
Defines functions stoch.sens

Documented in stoch.sens

#' Stochastic growth rate sensitivity
#' Calculates the sensitivity of the stochastic growth rate to perturbations in
#' the mean demographic projection matrix
#' Function copied from demogR package after it was removed from CRAN.
#' See section 14.4.1 in Caswell 2001.
#' @param A a list of matrices
#' @param tlimit time limit, default 100
#' @return   A list with two elements:
#'   \item{sensitivities}{ sensitivities of the stochastic growth rate }
#'   \item{elasticities}{ elasticities of the stochastic growth rate }
#' @references Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix population models: construction,
#' analysis, and interpretation, Second edition. Sinauer, Sunderland,
#' Massachusetts, USA.
#' Haridas, C. V., and S. Tuljapurkar. 2005. Elasticities in variable
#' environments: Properties and implications. American Naturalist 166
#' (4):481-495.
#' Tuljapurkar, S. 1990. Population dynamics in variable environments.
#' Vol. 85, Lecture notes in biomathematics. Berlin: Springer-Veralg.
#' Tuljapurkar, S., and C. V. Haridas. 2006. Temporal autocorrelation and
#' stochastic population growth. Ecology Letters 9 (3):324-334.
#' @seealso \code{\link{eigen.analysis}}
#' @author James Holland Jones
#' @examples
#' stoch.sens(hudsonia)
#' @export

stoch.sens <- function(A, tlimit = 100) {
  # june 30, 2015 added option for list of matrices..
  if (!is.list(A) && !is.matrix(A[[1]])) stop("A should be a list of matrices")
  k <- ncol(A[[1]])
  A <- sample(A, tlimit, replace = TRUE)
  # A translation of Caswell's (2001) Matlab code fragment
  tlimit <- length(A)
  wvec <- rep(1 / k, k)
  w <- cbind(wvec)
  # generate sequence of structure vectors
  r <- rep(0, tlimit)
  for (i in 1:tlimit) {
    a <- A[[i]]
    wvec <- a %*% wvec
    r[i] <- sum(wvec)
    wvec <- wvec / r[i]
    w <- cbind(w, wvec)
  # specifiy initial reproductive value vector
  vvec <- rep(1 / k, k)
  v <- cbind(vvec)
  for (i in rev(1:tlimit)) {
    a <- A[[i]]
    vvec <- vvec %*% a
    v <- cbind(t(vvec), v)
  sensmat <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)
  elasmat <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)
  for (i in 1:tlimit) {
    # for some reason, need the as.numeric() to get the division by
    # scalar to work
    sensmat <- sensmat + ((v[, i + 1] %*% t(w[, i])) /
      as.numeric(r[i] * t(v[, i + 1]) %*% w[, i + 1]))
    a <- A[[i]]
    elasmat <- elasmat + ((v[, i + 1] %*% t(w[, i]) * a) /
      as.numeric((r[i] * t(v[, i + 1]) %*% w[, i + 1])))
  sensmat <- sensmat / tlimit
  elasmat <- elasmat / tlimit
  out <- list(sensitivities = sensmat, elasticities = elasmat)

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