#' @title Fitting PaRtitiOned empirical Bayes Ecm (PROBE) algorithm to sparse high-dimensional linear models.
#' @description A wrapper function for the all-at-once variant of the PROBE algorithm.
#' @usage probe(Y, X, Z = NULL, ep = 0.1, maxit = 10000, Y_test = NULL, X_test = NULL,
#' Z_test = NULL, verbose = FALSE, signal = NULL, eta_i = NULL, alpha = 0.05,
#' plot_ind = FALSE, adj = 5)
#' @param Y The outcome variable.
#' @param X An \code{n x M} matrix of sparse predictors variables.
#' @param Z (optional) An \code{n x p} matrix or dataframe of other predictors not subjected to the sparsity assumption.
#' @param ep Value against which to compare convergence criterion (default = 0.1).
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations the algorithm will run for (default = 10000).
#' @param Y_test (optional) Test Y data used plotting purposes only (doesn't impact results).
#' @param X_test (optional) Test X data used plotting purposes only (doesn't impact results).
#' @param Z_test (optional) Test Z data used plotting purposes only (doesn't impact results).
#' @param verbose A logical (true/false) value whether to print algorithm iteration progress and summary quantities (default = FALSE).
#' @param signal (optional) A vector of indicies of the true non-null coefficients. This is used to calculate the true and false discovery rates by iteration for simulated data. Used plotting purposes only (doesn't impact results).
#' @param eta_i (optional) A vector of the true signal. This is used to calculate the MSE by iteration for simulated data. Used plotting purposes only (doesn't impact results).
#' @param alpha (optional) significance level
#' @param plot_ind A logical values (True/False) for whether to output plots on algorithm results and progress (default = FALSE)
#' @param adj Bandwidth parameter for empirical Bayes E-step. The bandwidth will be equal to \code{adj} times Silverman's 'rule of thumb' (default = 2).
#' @return A list including
#' \code{beta_ast_hat} MAP estimates of the regression coefficients (\eqn{\beta^\ast}),
#' \code{beta_hat, beta_hat_var} MAP estimates of the posterior expectation (beta_hat) and variance (beta_hat_var) of the prior mean (\eqn{\beta}) of the regression coefficients assuming \eqn{\gamma=1},
#' \code{gamma_hat} the posterior expectation of the latent \eqn{\gamma} variables,
#' \code{sigma2_est} MAP estimate of the residual variance,
#' \code{E_step} full results of the final E_step,
#' \code{Calb_mod} results of first (\eqn{\alpha_0}) part of the M-step,
#' \code{count} the total number of iterations before convergence.
#' @seealso predict_probe_func to obtain predictions, credible intervals and prediction intervals from PROBE.
#' @references
#' McLain, A. C., Zgodic, A., & Bondell, H. (2022). Sparse high-dimensional linear regression with a partitioned empirical Bayes ECM algorithm. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.08139..
#' @examples
#' ### Example
#' data(Sim_data)
#' data(Sim_data_test)
#' attach(Sim_data)
#' attach(Sim_data_test)
#' alpha <- 0.05
#' plot_ind <- TRUE
#' adj <- 10
#' # Run the analysis. Y_test and X_test are included for plotting purposes only
#' full_res <- probe( Y = Y, X = X, Y_test = Y_test,
#' X_test = X_test, alpha = alpha, plot_ind = plot_ind, adj = adj)
#' # Predicting for test data
#' pred_res <- predict_probe_func(full_res, X = X_test)
#' sqrt(mean((Y_test - pred_res$Pred)^2))
#' # Estimate of the residual variance and true value
#' full_res$sigma2_est
#' sigma2_tr
#' # RMSE of estimated beta coefficients
#' beta_ast_est <- full_res$beta_ast_hat
#' sqrt(mean((beta_ast_est - beta_tr)^2))
#' # Posterior expectation of gamma by true
#' gamma_est <- full_res$E_step$gamma
#' sum(gamma_est)
#' sum(gamma_est[beta_tr>0])
#' ### Examples that incorporate additional covariate data (Z)
#' ### not subjected to the sparsity assumption available on Github.
