
Defines functions plotProfileCallGraph profileCallGraph2Dot colorScore np2x extractProfileEdges extractProfileNodes getOmittedNodes printProfileCallGraph makeCycleMemberLine makeCalleeLine makeCallerLine makePrimaryLine flatProfile revProfCallGraphMap profileDataCycles cvtProfileData trimProfCallGraph addCycleInfo compressLineRuns findCycles findMatCycles findReachableMat edges2mat edges2funs makeCycleMap profCallGraphEdges lsEnv lineEdges isIn charMatch rawProfCallGraph incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry getProfCallGraphEdgeEntry incProfCallGraphNodeEntry getProfCallGraphNodeEntry g2g g2d e2d n2d mkHash

Documented in flatProfile plotProfileCallGraph printProfileCallGraph profileCallGraph2Dot profileDataCycles

.EmptyEnv <- if (exists("emptyenv")) emptyenv() else NULL
mkHash <- function() new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = .EmptyEnv)

n2d <- function(name, color = NULL, fontSize = 14, shape = "ellipse") {
    if (is.null(color) || is.na(color))
        paste0("\"", name, "\"[shape=", shape, ",fontsize=", fontSize,"];\n")
        ## If you don't specify fillcolor, graphviz defaults both background &
        ## border to color. Original dot graph only specified color, which I 
        ## believe is the reason you made the dot file colors range from light 
        ## blue to red (to prevent borders from disappearing).
        ## See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9106079/graphviz-how-to-change-border-color
        paste0("\"", name, "\"[shape=", shape,
               color, "\"fontsize=", fontSize, "];\n")

e2d <- function(from, to, color = NULL, edgeLabel="", edgeWidth = 1) {
    e <- paste0("\"", from, "\" -> \"", to, "\"")
    if (is.null(color))
        paste0(e, "[label=\"", edgeLabel, "\", penwidth=", edgeWidth, "];\n")
        paste0(e, "[color=\"", color, "\", label=\"", edgeLabel,"\",
               penwidth=", edgeWidth, "];\n")

# **** A plausible size is 10,7.5
g2d <- function(g, filename = "g.dot", landscape = TRUE,
                nodeColors = NULL, nodeDetails = TRUE,
                edgeColors = NULL, edgeDetails = TRUE,
                size, center = FALSE, rankdir = c("TB","LR"),
                score = NULL, shape = "ellipse",
                nodeSizeScore = c("none", "total", "self"),
                edgeSizeScore = c("none", "total")) {
    rankdir <- match.arg(rankdir)
    nodeSizeScore <- match.arg(nodeSizeScore)
    edgeSizeScore <- match.arg(edgeSizeScore)

    eL <- g$edgeL
    con <- file(filename, open = "w")

    cat("digraph xyz {\n", file = con)
    if (! missing(size))
        cat(paste0("size=\"", size, "\";\n"), file = con)
    if (landscape)
        cat("rotate=90;\n", file = con)
    if (center)
        cat("center=1;\n", file = con)
    cat(paste0("rankdir=", rankdir, ";\n"), file = con)

    ## The quadruple backslashes needed for dot file
    g$gNodes <- gsub("\n", '\\\\n', g$gNodes)
    edgeCounts <- g$callCounts
    if (edgeSizeScore != "none")
        edgeWidths <- lapply(edgeCounts, function(x) round(log10(x+10)))
        edgeWidths <- lapply(edgeCounts, function(x) rep(1, length(x)))
    if (edgeDetails)
        edgeCounts <- lapply(edgeCounts, function(x) paste(" ", x))
        edgeCounts <- lapply(edgeCounts, function(x) rep("", length(x)))
    ## This assigns the sizes of fonts, which determines the sizes of nodes
    if (nodeDetails)
        labels <- g$gNodes
        labels <- g$nodes
    if (nodeSizeScore != "none") {
        if (nodeSizeScore == "total") val <- g$totalPercent
        else val <- g$selfPercent
        fontSizes <- pmax(7, sqrt(val) * 4) * 2
        fontSizes <- rep(14, length(labels))

