
get_dist <- function(indist){
  indist <- switch(indist,
      Dissimilarity = "diss.dist",
      Bruvo         = "bruvo.dist",
      Nei           = "nei.dist",
      Rogers        = "rogers.dist",
      Edwards       = "edwards.dist",
      Provesti      = "provesti.dist",
      Reynolds      = "reynolds.dist"

# If the user does select custom, this function will make sure that it is 
# encapsulated in parentheses. This makes sure that the entire expression is
# evaluated.
parse_distfun <- function(x){
  if (grepl("function", x)){
    x <- paste0("(", x, ")")
# This is a function that will print vectors of numerics or characters in a way
# that can be run directly from R. For example, if the user checks two boxes
# labeling the populations "pop1" and "pop2", that vector of populations gets 
# passed onto the popsub function. By default, it will print like so:
# [1] "pop1" "pop2"
# You cannot copy and paste this into R because it will throw an error, thus, 
# this function will print the vector like so:
# c("pop1", "pop2")
# This is then usable in the Command tab for the popsub function.
make_dput <- function(x){
  the_dput <- capture.output(dput(x))
  return(paste(the_dput, collapse = ""))

# A function to search the user's global environment and grab all of the useable
# objects. In this case, it's genind and genclone objects, but the objclass
# argument allows this to be extensible to any class. This is immensely useful
# so that the user does not have to save their objects as rda files, nor do they
# have to save them as text files for input.
get_globals <- function(objclass = c("genind", "genclone")){
  # Grab all object names in users R session.
  myobjs <- ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) 
  if (length(myobjs) == 0){
  # Go through each name and test if it is any of the classes in objclass.
  gens <- vapply(myobjs, FUN = is_usable, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), objclass)

# This function tests a single object name to see if it is of class objclass.
# The function is used in get_globals
is_usable <- function(object, objclass = c("genind", "genclone", "genlight", "snpclone")){
  inherits(get(object, .GlobalEnv), objclass)

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poppr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.