#' Calculate predictive power score for x on y
#' @param df data.frame containing columns for x and y
#' @param x string, column name of predictor variable
#' @param y string, column name of target variable
#' @param algorithm string, see \code{available_algorithms()}
#' @param metrics named list of \code{eval_*} functions used for
#' regression and classification problems, see \code{available_evaluation_metrics()}
#' @param cv_folds float, number of cross-validation folds
#' @param seed float, seed to ensure reproducibility/stability
#' @param verbose boolean, whether to print notifications
#' @return a named list, potentially containing \describe{
#' \item{x}{the name of the predictor variable}
#' \item{y}{the name of the target variable}
#' \item{result_type}{text showing how to interpret the resulting score}
#' \item{pps}{the predictive power score}
#' \item{metric}{the evaluation metric used to compute the PPS}
#' \item{baseline_score}{the score of a naive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{model_score}{the score of the predictive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{cv_folds}{how many cross-validation folds were used}
#' \item{seed}{the seed that was set}
#' \item{algorithm}{text shwoing what algorithm was used}
#' \item{model_type}{text showing whether classification or regression was used}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' score(iris, x = 'Petal.Length', y = 'Species')
score = function(df,
algorithm = 'tree',
metrics = list('regression' = 'MAE', 'classification' = 'F1_weighted'),
cv_folds = 5,
seed = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
# check if x and y are different variables
if (x == y) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'predictor and target are the same', 1))
# check if columns occur in dataframe
cnames = colnames(df)
for (name in c(x, y)) {
if (! name %in% cnames) {
stop(name, ' is not a column in the provided data frame')
} else if (sum(cnames == name) > 1) {
stop(name, ' appears as a column name more than once in the data frame')
# drop all other columns from dataframe
df = df[, c(x, y)]
# remove records with missing data
df = df[stats::complete.cases(df), ]
# if there's no data left, there's no predictive power
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'no non-missing records', 1))
# an ID variable has no predictive power
if (is_id(df[[y]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'target is id', 0))
} else if (is_id(df[[x]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'predictor is id', 0))
# a vector without variation has no predictive power
if (is_constant(df[[y]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'target is constant', 0))
} else if (is_constant(df[[x]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'predictor is constant', 0))
# a vector that is completely similar has full predictive power
if (is_same(df[[x]], df[[y]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'target and predictor are same', 1))
# force binary numerics, boolean/logicals, and characters/texts to factor
if (algorithm == 'glm') {
if (is.logical(df[[y]])) {
if(verbose) {
cat('Note:', y, 'was forced from', typeof(df[[y]]), 'to integer.\n')
df[[y]] = as.integer(df[[y]])
} else if (is.character(df[[y]])) {
return(generate_invalid_report(x, y, 'algorithm does not support multinomial classification', NA))
} else if (is_binary_numeric(df[[y]]) | is.logical(df[[y]]) | is.character(df[[y]])) {
if(verbose) {
cat('Note:', y, 'was forced from', typeof(df[[y]]), 'to factor.\n')
df[[y]] = as.factor(df[[y]])
# check whether the number of cvfolds is possible and sensible
if (cv_folds < 1) {
stop('cv_folds needs to be numeric and larger or equal to 1')
if (cv_folds > length(df[[y]])) {
stop('There are more cv_folds than unique ', x, '-', y, ' values. Pick a smaller number of folds.')
n_per_fold = length(df[[y]]) / cv_folds
fold_size_warning_threshold = 10
if (n_per_fold < fold_size_warning_threshold) {
warning('There are on average only ', n_per_fold, ' observations in each test-set',
' for the ', x, '-', y, ' relationship.\n',
'Model performance will be highly instable. Fewer cv_folds are advised.')
