## profile plot visualization function
node_profileplot <- function(mobobj, what = c("item", "coef", "threshold", "discrimination", "guessing", "upper"),
parg = list(type = NULL, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, logit = FALSE), id = TRUE, names = FALSE,
abbreviate = TRUE, index = TRUE, ref = TRUE, col = "black", border = col,
linecol = "black", refcol = "lightgray", bg = "white", cex = 0.5, pch = 21,
xscale = NULL, yscale = NULL, ylines = 2, ...)
## check input
what <- match.arg(what)
if (what == "threshold") type <- parg$type
refpar <- parg$ref
alias <- if (is.null(parg$alias)) TRUE else parg$alias
addargs <- list(...)
if ("worth" %in% names(addargs)) warning("the argument 'worth' is deprecated and not longer used")
logit <- parg$logit
## node ids
node <- partykit::nodeids(mobobj, terminal = FALSE)
## get all coefficients
if (what == "item") {
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) itempar(z, ref = refpar, alias = alias, vcov = FALSE))
} else if (what == "coef") {
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) coef(z))
} else if (what == "threshold") {
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) coef(threshpar(z, type = type, ref = refpar, alias = alias, vcov = FALSE), type = "matrix"))
} else if (what == "discrimination"){
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) coef(discrpar(z, ref = refpar, alias = alias, vcov = FALSE)))
} else if (what == "guessing"){
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) coef(guesspar(z, alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = FALSE)))
} else if (what == "upper"){
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z) coef(upperpar(z, alias = alias, logit = logit, vcov = FALSE)))
names(cf) <- node
## labeling
if (isTRUE(names)) {
nms <- if (what != "threshold") lapply(cf, names) else lapply(cf, rownames)
} else if (is.character(names)) {
nms <- split(rep(names, length(node)), f = rep(1:length(node), each = length(names)))
} else {
ncf <- lapply(cf, NROW)
nms <- lapply(ncf, function(m) {
lab <- rep("", m)
lab[c(1, m)] <- c(1, m)
pr <- pretty(1:m, n = 4)
pr <- pr[pr > 1 & pr < m]
lab[pr] <- pr
abbreviate <- FALSE
## abbreviation
if (is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(unlist(lapply(nms, function (j) nchar(j))))
abbreviate <- if (abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
nms <- lapply(nms, function (j) abbreviate(j, abbreviate))
## axis scale
if (index) {
x <- if (what == "threshold") 1:nrow(cf[[1]]) else 1:length(cf[[1]])
if (is.null(xscale)) xscale <- range(x) + c(-0.1, 0.1) * diff(range(x))
} else {
if (what == "thresholds") {
x <- 0:(ncol(cf[[1]]) - 1)
if (is.null(xscale)) xscale <- c(-1, ncol(cf[[1]]))
} else {
x <- rep(0, length(cf[[1]]))
if (is.null(xscale)) xscale <- c(-1, 1)
rg <- range(unlist(cf)[is.finite(unlist(cf))], na.rm = TRUE)
r <- diff(rg)
if (!r) r <- 1
if (is.null(yscale)) yscale <- rg + c(-0.1, 0.1) * r
## panel function for profile plots in nodes
panelfun <- function (node) {
## node index
idn <- id_node(node)
## get cfs and labels
cfi <- cf[[idn]]
if(any(!is.finite(cfi))) {
cfi[cfi < 0 & !is.finite(cfi)] <- yscale[1]
cfi[cfi > 0 & !is.finite(cfi)] <- yscale[2]
nmsi <- nms[[idn]]
## viewport setup
top_vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 3,
widths = unit(c(ylines, 1, 1), c("lines", "null", "lines")),
heights = unit(c(1, 1), c("lines", "null"))),
width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "lines"),
name = paste("node_profileplot", idn, sep = ""))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = 0))
## main title
top <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1)
mainlab <- paste(ifelse(id, paste("Node", idn, "(n = "), ""),
info_node(node)$nobs, ifelse(idn, ")", ""), sep = "")
## actual plot
plot_vpi <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 2, xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
name = paste("node_profileplot", idn, "plot", sep = ""))
grid.lines(xscale, c(mean(cfi), mean(cfi)), gp = gpar(col = refcol), default.units = "native")
if(index) {
if (what == "thresholds") {
for (j in 1:ncol(cfi)) {
grid.lines(x, cfi[, j], gp = gpar(col = linecol, lty = 2), default.units = "native")