    for (i in seq(along = labels)) {
        from <- labels[i]
        cat(n2d(from, nodeColors[[i]], fontSizes[i], shape), file = con)
        ## Have to use eL to know toList because g$edges contains plain
        ## node names
        toList <- labels[eL[[i]]$edges]
        toColors <- edgeColors[[i]]
        for (j in seq(along = toList))
            cat(e2d(from, toList[[j]], toColors[[j]], edgeCounts[[i]][j],
                    edgeWidths[[i]][j]), file = con)

    cat("}", file = con)

g2g <- function(g, nodeDetails) {
    eL <- g$edgeL

    if (nodeDetails) {
        names(eL) <- g$gNodes
        nodes <- g$gNodes
    else {
        nodes <- g$nodes
        names(eL) <- nodes

    graph::graphNEL(nodes = nodes, edgeL = eL, edgemode = "directed")

getProfCallGraphNodeEntry <- function(name, env)
    get(name, envir = env)

incProfCallGraphNodeEntry <- function(name, what, env, count = 1) {
    if (exists(name, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
        entry <- get(name, envir = env)
        entry <- list(self = 0, total = 0, edges = mkHash())
    entry[[what]] <- entry[[what]] + count
    assign(name, entry, envir = env)

getProfCallGraphEdgeEntry <- function(from, to, env) {
    fromEntry <- getProfCallGraphNodeEntry(from, env)
    get(to, envir = fromEntry$edges)

incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry <- function(from, to, what, env, count = 1) {
    ## To allow for node trimming, only increment if both endpoints exist.
    if (exists(from, env) && exists(to, env)) {
        fromEntry <- getProfCallGraphNodeEntry(from, env)
        if (exists(to, envir = fromEntry$edges, inherits = FALSE))
            entry <- get(to, envir = fromEntry$edges)
        else entry <- list(self = 0, total = 0)
        entry[[what]] <- entry[[what]] + count
        assign(to, entry, envir = fromEntry$edges)

rawProfCallGraph <- function(pd) {
    data <- mkHash()
    rvStacks <- lapply(pd$stacks, rev)
    fun <- function(line, count = 1) {
        incProfCallGraphNodeEntry(line[1], "self", data, count)
        for (n in unique(line))
            incProfCallGraphNodeEntry(n, "total", data, count)
        if (length(line) > 1) {
            incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(line[2], line[1], "self",
                                      data, count)
            le <- lineEdges(line)
            for (i in seq(along = le$nodes)) {
                from <- le$nodes[i]
                for (to in le$edges[[i]])
                    incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(from, to, "total",
                                              data, count)
    mapply(fun, rvStacks, pd$counts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

charMatch <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA)
    match(x, table, nomatch)

isIn <- function(x, table)
    match(x, table, 0)

lineEdges <- function(line) {
    if (length(line) > 1) {
        from <- unique(line[-1])
        edges <- rep(list(character(0)), length(from))
        for (i in 2 : length(line)) {
            j <- charMatch(line[i], from)
            if (! isIn(line[i - 1], edges[[j]]))
                edges[[j]] <- c(edges[[j]], line[i - 1])
        list(nodes = from, edges = edges)

lsEnv <- function(env)
    ls(env, all.names = TRUE)

profCallGraphEdges <- function(data) {
    edges <- mkHash()
    for (from in lsEnv(data)) {
        entry <- getProfCallGraphNodeEntry(from, data)
        assign(from, lsEnv(entry$edges), envir = edges)

makeCycleMap <- function(cycles) {
    cycleMap <- mkHash()
    for (i in seq(along = cycles))
        for (n in cycles[[i]])
            assign(n, paste0("<cycle ", i, ">"), envir = cycleMap)

## New findCycles
## Uses an incidence matrix and matrix multiplication.
## Could use a sparse representation but proably not worth the trouble.
edges2funs <- function(edges) {
    ln <- as.list(edges, all = TRUE)
    sort(unique(c(names(ln), unlist(ln))))

edges2mat <- function(funs, edges) {
    m <- diag(length(funs))
    for (i in seq_along(funs))
        m[i, match(edges[[funs[i]]], funs)] <- 1

findReachableMat <- function(m) {
    nr <- nrow(m)
    n <- 2
    m <- m %*% m
    while (n <= nr) {
        n <- 2 * n
        m <- sign(m %*% m)

findMatCycles <- function(m) {
    nr <- nrow(m)
    cycles <- NULL
    visited <- rep(FALSE, nr)