#' @export
probe <- function(Y, X, Z = NULL, ep = 0.1, maxit = 10000,
Y_test = NULL, X_test = NULL, Z_test = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, signal = NULL, eta_i = NULL,
alpha = 0.05, plot_ind = FALSE, adj = 5) {
if (!is.matrix(Z)) {
Z <- as.matrix(Z)
probe_func(Y = Y, X = X, Z = Z, alpha = alpha, verbose = verbose,
signal = signal, maxit = maxit, eta_i = eta_i,
ep = ep, plot_ind = plot_ind, Y_test = Y_test,
X_test = X_test, Z_test = Z_test, adj = adj)
probe_func <- function(Y, X, Z = NULL, alpha, verbose = TRUE, signal, maxit = 1000,
eta_i = NULL, ep = 0.1, plot_ind = FALSE,
Y_test = NULL, X_test = NULL, Z_test = NULL, adj = 5){
##### Setting initial values and initializing outputs ####
M <- dim(X)[2]
N <- dim(X)[1]
p <- 0
if (!is.null(Z)) {
p <- dim(Z)[2]
beta_Z <- rep(0, p)
beta_t <- beta_var <- beta_tilde <- beta_tilde_var <- rep(0,M)
gamma <- beta_t + 1
W_ast <- rep(0, N)
W_ast_var <- W_ast + 1
sigma2 <- var(Y)
count <- rcy_ct <- conv_check <- try2 <- 0
plot_dat <- NULL
X_2 <- X * X
Xt_conv1 <- 1
T_vals <- signal_track <- report_pred <- plot_dat <- NULL
while (count < maxit & conv_check < 1) {
gamma_old <- gamma
beta_t_old <- beta_t
beta_var_old <- beta_var
sigma2_old <- sigma2
W_ast_old <- W_ast
W_ast2_old <- W_ast_var
count <- count + 1
fact <- (count + 1)^(-1)
# Performing the M-step.
if (count == 1 & try2 == 0) {
LR_update <- lr_cpp_func(Y, X, Z, sigma2)
beta_t_new <- c(LR_update$coef[,2])
# Performing the damping step
beta_t <- beta_t*(1-fact) + beta_t_new*fact
beta_var <- beta_var_old*(1-fact) + (LR_update$obs_SE[,2])^2*fact
}else {
LR_update <- m_step_cpp_func(Y, X, Z, W_ast,
W_ast_var, gamma,
beta_t, X_2, sigma2)
beta_t_new <- c(LR_update$coef[,2])
# Performing the damping step
beta_t <- beta_t*(1-fact) + beta_t_new*fact
beta_var <- 1/((1/beta_var_old)*(1-fact) + (1/LR_update$obs_SE[,2])^2*fact)
# Calculating the expectations of the gammas
E_step <- e_step_func(beta_t, beta_var, df = N - 2, adj = adj, lambda = 0.1, monotone = TRUE )
gamma <- E_step$gamma
T_vals <- E_step$T_vals
if (sum(gamma) == 0) {
if(try2 == 0){
warning("algorithm recycled back to null gamma values.\n
Trying again with different starting values. \n")
rcy_ct <- count
beta_t <- rep(1e-5,M)
gamma <- rep(1,M)
T_vals <- NULL
count <- try2 <- Xt_conv1 <- 1
} else {
E_step$beta_tilde <- beta_t_old
E_step$gamma <- gamma_old
E_step$beta_tilde_var <- beta_var_old
# Calculating the moments of W.
W_W2_update <- m_update_func(X, X_2, beta_t, gamma)
W_ast <- W_W2_update$W_ast
W_ast_var <- W_W2_update$W_ast_var
if (var(W_ast) > 0) {
# Run calibration model
mod <- m_step_regression(Y, W_ast, W_ast_var + W_ast^2, Z, a = -3/2, Int = TRUE)
Y_pred <- mod$Y_pred
sigma2 <- mod$sigma2_est
if (count > 1) {
# Check Convergence
Xt_conv1 <- pchisq(max((W_ast_old[W_ast2_old>0] - W_ast[W_ast2_old>0])^2 /
W_ast2_old[W_ast2_old>0])/log(N), df = 1)
if ( Xt_conv1 < ep) {conv_check <- conv_check + 1}
# Getting prediction error if eta_i or test data given.
if (!is.null(eta_i)) {
report_pred <- mean((eta_i - Y_pred)^2)
if (!is.null(Y_test) & !is.null(X_test)) {
W_W2_test <- m_update_func(X_test, X_2 = NULL, beta_t, gamma)
Y_pred_test <- cbind(1, W_W2_test$W_ast, Z_test) %*% mod$coef
report_pred <- mean((Y_test - Y_pred_test)^2)
