API for protti
Bottom-Up Proteomics and LiP-MS Quality Control and Data Analysis Tools

Global functions
.onAttach Source code
analyse_functional_network Man page Source code
anova_protti Man page Source code
assign_missingness Man page Source code
assign_peptide_type Man page Source code
barcode_plot Man page Source code
calculate_aa_scores Man page Source code
calculate_diff_abundance Man page Source code
calculate_go_enrichment Man page Source code
calculate_imputation Man page Source code
calculate_kegg_enrichment Man page Source code
calculate_protein_abundance Man page Source code
calculate_sequence_coverage Man page Source code
calculate_treatment_enrichment Man page Source code
correct_lip_for_abundance Man page Source code
create_queue Man page Source code
create_structure_contact_map Man page Source code
create_synthetic_data Man page Source code
diff_abundance Man page Source code
drc_4p Man page Source code
drc_4p_plot Man page Source code
extract_metal_binders Man page Source code
fetch_alphafold_aligned_error Man page Source code
fetch_alphafold_prediction Man page Source code
fetch_chebi Man page Source code
fetch_eco Man page Source code
fetch_go Man page Source code
fetch_kegg Man page Source code
fetch_metal_pdb Man page Source code
fetch_mobidb Man page Source code
fetch_pdb Man page Source code
fetch_pdb_structure Man page Source code
fetch_quickgo Man page Source code
fetch_uniprot Man page Source code
fetch_uniprot_proteome Man page Source code
filter_cv Man page Source code
find_all_subs Man page Source code
find_chebis Man page Source code
find_peptide Man page Source code
find_peptide_in_structure Man page Source code
fit_drc_4p Man page Source code
go_enrichment Man page Source code
impute Man page Source code
kegg_enrichment Man page Source code
mako_colours Man page
map_peptides_on_structure Man page Source code
median_normalisation Man page Source code
metal_chebi_uniprot Man page
metal_go_slim_subset Man page
metal_list Man page
network_analysis Man page Source code
normalise Man page Source code
parallel_create_structure_contact_map Man page Source code
parallel_fit_drc_4p Man page Source code
peptide_profile_plot Man page Source code
peptide_type Man page Source code
plot_drc_4p Man page Source code
plot_peptide_profiles Man page Source code
plot_pval_distribution Man page Source code
predict_alphafold_domain Man page Source code
protti_colours Man page
ptsi_pgk Man page
pval_distribution_plot Man page Source code
qc_charge_states Man page Source code
qc_contaminants Man page Source code
qc_cvs Man page Source code
qc_data_completeness Man page Source code
qc_ids Man page Source code
qc_intensity_distribution Man page Source code
qc_median_intensities Man page Source code
qc_missed_cleavages Man page Source code
qc_pca Man page Source code
qc_peak_width Man page Source code
qc_peptide_type Man page Source code
qc_proteome_coverage Man page Source code
qc_ranked_intensities Man page Source code
qc_sample_correlation Man page Source code
qc_sequence_coverage Man page Source code
randomise_queue Man page Source code
rapamycin_10uM Man page
rapamycin_dose_response Man page
read_protti Man page Source code
replace_identified_by_x Man page Source code
scale_protti Man page Source code
sequence_coverage Man page Source code
split_metal_name Man page Source code
treatment_enrichment Man page Source code
try_query Man page Source code
ttest_protti Man page Source code
viridis_colours Man page
volcano_plot Man page Source code
volcano_protti Man page Source code
woods_plot Man page Source code
protti documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:53 p.m.