
Defines functions dlvm1

Documented in dlvm1

# Latent network model creator
dlvm1 <- function(
  data, # Dataset
  vars, # Must be a matrix!
  # Factor loadings:
  lambda, # May not be missing
  # lambda_within, # May not be missing
  # lambda_between, # May not be missing
  # Type:
  within_latent = c("cov","chol","prec","ggm"), 
  within_residual = c("cov","chol","prec","ggm"), 
  between_latent = c("cov","chol","prec","ggm"), 
  between_residual = c("cov","chol","prec","ggm"), 
    # Temporal effects:
    beta = "full",
    # Contemporaneous latent effects within:
    omega_zeta_within = "full",
    delta_zeta_within = "diag", # If missing, just full for both groups or equal
    kappa_zeta_within = "full",
    sigma_zeta_within = "full",
    lowertri_zeta_within = "full",
    # Residual latent effects within:
    omega_epsilon_within = "zero", 
    delta_epsilon_within = "diag", # If missing, just full for both groups or equal
    kappa_epsilon_within = "diag",
    sigma_epsilon_within = "diag",
    lowertri_epsilon_within = "diag",
    # Contemporaneous latent effects between:
    omega_zeta_between = "full",
    delta_zeta_between = "diag", # If missing, just full for both groups or equal
    kappa_zeta_between = "full",
    sigma_zeta_between = "full",
    lowertri_zeta_between = "full",
    # Residual latent effects between:
    omega_epsilon_between = "zero", 
    delta_epsilon_between = "diag", # If missing, just full for both groups or equal
    kappa_epsilon_between = "diag",
    sigma_epsilon_between = "diag",
    lowertri_epsilon_between = "diag",
  # Mean structure:
  # Identification:
  identify = TRUE,
  identification = c("loadings","variance"),
  # Latents:
  # latents,
  # latents,
  # The rest:
  groups, # ignored if missing. Can be character indicating groupvar, or vector with names of groups
  covs, # alternative covs (array nvar * nvar * ngroup)
  means, # alternative means (matrix nvar * ngroup)
  nobs, # Alternative if data is missing (length ngroup)
  start = "version2", # <- start values,  "version 2" (defualt), "version 1", "simple" or a psychonetrics model
  covtype = c("choose","ML","UB"),
  missing = "listwise",
  equal = "none", # Can also be any of the matrices
  baseline_saturated = TRUE, # Leave to TRUE! Only used to stop recursive calls
  # fitfunctions, # Leave empty
  estimator = "ML",
  storedata = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  baseline = c("stationary_random_intercept","stationary","independence","none"),
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  covtype <- match.arg(covtype)
  # Check start:
  if (is.character(start)){
    start <- start[1]
    if (!start %in% c("version2","version1","simple")){
      stop("'start' can only be 'version1', 'version2' (default), 'simple', or a psychonetrics object")
  } else if (is(start,"psychonetrics")){
    start_mod <- start
    start <- "psychonetrics"
  } else {
    stop("'start' can only be 'version1', 'version2' (default), 'simple', or a psychonetrics object")
  # Check for missing:
  # if (missing(lambda_within)){
  #   stop("'lambda_within' may not be missing")
  # }
  # if (is.character(lambda_within)){
  #   stop("'lambda_within' may not be a string")
  # }
  # if (missing(lambda_between)){
  #   stop("'lambda_between' may not be missing")
  # }
  # if (is.character(lambda_between)){
  #   stop("'lambda_between' may not be a string")
  # }
  # if (missing(lambda)){
  #   stop("'lambda' may not be missing")
  # }
  # if (is.character(lambda)){
  #   stop("'lambda' may not be a string")
  # }
  # Match args:
  within_latent <- match.arg(within_latent)
  between_latent <- match.arg(between_latent)
  within_residual <- match.arg(within_residual)
  between_residual <- match.arg(between_residual)
  identification <- match.arg(identification)
  # Warn for variance identification:
  if (identification == "variance"){
    warning("Using identification = 'variance' might lead to unexpected results for the dlvm1 family and is currenty not recommended.")