    for (i in seq_len(nr - 1)) {
        if (! visited[i]) {
            visited[i] <- TRUE ## not really needed
            v <- i
            for (j in (i + 1) : nr)
                if (m[i, j] > 0 && m[j, i] > 0) {
                    v <- c(v, j)
                    visited[j] <- TRUE
            if (length(v) > 1)
                cycles <- c(cycles, list(v))

findCycles <- function(data) {
    edges <- profCallGraphEdges(data)
    funs <- edges2funs(edges)
    m1 <- edges2mat(funs, edges)
    mr <- findReachableMat(m1)
    lapply(findMatCycles(mr), function(v) funs[v])

compressLineRuns <- function(line) {
    if (length(line) > 1) {
        keep <- rep(TRUE, length(line))
        last <- line[1]
        for (i in 2 : length(line)) {
            val <- line[i]
            if (val == last)
                keep[i] <- FALSE
            else last <- val
    else line

addCycleInfo <- function(pd, data, cycles) {
    map <- makeCycleMap(cycles)
    rvStacks <- lapply(pd$stacks, rev)
    inCycle <- function(name) exists(name, envir = map, inherits = FALSE)
    cycleName <- function(name) get(name, envir = map, inherits = FALSE)
    renameCycles <- function(line)
                      function(n) if (inCycle(n)) cycleName(n) else n))
    # **** speed up by inlining loop and calls to 'exists', 'get'
    renameCycles <- function(line) {
        len <- length(line)
        if (len > 0)
            for (i in 1 : len) {
                n <- line[i]
                ## if (.Internal(exists(n, map, "any", FALSE)))
                ##     line[i] <- .Internal(get(n, map, "any", FALSE))
                if (exists(n, envir = map, inherits = FALSE))
                    line[i] <- get(n, envir = map, inherits = FALSE)
    cnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(lsEnv(map), get, map)))
    fun <- function(line, count = 1) {
        line <- compressLineRuns(renameCycles(line))
        if (isIn(line[1], cnames))
            incProfCallGraphNodeEntry(line[1], "self", data, count)
        for (n in unique(line))
            if (isIn(n, cnames))
                incProfCallGraphNodeEntry(n, "total", data, count)
        if (length(line) > 1) {
            if (isIn(line[1], cnames) || isIn(line[2], cnames))
                incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(line[2], line[1], "self",
                                          data, count)
            le <- lineEdges(line)
            for (i in seq(along = le$nodes)) {
                from <- le$nodes[i]
                for (to in le$edges[[i]])
                    if (isIn(from, cnames) || isIn(to, cnames))
                        incProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(from, to, "total",
                                                  data, count)
    mapply(fun, rvStacks, pd$counts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

trimProfCallGraph <- function(data, maxnodes, total.pct, total) {
    v <- unlist(eapply(data, function(x) x$total, all.names = TRUE))

    if (! is.na(maxnodes) && length(v) > maxnodes)
        drop <- names(sort(v)[1 : (length(v) - maxnodes)])
        drop <- character(0)
    if (total.pct > 0)
        drop <- union(drop, names(v)[v < total * (total.pct / 100)])

    if (length(drop) > 0) {
        rm(list = drop, envir = data)
        for (fun in lsEnv(data)) {
            x <- get(fun, data, inherits = FALSE)
            e <- x$edges
            rm(list = intersect(lsEnv(e), drop), envir = e)


cvtProfileData <- function(pd, GC, maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0) {
    if (inherits(pd, "proftools_profData")) {
        if (GC && pd$haveGC)
            pd <- mergeGC(pd)
        data <- rawProfCallGraph(pd)
        if (! is.na(maxnodes) || total.pct > 0)
            data <- trimProfCallGraph(data, maxnodes, total.pct, pd$total)
        cycles <- findCycles(data)
        if (! is.null(cycles))
            addCycleInfo(pd, data, cycles)
        ## **** add a class -- proftools_callgraph?
        list(interval = pd$interval, count = pd$total,
             data = data, cycles = cycles)
    else pd