grid.text(label = paste0("C", j), x, cfi[, j], gp = gpar(col = col), default.units = "native")
} else {
grid.lines(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = linecol, lty = 2), default.units = "native")
grid.points(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = border, fill = col, cex = cex), pch = pch, default.units = "native")
grid.xaxis(at = x, label = nmsi)
} else {
if (what == "threshold") {
for (j in 1:ncol(cfi)) grid.text(paste0(nmsi, "-C", j), x[j], y = cfi[, j], default.units = "native")
} else {
grid.text(nmsi, x = x, y = cfi, default.units = "native")
grid.yaxis(at = c(ceiling(yscale[1] * 100)/100, floor(yscale[2] * 100)/100))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
class(node_profileplot) <- "grapcon_generator"
node_regionplot <- function(mobobj, names = FALSE, abbreviate = TRUE, type = c("mode", "median", "mean"),
ref = NULL, ylim = NULL, off = 0.1, col_fun = gray.colors, bg = "white",
uo_show = TRUE, uo_col = "red", uo_lty = 2, uo_lwd = 1.25, ylines = 2)
## check input
stopifnot(off >= 0)
type <- match.arg(type)
## function to extract absolute item threshold parameters from model objects in terminal nodes
threshparlst <- function (node) threshpar(node, ref = ref, type = type, alias = TRUE, relative = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, vcov = FALSE)
## setup threshold parameters
node <- nodeids(mobobj, terminal = TRUE)
delta_lst <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = threshparlst, ref = ref, type = type)
## setup plotting parameters
m <- max(sapply(delta_lst, length))
xi <- 0:m + c(0:(m - 1), m - 1) * off
xlim <- c(xi[1], xi[m + 1])
## setup axis range
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- extendrange(unlist(delta_lst, use.names = FALSE), f = 0.25)
## labeling
if (isTRUE(names)) {
names <- lapply(delta_lst, names)
} else if (is.character(names)) {
names <- split(rep(names, length(node)), f = rep(1:length(node), each = length(names)))
} else {
ncf <- lapply(delta_lst, NROW)
names <- lapply(ncf, function(m) {
lab <- rep("", m)
lab[c(1, m)] <- c(1, m)
pr <- pretty(1:m, n = 4)
pr <- pr[pr > 1 & pr < m]
lab[pr] <- pr
abbreviate <- FALSE
## abbreviation
if (is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(unlist(lapply(names, function (j) nchar(j))))
abbreviate <- if (abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
names <- lapply(names, function (j) abbreviate(j, abbreviate))
## label for extraction
names(names) <- names(delta_lst) <- node
## finally, panel function, just select and paint.
panelfun <- function(node) {
## select node id, coefficients, identified items, x-position vector and label
id <- as.character(id_node(node))
delta_unsorted <- delta_lst[[id]]
lab <- paste("node", id, sep = "")
namesi <- names[[id]]
## compute sorted absolute item threshold parameters (code borrowed from psychotools::regionplot())
delta_sorted <- delta_unsorted
us <- sapply(delta_unsorted, is.unsorted)
if (any(us)) {
usj <- which(us)
for (j in usj) {
tpj <- delta_unsorted[[j]]
nj <- length(tpj)
## check if there is a point with a biggest parameter, if yes, take mean
for (i in 1:nj) {
if (all(tpj[i] > tpj[(i+1):nj])) {
tpj[i] <- mean(tpj[i:nj])
tpj <- tpj[-(i+1:nj)]
## recursive sorting if there is still unorder (e.g. 4, 2, 3, 1)
while(is.unsorted(tpj)) {
uo_pos <- which(diff(tpj) < 0) # locate unordered parameters, returns position of the first
tpj[uo_pos] <- (tpj[uo_pos] + tpj[uo_pos + 1]) / 2 # replace first with location of intersection of ccc curves (= (eps1 + eps2)/ 2)
tpj <- tpj[-(uo_pos + 1)] # remove second
delta_sorted[[j]] <- tpj
## terminal panel viewport setup
top.vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 1, widths = unit(1, "null"), heights = unit(c(1, 1), c("lines", "null"))),
width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "lines"), name = paste(lab, "_effects", sep = ""))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = 0), name = paste(lab, "_border", sep = ""))
## main title
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1, name = paste(lab, "_title_vp", sep = "")))
grid.text(paste("Node ", id, " (n = ", info_node(node)$nobs, ")", sep = ""), name = paste(lab, "_title", sep = ""))