  # Extract var names:
  if (missing(vars)){
    stop("'vars' argument may not be missing")
  if (!is.matrix(vars)){
    stop("'vars' must be a design matrix, with rows indicating variables and columns indicating measurements.")
  # List all variables to use, in order:
  allVars <- na.omit(as.vector(vars))
  # Obtain sample stats:
  if (missing(sampleStats)){
    sampleStats <- samplestats(data = data, 
                               vars = allVars, 
                               groups = groups,
                               covs = covs, 
                               means = means, 
                               nobs = nobs, 
                               missing  = ifelse(estimator == "FIML","pairwise",missing),
                               fimldata = estimator == "FIML",
                               storedata = storedata,
                               weightsmatrix = ifelse(!estimator %in% c("WLS","ULS","DWLS"), "none",
                                                             "WLS" = "full",
                                                             "ULS" = "identity",
                                                             "DWLS" = "diag"
                               boot_sub = boot_sub,
                               boot_resample = boot_resample)
  # Design matrix:
  # design <- as(1*(!is.na(vars)),"dMatrix")
  design <- as.matrix(1*(!is.na(vars)))
  # time per var:
  timePerVar <- as.vector(design * row(design))
  timePerVar <- timePerVar[timePerVar!=0]
  # Number of variables:
  nVar <- nrow(vars)
  # Check lambda:
  if (missing(lambda)){
    if (verbose){
      message("'lambda' is missing, creating observed data only model.")
    lambda <- diag(nVar)
    O <- matrix(0, nVar, nVar)
    omega_epsilon_within <- O
    delta_epsilon_within <- O
    kappa_epsilon_within <- O
    sigma_epsilon_within <- O
    lowertri_epsilon_within <- O
    omega_epsilon_between <- O
    delta_epsilon_between <- O
    kappa_epsilon_between <- O
    sigma_epsilon_between <- O
    lowertri_epsilon_between <- O
  # Number of measurements:
  nTime <- ncol(vars)
  # Number of latents:
  nLat <- ncol(lambda)
  # Number of latents at within level:
  # nLat <- ncol(lambda_within)
  # Number of latents at between level:
  # nLat <- ncol(lambda_between)
  # row names:
  if (is.null(rownames(vars))){
    rownames(vars) <- paste0("V",seq_len(nrow(vars)))
  varnames <- rownames(vars)
  # col names:
  if (is.null(colnames(vars))){
    colnames(vars) <- paste0("T",seq_len(ncol(vars)))
  timenames <- colnames(vars)
  # Latents:
  # if (missing(latents)){
  #   latents <- paste0("Eta_within_",seq_len(nLat))
  # }
  # if (length(latents) != nLat){
  #   stop("Length of 'latents' is not equal to number of latent variables in model.")
  # }
  # if (missing(latents)){
  #   latents <- paste0("Eta_between_",seq_len(nLat))
  # }
  # if (length(latents) != nLat){
  #   stop("Length of 'latents' is not equal to number of latent variables in model.")
  # }
  if (missing(latents)){
    if (identical(lambda,diag(nVar))){
      latents <- varnames
    } else {
      latents <- paste0("Eta_",seq_len(nLat))  
  if (length(latents) != nLat){
    stop("Length of 'latents' is not equal to number of latent variables in model.")
