
context("MLG class tests")

## This setup is directly from the man page
(x <- sample(10, 20, replace = TRUE))
(m <- new("MLG", x))
## translation function
tr <- function(x) gettext(x, domain = "R")

test_that("MLG class can be initiated with no arguments", {
  expect_is(new("MLG"), "MLG")
  expect_output(print(new("MLG")), tr("an empty MLG object"))

test_that("if the MLG supplied is already an MLG class, it will be returned", {
  expect_equivalent(m, new("MLG", m))

test_that("visible accessor works", {
  expect_output(show(visible(m)), "original")
  visible(m) <- "contracted"
  expect_output(show(m), "contracted")

test_that("MLG2df produces a data frame", {
  mdf <- MLG2df(m)
  expect_is(mdf, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(mdf, m@mlg)

test_that("distname returns a name", {
  expect_identical(distname(m), "diss.dist")
  distname(m) <- substitute("nei.dist")
  expect_identical(distname(m), "nei.dist")

test_that("distargs returns a list", {
  distname(m) <- substitute("diss.dist")
  expect_identical(distargs(m), list())
  distargs(m) <- list(percent = TRUE)
  expect_identical(distargs(m), list(percent = TRUE))

test_that("distalgo returns a specified algorithm", {
  expect_identical(distalgo(m), "farthest_neighbor")
  distalgo(m) <- "average"
  expect_identical(distalgo(m), "average")

test_that("cutoff returns the correct cutoff", {
  zcut <- setNames(c(0.0, 0.0), c("expanded", "contracted"))
  expect_identical(cutoff(m), zcut)
  cutoff(m)["contracted"] <- 0.2
  tcut <- zcut
  tcut["contracted"] <- 0.2
  expect_identical(cutoff(m), tcut)

test_that("you need to have custom MLGs to set levels", {
  expect_warning(levels(m) <- c("A", "B", "C"), tr("Cannot assign levels unless you have custom MLGs."))

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poppr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.