profileDataCycles <- function(pd, GC)
    cvtProfileData(pd, GC)$cycles

revProfCallGraphMap <- function(data) {
    rg <- mkHash()
    for (from in lsEnv(data)) {
        entry <- getProfCallGraphNodeEntry(from, data)
        for (to in lsEnv(entry$edges)) {
            if (exists(to, envir = rg, inherits = FALSE))
                edges <- get(to, envir = rg)
            else edges <- character(0)
            if (! from %in% edges)
                assign(to, c(from, edges), envir = rg)

flatProfile <- function(pd, byTotal = TRUE, GC = TRUE) {
    pd <- cvtProfileData(pd, GC)
    nodes <- lsEnv(pd$data)
    if (! is.null(pd$cycles)) {
        map <- makeCycleMap(pd$cycles)
        cnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(lsEnv(map), get, map)))
        nodes <- nodes[! nodes %in% cnames]

    if (byTotal) {
        total <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$total)
        ord <- order(-total)
    else {
        self <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$self)
        ord <- order(-self)

    nodes <- nodes[ord]
    self <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$self)
    selftime <- self * pd$interval/1e+06
    selfpct <- 100 * self / pd$count
    total <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$total)
    totaltime <- total * pd$interval/1e+06
    totalpct <- 100 * total / pd$count
    if (byTotal) {
        val <- cbind(round(totalpct, 2), round(totaltime, 2),
                     round(selfpct, 2), round(selftime, 2))
        colnames(val) <- c("total.pct", "total.time",
                           "self.pct", "self.time")
    else {
        cumselftime <- cumsum(selftime)
        val <- cbind(round(selfpct, 2), round(cumselftime, 2),
                     round(selftime, 2), round(totalpct, 2),
                     round(totaltime, 2))
        colnames(val) <- c("self.pct", "cum.self.time", "self.time",
                           "total.pct", "total.time")
    rownames(val) <- nodes

makePrimaryLine<- function(node, i, pg) {
    idx <- sprintf("%-6s", paste0("[", i, "]"))
    if (pg$percent) {
        self <- pg$selfpct[i]
        child <- pg$childpct[i]
    else {
        self <- pg$selftime[i]
        child <- pg$childtime[i]
    stats <- sprintf("%8.2f   %8.2f   %8.2f", pg$totalpct[i], self, child)
    if (node %in% pg$cnames)
        name <- paste(substr(node, 1, nchar(node) - 1), "as a whole>")
    else if (node == "<Anonymous>")
        name <- "[Anonymous]"
    else name <- node
    if (pg$inCycle(node))
        extra <- paste(pg$cycleName(node), idx)
    else extra <- idx
    paste(idx, stats, "   ", name, extra, "\n")

makeCallerLine <- function(n, node, pg) {
    idx <- paste0("[", match(n, pg$nodes), "]")
    if (pg$inCycle(n) && pg$inCycle(node) &&
        pg$cycleName(n) == pg$cycleName(node))
        stats <- "                                     "
    else {
        entry <- getProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(n, node, pg$data)
        if (pg$percent) {
            self <- 100 * entry$self / pg$count
            total <- 100 * entry$total / pg$count
        else {
            self <- entry$self * pg$interval/1e+06
            total <- entry$total * pg$interval/1e+06
        child <- total - self
        stats <- sprintf("                  %8.2f   %8.2f",self, child)
    if (pg$inCycle(n))
        extra <- paste(pg$cycleName(n), idx)
    else extra <- idx
    if (n == "<Anonymous>")
        name <- "[Anonymous]"
    else name <- n
    paste(stats, "       ", name, extra, "\n")

# **** most of this is the same as for callers--extract the common part.
makeCalleeLine <- function(n, node, pg) {
    idx <- paste0("[", match(n, pg$nodes), "]")
    if (pg$inCycle(n) && pg$inCycle(node) &&
        pg$cycleName(n) == pg$cycleName(node))
        stats <- "                                     "
    else {
        entry <- getProfCallGraphEdgeEntry(node, n, pg$data)
        if (pg$percent) {
            self <- 100 * entry$self / pg$count
            total <- 100 * entry$total / pg$count
        else {
            self <- entry$self * pg$interval/1e+06
            total <- entry$total * pg$interval/1e+06
        child <- total - self
        stats <- sprintf("                  %8.2f   %8.2f",self, child)
    if (pg$inCycle(n))
        extra <- paste(pg$cycleName(n), idx)
    else extra <- idx
    if (n == "<Anonymous>")
        name <- "[Anonymous]"
    else name <- n
    paste(stats, "       ", name, extra, "\n")