  # Generate model object:
  model <- generate_psychonetrics(model = "dlvm1", 
                                  types = list(
                                    within_latent = within_latent, between_latent = between_latent,
                                    within_residual = within_residual, between_residual = between_residual
                                  sample = sampleStats,computed = FALSE, 
                                  equal = equal,
                                  optimizer = defaultoptimizer(), estimator = estimator, distribution = "Gaussian",
                                  identification=identification, verbose = verbose)
  # Number of groups:
  nGroup <- nrow(model@sample@groups)
  nAllVar <- length(allVars)
  # Add number of observations:
  model@sample@nobs <-  
    nAllVar * (nAllVar+1) / 2 * nGroup + # Covariances per group
    nAllVar * nGroup # Means per group
  # Model matrices:
  modMatrices <- list()
  # Means the same for each variant:
  # Expected means:
  expMeans <- lapply(model@sample@means, function(x)tapply(x,timePerVar,mean,na.rm=TRUE))
  # Fix nu
  modMatrices$nu <- matrixsetup_mu(nu,nNode = nVar, nGroup = nGroup, labels = varnames,equal = "nu" %in% equal,
                                   expmeans = expMeans, sampletable = sampleStats, name = "nu")
  # Fix between-subject means:
  modMatrices$mu_eta <- matrixsetup_mu(mu_eta,nNode = nLat, nGroup = nGroup, labels = latents, equal = "mu_eta" %in% equal,
                                       expmeans = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)rep(0, nLat)), sampletable = sampleStats, name = "mu_eta")
  # 23/08/2023: Attempt at better starting values
  if (start == "psychonetrics"){
    # Makelist:
    makelist <- function(x){
      if (!is.list(x)) {
        x <- list(x)
    # Setup lambda:
    modMatrices$lambda <-  matrixsetup_lambda(lambda,
                                       nGroup = nGroup,
                                       # expcov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(1,nVar)),
                                       observednames = varnames,
                                       latentnames = latents,
                                       sampletable = sampleStats,
                                       equal = "lambda" %in% equal,
                                       name = "lambda",
                                       start = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "lambda")))
    # Setup latent varcov:
    sigma_zeta_within_start <- 
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                     matrixsetup_flexcov(sigma = sigma_zeta_within,
                                         lowertri = lowertri_zeta_within,
                                         omega = omega_zeta_within,
                                         delta = delta_zeta_within,
                                         kappa = kappa_zeta_within,
                                         type = within_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "sigma_zeta_within")),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup Beta:
    modMatrices$beta <- matrixsetup_beta(beta, 
                                         name = "beta",
                                         nNode = nLat, 
                                         nGroup = nGroup, 
                                         labels = latents,
                                         start = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "beta")),
                                         equal = "beta" %in% equal, sampletable = sampleStats)
    # Setup residuals:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = within_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "sigma_epsilon_within")),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "sigma_zeta_between")),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup latent residual:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = makelist(getmatrix(start_mod, "sigma_epsilon_between")),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
  } else if (start == "version2"){
    # The variables of the first wave are:
    firstVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[1])
    # The variables of the second wave are:
    secondVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[2])
    # The variables of the second to last wave are:
    almostlastVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[length(na.omit(x))-1])
    # The variables of the last wave are:
    lastVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[length(na.omit(x))])
    # Get some estimates per group:
    prior_estimates <- list()
    # loop per group:
    for (g in seq_len(nGroup)){
      prior_estimates[[g]] <- list()
      # First estimate the stationary distribution by averaging waves:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate <- matrix(0,nrow(vars),nrow(vars))
      # And the lag-1 covariance structure:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate <- matrix(0,nrow(vars),nrow(vars))
      # Loop over all pairs of variables:
      for (v in seq_len(nrow(vars))){
        for (v2 in seq_len(nrow(vars))){
          ### stationary estimate ###
          # Reset the count of pairs to zero:
          count <- 0
          # Loop over all time points:
          for (t in seq_len(ncol(vars))){
            # If both variables are included, include in the estimate:
            if (!is.na(vars[v,t]) && !is.na(vars[v2,t])){
              count <- count + 1
              prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate[v,v2] <- prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate[v,v2] + sampleStats@covs[[g]][vars[v,t],vars[v2,t]]
          # Average the estimates:
          prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate[v,v2] <-  prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate[v,v2] / count
          ### lag-1 estimate ###
          # Reset the count of pairs to zero:
          count <- 0
          # Loop over all time points:
          for (t in seq_len(ncol(vars)-1)){
            # If both variables are included, include in the estimate:
            if (!is.na(vars[v,t+1]) && !is.na(vars[v2,t])){
              count <- count + 1
              prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate[v,v2] <- prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate[v,v2] + sampleStats@covs[[g]][vars[v,t+1],vars[v2,t]]
          # Average the estimates:
          prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate[v,v2] <-  prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate[v,v2] / count
      # Spectral shift the stationary estimate:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate <- spectralshift(prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate)
      # Finally, we also estimate the largest lag difference covariance structure, which will be the closest to the between person covariance structure:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$largest_lag_estimate <- sampleStats@covs[[g]][lastVars, firstVars]
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate <- spectralshift(0.5 * (prior_estimates[[g]]$largest_lag_estimate + t(prior_estimates[[g]]$largest_lag_estimate)))
      prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate <- spectralshift(pmin(prior_estimates[[g]]$largest_lag_estimate ,t(prior_estimates[[g]]$largest_lag_estimate )))
      # Now we take the difference as estimate for the within person lag0 covaraince matrix:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$within_cov_estimate <- spectralshift(prior_estimates[[g]]$stationary_estimate -  prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate)
      # And the lag1 estimate for within person model:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$within_lag1_estimate <- prior_estimates[[g]]$lag1_estimate -  prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate
    ### Run the lambda start values on the stationary distribution, within cov estimate and between cov estimate:
    lambda_stationary <-  matrixsetup_lambda(lambda, 
                                             nGroup = nGroup, 
                                             observednames = varnames, 
                                             latentnames = latents,
                                             sampletable = sampleStats, 
                                             equal = "lambda" %in% equal,
                                             name = "lambda")
    lambda_within <-  matrixsetup_lambda(lambda, 
                                         nGroup = nGroup, 
                                         observednames = varnames, 
                                         latentnames = latents,
                                         sampletable = sampleStats, 
                                         equal = "lambda" %in% equal,
                                         name = "lambda")
    lambda_between <-  matrixsetup_lambda(lambda, 
                                          nGroup = nGroup, 
                                          observednames = varnames, 
                                          latentnames = latents,
                                          sampletable = sampleStats, 
                                          equal = "lambda" %in% equal,
                                          name = "lambda")
    # Lambda start values: average the stationary, within and between person start value estimates:
    modMatrices$lambda <- lambda_stationary
    modMatrices$lambda$start <- (1/3) * (lambda_stationary$start + lambda_within$start + lambda_between$start)
    # Now loop again per group to estimate beta and sigma_zeta_within:
    for (g in seq_len(nGroup)){
      # Fill in the sigma_zeta estimates:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate <- lambda_within$sigma_zeta_start[,,g]
      prior_estimates[[g]]$between_latent_cov_estimate <- lambda_between$sigma_zeta_start[,,g] 
      # and sigma_epsilon estimates:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$within_resid_cov_estimate <- lambda_within$sigma_epsilon_start[,,g]
      prior_estimates[[g]]$between_resid_cov_estimate <- lambda_between$sigma_epsilon_start[,,g] 
      # Current within-person lambda estimate:
      curLam <- matrix(as.vector(lambda_within$start[,,g,drop=FALSE]),nVar,nLat)
      # If lambda is I then it is easy:
      if (ncol(curLam) == nrow(curLam) && identical(curLam,diag(nrow(curLam)))){
        # prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate <- prior_estimates[[g]]$within_cov_estimate 
        # prior_estimates[[g]]$between_latent_cov_estimate <- prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate 
        # Lag-1 estimate:
        prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_lag1_estimate <-  prior_estimates[[g]]$within_lag1_estimate
        # Otherwise estimate:
      } else {
        # Pseudo inverse:
        inv <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(as.matrix(kronecker(curLam,curLam)))
        # # And obtain psi estimate (FIXME: this assumes no residual error...):
        # prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate <-  spectralshift(matrix(inv %*% as.vector(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_cov_estimate),nLat,nLat))
        # prior_estimates[[g]]$between_latent_cov_estimate <-  spectralshift(matrix(inv %*% as.vector(prior_estimates[[g]]$between_cov_estimate),nLat,nLat))
        # Lag-1 estimate:
        prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_lag1_estimate <-  matrix(inv %*% as.vector(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_lag1_estimate),nLat,nLat)
        # lag1 = beta * lag0
        # beta = lag1 * lag0^-1:
      # Estimate for beta:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate <- prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_lag1_estimate  %*% solve_symmetric(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate)
      # Scale by eigenvalue:
      EVs <- eigen(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate)$values
      ev_beta <- max(sqrt(Re(EVs)^2 + Im(EVs)^2))
      if (ev_beta > 0.9){
        scalar <- 0.9 / ev_beta
        prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate <- scalar * prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate 
      # # Truncate beta estimate:
      # scalar <- min(1,(1/(nLat+1)) / mean(abs(c(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate))))
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate <- scalar * prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate 
      # Hard truncate any above 0.5:
      prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate > 0.5] <- 0.5
      prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate < -0.5] <- -0.5
      # # Bound temporal between -0.1 and 0.1:
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[diag(nrow(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate))!=1] <- pmin(0.1,pmax(-0.1, prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[diag(nrow(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate))!=1]))
      # # And the diagonal between 0 and 0.5:
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[diag(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate)] <- pmin(0.5,pmax(0,prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate[diag(prior_estimates[[g]]$beta_estimate)]))
      # # Bind all covariance matrices to not have absolute covariances > 0.5:
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate <- maxcor(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_latent_cov_estimate,0.1)
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$within_resid_cov_estimate <- maxcor(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_resid_cov_estimate,0.1)
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$between_latent_cov_estimate <- maxcor(prior_estimates[[g]]$between_latent_cov_estimate,0.1)
      # prior_estimates[[g]]$within_resid_cov_estimate <- maxcor(prior_estimates[[g]]$within_resid_cov_estimate,0.1)
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                     matrixsetup_flexcov(sigma = sigma_zeta_within,
                                         lowertri = lowertri_zeta_within,
                                         omega = omega_zeta_within,
                                         delta = delta_zeta_within,
                                         kappa = kappa_zeta_within,
                                         type = within_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = lapply(prior_estimates,"[[","within_latent_cov_estimate"),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup Beta:
    modMatrices$beta <- matrixsetup_beta(beta, 
                                         name = "beta",
                                         nNode = nLat, 
                                         nGroup = nGroup, 
                                         labels = latents,
                                         equal = "beta" %in% equal, 
                                         start = lapply(prior_estimates,"[[","beta_estimate"),
                                         sampletable = sampleStats)
    # Setup residuals:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = within_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(prior_estimates,"[[","within_resid_cov_estimate"),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = lapply(prior_estimates,"[[","between_latent_cov_estimate"),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup latent residual:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(prior_estimates,"[[","within_resid_cov_estimate"),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