## finally the actual plot
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 2, name = lab))
lab <- paste(lab, "_plot", sep = "")
## setup plotting area (3x3)
wcol <- c(ylines, 1, 1)
hrow <- c(0.5, 1, 1)
top.vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 3, ncol = 3, widths = unit(wcol, c("lines", "null", "lines")), heights = unit(hrow, c("lines", "null", "lines"))), name = paste(lab, "_top_vp", sep = ""))
bmargin.vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 2, name = paste(lab, "_bottom-margin_vp", sep = ""))
lmargin.vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 1, name = paste(lab, "_left-margin_vp", sep = ""))
rmargin.vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 3, name = paste(lab, "_right-margin_vp", sep = ""))
plot.vp <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 2, name = paste(lab, "_vp", sep = ""), xscale = xlim, yscale = ylim)
## plot rectangles per item
for (j in seq_along(delta_sorted)) {
ncat <- length(delta_sorted[[j]]) + 1
grid.rect(x =[j], ncat), y = c(ylim[1], delta_sorted[[j]]), width =, ncat),
height = diff.default(c(ylim[1], delta_sorted[[j]], ylim[2])), just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(ncat)), default.units = "native", name = paste(lab, "_item", j, "_rect", sep = ""))
## if requested: indicate unordered parameters
if (uo_show && type == "mode") {
uo_items <- which(!sapply(mapply(all.equal, delta_sorted, delta_unsorted, check.attributes = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE), is.logical))
for (j in uo_items) {
uo_pars <- setdiff(delta_unsorted[[j]], delta_sorted[[j]])
grid.polyline(x = rep(c(xi[j], xi[j] + 1), length(uo_pars)), y = rep(uo_pars, each = 2), default.units = "native", id = rep(1:length(uo_pars), each = 2),
name = paste(lab, "item", j, "_uolines", sep = ""), gp = gpar(col = uo_col, lwd = uo_lwd, lty = uo_lty))
## add box and axis
grid.rect(name = paste(lab, "_plot-box", sep = ""), gp = gpar(fill = NA))
grid.xaxis(at = (xi[-(m+1)] + 0.5), label = namesi, main = TRUE, name = paste(lab, "_xaxis-bottom", sep = ""))
grid.yaxis(main = TRUE, name = paste(lab, "_yaxis-left", sep = ""))
## add descriptions
## go back to uper vp
## return
class(node_regionplot) <- "grapcon_generator"
## bradley-terry plot visualization function
node_btplot <- function(mobobj, id = TRUE, worth = TRUE, names = TRUE,
abbreviate = TRUE, index = TRUE, ref = TRUE,col = "black", refcol = "lightgray",
bg = "white", cex = 0.5, pch = 19, xscale = NULL, yscale = NULL, ylines = 1.5)
## node ids
node <- nodeids(mobobj, terminal = FALSE)
## get all coefficients
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, FUN = function(z)
if(worth) worth(z) else coef(z, all = FALSE, ref = TRUE))
cf <-"rbind", cf)
rownames(cf) <- node
## get one full model
mod <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node = 1L, FUN = NULL, drop = TRUE)
if(!worth) {
if(is.character(ref) | is.numeric(ref)) {
reflab <- ref
ref <- TRUE
} else {
reflab <- mod$ref
if(is.character(reflab)) reflab <- match(reflab,
if(!is.null(mod$labels)) mod$labels else colnames(cf))
cf <- cf - cf[, reflab]
## reference
if(worth) {
cf_ref <- 1/ncol(cf)
} else {
cf_ref <- 0
## labeling
if(is.character(names)) {
colnames(cf) <- names
names <- TRUE
## abbreviation
if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(nchar(colnames(cf)))
abbreviate <- if(abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
colnames(cf) <- abbreviate(colnames(cf), abbreviate)
if(index) {
x <- 1:NCOL(cf)
if(is.null(xscale)) xscale <- range(x) + c(-0.1, 0.1) * diff(range(x))
} else {
x <- rep(0, length(cf))
if(is.null(xscale)) xscale <- c(-1, 1)
if(is.null(yscale)) yscale <- range(cf) + c(-0.1, 0.1) * diff(range(cf))
## panel function for bt plots in nodes
rval <- function(node) {
## node index
idn <- id_node(node)
## dependent variable setup
cfi <- cf[idn, ]
## viewport setup
top_vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 3,
widths = unit(c(ylines, 1, 1), c("lines", "null", "lines")),
heights = unit(c(1, 1), c("lines", "null"))),
width = unit(1, "npc"),
height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "lines"),