makeCycleMemberLine <- function(n, cycle, pg) {
    i <- match(n, pg$nodes)
    idx <- paste0("[", i, "]")
    extra <- paste(cycle, idx)
    if (pg$percent) self <- pg$selfpct[i]
    else self <- pg$selftime[i]
    stats <- sprintf("                  %8.2f           ", self)
    if (n == "<Anonymous>")
        name <- "[Anonymous]"
    else name <- n
    paste(stats, "       ", name, extra, "\n")

printProfileCallGraph <- function(pd, file = stdout(), percent = TRUE,
                                  GC = TRUE, maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0) {
    pd <- cvtProfileData(pd, GC, maxnodes, total.pct)
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (file == "")
            stop("'file' must be non-empty string")
        con <- file(file, "wb")
    else if (inherits(file, "connection"))
        con <- file
    else stop("bad file argument")

    map <- makeCycleMap(pd$cycles)
    if (is.null(pd$cycles))
        cnames <- character(0)
    else cnames <- unique(unlist(lapply(lsEnv(map), get, map)))
    inCycle <- function(name) exists(name, envir = map, inherits = FALSE)
    cycleName <- function(name) get(name, envir = map, inherits = FALSE)

    nodes <- lsEnv(pd$data)
    total <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$total)
    ord <- order(-total)
    nodes <- nodes[ord]
    total <- total[ord]
    totalpct <- 100 * total / pd$count
    totaltime <- total * pd$interval/1e+06
    self <- sapply(nodes, function(n) get(n, envir = pd$data)$self)
    selfpct <- 100 * self / pd$count
    selftime <- self * pd$interval/1e+06
    pge <- profCallGraphEdges(pd$data)
    rpge <- revProfCallGraphMap(pd$data)

    pd$cnames <- cnames
    pd$nodes <- nodes
    pd$totalpct <- totalpct
    pd$selftime <- selftime
    pd$childtime <- totaltime - selftime
    pd$selfpct <- selfpct
    pd$childpct <- totalpct - selfpct
    pd$inCycle <- inCycle
    pd$cycleName <- cycleName
    pd$percent = percent

    cat("Call graph\n\n", file = con)
    if (percent)
        cat("index    % time     % self   % children     name\n\n", file = con)
        cat("index    % time       self   children       name\n\n", file = con)
    for (i in seq(along = nodes)) {
        node <- nodes[i]
        if (exists(node, envir = rpge, inherits = FALSE))
            for (n in get(node, envir = rpge))
                if (! n %in% cnames)
                    cat(makeCallerLine(n, node, pd), file = con)
        cat(makePrimaryLine(node, i, pd), file = con)
        if (node %in% cnames)
            for (n in lsEnv(map))
                if (cycleName(n) == node)
                    cat(makeCycleMemberLine(n, node, pd), file = con)
        if (exists(node, envir = pge, inherits = FALSE))
            for (n in get(nodes[i], envir = pge))
                if (! n %in% cnames)
                    cat(makeCalleeLine(n, node, pd), file = con)
        cat("-----------------------------------------------\n", file = con)

getOmittedNodes <- function(pd, mergeCycles) {
    map <- makeCycleMap(pd$cycles)
    cnodes <- lsEnv(map)
    if (mergeCycles)
    else if (is.null(pd$cycles))
    else unique(unlist(lapply(cnodes, get, map)))

extractProfileNodes <- function(pd, score = c("self", "total", "none"),
                                mergeCycles = TRUE) {
    if (score == "none")
        score <- "total"
    else match.arg(score)
    nodes <- lsEnv(pd$data)
    omitted <- getOmittedNodes(pd, mergeCycles)
    nodes <- nodes[! nodes %in% omitted]
    getScore <- function(n, type) get(n, envir = pd$data)[[type]]
    ## totalCost & selfCost needed for Google-style node Labels
    totalCost <- unlist(lapply(nodes, getScore, "total"))
    selfCost <- unlist(lapply(nodes, getScore, "self"))
    if(score == "total")
        sval <- totalCost / pd$count
    else sval <- selfCost / pd$count
    list(nodes = nodes, scores = sval,
         totalCost = totalCost, selfCost = selfCost)