  } else if (start == "version1"){
    # Starting values as implemented up to version 0.11
    # FIXME: simple start values for now...
    # T=1 cov structure:
    firstVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[1])
    secondVars <- apply(vars,1,function(x)na.omit(x)[2])
    firstSigma0 <- lapply(sampleStats@covs,function(x)spectralshift(x[firstVars,firstVars]))
    firstSigma1 <- lapply(sampleStats@covs,function(x)spectralshift(x[secondVars,firstVars]))
    # Setup lambda:
    modMatrices$lambda <- matrixsetup_lambda(lambda, expcov=firstSigma0, nGroup = nGroup, observednames = varnames, latentnames = latents,
                                             sampletable = sampleStats, name = "lambda")
    # If beta = 0, these sort of estimate the within and between subject covs:
    prior_bet_cov <- lapply(firstSigma1,function(x)spectralshift(0.5*(x+t(x))))
    prior_wit_cov <- lapply(seq_along(firstSigma1),function(i)spectralshift(firstSigma0[[i]] - prior_bet_cov[[i]]))
    # # Setup lambda_within:
    # modMatrices$lambda_within <- matrixsetup_lambda(lambda_within, expcov=prior_wit_cov, nGroup = nGroup, observednames = sampleStats@variables$label, latentnames = latents,
    #                                          sampletable = sampleStats, name = "lambda_within")
    # Quick and dirty sigma_zeta_within estimate:
    prior_sig_zeta_within <- lapply(seq_along(firstSigma1),function(i){
      # Let's take a pseudoinverse:
      curLam <- matrix(as.vector(modMatrices$lambda$start[,,i,drop=FALSE]),nVar,nLat)
      # If lambda is I then it is easy:
      if (ncol(curLam) == nrow(curLam) && identical(curLam,diag(nrow(curLam)))){
        # FIXME: This used to be /2, but direct estimate seems better?
        # Otherwise estimate:
      } else {
        inv <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(as.matrix(kronecker(curLam,curLam)))
        # And obtain psi estimate:
        matrix(inv %*% as.vector(prior_wit_cov[[i]])/2,nLat,nLat)    
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                     matrixsetup_flexcov(sigma = sigma_zeta_within,lowertri = lowertri_zeta_within,omega = omega_zeta_within,delta = delta_zeta_within,kappa = kappa_zeta_within,
                                         type = within_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = prior_sig_zeta_within,
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup Beta:
    modMatrices$beta <- matrixsetup_beta(beta, 
                                         name = "beta",
                                         nNode = nLat, 
                                         nGroup = nGroup, 
                                         labels = latents,
                                         equal = "beta" %in% equal, sampletable = sampleStats)
    # Setup residuals:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = within_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nVar)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
    # Between-case effects:
    # Setup lambda_between:
    # modMatrices$lambda_between <- matrixsetup_lambda(lambda_between, expcov=prior_bet_cov, nGroup = nGroup, observednames = sampleStats@variables$label, latentnames = latents,
    #                                                 sampletable = sampleStats, name = "lambda_between")
    # Quick and dirty sigma_zeta_between estimate:
    prior_sig_zeta_between <- lapply(seq_along(firstSigma1),function(i){
      # Let's take a pseudoinverse:
      curLam <- matrix(as.vector(modMatrices$lambda$start[,,i,drop=FALSE]),nVar,nLat)
      inv <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(as.matrix(kronecker(curLam,curLam)))
      # And obtain psi estimate:
      matrix(inv %*% as.vector(prior_bet_cov[[i]])/2,nLat,nLat)
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = prior_sig_zeta_between,
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup latent residual:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nVar)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
  } else if (start == "simple"){
    # Simple starting values
    # Setup lambda:
    modMatrices$lambda <- matrixsetup_lambda(lambda,
                                             nGroup = nGroup,
                                             expcov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(1,nVar)),
                                             observednames = varnames,
                                             latentnames = latents,
                                             sampletable = sampleStats,
                                             equal = "lambda" %in% equal,
                                             name = "lambda",
                                             simple = TRUE)
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                     matrixsetup_flexcov(sigma = sigma_zeta_within,