# Performing hypothesis testing on current estimates.
MTR_res <- mtr_func(E_step, alpha, signal)
if (!is.null(signal)) {
signal_track <- c(MTR_res$BH_sum$LFDR_sum[3],
M - length(signal) - MTR_res$BH_sum$LFDR_sum[3],
length(signal) - MTR_res$BH_sum$LFDR_sum[2])
# Outputting results if verbose=TRUE
if ((count %% 100) == 0 | conv_check == 1) {
CC_round <- signif(Xt_conv1, 2)
if (is.null(signal_track)) {
disc <- sum(MTR_res$BH_res$LFDR)
if (!is.null(report_pred)) {
if (report_pred <= 1) {
report_pred <- signif(report_pred, 3)
if (report_pred > 1) {
report_pred <- round(report_pred, 1)
message("Iteration=", count, "Number of discoveries (using lfdr)=",
disc, "Sum(gamma)=", round(sum(E_step$gamma), 1), " MSPE(test)=",
report_pred, "Convergence Crit=", CC_round, "\n")
} else {
message("Iteration=", count, "Number of discoveries (using lfdr)=",
disc, "Sum(gamma)=", round(sum(E_step$gamma), 1), "Convergence Crit=",
CC_round, "\n")
} else {
if (report_pred <= 1) {
report_pred <- signif(report_pred, 3)
if (report_pred > 1) {
report_pred <- round(report_pred, 1)
message("Iteration=", count, " Hyp testing (using lfdr) TP=", signal_track[3],
" FP=", signal_track[1], " TN=", signal_track[2]-signal_track[4], " FN=", signal_track[4],
" MSE(signal)=", report_pred, " Convergence Crit=", CC_round,
"\n", sep = "")
# Storing iteration data
plot_dat <- rbind(plot_dat, c(rcy_ct+count, conv_check, signal_track,
sum(MTR_res$BH_res$LFDR), sum(gamma),
sigma2, report_pred, Xt_conv1))
beta_hat <- beta_t
beta_hat_var <- beta_var
beta_ast_hat <- beta_t*gamma*mod$coef[2]
# Formatting iteration data for outputting
if (!is.null(signal_track)) {
colnames(plot_dat) <- c("Iter", "Conv_check", "FP", "TN", "TP",
"FN", "Total_Disc", "Sum_gamma", "sigma2", "Pred_err", "Conv")
} else {
if (!is.null(report_pred)) {
colnames(plot_dat) <- c("Iter", "Conv_check", "Total_Disc",
"Sum_gamma", "sigma2", "Pred_err", "Conv")
} else {
colnames(plot_dat) <- c("Iter", "Conv_check", "Total_Disc",
"Sum_gamma", "sigma2", "Conv")
plot_dat <- data.frame(plot_dat)
conv <- 0
if (conv_check == 0 & try2 < 2) {
conv <- 1
warning("convergence criteria not met. Set different convergence criteria or
raise maximum number of iterations.\n")
if (try2 == 2) {
conv <- 2
warning("algorithm recycled back to null values twice. Optimization failed.\n")
if(E_step$adj_warning != 0){
message(paste0("Results indicate bandwidth in density estimation may be \n
too narrow, consider raising 'adj'. Current adj=",adj))
M_step <- LR_update
Seq_test <- NULL
if(length(beta_t_new[beta_tilde_var>0]) > 0){
Seq_test <- pchisq(sum((beta_t_new[beta_tilde_var>0] - beta_tilde[beta_tilde_var>0])^2 /
lower.tail = FALSE)
full_res <- list(beta_ast_hat = beta_ast_hat, beta_hat = beta_hat, beta_hat_var = beta_hat_var,
gamma_hat = gamma, E_step = E_step, Calb_mod = mod, count = count, plot_dat = plot_dat,
Seq_test = Seq_test, M_step = M_step, sigma2_est = mod$sigma2_est, conv = conv,
W_ast = W_ast, W_ast_var = W_ast_var, Y = Y, X = X, Z = Z)
# Plotting iteration results if plot_ind=TRUE and either eta_i or test
# data is given
if (plot_ind & !is.null(plot_dat)) {
if (is.null(report_pred)) {
warning("cannot plot without true mean or test data.\n")
} else {
plot_probe_func(full_res, test_plot = !is.null(Y_test), alpha = alpha, signal = signal)
mtr_func <- function(E_step, alpha, signal = NULL) {