extractProfileEdges <- function(pd, score = c("self", "total", "none"),
                                mergeCycles = TRUE) {
    if (score == "none")
        score <- "total"
    else match.arg(score)
    nodes <- lsEnv(pd$data)
    omitted <- getOmittedNodes(pd, mergeCycles)
    nodes <- nodes[! nodes %in% omitted]
    getToNodes <- function(n) {
        to <- lsEnv(get(n, envir = pd$data)$edges)
        to[! to %in% omitted]
    edges <- lapply(nodes, getToNodes)
    ## getScores no longer divides by pd$count so can we avoid calling it 
    ## twice (if possible) to get callCounts below
    getScores <- function(n, type) {
        env <- get(n, envir = pd$data)$edges
        to <- lsEnv(env)
        to <- to[! to %in% omitted]
        unlist(lapply(to, function(v) get(v, envir = env)[[type]]))
    sval <- lapply(nodes, getScores, score)
    if (score == "total") callCounts <- sval
    else callCounts <- lapply(nodes, getScores, "total")
    list(edges = edges, scores = sval, callCounts = callCounts)

np2x <- function(pd, score = c("total", "self", "none"),
                 transfer = function(x) x, nodeColorMap = NULL,
                 edgeColorMap = NULL, mergeCycles = FALSE,
                 edgesColored = FALSE) {
    nodes <- extractProfileNodes(pd, score, mergeCycles = mergeCycles)
    edges <- extractProfileEdges(pd, score, mergeCycles = mergeCycles)
    totalPercent <- round(nodes$totalCost*100/pd$count, 2)
    selfPercent <- round(nodes$selfCost*100/pd$count, 2)
    gNodes <- paste0(nodes$nodes, "\n", nodes$selfCost, " (", selfPercent, 
                     "%) \n of ", nodes$totalCost, " (", totalPercent, "%)")
    p <- list(nodes = nodes$nodes, edges = edges$edges, 
              callCounts = edges$callCounts, gNodes = gNodes, 
              totalPercent = totalPercent, selfPercent = selfPercent)
    if (score == "none")
        color <- ecolor <- NULL
    else {
        ## Scale by maxScore to always create a red node
        maxScore <- max(nodes$scores)
        nodes$scores <- nodes$scores/maxScore
        color <- lapply(transfer(nodes$scores), colorScore, nodeColorMap)
        if (edgesColored) {
            ecolor <- vector("list", length(p$nodes))
            for (i in seq(along = ecolor)) {
                ## edges$scores is actually counts (see extractProfileEdges),
                ## divide by total count to convert to scores 
                ## and scale by maxScore to always create a red edge
                escore <- transfer(edges$scores[[i]] / pd$count)
                escore <- escore/maxScore
                ecolor[[i]] <- lapply(escore, colorScore, edgeColorMap)
        else ecolor <- NULL
    p$nodeColors <- color
    p$edgeColors <- ecolor

    mke <- function(e) list(edges = match(e, p$nodes))
    p$edgeL <- lapply(p$edges, mke)


colorScore <- function(score, colorMap) {
    if (is.null(score) || is.na(score))
    else if (! is.null(colorMap)) {
        nc <- length(colorMap)
        colorMap[min(nc, max(ceiling(nc * (1 - score)), 1))]
    else {
        score = min(max(score, 0), 1)
        # from cgprof
        maxhue = 0.6    # from red (.0) to magenta (.6), cf rainbow
        minsat = 0.1    # low saturation
        bri = 1.0       # brightness, always 100%

