
Defines functions projection.matrix

Documented in projection.matrix

#' Construct projection matrix models using transition frequency tables
#' Construct an age or stage-structure projection model from a transition table
#' listing stage in time \emph{t}, fate in time \emph{t+1}, and one or more
#' individual fertility columns.
#' The state transition rates are estimated using transition frequency tables
#' (see section 6.1.1, Caswell 2001), so this technique will most likely apply
#' to demographic studies of plants or other sessile organisms where individuals
#' are tagged and then consistently relocated in annual censuses.  The fertility
#' rates are calculated by averaging individuals fertilities by stage class;
#' therefore, some care should be taken to correctly estimate individual
#' fertilities based on the timing of the census.
#' @param transitions a stage-fate data frame with stage or age class in the
#' current census,  fate in the subsequent census, and one or more fertility columns
#' @param stage a column name or position of the stage column in the stage-fate
#' data frame.  Defaults to "stage".
#' @param fate name of the fate column in the stage-fate data frame. Defaults to "fate"
#' @param fertility one or more names of fertility columns in the stage-fate
#' data frame.  By default, any column names matching stage class names are
#' assumed to contain individual fertilities
#' @param sort a vector listing stage classes that correspond to the rows and
#' columns of the desired projection matrix.  Currently, names in this vector
#' must match a level in the stage column.  Also, this option should only be
#' used if stages are not \code{\link{ordered}}, since the default is to sort by
#' \code{\link{levels}} in the stage column.
#' @param add a vector listing row, column and value, used to add
#' \emph{estimated}  transtions to the transition matrix (e.g., a transition
#' from seed bank to  seedling).  May be repeated.
#' @param TF output separate transition (T) and fertility (F) matrices.  Default
#' is FALSE and outputs a single projection matrix A
#' @return The default output is a single projection matrix A. If the TF flag is
#' true, then a list with 2 items where A=T+F
#' @note Individual fertilities should be the total number of offspring at the
#' end of the census interval.  Therefore, fertilites should include offspring
#' survival in a prebreeding censuses (and more than one offspring class may be
#' present).  In a postbreeding census, new offspring were born just before the
#' census, so the fertility rate is just the number of offspring in this case.
#' @author Chris Stubben
#' @examples
#' trans01 <- subset(merge(test.census, test.census, by = "plant", sort =FALSE),
#'                     year.x==2001 & year.y==2002 )
#' ## Add individual fertilities using "anonymous reproduction"  based on the
#' ## proportional reproductive outputs of flowering plants and the total number
#' ## of seedlings at the end of the projection interval
#' trans01$seedferts <- trans01$fruits.x/sum(trans01$fruits.x) * 5
#' trans01
#' stages <- c("seedling", "vegetative", "reproductive")
#' ## three ways to specify columns
#' projection.matrix(trans01, stage.x, stage.y, seedferts, stages)
#' projection.matrix(trans01, 3, 6, 8, c(3,4,2))
#' projection.matrix(trans01, "stage.x", "stage.y", "seedferts", stages)
#' ## BEST to use column default (fertility column (seedling) now matches stage class name)
#' names(trans01)[c(3, 6, 8)] <- c("stage", "fate", "seedling")
#' # AND order stages in dataframe
#' trans01$stage <- ordered(trans01$stage, stages)
#' projection.matrix(trans01)
#' projection.matrix(trans01, TF=TRUE)
#' ## Example using Aquilegia data
#' sf <- subset(aq.trans, year==1998 & plot==909, c(year, plant, stage, fruits, fate))
#' ## rows and columns of final matrix
#' levels(sf$stage)
#' ## seedlings next year
#' seedlings <- nrow(subset(aq.trans, plot==909 & year==1999 & stage=="recruit"))
#' ## ADD individual fertility estimates for recruits and seeds assuming seed bank and
#' ## new seeds contribute to a common germinant pool with equal chance of recruitment
#' seed.survival <- .4
#' seed.bank.size <- 1000
#' seeds.per.fruit <- 50
#' seeds.from.plants <- sum(sf$fruits)*seeds.per.fruit
#' recruitment.rate <- seedlings/(seed.bank.size + seeds.from.plants)
#' ## add two fertility columns
#' sf$recruit <- sf$fruits/sum(sf$fruits) * seeds.from.plants * recruitment.rate
#' sf$seed <- sf$fruits * seeds.per.fruit * seed.survival
#' ## add seed bank survival and seed bank recruitment rate to transition matrix
#' A <- projection.matrix(sf, add=c(1,1, seed.survival, 2,1, recruitment.rate ))
#' A
#' max(Re(eigen(A)$values))
#' @export

projection.matrix <- function(transitions, stage = NULL, fate = NULL,
  fertility = NULL, sort = NULL, add = NULL, TF = FALSE) {
  if (missing(stage)) {
    stage <- "stage"
  if (missing(fate)) {
    fate <- "fate"
  ## copied from subset.data.frame -- can specify stage, fate, fertility columns
  ## by number or name (with or without quotes)
  nl <- as.list(1:ncol(transitions))
  names(nl) <- names(transitions)
  stage <- eval(substitute(stage), nl, parent.frame())
  fate <- eval(substitute(fate), nl, parent.frame())
  if (is.null(transitions[, stage])) {
    stop("No stage column matching ", stage)
  if (is.null(transitions[, fate])) {
    stop("No fate column matching ", fate)
  ## default - sort matrix by levels in stage column
  if (missing(sort)) {
    sort <- levels(transitions[, stage])
  ## default -- fertility columns equal one or more stage class names
  if (missing(fertility)) {
    fertility <- intersect(sort, names(transitions))
  fertility <- eval(substitute(fertility), nl, parent.frame())
  ## Create transition frequency table.
  tf <- table(transitions[, fate], transitions[, stage])
  ## Create transition matrix using prop.table
  # and check if "sort"  matches levels in fate,stage columns,
  #   e.g, sort names are misspelled or wrong columns selected by accident
  T_matrix <- try(prop.table(tf, 2)[sort, sort], silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(T_matrix, "try-error")) {
    warning(paste("Error sorting matrix.
  Make sure that levels in stage and fate columns
  match stages listed in sort option above.\n Printing unsorted matrix instead!\n"), call. = FALSE)
    # set sort to TRUE for fertility matrix in next section
    sort <- TRUE
    T_matrix <- prop.table(tf, 2)
  T_matrix[is.nan(T_matrix)] <- 0 ## Replace NaN values
  ## Hack to add estimated transitions (change to list?)
  if (length(add) > 0) {
    for (i in seq(1, length(add), 3))
      T_matrix[add[i + 0], add[i + 1]] <- as.numeric(add[i + 2])
  ## Fertility  matrix
  n <- length(fertility)
  F_matrix <- T_matrix * 0 ## Create matrix of zeros.
  if (n == 0) {
    warning("Missing a fertility column with individual fertility rates\n", call. = FALSE)
  else {
    for (i in 1:n)
      fert <- tapply(transitions[, fertility[i] ], ## Summarize "stage i" fertility column
        transitions[, stage], mean,
        na.rm = TRUE)[sort] ## by classes to calculate mean fertility rates.
      F_matrix[i, ] <- fert ## Add fertilities to i row of matrix
      # skipping rows not allowed.
  F_matrix[is.na(F_matrix)] <- 0 ## Remove NA values if offspring class is missing in "stage" column
  ## print output
  if (TF) {
    list(T = T_matrix, F = F_matrix)
  else {
    T_matrix + F_matrix

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