                                         lowertri = lowertri_zeta_within,
                                         omega = omega_zeta_within,
                                         delta = delta_zeta_within,
                                         kappa = kappa_zeta_within,
                                         type = within_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nLat)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup Beta:
    modMatrices$beta <- matrixsetup_beta(beta, 
                                         name = "beta",
                                         nNode = nLat, 
                                         nGroup = nGroup, 
                                         labels = latents,
                                         start = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.1,nLat)),
                                         equal = "beta" %in% equal, sampletable = sampleStats)
    # Setup residuals:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = within_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_within",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nVar)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
    # Setup latent varcov:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_latent,
                                         name= "zeta_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nLat,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nLat)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = latents
    # Setup latent residual:
    modMatrices <- c(modMatrices,
                                         type = between_residual,
                                         name= "epsilon_between",
                                         sampleStats= sampleStats,
                                         equal = equal,
                                         nNode = nVar,
                                         expCov = lapply(1:nGroup,function(x)diag(0.5,nVar)),
                                         nGroup = nGroup,
                                         labels = varnames
  # Generate the full parameter table:
  pars <- do.call(generateAllParameterTables, modMatrices)
  # Store in model:
  model@parameters <- pars$partable
  model@matrices <- pars$mattable
  model@extramatrices <- list(
    # Entire duplication matrix needed for likelihood:
    D = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nAllVar),
    # Duplication matrices:
    D_y = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nVar),
    D_eta = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat),
    # D_within = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat),
    # D_between = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat),
    # Strict duplication matrices:
    Dstar_y = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nVar,diag = FALSE),
    Dstar_eta = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat,diag = FALSE),
    # Dstar_within = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat,diag = FALSE),
    # Dstar_between = psychonetrics::duplicationMatrix(nLat,diag = FALSE),  
    # Identity matrices:
    I_y = as(diag(nVar),"dMatrix"),
    I_eta = as(diag(nLat),"dMatrix"),
    # I_within = Diagonal(nLat),
    # I_between = Diagonal(nLat),
    # Diagonalization matrices:
    A_y = psychonetrics::diagonalizationMatrix(nVar),
    A_eta = psychonetrics::diagonalizationMatrix(nLat),
    # A_within = psychonetrics::diagonalizationMatrix(nLat),
    # A_between = psychonetrics::diagonalizationMatrix(nLat),
    # Commutation matrices:
    C_y_y = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nVar, nVar),"dMatrix"),
    C_y_eta = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nVar, nLat),"dMatrix"),
    C_eta_eta = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nLat, nLat),"dMatrix"),
    # C_y_within = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nVar, nLat),"sparseMatrix"),
    # C_within_within = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nLat, nLat),"sparseMatrix"),
    # C_y_between = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nVar, nLat),"sparseMatrix"),
    # C_between_between = as(lavaan::lav_matrix_commutation(nLat, nLat),"sparseMatrix"),
    # Elimination matrices:
    L_y = psychonetrics::eliminationMatrix(nVar),
    L_eta = psychonetrics::eliminationMatrix(nLat),
    # L_within = psychonetrics::eliminationMatrix(nLat),
    # L_between = psychonetrics::eliminationMatrix(nLat),
    design = design
  # Come up with P...
  # Dummy matrix to contain indices:
  # Dummy matrices with indices:
  muDummy <- matrix(rep(1:nVar,nTime))
  sigDummy <- matrix(0,nVar,nVar)
  sigDummy[lower.tri(sigDummy,diag=TRUE)] <- max(muDummy) + seq_len(nVar*(nVar+1)/2)
  sigDummy[upper.tri(sigDummy)] <- t(sigDummy)[upper.tri(sigDummy)]
  U <- list(sigDummy)
