 1, uni.plot.0)
    cosa.1 <- apply(as.matrix(unique(indep.1)), 1, uni.plot.1)
    # start ploting:
    points(independ, depend, pch = pch.dit, cex = cex.p)
    for (i in 1:max(cosa.0)) {
      for (j in 1:i) {
        points(unique(indep.0)[which(cosa.0 == i + 1)],
          rep(0 + incre * j, length(which(cosa.0 == i + 1))),
          pch = pch.dit, cex = cex.p
    for (i in 1:max(cosa.1)) {
      for (j in 1:i) {
        points(unique(indep.1)[which(cosa.1 == i + 1)],
          rep(1 - incre * j, length(which(cosa.1 == i + 1))),
          pch = pch.dit, cex = cex.p
  # add histograms and frequency axes; you may want to change
  # scale.hist (factor to scale histogram height to 0-1
  # interval) or col.hist (color of histogram)
  logi.hist <- function(independ, depend, scale.hist = 5,
                          col.hist = "blue", count.hist = TRUE,
                          intervalo = 0, las.h1 = las.h) {
    # get the position of bins
    h.br <- hist(independ, plot = FALSE)$br
    if (intervalo > 0) {
      h.br <- seq(
        from = range(h.br)[1],
        to = range(h.br)[2], by = intervalo
    h.x <- hist(independ[depend == 0],
      breaks = h.br,
      plot = FALSE
    # get counts in each bin
    h.y0 <- hist(independ[depend == 0],
      breaks = h.br,
      plot = FALSE
    h.y1 <- hist(independ[depend == 1],
      breaks = h.br,
      plot = FALSE
    # scale the histogram bars to max desired length:
    h.y0n <- h.y0 / (max(c(h.y0, h.y1)) * scale.hist)
    h.y1n <- 1 - h.y1 / (max(c(h.y0, h.y1)) * scale.hist)
    # draw bottom histogram:
    for (i in 1:length(h.y0n)) {
      if (h.y0n[i] > 0) {
        polygon(c(rep(h.br[i], 2), rep(h.br[i + 1], 2)),
          c(0, rep(h.y0n[i], 2), 0),
          col = col.hist
    # draw top histogram:
    for (i in 1:length(h.y1n)) {
      if (h.y1n[i] < 1) {
        polygon(c(rep(h.br[i], 2), rep(h.br[i + 1], 2)),
          c(h.y1n[i], 1, 1, h.y1n[i]),
          col = col.hist
    # add counts to bins if required:
    if (counts == TRUE) {
      for (i in 1:length(h.x)) {
        text(h.x[i], h.y1n[i], h.y1[i], cex = 1, pos = 1)
        text(h.x[i], h.y0n[i], h.y0[i], cex = 1, pos = 3)
    # plot the axes of histograms:
    axis.hist <- function(h.y0, h.y1, scale.hist,
                              las = las.h1) {
      tope <- max(c(h.y0, h.y1))
      label.down <- c(
        0, (ceiling(tope / 10)) * 5,
        (ceiling(tope / 10)) * 10
      label.up <- c(
        (ceiling(tope / 10)) * 10,
        (ceiling(tope / 10)) * 5, 0
      at.down <- label.down / (tope * scale.hist)
      at.up <- 1 - (label.up / (tope * scale.hist))
      at.hist <- c(at.down, at.up)
      label.hist <- c(label.down, label.up)
        side = 4, at = at.hist, labels = label.hist,
        las = las
      mtext(ylabel2, side = 4, line = 2, cex = 1.2)
    axis.hist(h.y0, h.y1, scale.hist)
    axis(side = 2, las = las.h1)
  # set the margins of plot area
  old.mar <- par()$mar
  par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1))
  # plot the combined graph
  if (boxp == TRUE) logi.box(independ, depend)
  if (boxp == FALSE) logi.scater(independ, depend)
  if (type != "dit") logi.hist(independ, depend, ...)
  if (rug == TRUE) logi.rug(independ, depend)
  logi.curve(independ, depend)
  if (type == "dit") logi.dit(independ, depend)
  # reset the margins to old margins
  par(mar = old.mar)

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