p_vals <- E_step$p_vals
lfdr_val <- E_step$lfdr
p_hat <- E_step$pi0
M <- length(p_vals)
alpha_hat <- alpha/p_hat
T_R <- p.adjust(p_vals, method = "BY")
R_BH <- p.adjust(p_vals, method = "BH")
threshold <- 0
lfdr_val[] <- 1
if (min(lfdr_val) < alpha) {
threshold <- max(sort(lfdr_val)[cumsum(sort(lfdr_val)) < alpha])
BH_res <- data.frame(BY = 1 * I(T_R < alpha), BH = 1 * I(R_BH < alpha),
LFDR = 1 * I(lfdr_val <= threshold))
R_BY <- p.adjust(p_vals, method = "bonferroni")
R2_BY <- p.adjust(p_vals, method = "holm")
Bonf_res <- data.frame(Holm = 1 * I(R2_BY < alpha), Bonf = 1 * I(R_BY < alpha))
BH_sum <- apply(BH_res,2,sum)
Bonf_sum <- apply(Bonf_res,2,sum)
if (!is.null(signal)) {
n_signal <- !(1:M %in% signal)
BH_sum <- c(sum(BH_res$BH), sum(BH_res$BH[signal]), sum(BH_res$BH[n_signal]))
LFDR_res <- c(sum(BH_res$LFDR), sum(BH_res$LFDR[signal]), sum(BH_res$LFDR[n_signal]))
BY_res <- c(sum(BH_res$BY), sum(BH_res$BY[signal]), sum(BH_res$BY[n_signal]))
BH_sum <- data.frame(BY_sum = BY_res, LFDR_sum = LFDR_res, BH_sum = BH_sum)
Bonf_sum <- c(sum(Bonf_res$Bonf), sum(Bonf_res$Bonf[signal]), sum(Bonf_res$Bonf[n_signal]))
Holm_res2 <- c(sum(Bonf_res$Holm), sum(Bonf_res$Holm[signal]),
Bonf_sum <- data.frame(Holm_sum = Holm_res2, Bonf_sum = Bonf_sum)
row.names(BH_sum) <- c("Total", "Correct", "Errors")
row.names(Bonf_sum) <- c("Total", "Correct", "Errors")
return(list(BH_res = BH_res, Bonf_res = Bonf_res, Bonf_sum = Bonf_sum,
BH_sum = BH_sum))
plot_probe_func <- function(full_res, test_plot, alpha, signal) {
plot_dat <- full_res$plot_dat
a <- quantile(plot_dat$Pred_err, probs = 0.9)
b <- min(plot_dat$Pred_err)
L_pred <- plot_dat$Pred_err[length(plot_dat$Pred_err)]
a <- max(c(a, b + (L_pred-b)*5/3 ))
ylab_val <- expression(paste("Signal ", MSE[t]))
if (test_plot) {
ylab_val <- expression(paste("Test ", MSPE[t]))
plot(plot_dat$Iter, plot_dat$Pred_err, type = "l", ylim = c(b, a),
xlim = range(plot_dat$Iter), xlab = "Iteration", ylab = ylab_val,
lwd = 2, cex.lab = 1.4, cex.axis = 1.2, las = 1)
p_vec <- plot_dat$Total_Disc
b9 <- min(p_vec)
a9 <- quantile(p_vec, probs = 0.9)
axis(4, las = 1, at = seq(b, a, length.out = 4),
labels = round(seq(b9, a9, length.out = 4), 0), cex.axis = 1.2, las = 2)
mtext("Number of rejections", side = 4, line = 2.9, cex = 1.2)
trans_crit <- (p_vec - b9)/quantile(p_vec - b9, probs = 0.9) * (a -
b) + b
if (test_plot) {
points(plot_dat$Iter, trans_crit, col = 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
legend("topright", legend = c("Rejections with lfdr",
"Test MSPE"), lwd = 2, lty = c(0,1),
pch = c(19,-1), pt.lwd = c(2,0), cex = 1.3)
denom <- plot_dat$Total_Disc
denom[denom == 0] <- 1
col_vec <- ifelse(plot_dat$FP/denom < alpha, "grey60", 1)
points(plot_dat$Iter, trans_crit, col = col_vec, pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
legend("topright", legend = c(expression(FDR>alpha), expression(FDR<= alpha),
"MSE of signal"),
lwd = c(0,0,2), lty = c(3,3,1), col = c(1,"grey60",1),
pch = c(20,20,-1), pt.lwd = c(2,2,0), cex = 1.3)
points(plot_dat$Iter, trans_crit, col = 1, pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
legend("topright", legend = c("Rejections with lfdr",
"MSE of signal"),
lwd = c(2), lty = c(0,1), col = 1,
pch = c(19,-1), pt.lwd = c(2,0), cex = 1.3)
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