        # following formulas are totally empirical
        hue <- maxhue * (1.0 - score)
        sat <- minsat + (3.0 - minsat) * score
        paste0(hue, ",", sat, ",", bri)

profileCallGraph2Dot <- function(pd, score = c("none", "total", "self"),
                                 transfer = function(x) x, nodeColorMap = NULL,
                                 edgeColorMap = NULL, filename = "Rprof.dot",
                                 landscape = FALSE, mergeCycles = FALSE,
                                 edgesColored = FALSE,
                                 rankDir = c("TB", "LR"),
                                 nodeDetails = FALSE, edgeDetails = FALSE,
                                 nodeSizeScore = c("none", "total", "self"),
                                 edgeSizeScore = c("none", "total"),
                                 center = FALSE, size, shape = "ellipse",
                                 layout = "dot", style, GC = TRUE,
                                 maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0) {
    ## clear out any nodes fontaining '|` since they choke graphviz
    pd <- filterProfileData(pd, omit = "\\|", regex = TRUE)

    pd <- cvtProfileData(pd, GC, maxnodes, total.pct)

    if (missing(style)) style <- default.style

    if (missing(layout)) layout <- style$layout
    if (missing(score)) score <- style$score
    if (missing(transfer)) transfer <- style$transfer
    if (missing(nodeColorMap)) nodeColorMap <- style$nodeColorMap
    if (missing(edgeColorMap)) edgeColorMap <- style$edgeColorMap
    if (missing(mergeCycles)) mergeCycles <- style$mergeCycles
    if (missing(edgesColored)) edgesColored <- style$edgesColored
    if (missing(rankDir)) rankDir <- style$rankDir
    if (missing(nodeDetails)) nodeDetails <- style$nodeDetails
    if (missing(edgeDetails)) edgeDetails <- style$edgeDetails
    if (missing(nodeSizeScore)) nodeSizeScore <- style$nodeSizeScore
    if (missing(edgeSizeScore)) edgeSizeScore <- style$edgeSizeScore
    if (missing(shape)) shape <- style$shape
    if (missing(maxnodes)) maxnodes <- style$maxnodes
    if (missing(total.pct)) total.pct <- style$total.pct

    score <- match.arg(score)
    rankDir <- match.arg(rankDir)
    nodeSizeScore <- match.arg(nodeSizeScore)
    edgeSizeScore <- match.arg(edgeSizeScore)

    if (score != "none") {
        if (is.null(nodeColorMap))
            nodeColorMap <- heat.colors(100)
        if (is.null(edgeColorMap))
            edgeColorMap <- hsv(1,1,seq(1,0,length.out=50))

    p <- np2x(pd, score, transfer, nodeColorMap, edgeColorMap, mergeCycles,
    g2d(p, filename, nodeColors = p$nodeColors, edgeColors = p$edgeColors,
        landscape = landscape, rankdir = rankDir, size = size, center = center,
        score = score, nodeDetails = nodeDetails, edgeDetails = edgeDetails,
        shape = shape, nodeSizeScore = nodeSizeScore,
        edgeSizeScore = edgeSizeScore)

plotProfileCallGraph <- function(pd, layout = "dot",
                                 score = c("none", "total", "self"),
                                 transfer = function(x) x, nodeColorMap = NULL,
                                 edgeColorMap = NULL, mergeCycles = FALSE,
                                 edgesColored = FALSE, rankDir = c("TB", "LR"),
                                 nodeDetails = FALSE, edgeDetails = FALSE,
                                 nodeSizeScore = c("none", "total", "self"),
                                 edgeSizeScore = c("none", "total"),
                                 shape = "ellipse", style, GC = TRUE,
                                 maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0, ...) {
    if (missing(style)) style <- default.style

    if (missing(layout)) layout <- style$layout
    if (missing(score)) score <- style$score
    if (missing(transfer)) transfer <- style$transfer
    if (missing(nodeColorMap)) nodeColorMap <- style$nodeColorMap
    if (missing(edgeColorMap)) edgeColorMap <- style$edgeColorMap
    if (missing(mergeCycles)) mergeCycles <- style$mergeCycles
    if (missing(edgesColored)) edgesColored <- style$edgesColored
    if (missing(rankDir)) rankDir <- style$rankDir
    if (missing(nodeDetails)) nodeDetails <- style$nodeDetails
    if (missing(edgeDetails)) edgeDetails <- style$edgeDetails
    if (missing(nodeSizeScore)) nodeSizeScore <- style$nodeSizeScore
    if (missing(edgeSizeScore)) edgeSizeScore <- style$edgeSizeScore
    if (missing(shape)) shape <- style$shape
    if (missing(maxnodes)) maxnodes <- style$maxnodes
    if (missing(total.pct)) total.pct <- style$total.pct

    score <- match.arg(score)
    rankDir <- match.arg(rankDir)
    nodeSizeScore <- match.arg(nodeSizeScore)
    edgeSizeScore <- match.arg(edgeSizeScore)

    if (score != "none") {
        if (is.null(nodeColorMap))
            nodeColorMap <- heat.colors(100)
        if (is.null(edgeColorMap))
            edgeColorMap <- hsv(1,1,seq(1,0,length.out=50))