name = paste("node_btplot", idn, sep = ""))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = 0))
## main title
top <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1)
mainlab <- paste(ifelse(id, paste("Node", idn, "(n = "), ""),
info_node(node)$nobs, ifelse(id, ")", ""), sep = "")
## actual plot
plot_vpi <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 2,
xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
name = paste("node_btplot", idn, "plot", sep = ""))
grid.lines(xscale, c(cf_ref, cf_ref), gp = gpar(col = refcol), default.units = "native")
if(index) {
grid.lines(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, lty = 2), default.units = "native")
grid.points(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, cex = cex), pch = pch, default.units = "native")
grid.xaxis(at = x, label = if(names) names(cfi) else x)
} else {
if(names) grid.text(names(cfi), x = x, y = cfi, default.units = "native")
else grid.points(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, cex = cex), pch = pch, default.units = "native")
grid.yaxis(at = c(ceiling(yscale[1] * 100)/100, floor(yscale[2] * 100)/100))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
class(node_btplot) <- "grapcon_generator"
## MPT plot visualization function
node_mptplot <- function(mobobj, id = TRUE,
names = TRUE, abbreviate = TRUE, index = TRUE, ref = TRUE,
col = "black", linecol = "lightgray", bg = "white", cex = 0.5, pch = 19, xscale = NULL,
yscale = c(0, 1), ylines = 1.5)
## node ids
node <- nodeids(mobobj, terminal = FALSE)
## get all coefficients
cf <- apply_to_models(mobobj, node, coef)
cf <-"rbind", cf)
rownames(cf) <- node
## reference
cf_ref <- 1/2
## labeling
if(is.character(names)) {
colnames(cf) <- names
names <- TRUE
if(is.character(index)) {
cf <- cf[, index] # reorder labels
index <- TRUE
## abbreviation
if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(nchar(colnames(cf)))
abbreviate <- if(abbreviate)
as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
colnames(cf) <- abbreviate(colnames(cf), abbreviate)
if(index) {
x <- seq_len(NCOL(cf))
if(is.null(xscale)) {
if (length(x) > 1) xscale <- range(x) + c(-0.1, 0.1) * diff(range(x))
else xscale <- c(1 - 0.1, 1 + 0.1)
} else {
x <- rep(0, NCOL(cf))
if(is.null(xscale)) xscale <- c(-1, 1)
if(is.null(yscale)) {
if (length(cf) > 1) yscale <- range(cf) + c(-0.1, 0.1) * diff(range(cf))
else yscale <- c(cf - 0.1, cf + 0.1)
## panel function for mpt plots in nodes
rval <- function(node) {
## node index
idn <- id_node(node)
## dependent variable setup
cfi <- setNames(cf[idn, ], colnames(cf))
## viewport setup
top_vp <- viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 3,
widths = unit(c(ylines, 1, 1),
c("lines", "null", "lines")),
heights = unit(c(1, 1), c("lines", "null"))),
width = unit(1, "npc"),
height = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "lines"),
name = paste("node_mptplot", idn, sep = ""))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = bg, col = 0))
## main title
top <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1)
mainlab <- paste(ifelse(id, paste("Node", idn, "(n = "), ""),
info_node(node)$nobs, ifelse(id, ")", ""), sep = "")
## actual plot
plot_vpi <- viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 2,
xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale,
name = paste("node_mptplot", idn, "plot", sep = ""))
grid.lines(xscale, c(cf_ref, cf_ref), gp = gpar(col = linecol),
default.units = "native")
if(index) {
grid.lines(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, lty = 2),
default.units = "native")
grid.points(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, cex = cex), pch = pch,
default.units = "native")
grid.xaxis(at = x, label = if(names) names(cfi) else x)
} else {
if(names) grid.text(names(cfi), x = x, y = cfi,
default.units = "native")
else grid.points(x, cfi, gp = gpar(col = col, cex = cex),
pch = pch, default.units = "native")
grid.yaxis(at = c(ceiling(yscale[1] * 100)/100,
floor(yscale[2] * 100)/100))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = "transparent"))
class(node_mptplot) <- "grapcon_generator"
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