  # Now make all lag-k blocks...
  # Form blocks:
  for (i in 1:(nTime-1)){
    U[[length(U) + 1]] <- matrix(max(unlist(U)) + seq_len(nVar^2), nVar, nVar)
  allSigmas <- blockToeplitz(U)
  # Total number:
  totElements <- max(allSigmas)
  # Now subset with only observed:
  subMu <- muDummy[as.vector(design==1),,drop=FALSE]
  subSigmas <- allSigmas[as.vector(design==1),as.vector(design==1)]
  inds <- c(as.vector(subMu),subSigmas[lower.tri(subSigmas,diag=TRUE)])
  # P matrix:
  # P <- bdiag(Diagonal(nVar*2),sparseMatrix(j=seq_along(inds),i=inds))
  distVec <-  c(as.vector(subMu),subSigmas[lower.tri(subSigmas,diag=TRUE)])
  nTotal <- length(distVec)
  distVecrawts <- seq_along(distVec)[distVec!=0]
  distVec <- distVec[distVec!=0]
  # Now I can make the matrix:
  model@extramatrices$P <- sparseMatrix(
    i = distVecrawts, j = distVec, dims = c(nTotal, totElements)
  model@extramatrices$P <- as( model@extramatrices$P, "dMatrix")
  # model@extramatrices$P <- sparseMatrix(j=seq_along(inds),i=order(inds))
  # Form the model matrices
  model@modelmatrices <- formModelMatrices(model)
  # Baseline model:
  baseline <- match.arg(baseline)
  ### Baseline model ###
  if (is.list(baseline_saturated)){
    model@baseline_saturated <- baseline_saturated
  } else if (isTRUE(baseline_saturated)){
    # Form baseline model:
    if (baseline ==  "stationary_random_intercept"){
      # Form the baseline model:
      model@baseline_saturated$baseline <- panelvar(data,
                                                 vars = vars,
                                                 groups = groups,
                                                 covs = covs,
                                                 means = means,
                                                 nobs = nobs,
                                                 missing = missing,
                                                 equal = equal,
                                                 estimator = estimator,
                                                 baseline_saturated = FALSE,
                                                 sampleStats = sampleStats,
                                                 # Empty networks:
                                                 sigma_zeta_within = "diag",
                                                 sigma_zeta_between = "diag",
                                                 beta = "zero"
    } else if (baseline == "stationary"){ 
      # Form the baseline model:
      model@baseline_saturated$baseline <- panelvar(data,
                                                    vars = vars,
                                                    groups = groups,
                                                    covs = covs,
                                                    means = means,
                                                    nobs = nobs,
                                                    missing = missing,
                                                    equal = equal,
                                                    estimator = estimator,
                                                    baseline_saturated = FALSE,
                                                    sampleStats = sampleStats,
                                                    # Empty networks:
                                                    sigma_zeta_within = "diag",
                                                    sigma_zeta_between = "zero",
                                                    beta = "zero"
    } else if (baseline == "independence"){
      model@baseline_saturated$baseline <- varcov(data,
                                                  type = "chol",
                                                  lowertri = "empty",
                                                  vars = allVars,
                                                  groups = groups,
                                                  covs = covs,
                                                  means = means,
                                                  nobs = nobs,
                                                  missing = missing,
                                                  equal = equal,
                                                  estimator = estimator,
                                                  baseline_saturated = FALSE,
                                                  sampleStats = sampleStats)
    # Add model:
    # model@baseline_saturated$baseline@fitfunctions$extramatrices$M <- Mmatrix(model@baseline_saturated$baseline@parameters)
    ### Saturated model ###
    model@baseline_saturated$saturated <- varcov(data,
                                                 type = "chol", 
                                                 lowertri = "full", 
                                                 vars = allVars,
                                                 groups = groups,
                                                 covs = covs,
                                                 means = means,
                                                 nobs = nobs,
                                                 missing = missing,
                                                 equal = equal,
                                                 estimator = estimator,
                                                 baseline_saturated = FALSE,
                                                 sampleStats = sampleStats)
    # if not FIML, Treat as computed:
    if (estimator != "FIML"){
      model@baseline_saturated$saturated@computed <- TRUE
      # FIXME: TODO
      model@baseline_saturated$saturated@objective <- psychonetrics_fitfunction(parVector(model@baseline_saturated$saturated),model@baseline_saturated$saturated)      
  # Identify model:
  if (identify){
    model <- identify(model)
  if (missing(optimizer)){
    model <- setoptimizer(model, "default")
  } else {
    model <- setoptimizer(model, optimizer)
  # Return model:

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