    ## clear out any nodes fontaining '|` since they choke graphviz
    pd <- filterProfileData(pd, omit = "\\|", regex = TRUE)

    pd <- cvtProfileData(pd, GC, maxnodes, total.pct)

    p <- np2x(pd, score, transfer, nodeColorMap,
              edgeColorMap, mergeCycles, edgesColored)

    g <- g2g(p, nodeDetails)
    names(labels) <- labels <- graph::nodes(g)
    if (! is.null(p$nodeColors)) {
        p$nodeColors <- unlist(p$nodeColors)
        names(p$nodeColors) <- labels
    ## Create the edgeNames list based on the edgeL(g) which only has
    ## numbers matching the from and to.
    edges <- graph::edgeL(g); edgeNames <- list()
    for (i in seq(along = edges))
            edgeNames[[i]] <- paste(labels[i], labels[edges[[i]]$edges],
                                    sep = "~")
    edgeNames <- unlist(edgeNames)
    if (! is.null(p$edgeColors)) {
        p$edgeColors <- unlist(p$edgeColors)
        names(p$edgeColors) <- edgeNames

    if (nodeSizeScore != "none") {
        ## This uses the same font size calculation as the dot file
        ## version
        if (nodeSizeScore == "total") val <- p$totalPercent
        else val <- p$selfPercent
        fontSizes <- pmax(7, sqrt(val) * 4) * 2
        names(fontSizes) <- labels
        graph::nodeRenderInfo(g) <- list(label = labels, fontsize = fontSizes)

    edgeCounts <- unlist(p$callCounts)
    anyEdges <- (length(edgeCounts) > 0)
    if (anyEdges) {
        if (edgeSizeScore != "none") {
            edgeWeights <- log10(edgeCounts+10)
            names(edgeWeights) <- edgeNames
            graph::edgeRenderInfo(g) <- list(lwd = edgeWeights)

        if (edgeDetails) {
            spacing <- sapply(edgeCounts, function(x){rep("   ", length(x))})
            edgeCounts <- paste0(spacing, edgeCounts)
            names(edgeCounts) <- edgeNames
            graph::edgeRenderInfo(g) <- list(label = edgeCounts, fontsize = 8)

    ## The order of layout and rendering info calls below
    ## matters. Certain attributes don't work well if we change the
    ## order.  See
    ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioconductor/2012-November/049253.html
    attrs <- list(node = list(shape = shape, fixedsize = FALSE))
    if (layout == "dot")
        attrs$graph <- list(rankdir = rankDir)
    g <- Rgraphviz::layoutGraph(g, layoutType = layout, attrs = attrs)
    if (anyEdges)
        graph::edgeRenderInfo(g) <- list(col = p$edgeColors)
    graph::nodeRenderInfo(g) <- list(fill = p$nodeColors)
    tryCatch(Rgraphviz::renderGraph(g, ...),
             error = function(e) NULL) ## catch and ignore errors

plain.style <- list(layout = "dot", score = "none",
                    transfer = function(x) x, nodeColorMap = NULL,
                    edgeColorMap = NULL, mergeCycles = FALSE,
                    edgesColored = FALSE, rankDir = "TB",
                    nodeDetails = FALSE, edgeDetails = FALSE,
                    nodeSizeScore = "none", edgeSizeScore = "none",
                    shape = "ellipse", maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0)

google.style <- list(layout = "dot", score = "none",
                     transfer = function(x) x, nodeColorMap = NULL,
                     edgeColorMap = NULL, mergeCycles = FALSE,
                     edgesColored = FALSE, rankDir = "TB",
                     nodeDetails = TRUE, edgeDetails = TRUE,
                     nodeSizeScore = "self", edgeSizeScore = "total",
                     shape = "box", maxnodes = NA, total.pct = 0)

default.style <- google.style
default.style$score <- "total"
default.style$maxnodes <- 30

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proftools documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:20 p.m.