
## to do: gelman.plot does not par mfrow

setMethod("densplot", "prev",
  function(x, exclude_fixed = TRUE, ...) {
    ## check inputs
    checkInput(exclude_fixed, "exclude_fixed", class = "logical")

    ## guess which function generated 'x'
    multi <- is.null(x@par$SE)

    ## calculate number of plots
    if (multi) {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        is_fixed <- head(is_fixed, -1)
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - sum(is_fixed) - 1
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - 1
        N <- seq(n)

    } else {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
        n <- length(N)

      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc)
        N <- seq(n)

    ## define 'ask'
    ask_old <- par("ask")
    ask_new <- prod(par("mfrow")) < n

    ## density plots
    for (i in N)
               main = paste("Density of", names(x@mcmc)[i]),
               ask = FALSE, ...)

setMethod("traceplot", "prev",
  function(x, exclude_fixed = TRUE, ...) {
    ## check inputs
    checkInput(exclude_fixed, "exclude_fixed", class = "logical")

    ## guess which function generated 'x'
    multi <- is.null(x@par$SE)

    ## calculate number of plots
    if (multi) {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        is_fixed <- head(is_fixed, -1)
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - sum(is_fixed) - 1
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - 1
        N <- seq(n)

    } else {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
        n <- length(N)

      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc)
        N <- seq(n)

    ## define 'ask'
    ask_old <- par("ask")
    ask_new <- prod(par("mfrow")) < n

    ## trace plots
    for (i in N)
                main = paste("Trace of", names(x@mcmc)[i]),
                ask = FALSE, ...)

setMethod("gelman.plot", "prev",
  function(x, ...) {
    ## guess which function generated 'x'
    multi <- is.null(x@par$SE)

    ## calculate number of plots
    if (multi) {
      is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
      is_fixed <- head(is_fixed, -1)
      n <- length(x@mcmc) - sum(is_fixed) - 1
      N <- which(!is_fixed)

    } else {
      is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
      N <- which(!is_fixed)
      n <- length(N)

    ## define 'ask'
    ask_old <- par("ask")
    ask_new <- prod(par("mfrow")) < n

    ## gelman plots
    for (i in N)
                  main = paste("BGR plot of", names(x@mcmc)[i]),
                  ask = TRUE, auto.layout = FALSE, ...)

setMethod("autocorr.plot", "prev",
  function(x, exclude_fixed = TRUE, chain = 1, ...) {
    ## check inputs
    checkInput(exclude_fixed, "exclude_fixed", class = "logical")
    checkInput(chain, "chain", class = "integer", min = 1)

    ## check number of chains
    if (chain > length(x@mcmc$TP))
      stop(paste("'x' only has", length(x@mcmc$TP), "chains"))

    ## guess which function generated 'x'
    multi <- is.null(x@par$SE)

    ## calculate number of plots
    if (multi) {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        is_fixed <- head(is_fixed, -1)
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - sum(is_fixed) - 1
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc) - 1
        N <- seq(n)

    } else {
      if (exclude_fixed) {
        is_fixed <- sapply(x@mcmc, function(x) var(unlist(x)) == 0)
        N <- which(!is_fixed)
        n <- length(N)

      } else {
        n <- length(x@mcmc)
        N <- seq(n)

    ## define 'ask'
    ask_old <- par("ask")
    ask_new <- prod(par("mfrow")) < n

    ## autocorrelation plots
    for (i in N)
                    main = paste("Autocorrelation of", names(x@mcmc)[i]),
                    ask = TRUE, auto.layout = FALSE, ...)

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prevalence documentation built on June 4, 2022, 1:05 a.m.