# set seed to ensure stability of results
## set up statistical model
# determine type of model we are dealing with
type = ifelse(is.numeric(df[[y]]), 'regression', 'classification')
# set engine based on algorithm
engine = available_algorithms()[[algorithm]]
model = engine(type)
# set mode based on model type
model = parsnip::set_mode(object = model, mode = type)
# TODO implement possibility to feed in udf as evaluation metrics
# get the appropriate evaluation function
# check if metrics are provided
if (! 'regression' %in% names(metrics)) {
stop('Input list of metrics does not contain a metric for regression')
if (! 'classification' %in% names(metrics)) {
stop('Input list of metrics does not contain a metric for classification')
metric = metrics[[type]]
## prepare data
# make cross validation folds
if (cv_folds > 1) {
membership = 1 + seq_len(nrow(df)) %% cv_folds # create vector with equal amount of group ids
random_membership = sample(membership) # shuffle the group ids
# split the training and test sets
folds = lapply(seq_len(cv_folds), function(test_fold){
inTest = random_membership == test_fold
fold = test_fold,
test = df[inTest, ],
train = df[!inTest, ])
} else if (cv_folds == 1) {
folds = list(
fold = 1,
test = df,
train = df
## evaluate model in each cross validation
## TODO simplify this into a get_scores function
# in the Python implementation there is only one baseline calculated
# yet I feel that it would be better to assess each folds predictive performance
# on a baseline that also resembles the naive performance on that same test set
scores = lapply(folds, FUN = function(e) {
model_score = score_model(train = e[['train']],
test = e[['test']],
model = model,
metric = metric)
baseline_score = score_naive(train = e[['train']],
test = e[['test']],
type = type,
metric = metric)
normalized_score = normalize_score(baseline_score = baseline_score,
model_score = model_score,
type = type)
model_score = model_score,
baseline_score = baseline_score,
normalized_score = normalized_score
report = list(
x = x,
y = y,
result_type = 'predictive power score',
pps = mean(vapply(scores, function(x) x$normalized_score, numeric(1))),
metric = metric,
baseline_score = mean(vapply(scores, function(x) x$baseline_score, numeric(1))),
model_score = mean(vapply(scores, function(x) x$model_score, numeric(1))),
cv_folds = cv_folds,
seed = seed,
algorithm = algorithm,
#TODO: Find out how to store model in the resulting report
#model = model, #Error: All columns in a tibble must be vectors.
model_type = type
#' Calculate predictive power scores for y
#' Calculates the predictive power scores for the specified \code{y} variable
#' using every column in the dataset as \code{x}, including itself.
#' @inheritParams score
#' @param ... any arguments passed to \code{\link{score}}
#' @param do_parallel bool, whether to perform \code{\link{score}} calls in parallel
#' @param n_cores numeric, number of cores to use, defaults to maximum minus 1
#' @return a data.frame containing \describe{
#' \item{x}{the name of the predictor variable}
#' \item{y}{the name of the target variable}
#' \item{result_type}{text showing how to interpret the resulting score}
#' \item{pps}{the predictive power score}
#' \item{metric}{the evaluation metric used to compute the PPS}
#' \item{baseline_score}{the score of a naive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{model_score}{the score of the predictive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{cv_folds}{how many cross-validation folds were used}
#' \item{seed}{the seed that was set}
#' \item{algorithm}{text shwoing what algorithm was used}
#' \item{model_type}{text showing whether classification or regression was used}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{score_predictors(df = iris, y = 'Species')}
#' \donttest{score_predictors(df = mtcars, y = 'mpg', do_parallel = TRUE, n_cores = 2)}
score_predictors = function(df, y, ..., do_parallel = FALSE, n_cores = -1) {
temp_score = function(x) {
score(df, x = x, y = y, ...)
if (do_parallel) {
if (n_cores == -1) {
n_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
cl = parallel::makeCluster(n_cores)
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(ppsr)})
scores = parallel::clusterApply(cl, colnames(df), temp_score)
} else {
scores = lapply(colnames(df), temp_score)
scores = fill_blanks_in_list(scores)
scores_df =, scores)
rownames(scores_df) = NULL
#' Calculate predictive power scores for whole dataframe
#' Iterates through the columns of the dataframe, calculating the predictive power
#' score for every possible combination of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @inheritParams score
#' @inheritParams score_predictors
#' @return a data.frame containing \describe{
#' \item{x}{the name of the predictor variable}
#' \item{y}{the name of the target variable}
#' \item{result_type}{text showing how to interpret the resulting score}
#' \item{pps}{the predictive power score}
#' \item{metric}{the evaluation metric used to compute the PPS}
#' \item{baseline_score}{the score of a naive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{model_score}{the score of the predictive model on the evaluation metric}
#' \item{cv_folds}{how many cross-validation folds were used}
#' \item{seed}{the seed that was set}
#' \item{algorithm}{text shwoing what algorithm was used}
#' \item{model_type}{text showing whether classification or regression was used}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{score_df(iris)}
#' \donttest{score_df(mtcars, do_parallel = TRUE, n_cores = 2)}
score_df = function(df, ..., do_parallel = FALSE, n_cores = -1) {
cnames = colnames(df)
param_grid = expand.grid(x = cnames, y = cnames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp_score = function(i) {
score(df, x = param_grid[['x']][i], y = param_grid[['y']][i], ...)
if (do_parallel) {
if (n_cores == -1) {
n_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
cl = parallel::makeCluster(n_cores)
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {library(ppsr)})
scores = parallel::clusterApply(cl, seq_len(nrow(param_grid)), temp_score)
} else {
scores = lapply(seq_len(nrow(param_grid)), temp_score)
scores = fill_blanks_in_list(scores)
df_scores =, scores)
rownames(df_scores) = NULL
#' Calculate predictive power score matrix
#' Iterates through the columns of the dataset, calculating the predictive power
#' score for every possible combination of \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' Note that the targets are on the rows, and the features on the columns.
#' @inheritParams score
#' @param ... any arguments passed to \code{\link{score_df}},
#' some of which will be passed on to \code{\link{score}}
#' @return a matrix of numeric values, representing predictive power scores
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{score_matrix(iris)}
#' \donttest{score_matrix(mtcars, do_parallel = TRUE, n_cores=2)}
score_matrix = function(df, ...) {
df_scores = score_df(df, ...)
var_uq = unique(df_scores[['x']])
mtrx = matrix(nrow = length(var_uq), ncol = length(var_uq), dimnames = list(var_uq, var_uq))
for (x in var_uq) {
for (y in var_uq) {
# Note: target on the y axis (rows) and feature on the x axis (columns)
mtrx[y, x] = df_scores[['pps']][df_scores[['x']] == x & df_scores[['y']] == y]
#' Calculate correlation coefficients for whole dataframe
#' @param df data.frame containing columns for x and y
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{stats::cor()}
#' @return a data.frame with x-y correlation coefficients
#' @export
#' @examples
#' score_correlations(iris)
score_correlations = function(df, ...) {
isCorrelationColumn = vapply(df, function(x) is.numeric(x) | is.logical(x), logical(1))
cnames = names(df)[isCorrelationColumn]
cmat = stats::cor(df[, cnames], ...)
correlation = as.vector(cmat)
y = rep(rownames(cmat), each = ncol(cmat))
x = rep(colnames(cmat), times = nrow(cmat))
return(data.frame(x, y, correlation))
generate_invalid_report = function(x, y, result_type, pps) {
x = x,
y = y,
result_type = result_type,
pps = pps
#' Calculates out-of-sample model performance of a statistical model
#' @param train df, training data, containing variable y
#' @param test df, test data, containing variable y
#' @param model parsnip model object, with mode preset
#' @param x character, column name of predictor variable
#' @param y character, column name of target variable
#' @param metric character, name of evaluation metric being used, see \code{available_evaluation_metrics()}
#' @return numeric vector of length one, evaluation score for predictions using naive model
score_model = function(train, test, model, x, y, metric) {
model = parsnip::fit(model,
formula = stats::as.formula(paste(y, '~', x)),
data = train)
yhat = stats::predict(model, new_data = test)[[1]]
eval_fun = available_evaluation_metrics()[[metric]]
return(eval_fun(y = test[[y]], yhat = yhat))
#' Calculate out-of-sample model performance of naive baseline model
#' The calculation that's being performed depends on the type of model
#' For regression models, the mean is used as prediction
#' For classification, a model predicting random values and
#' a model predicting modal values are used and
#' the best model is taken as baseline score
#' @param train df, training data, containing variable y
#' @param test df, test data, containing variable y
#' @param x character, column name of predictor variable
#' @param y character, column name of target variable
#' @param type character, type of model
#' @param metric character, evaluation metric being used
#' @return numeric vector of length one, evaluation score for predictions using naive model
score_naive = function(train, test, x, y, type, metric) {
eval_fun = available_evaluation_metrics()[[metric]]
if (type == 'regression') {
# naive regression model takes the mean value of the target variable
naive_predictions = rep(mean(train[[y]]), nrow(test))
return(eval_fun(y = test[[y]], yhat = naive_predictions))
} else {
# naive classification model takes the best model
# among a model that predicts the most common case
# and a model that predicts random values
naive_predictions_modal = rep(modal_value(train[[y]]), times = nrow(test))
# ensure that the random predictions are always the same
naive_predictions_random = sample(train[[y]], size = nrow(test), replace = TRUE)
return(max(c(eval_fun(y = test[[y]], yhat = naive_predictions_modal),
eval_fun(y = test[[y]], yhat = naive_predictions_random))))
#' Normalizes the original score compared to a naive baseline score
#' The calculation that's being performed depends on the type of model
#' @param baseline_score float, the evaluation metric score for a naive baseline (model)
#' @param model_score float, the evaluation metric score for a statistical model
#' @param type character, type of model
#' @return numeric vector of length one, normalized score
normalize_score = function(baseline_score, model_score, type) {
if (type == 'regression') {
# normalize the pps by taking the relative improvement over a naive model
# or 0 in case of worse performance than a naive model
return(max(c(1 - (model_score / baseline_score), 0)))
} else {
# normalize the pps by taking the relative improvement over a naive model
# or 0 in case of worse performance than a naive model
return(max(c((model_score - baseline_score) / (1 - baseline_score), 0)))
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